Where is your 4th wall?

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This topic has 95 replies, 41 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Rebecca Horist.

  • Author
    • #1403
       Kevin Flint

      I’m endlessly fascinated by the structure of this thing and how it interacts with our real lives. Where is the line between fake and real, how far do you take it? How far is too far? For example, I sent the Noah Sinclair link to my wife with no explanation at all and asked her what she thought. (Told her I was thinking of signing up.) Got all kinds of great conversation out of that.

      How far would you go for “maximum immersive effect?”

    • #1405

      I did things during Ascension. Things I’m not proud of. Things I’d do again if that’s what Lust was leading up to.

      I’ll do nothing to negatively impact my life outside of Lust, and there are lines I won’t cross or won’t allow to be crossed near me during a face-to-face event.

      But I’m here to feel something, a response that other forms of media have failed to elicit. Gotta push that wall to achieve that goal.

    • #1414

      Just before Ascension, I had the honor of attending the Fashion District event where a bunch of us stood in a circle with hoods over our heads — and learned that we were all “the one.” I had to leave work early to attend and before I left, most of my co-workers were legitimately concerned for my well-being, asking if I was joining a cult, going to be murdered, etc.

      The next morning, I came to work early, dressed way too formally for my office — pressed shirt, tie, nice pants, nice shoes, etc. I cleaned off my desk and sat there with exaggerated posture… waiting for people to show up. When they did, and they came to me looking for a recap of the previous days’ events, I met them with a very glassy-eyed stare and talking to them in a proper, no-nonsense way, dodging their questions with responses like “you wouldn’t understand” and “it was a pleasant evening.” I behaved like this until lunch when I finally broke character.

      It was pretty ridiculous, but I was just convincing enough that a few of my co-workers had a side meeting in private to discuss whether or not I was joking. 😀

    • #1422

      @goldtongue I applaud your dedication!

    • #1426
       Kyle Bown

      I won’t let it affect my actual life, but otherwise, I’d go pretty far, I think. I’m all for getting into it as much as possible.

      I won’t ask what the things you did are, but would you say you regret doing them, or you are glad you did them even if you’re not proud of them?

    • #1427

      A little of both. Perhaps more column B than A.

      I’ll never be able to make eye contact with @electrichippo quite the same way… But if they put me in the room again for the same scenario I’m doing it again. Without hesitation, no matter who’s in there with me

    • #1428

      I pulled my daughter into Tension. She already was aware of what was going on because for months I was attached to my laptop or phone on the boards. I would tell her everything that was going on.

      When Tension offered tickets for someone who hadn’t yet experienced it, I jumped on it and offered my daughter to the OOA. My path the second time around became about me sacrificing my daughter for Anoch. The day of the show, I received a call from Addison and she acknowledged the “gift” I was bringing her. That show was an emotional experience especially when my daughter had to say goodbye to me. Was the 4th wall entirely broken? No. But, Tension weaved itself into my personal life in a way it hadn’t during the previous months.

    • #1430

      Personally, I’d go pretty far myself. The only thing stopping me would be the comfort else. I’d never do anything intentionally that would hurt someone I love. But I have very few emotional boundaries with strangers, and am usually more willing to cross that kind of line with them than with my nearest and dearest. I don’t care much about what strangers think, so I usually go into a situation with them knowing I have very little to lose.

    • #1431

      My biggest regret in Tension, at least during the ARG, was paying attention to the 4th wall. There were too many times that I saw the “Game” portion of ARG as something that has a winner, which couldn’t have been further from the truth. Following that, I stopped paying attention to if there was anyone behind that curtain, and just let whatever happened happen, which allowed Tension to affect me on an extremely personal level daily.

      When I let myself lose sight of the fourth wall and let Tension directly influence my day-to-day, I felt things I had legitimately never felt before from an immersive experience. Even now, months after The End, I’m sometimes kept awake by a couple personal decisions I made during Ascension.

      I know I’m definitely applying the same school of thought to Lust. I’ll let myself get caught up in this, because even though things that happen here aren’t “real,” every feeling I felt during Tension was real.

    • #1432

      I have spent the past few years looking up every spoiler/review possible on extreme haunts/immersive stuff since I was unable to attend… tension was the first to allow me to interact from Texas so I was hooked and gave everything I could. I felt instant regret walking out of ascension because I did not do nearly enough… I was so immersed and excited that I was just soaking it all in. I feel like they could have asked me to do anything and I would have/will do it. I don’t think I really have a “limit” and it did bleed over into my real life a bit and I think it made it the most effective… that being said. I’m ready for lust this time around… BRING IT <3

    • #1433

      This will probably sound crazy. Oh well.

      I treated Tension as if it was real. I didn’t strategize and I didn’t perform for one second of it. Sometimes that made it really difficult to “play,” because I SUCK at pretending. I don’t perform shock, surprise, or fear (or..happiness, or serenity, or anything) if I don’t actually feel it. A lot of this is really easy for me to say because I wasn’t in LA, so I wasn’t ever asked to make the kinds of decisions that others were – I don’t know what I would have done in Max’s, Kim’s, Lauren’s, or anyone else’s shoes. I believe that the limits I have within Tension are the same limits I have in life, which are very few as far as I am concerned and all the limits where others are concerned.

      Personally I am willing to go to insane lengths for things I’m passionate about, including Tension. The second trip out for Ascension was DUMBdumbdumbdumb (I opened a show, got on a plane, drove around LA with @michelle, went to the Escondite, went to Ascension, drove to @chelsea’s apartment, drove to the airport, flew home, struck Urinetown…..fell asleep). I was willing to drive to Kansas City to get the letter for Mustafa. I don’t *think* I’d be willing to “make a move” that would hurt someone else. I was willing to do anything TO myself, but shit happened in my life Thanksgiving weekend and it changed me.

      I’ve been trying to find the experience in “The Magus” my whole adult life, and in a conversation I had with the friend who introduced me to that book last year at the Minnesota State fair he pointed out just how unethical that experience really is and just how much it would fuck a person up, were it to really happen. (Basically, “The Game,” except the protagonist isn’t aware that it’s a game at all, so everything IS real.) I am not as willing to fuck myself up now as I was before Thanksgiving. I’m kind of sad about that.

      So the answer is I believe I would have done all sorts of harm to myself for Tension but not for others, and I don’t believe I will do harm either to myself or to others for Lust. We’ll see. Lust is still real, I don’t experience fake things and I never role-play, and I wish I could.

    • #1435

      Thanks, @sbkevin, for starting this thread. I’ve been thinking about this very topic a LOT since Tension ended.

      I attended Ascension having not been a part of the forums or any of the ARG or lead-up events. All I knew of the story was the synopsis on the website. So, I was pretty unclear about exactly how much initiative I could take…how far “off script” I could try and take my experience. I ended up being very much a deer in the headlights, way more passive than I wanted to be. Felt immediate regret, like I’d blown my go-’round at this reportedly life-altering event. But, perhaps recognizing my own tendency toward passivity was my life-altering moment.

      Anyhow, I’m hoping to embrace LUST more confidently. Except for intentionally hurting others, or causing negative impact on my L.O.L, I’m ready for anything (I think…eek!)!

      • #1769
         Alecia Steiner

        @superstar I totally felt the same way about Tension. I came out of it feeling like I had missed so many opportunities to interact because I was too passive. And yes, it did make me examine that behavior.

    • #1436

      My personality type is much more analytical/plan-ahead than impulsive/improvise, so I find it really difficult to not always think about the behind the scenes stuff. I’m fascinated with how things are put together. I love watching film BTS, reading scientific research, and constructing the aural world of music through conducting. Back when I first discovered Tension via the website and was only a lurker it was easier to take things at face value because the curtain hadn’t been pulled back. But at the same time, I didn’t have any direct involvement with it so I actually don’t know where my 4th wall is, or how well I will function when put in the middle of things. Guess I’ll find out.

    • #1437
       Kimberly Stewart

      How far would you go for “maximum immersive effect?”

      It’s a very good question and one I feel we can’t always know for certain until we are there, living the moment. I have a tendency to go towards one end of the spectrum in that I commit to the role. I’m me, but a me that exists within fantastical circumstances. I will do things, say things, and be fearless in a way that I’d not be in my very orderly and respectful real world. I live for the moments I can take chances and make moves, but I will not do any of this in a way that compromises my real world. For example, my extended family is off limits. They don’t know about this world and they are to be left out of it, end of story. Notice I didn’t say my immediate family. They are my co-conspirators. They get it. The creators can take liberties where they are concerned.

      Within this world I have some truly amazing friends. Would I sell them out for game purposes? Maybe. Maybe not. If I told the forum the true answer I’d be playing my hand and that is not a wise strategy. Yes, I strategize, but it comes as natural as breathing to me.

      At the end of the day, if you speak to me off forum, I’m a real person, I’m pretty cool for the most part, and I believe in this form of theater and I will do whatever I can to help any of you acclimate to this universe as best i can. Ultimately, I trust we can be friends regardless of factions or “game” choices. I respect that we need the “good” guys, the “bad” guys and all those in between to make this world more interesting.

      And @thegilded, no words for all *that,* just… you’re one of my very favorites. I know you hate the mushy stuff but here’s a heart anyway. Take it. ?

    • #1438
       Lukas L

      Sorry if this is a bit long. I love ARG’s. I love the immersion, the what ifs, the interaction, the escape from the boring mundane world. I love that a good storyline can effortlessly blend into that boring mundane world and make it seem extraordinary. It gives that spark, that glitch, that what if, and the more you can make me think its real the better. (Although I have seen some people not handle the blending of the ALT world and reality to well.)

      That said, it takes a lot to get under my skin. I am not shy when i’m in ARG mode, even when I was in Ascension. (Which is so weird cus I am a extremely shy person when i’m out of game) I invite the world into mine without hesitation.

      Although I did participate a bit during the ARG of Tension, I (regretfully) never went full on during the ARG. Reason being I am from Illinois and I never thought I would have been able to make it out to any of the live events, let alone Ascension. So I just posted here and there and did a lot of lurking and lived vicariously through @mike and @russell and their podcast and would talk to them about it on a regular basis.

      Then it happened. My work told me that I needed to fly to San Francisco for a few days to do a audit on a warehouse. It just so happened, it was while Ascension was happening. So I worked in San Fran for the week then flew into LA. (Had to fly back to SF after the weekend was up because work would only pay for my flight home if I flew out of the same airport that I came in on.)

      I wanted to do everything immersive haunt style that I could while I was in LA, and I did. In the Friday and Saturday that I was in LA, I did Creep LA, Heretic, Bardo Thodol, The Basement Escape Room, and Ascension. I wanted to just feel that weekend. I loved each place I got a chance to experience, and although Ascension was my Grand Ending of my weekend and by far my favorite, and the only one I still have constantly burned in my brain. While it was the most fun, there was one other that hit too close to home, had me weak in the knees (Literally hard to stand) crying like a little baby. That has never happened to me before in an immersive setting. And it wasn’t because it was that amazing. It was like, Ascension wanted to see what MY limits were (Which I haven’t found my limits yet) this other piece accidently hit a few unexpected weak spots in my head that I wasn’t prepared for. It brought in my daughter and other important people from my real life and their opinion of thinking I was a failure. The scene wasn’t scary at all. I actually consented and provided them with the information. And it wasn’t anything they did or said. Its what I had to say that got me and I just didn’t think it would hit that hard. I was just an emotional wreck.

      That Weekend, I was grabbed, I was thrown, I was yelled at (In multiple languages), I was covered in blood, I was fed gross stuff (and kept it in my mouth unsuspectedly through quite a few scenes) I was tested, I was put in a body bag, I had a hypodermic needle an inch from my eyeball, I was waterboarded, none of that phased me. But but as much as I enjoyed that scene i described above, I would never want to go through that again.

    • #1440

      I’ll just leave this here. ?

    • #1442

      *I’m sorry this turns into rambling about personal self shit* Thank you @sbkevin for this topic. This is actually something I have been talking to people about for the past few days. What a coincidence. @jayfurby and I were listening to an old episode of MHL and we also watched the Blackout experiments starring @russell. I envy you Russell (and anyone else who can do this) and your ability to really connect with the characters and situations so deeply. Listening to how much you actually cared about Addison…etc. I work in theatre so for me, it’s really hard to not see actors, props, sets, scripts, etc. It’s really hard for me to allow myself to connect in a real way because to me it’s all fake. My inner child loves fantasy and horror and immersive theatre so so much it’s almost addicting and that’s why I’m here. I want to play and pretend it’s real and have fun but then there’s that cynical adult side of me that doesn’t let me do things because “that’s stupid”, “how embarrassing”, “you’ll look dumb”. Which is why when I went through Ascension I didn’t interact with the actors. Even when they spoke to me in a personal way I didn’t even know how to respond because in my head I just figured they had lines and my saying/doing anything might ruin it. I’m used to a certain theatre etiquette and immersive theatre and ARGs are still fairly new concepts for me. Even though I just experienced it without doing as much as I would’ve liked, I loved Ascension more than anything I’ve ever experienced before!! I still can’t stop thinking about it. I wish I could go back and do it again with the courage to be more interactive. …Long story short…I’m really trying to work on allowing myself to break the 4th wall and fighting through the “your stupid” soundtrack that plays in the back of my head. ?

      • #1469

        @pandace88: I want to react to something you said last night so this is delayed, sorry, but OMG, YES ME TOO.

        I work in theatre so for me, it’s really hard to not see actors, props, sets, scripts, etc. It’s really hard for me to allow myself to connect in a real way because to me it’s all fake.

        HOLY SHIT YES. I’ve been working in theater for 20 years and it’s not magic anymore, and I want that experience so badly. There have been a couple of times (twice) in the last ten years that I’ve come close, both with immersive theater, but then I saw something this past January that totally ripped the floor out from under me. It was called YOUARENOWHERE, by Andrew Schneider. It was not immersive but that didn’t matter – it was the biggest mindfuck I’ve ever seen and while I’m sure some might think it was an overreaction, I cried for about a day and a half after I saw it. And it only worked that way because I knew nothing about it going in. I keep an eye out on his website all the time now for tour dates so I can tell people about it, if you ever get a chance you should see it (assuming you haven’t already).

        The other two times I came close, prior to YOUARENOWHERE, which was NOT “close” but a full-on-train-hit-me-going-100-mph…those were the first time I saw Sleep No More (but not the 2nd or 3rd), and my 2nd Ascension in November.

    • #1443
       Lawrence Meyers

      What 4th wall? 🙂

    • #1444
       Bryan Bishop

      So much honesty in all these posts. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

      What I ended up learning from Tension was that for me, the mixing of reality and fantasy is pretty integral. I’m not great at “playing” a version of myself, and I tend to come at these things as emotional journeys to go on rather than systems to be strategized around. (They’re both, really; the former is just what works best for me given the way I’m wired.) Given that, being present and truthful becomes the key to everything, and the deeper the immersion and the more the line is blurred the easier and more enthralling that can become.

      Like others here, there are things I said and did during Ascension that still bother me, and I haven’t shared with anyone. I saw different facets of my personality that I didn’t know were there. I hope I have the same kind of experience in LUST, particularly now that I’ll be playing the ARG portion, because I consider all of those moments to be incredible gifts that only these types of experiences can provide.

      But I was only able to get to those places and do those things because I felt like I was ultimately in a safe space. A big part of that is The Creators, but it’s also because of every single person on this forum. I found the community of Tension to be essential in creating a welcoming environment where it felt safe to be strange, weird, and vulnerable.

      Are their lines I wouldn’t cross and would consider “too far”? Of course. But for me those tend to be things that would hurt others, or impact those closest to me. Pushing my own limits? That seems to be precisely the point.

    • #1445

      If I break the fourth wall, do I get chimichangas? I have a terrible lust for chimichangas.

    • #1446

      @shinobi Only if you start wearing the red/black suit and start hanging out with a mutant from the future, I’m afraid.

    • #1447
       Lukas L

      @Larry my interpretation of the 4th wall for arg’s and immersive is like a movie set. You have 3 walls that are realistic but fake. The fourth wall is the camera crew. Since Alternate reality games blend the real world with the fake, you are in the movie and you allow the two worlds to overlap. Breaking the fourth wall would be like seeing the film crew. It separates the two worlds again. Another example is when you break the 4th wall yourself and “call safety” then you are taken out of the alternate world.

      The thread topic is asking, how far are you willing to let this ARG world overlap your real life, before it goes to far.

    • #1448
       Lawrence Meyers

      @lukasrl — hahah, I know what the 4th wall is. I was suggesting that there isn’t one for me because I’ll do just about anything. 🙂

    • #1449

      OSDM reading this thread all like

    • #1453
       Max Z

      My major regrets from Ascension actually have to do with exactly this subject in a way, which is that I was a little bit too guarded during it, even though I didn’t realize I was being guarded at the time. When I went through Ascension, I sort of turned myself into a character in certain situations. I acted much too dark/mean and said embarrassingly dumb things that I totally didn’t believe because I was hoping that the reaction they got would trigger some sort of new element to the game. Don’t get the wrong idea I certainly would never heckle or anything like that, but a lot of the personal questions they asked me got answers that were highly exaggerated because I wanted to communicate some sort of false…something to them. To their credit, nothing ever came of my bullshit, and I immediately regretted treating the experience like a “game”. Going forth my approach is to act (at least mostly) like I would in real life if I were in this situation and not play any sort of “character”, and I think that will yield a more satisfying experience overall.

    • #1454

      Having not been apart of ascension/tension, and being a fairly new participant in the world of immersive theater, I find all of it a little intimidating. Which is funny, because I have been involved in theater for so many years now, and I love a riveting thought provoking work of art. Since I was young, a moving piece of art that can reach me in an emotional and psychological way is what inspired me, in whatever medium it may have come. For some reason however, when I read all of your responses and see how impactful this has been for so many of you it makes me want to withdraw. Almost like I have a fear of breaking down that fourth wall and embarking on the journey of discovery that may be on the other side. It becomes even more personal for me being that @pandace88 is directly involved and so willing to thrust herself into the unknown for the sake of the unforgettable experience that may or may not occur, just like the rest of you (so it seems). In any case, I look forward to perhaps opening my eyes to all of this, and chipping away at the barrier between me and performance, for the sake of enjoyment and self discovery.

    • #1455

      For some reason, I don’t struggle with the 4th wall issue. Maybe because of my bi-polar, I am able to balance the reality within the game with that outside of it.

      For example, within Ascension, I had a genuine emotional reaction to a death I was a witness to. In the interaction leading up to the event, the actor and I even played with the idea of the 4th wall. He introduced himself as “Ellis Gordon/Andrew Perez/David Miscavige/your Sentinel” – referring to both his role within The Tension Experience and the, dare I say, friendship we had developed outside of it, in the “real world”. For some, this would have taken them out of the experience, but for me the blending is something I accept, embrace and enjoy. When Ellis was murdered, I grieved deeply for the character, even though I was fully aware that the actor, my friend, lived on…

      A lot of those I talk to about being part of this, who are not involved themselves and have never experienced anything like it, simply can’t get their head around how I do this. I don’t play a character, I am myself, albeit a version of myself that is influenced by situations and those around me. We play different roles with the different people in our lives – the person we are with a lover is not the person we are with a friend, the person we are with a family member is not the person we are with a work colleague. That’s how I see it anyway. So even the person I was during Tension is not the person I may be during Lust. But that doesn’t make this personality any less real. Wow, this really makes me sound crazy, but I hope you all know what I am getting at…

    • #1456

      To be honest, I do not know “where” my fourth wall is. I react sincerely. That’s the best I can say. It is thrilling when a piece of art (in any medium) can move me emotionally.

      In immersive events, I try to be genuine in my reactions, I do not try to “act a role” even if I might be doing things in a more adventurous manner than Everyday Russell might. I may make decisions I would not normally make in my “real” existence, but they are based on my genuine, sincere reactions to what is going on.

      Not many people have touched on physical boundaries in this thread, which I believe is part of my personal 4th wall. Physical engagement enhances certain immersive experiences for me.
      Look, I am the guy that has been restrained, wrestled to the ground, tackled and waterboarded in a documentary about immersive encounters in the dark. Not everyone is going to want or tolerate that level of immersion… many people seemed to have issues with the “5 Senses” aspect of Ascension. To me, that physical aspect of some events allows me to explore a different level of the emotional.

      Emotional exploration is my own goal, my 4th wall fluctuates based on what might happen that allows such exploration.

      • #1459

        Not many people have touched on physical boundaries in this thread, which I believe is part of my personal 4th wall. Physical engagement enhances certain immersive experiences for me.

        Yes, @russell… I couldn’t agree with you more on this. Both Heretic and Blackout have taught me my physical boundaries, no matter how uncomfortable I may become in a situation, well… I’ve done a lot more in those two shows than I ever thought I would allow myself to be subjected to. I wouldn’t say I have none but Heretic had me stripped completely naked and finding myself being held underwater by one of the actors. Blackout has placed me in some very strong and violent sexual situations that many “outsiders” wouldn’t understand why I don’t question it. I walk into these experiences with absolute trust because if I don’t I won’t be able to completely give myself over and lose myself in the moment. The physical element is huge for me.

        and @superstar. I used to be someone who was so concerned about what people thought of me that when I began immersive experiences I was worried about how I would look to the actors. Being so deeply involved in Tension, I learned from the people I became friends with and from speaking with the actors out of game that the more you allow yourself to let go the better the experience is for everyone. It’s difficult for a lot of people to allow themselves to be immersed and interact the way Tension allows because we have been trained to behave a certain way when it comes to theater experiences. I still struggle with it. I went through an immersive experience recently where I walked away feeling like an epic failure because I was unable to complete a task or interact to the level of which I know I’m capable of. I let myself get inside my head and worry about saying and doing the wrong thing. You’ll get there. 🙂

    • #1457

      @pandace88: “I work in theatre so for me, it’s really hard to not see actors, props, sets, scripts, etc. It’s really hard for me to allow myself to connect in a real way because to me it’s all fake…there’s that cynical adult side of me that doesn’t let me do things because “that’s stupid”, “how embarrassing”, “you’ll look dumb”…I didn’t even know how to respond because in my head I just figured they had lines and my saying/doing anything might ruin it.”

      Yes! Me, too! How are you reading my thoughts?? 🙂

    • #1458

      @superstar it is definitely good to know that I am not alone! Haha ☺

      • #1471
         Kyle Bown

        @superstar @pandace88:
        I work in television and I wonder if the experience is different form that of being on stage. I’m a writer, not an actor. I’m not sure if that is what makes the difference, but I usually have the ability to be fully in. But every so often sometimes, something happens that my brain steps in for a second and goes “Wow, that was awesome, smart move or well down, or how did they do that?” and then dives right back in, cataloguing that particular moment to ponder later.

        Maybe it’s the gamer in me? I’ve played video games for my entire life and can get ridiculously invested in fictional characters.

        Or maybe it’s working on a show for seven years so the characters and people blend together. So when they finally say goodbye on camera I’m feeling those emotions in real life and they all kind of blend together in a weird tornado of tears and sadness and excitement and I am now rambling, I’ll shut up.

    • #1460
       Kimberly Stewart

      Pure open hearted honesty being spoken, and this is why I love this community so much. There is passion and heart here, to the level I’ve not found in very many other places in my life. We don’t always see eye to eye, and we don’t all approach matters such as “4th Wall” the same, but I learn from you all and I thank you for that. This is not lip service, it’s truth. I ponder your actions just as much as I ponder the story.

      To the newer people, thank you for sharing yourself with us and good luck on your own journey. Listen to what The Creators instruct, but otherwise there’s really no right or wrong way to go about this. Find your own path, explore, try something new, trust that you are in good hands. I trust The Creators and “characters” implicitly. They’ve never let me down and I know I’m safe with them… even when they are throwing me against a wall or berating me for my choices… Actually in those moments sometimes you find you learn the most about yourself.

      Some of us are looking for creative expression, some emotional release, some a challenge or pure fun, some exploring the boundaries of trust… There are so many reasons we are here. It’s all valid.

      I have so much love for you all, whether you are in front of or behind the curtain ♥️️♥️️♥️️. Remember this if by chance I go turncoat again and burn the whole fucking place to the ground!!! ? ? ?.

    • #1462

      In a way, I’m a bit jealous that you two can have your experiences heightened by physicality, @russell and @michelle. I, however, am a bit different in that regard. I share your love for the mental and emotional impact that immersive can have that traditional media cannot, and the fact that Tension got into my head the way that it did is the reason why I’m still here, refreshing the damn page so often hoping for another morsel.

      But I’ve seen and heard about a lot of the stuff that @russell has been through and I imagine that @michelle you’ve been through similar experiences and I can unequivocally say that I would react explosively negatively if put into those scenarios. I envy that they could have enhanced the mental and emotional experience that we are all seeking, because I know that I can’t have my own experience enhanced this way.

      Some things I can do, especially if it’s entirely my choice and under my control, but the moment someone takes aggressive physical action against me that crosses a threshold I lose all hope for any emotional and mental connection and switch to a more primal mode of thinking.

    • #1463

      All in…

      Life is perception… if it’s happening to you: it’s real.

    • #1465

      Interesting, @michelle. Yes, trust is a huge issue for me, especially when it comes to the physical. It’s hard for me to explore emotionally if I don’t trust.

      You hit it perfectly… listen, find your own path, and none of us have the same triggers or limits. That’s part of what makes this community so interesting. Your words are well chosen…

      Some of us are looking for creative expression, some emotional release, some a challenge or pure fun, some exploring the boundaries of trust… There are so many reasons we are here.

      I do not know if you even realize how important your self-awareness is in this realm. There are people who do not know themselves well enough to know that they even have a “threshold” that shouldn’t be breached. I know of a scene that made you uncomfortable. (I had to go through the same scene much later.) You once expressed the “mental and emotional impact,” then spoke of your decision to embrace that moment… it was inspirational. You play full-out on the emotional side, I know. One of the reasons I enjoy hearing your perspective so much is your mix of brain and heart.

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Russell.
    • #1473
       Kevin Flint

      Part of it must have something to do with the speed of uptake. For tension, even though it was multiple hours long I spent the whole time trying to catchup, take it all in and process it. In the end I felt like it went blistering fast, like I made a hundred stupid mistakes and like I only got about 40% full value out of it. I kept popping in and out and by the time I was in, it was over. I wanted to go back and just live in the world for a couple of days so I could slow down and explore.

      Now THAT would be an intense experience. How about it Lust, care to offer the $1,500 3 day version?

    • #1476

      @bruinbown I can relate to some of what you say. I am an editor working primarily in animation. (Also, I have some acting in my past.) Part of the reason I think the ability to “drop in” is so available may be that we have to do it professionally. I have to revisit the same story over and over again and it’s my job to see it with fresh eyes and an open heart and mind.

    • #1477

      @bruinbown haha! You’re not rambling (and, even if you were, I think sometimes it takes a bit of rambling to finally find the heart of what we’re trying to communicate). I work behind the scenes as well, as a designer. So, for me, I don’t think it’s an on-stage/off-stage issue. I think it’s mostly that I can’t quite let go of the fact that it’s all pretend. My life’s not really in jeopardy. They won’t really hurt me. I’m not really in danger and I’m pretty sure they didn’t just feed me an actual chunk of human flesh!

      , all you said about “playing catchup”. Yes. So much.

      • #1478

        BTW, @bruinbown, I hope my last comment didn’t come across as me yelling at you. Totally not what I intended. The italics and exclamation marks were all directed at my own brain. 🙂

    • #1482
       Kyle Bown

      I am highly offended by your tone!

    • #1483


      I was worried about how I would look to the actors


      yes that’s what it is exactly! It has lost its magic for me. Not completely but enough for me to crave deeper more intense experiences. For instance, when I was younger I LOVED magic shows but then I found out how the tricks were done and the magic was gone. Now that I work in technical theatre the magic is almost completely gone. It’s harder for me to get that high from it if you will. I’m chasing the dragon.

      interesting point. I actually do respond to films with deeper emotions than I do to live theatre. (I have never worked in film besides a few minor acting gigs). I too get so emotionally invested in television and film characters; so much that I will cry my eyes out when someone dies on screen etc. I was a wreck through the first 3 seasons of the walking dead.

    • #1486

      @bruinbown what show do you work on? Having worked in television and film, I feel the same way.

    • #1487

      Also @coryphella I am definitely going to look into that show you mentioned. For me, Ascension gave me that magic again which makes me LUST for more.? there was also another show presented by the Odyssey theatre ensemble in 2012 called Theatre in the Dark. It was a whole entire show in pitch black. I had never experienced anything like it. I can’t forget it. In one scene an actor came out and was talking about this fruit he bought at the market and he actually offered us to taste it. No one responded at first because were we supposed to?? until I said I would taste it and I actually was given the fruit and ate it, in complete darkness. I was shocked this was even happpening! That was trust. That play resonates with me to this day and I can go on and on about all the scenes in it but I won’t here. If anyone wants to talk about it you can pm me lol

    • #1489

      That sounds really intense and amazing and from that scene I can imagine others that are memorable. Maybe it’s a technical theater thing – like you said, you know *how* the magic is done. And if that’s what it is for you then YOUARENOWHERE might do to you what it did to me. If I see he’s touring to LA I will let you know but right now I don’t think he is.

      With something like Sleep No More or Ascension, I really am looking to be convinced of the reality. And if it’s fear-based, the fear for me has to be real and has to come with proof. I will never ever believe someone who is *telling* me that they followed me or that they’ve been to my house or whatever, but that day at Echo Park when Tension made it clear that they WERE there and had seen me, that was enough to get me paranoid for the rest of the night.

    • #1493

      I just try to take things and react to them but at the same time trying to see it how the “director” would shape the story. I’m a huge fan of immersive theater and ARGs because of the way they take to audience to another world. That said, I have never been to any real immersive shows other than Carrie: The Musical which was a whole other experience that was still fun. I guess I just want the boundaries to blur enough to not know what will happen next and still work in both the reality and the “alternate” reality

    • #1496
       Tim Redman

      I don’t even think twice about physical boundaries anymore. Heretic and Blackout have basically trained me to be soembody else’s rag doll. My body may be putting up with it but more often than not, my head isn’t entirely in it.

      It is my nature to be constantly second guessing everything, constantly trying to figure out how it all works and not really losing myself in the story. There’s almost always one foot on the floor with me. And often I find the logistics and behind the scenes more interesting than the actual show. There were, however, a few times in various shows where it all clicked and I Was able to let go. In Tension, for example, especially on the second go-around, there were moments where I was 110% all in. And it wasn’t even the physical stuff. I hadn’t really picked a side at that point. I was mostly a spectator leading up till then that show made me choose and I chose hard. @electrichippo was there and it was a pretty crazy moment when I chose “no” when everybody else expected me to choose “yes.” As I was led away in the comfortable womb of my black hood, I was admiring the fact that they finally “got” me.

    • #1500

      There were definitely things I did and said in Ascension that even surprise me and scare me at the same time. I battle with one particular thing I did in Ascension that I don’t want to talk about publicly here on forum. It’s a mixed bag: it demonstrates that I trust the powers-that-be that they’ll keep THAT within the walls of the compound. On the flip side I should have refused since it’s was embarrassing but I caved to do it under pressure. I’m fine but I’ll totally admit I worry how much further will I go for the sake of immersion, even when it’s in situations where I’m not 100% comfortable/proud of doing.

    • #1505

      This is my first time doing anything like this, either immersive theatre related or ARG related, so I’m not positive exactly how far I’d go. I’m guessing that I’ll probably do this based on my own emotions and not on what I “think” I should be feeling or saying. I will play along, get into as much as I can, and have fun.

    • #1507

      The closest thing I’ve ever done to immersive theater was the Haunted Basement in Minneapolis – great experience but I had some negative reactions to being physically separated from my group that I didn’t expect. I think knowing so much more now about what haunts are like and how my own brain works will help me deal with that. I’m trying to keep a good balance between being aware enough of actual reality that I’m not totally freaked out but immersed enough for the experience to still be beneficial.

    • #1511

      . This is too long. And I’m sharing too much. But I guess they can’t exploit what they don’t know.

      This is also my first experience. The closest thing I’ve done was a haunt where you signed the waiver. There was a little physical pushing and shoving but unfortunately they just used it as an opportunity to separate the ladies from the guys. The guys basically got shushed along so they could torment the women somewhere else.

      I’m not sure how I’d respond to a real in-person situation. Being “off site” I doubt I’ll really get a chance to find out unless I can plan a trip, which isn’t out of the question. What I do know is that I’m no good at playing a character, nor do I want to. I joined this group to learn more about myself. It’s ironic, I joined something “fake”(?), to learn something real. I want to know more about myself. I want to meet and get to know people on a real level. I grew up in an overly religious small town in Idaho. They told me who and what I was. I moved to Minnesota 6 years ago, and though beautiful and full of opportunity, the stereotypes are real (sorry). Everyone is really nice and they have no desire to get to know you. “How are you today” ends with a period, not a question mark. I know it’s sappy and I’ve said it before, but Mike and Russell inspired me to be here. No-one has ever said, “Oh, that’s interesting. I haven’t looked at it that way.” Where have i heard that recently . . . ?

      So how am I going to “play the game”? I’m sitting in a bar alone. Unfortunately, my soon-to-do be new MN Lust friends couldn’t make our first IRL get together, but i came anyway. My back is against a wall and I briefly check out everyone that comes in. Do I really believe that “they” are checking in on our little get together? No. Is that exactly the kind of move this organization might make? Perhaps.

      Thanks for reading.

      Apparently I like to put things in unnecessary quotes and I probably misused a few comas. Sorry.

      • #1513

        Hey @ziegenbart – I’m not Minnesotan (only been here 18ish months) and *do* want to get to know you, I’m just frantically trying to build hospital equipment in 1/4″ scale at the moment because things are due…:( I’m sorry, and we *will* get together.

      • #1514
         Winston Smith

        @ziegenbart I’m with you. At first, I thought the goal was to figure out what “character” we wanted to be, but now I “realize” that just isn’t me, and I don’t even think it’s necessarily what’s expected. They kept saying they wanted people to be “present”. I think that means that they wanted people to be who they are. Maybe the volume gets turned up a little, and things get exaggerated for dramatic effect, but it’s much more comfortable and natural to just be you. It’s hard enough to figure out what the heck ‘the creators’ are up to, it’s even more difficult when half your attention is focused on trying to figure out who, or what you are trying to be. Don’t try, just be. They reward people who are active, not just people who are active in any one particular way, or active in one particular location.

        As to whether or not “they” are checking you out, OSDM isn’t just a Los Angeles based organization. You really never know how deep, or how expansive it really is. Jumping at shadows, and wondering if they’re monsters is part of the fun.

    • #1516

      @coryphella absolutely not a problem. No negativity sent your way. Just sharing to get involved.

    • #1518
       Kyle Bown

      Speaking of actions taken during Tension/Ascension (cause someone did at one point) I have one or two very specific questions about a certain portion of the experience that I went through, and I wonder what would have happened if I had acted in a different way there. Can anyone possibly answer that?

      Not sure how much I’m allowed to discuss specific events that occurred in Tension/Ascension here, so being cryptic for the moment.

    • #1519
       Winston Smith

      @bruinbown I assume that anything that happened in Tension/Ascension is fair game now, no spoiler tags required. Discussing it doesn’t ruin things for people, because it’s already in the past. Sharing that information should be helpful to anyone who is new for Lust. It’s probably important that newcomers have access to the experiences people had in Tension/Ascension, so they can get up to speed on what’s going on around them, and how it got there.

    • #1520

      @coryphella I just watched the preview of YOUARENOWHERE and an absolutely kicking myself that I am just a month or two too late. Looks fascinating!

    • #1521
       Kyle Bown

      Alright. Then my stupid question/thing I am wondering is this:
      There was a point in Ascension where I was rescued, taken out in a truck, only to be returned and taken out back with a bag over my head. At one point someone asked us who would bash in our rescuers head with the baseball bat.

      What would have happened had I volunteered?

    • #1524

      @bruinbown It’s interesting that you bring that up… I guess they hope that deep down, none of us would take that step?

      For me, that scene taught me something about myself that I didn’t mention earlier. I was compliant all the way through Ascension until the moment I was surrounded by the men with baseball bats – they told me to put my hood on and I refused. Repeatedly. They asked me if I really wanted to see them beat Ellis to death. The only reason I put the hood on was because I didn’t want them to see me cry. But what if I had continued to defy them?

      I guess what I’m saying is I don’t truly know the answer to your question, but I empathise with where you are coming from…

    • #1525
       Meghan Mayhem

      @blondie I did the same thing, refused to put the hood on. It took them holding the bat inches from my face and telling me I’d be next if I didn’t comply, for me to finally agree.

    • #1526
       Winston Smith

      @bruinbown To my knowledge, several people were presented with that choice, myself included. I think all of us still wonder what could have happened there. There was a point in time when I met Sentinel, who had a gun. I casually asked him, “Can I have a gun too?” He immediately stopped what he was doing, turned to me, and asked me if I had weapons training. I said no, and he changed the subject. I’ve always wondered, “What if I said yes?” Would he have given me a gun?

      Shortly after that, the van stopped, the door opened, an argument ensued, leading to a couple of guys knocking the gun out of Sentinel’s hand with a baseball bat. I was taken out of the van, and told to kneel on a sand pile, and to put my hood back on, much like the experience @blondie had, except with Sentinel instead of Ellis. I don’t remember the exact words that were said, but they basically asked if any one of us wanted to be the one who beat Sentinel to death with a baseball bat. All three of us were silent. Then we heard the “thwack” , and felt a splatter of blood. When the hood came off, Sentinel was lying bloody at my feet, on a pile of sand. They told me to get up, I accidentally kicked sand in Sentinel’s face in the process, felt kinda bad about that. I really wonder what would have happened if someone had volunteered. More than that, what if I had that gun instead of Sentinel, or even a second gun he gave me?

      Went a total of 3 times, and every time, I couldn’t stop thinking about all those choices that were right there in front of me, that I either didn’t recognize until later, or didn’t think I *actually* had the option to do what I *really* wanted to do. I thought “Nah, grabbing some dude’s gun in a play is not kosher. I don’t want to get kicked out.” Later, as I ruminated on phrases like “Nothing is random”, I realized…if they didn’t want me to have that choice, they wouldn’t have given it to me in the first place.

      Every night, when I went home, I felt like I’d been tested, and failed. I wanted to do better next time. I still do. Maybe I’ll make the right choices this time.

      • #1544
         Lawrence Meyers

        @winstonsmith The beauty of TENSION is that it was just like life — there are rarely “right” choices. There are — as is said in “The Kansas Collection” — only consequences. I would argue that the choices you made at the moment you made them were right — in that they were truthful, and in that they were immediately derived from your gut instinct.

        The value comes afterwards, in assessing your choice and asking yourself why you made the choice you did at the time. Oh my, yes, I had several instances of this. Another choice would reveal something different about you, another truth.

    • #1527
       Kyle Bown

      @winstonsmith That sounds very much like my experience, except there were four of us in the back of a truck. No idea whether it was Sentinel or Ellis.

      The one big difference I would note is that they made the offer to beat him to death a few times, actually demanded it of us. Threatened to taze one of us if we didn’t do it. When no one volunteered they tazed the guy next to me.

      • #1528

        @bruinbown Whoa! This is the first I’ve heard about Tazers. That’s wild.
        (I hope that the bro that got tazed was a plant…)

      • #1532
         Meghan Mayhem

        @bruinbown There were 2 actors that rotated the role of “Sentinel”. One *only* played Sentinel (the one I refer to when I’m using the title), and the other played Sentinel and Ellis Gordon, varying on different nights.

      • #1536
         Winston Smith

        @meghanmayhem Interesting! I got the Blue Steel version of Sentinel, was he the same one you had?

        Blue Steel

    • #1529
       Kyle Bown

      @kipsie I don’t think so, though I can’t be certain. He had someone else there who knew him, IIRC. And he said it wasn’t full power.

      • #1531

        @bruinbown The dead giveaway would be if that was the same person that was chosen for the Ascension ceremony. But still, very interesting…

    • #1530
       Meghan Mayhem

      @winstonsmith While in the back of the van with Sentinel, he sat down next to me and showed me his gun. I didn’t even ask, I just reached for it. He leapt up and across the van and pointed at me and said “I may be crazy, but not THAT crazy!!”.
      When we were knelt on the sand, once I finally had my hood on, someone DID volunteer to kill him. I couldn’t tell if it was someone in our group, or a plant. But I certainly heard the “thwack!” and got the blood splatter.

    • #1533
       Kyle Bown

      @kipsie It definitely was not.

    • #1535
       Meghan Mayhem

      @winstonsmith The people in my group in the van were definitely all participants and not plants, but once we all were outside and had hoods on, it was hard to tell who’s voice the volunteer belonged to. It could very well have been one of the goons speaking up as a “participant”

    • #1537
       Meghan Mayhem

      @winstonsmith Yep. I got the Sentinel and not Miscav..er…EllisSentinel.

    • #1538

      That sentinel murder scene was possibly my favorite part! I too got the Sentinel with the pretty blue eyes who looks like a rock star. I didn’t know there was another. I don’t remember being offered a choice to kill him but maybe I was just too shocked by everything happening. I wouldn’t have done it anyway.. I liked that guy’s message in the van. But I remember my hood coming off and seeing him dead on the sand, his head all bloody and I was in shock and so happy about how intense and real that scene looked! that scene was MAGIC!

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Candace.
    • #1540
       Winston Smith

      @pandace88 I feel the same way, it was really the only thing that actually shocked me. The whole time, I was thinking “Naah, they’re not gonna do THAT. This is just a tease, right?” Then it happened anyway, and it was easily the most visceral, and “real” experience I had at Tension. It sounded just like I would have expected it to sound, I felt the “blood” hit me in the face, when the hood came off, his bloody head was inches from my knees in the sand. I knew Tension was gonna be great when Mary-Lynn didn’t leave the restroom when I was peeing, but after the thing with Sentinel, I was *sold*.

    • #1542
       Kimberly Stewart

      There’s such a personal irony for me that all of you are speaking about Sentinel in a thread about the 4th wall. Talk about a subject that confuses my mind and my heart. My logic understands the truth of the matter but I feel such a genuine heaviness in my chest reading all your words. You speak of Sentinel like a scene on a stage, and I know that is what it was. I experienced it myself. I know. But, in my gut I’m subconsciously screaming “How dare you speak of this man, this icon, my friend, that meant so much to me for so many months!!!” The rage it dredges up… It’s a real thing, and this is a major reason I do immersive theater. Not to feel rage, but to feel deeply, period.

      The Sentinel storyline is a complex one for me. I fled the OOA in the early days of Tension, and went to Sentinel. We spoke sometimes daily. We became friends, partners in crime, compadres on a crazy mission. Ultimately he was not who he claimed. That doesn’t change that my mission was honest and because if this, true. God, I’ve had such bizarre encounters with Sentinel. He’s been a doll and a total piece of shit to me, but put it all together and he made an impact that feels very real.

      This is when you know the fourth wall vanished and you were merely living inside it.

    • #1543

      @electrichippo that’s exactly why I’m sad I didn’t get to do the ARG portion. That personal connection to the scene was the only thing that was missing for me. I basically watched a man die and didn’t feel an ounce of sorrow for him. I thought it was cool. He meant nothing to me. Hearing that some people were so pained and even brought to tears by this scene is amazing to me and gets me excited to build deep relationships this go around in LUST (hopefully). I want to care about the “characters”! I’m excited. Waiting for things to happen next feels like an eternity has already gone by but I’m so happy to have these forums and this community of people to talk to everyday.

    • #1545
       Lawrence Meyers

      okay okay so I dodged the question.

      I don’t know where my 4th wall is. I know that Tension was my first “haunt” because @mike and @russell offered a really perfect review of a story-driven experience that offered emotional rewards. I had no interest in being waterboarded, forced to roll around on used condoms, or whatever. But their description of Tension seemed right up my alley.

      Having now done Tension, but not any ARG, and stuff from SHINE ON COLLECTIVE and SPEAKEASY, I find that if I am placed firmly into a world, I will go where it takes me, and whatever hard limits I may have going in may or may not prove to be flexible. I am ultimately seeking an emotionally-centered experience — something that I will RESPOND to as opposed to REACT to. If I am so immersed as to be responding, then chances are I have probably forgotten there’s a damn safe word anyway.

      This, however, does not give Clint and Darren permission to have me gang-banged by a troupe of cryptococcus -infected kangaroos.


    • #1554
       Tom Hite

      What’s so interesting to me about this question is that it refreshingly positions the concept of the fourth wall as something subjective (“your” vs. “the”). A recurring topic throughout Tension has been that of who is “playing a role” and who is being “genuine.” In this sense, as we enter Lust, we have a compounding complexity of identity: is there continuity between the “roles” we have “played” in one versus the other? Is who we are bound to some degree by who we have been, or are we free to construct something new? Who’s keeping track of our words and actions, and will we be held accountable for them at some point? I’ve been searching for the boundary as long as I can remember, and so far have found that there’s no bottom. Our fourth walls exist only insofar as we draw a boundary around what we are willing to consider, and create limits that both define and restrict us. Now, we are being asked a simple question by Mr. Sinclair: what do we want? It’s a related question to what we were asked by the OOA (“What do you seek?”), but with a follow-up that was left unclarified previously – what are you willing to do in order to get it? Following this thread of logic, it becomes clear that to some degree, there is absolutely no difference between this experience and the “real world” – every day, we are presented with this quandary. And inevitably, it comes down to our own knowledge of the consequences of our actions. It’s always been about information, and we are always forced to admit at some point that we just don’t know how much we know…

    • #1559
       Lawrence Meyers

      I just remembered — TENSION occurred simultaneously with WESTWORLD, and there is an astonishing degree of thematic crossover between the two. These are two of my favorite quotes that may help newbies contextualize what TENSION and presumably LUST are really all about:

      “The world outside is a world of plenty. A fat, soft teat people cling to their entire life. Every need taken care of, except one: purpose. Meaning. So they come here and they can be a little scared, thrilled. Sweetly affirmative bullshit. Then they take a picture and go home. But I think there’s a deeper meaning hiding under all that. Something the person who created it wanted to express. Something true.” – The Man in Black

      “The guests come back because of the subtleties, the details. They come back because they discover something they imagine no one had ever noticed before. Something they fall in love with. They’re not looking for a story that tells them who they are; they already know who they are. They’re here because they want a glimpse of who they could be.” — Dr. Robert Ford

      • #1563

        The piece I wrote “Looking for a Game with Consequences” got its name from either Westworld or from Jane McGonigal’s commentary on Westworld – I can’t remember if the phrase “game with consequences” was ever actually spoken in the show.

    • #1603

      I think the magic of Tension was that it pushed back our fourth wall quite a bit. The more honest and open you could be the better the experience. Unfortunately, we all have inhibitions and rules that prevent us from truly tearing the wall down completely and becoming totally vulnerable.

      I am really interested to see how the creators will get us to tear down the fourth wall in “lust”. In tension they did it by pushing us out of comfort zones. It will be interesting to see how they do this with lust

    • #1655
       Michel Rheault

      To make economy on long distance phone call, i signified Noah (and i hope the whole Lust crew through him) than even if i give my cell phone number, i only want to be contacted by e-mail.

      Also, the level of participation the experience serie reclaim for me is too big for introverted asperger like me who have great difficulty to take the initiative to speak up. Ask me first if you want me to speak.

      • #2208

        To Michel Rheault: I have Aspergers too. 🙂 Maybe we can figure out how to help each other. I’m sure there are ways for you to be involved. The Creators are incredible with giving people that might be disadvantaged a chance to participate. From distance to medical needs. 🙂 If you ever need someone to vent to, you can send me a DM. My Boyfriend and I try to participate as much as possible.

    • #1658

      @chicar – I know how you feel, I’m really introverted myself. It’s one of the reasons I actually decided to do this, I wanted to do something that would get me involved with a community and maybe get me talking a bit more (and also get me over my social anxiety fears of phone calls)

      • #1659
         Michel Rheault

        Thank you for this kind words. As for the phone calls, the price of california-quebec calls is really my mean issue here. I’m not alone in my house ( i still live with my mom and my brother) and not involving uninintiated persons is the biggest part of my fourth wall. Especially than my attempt at trying to call Noah (let just say he must have recently found in his voicemails the inaudible babbling of someone slowly realising he made a big mystake) resulted in my mom fearing i get caught in a genuine scam and telling me she don’t want the Gendarmerie Royale Du Canada coming in our house.

        And yes i know i just give them a big info to use against me, but is purely for them to know than if i recieve a phone call in the middle of the night and it begin with the phrase ” you recieving a long distance from Noah Sinclair|insert future lust character, do you accept the cost ? ” i hang up instantly in the name of my mom-managed bank account.

    • #3650

      My fouth wall ends up breaking when I am unable to participate in anything due to being to far away.
      I end up getting dissapointed and always am reminded that none of it is real.

    • #3657

      Kind of a direct response to @astro4545, kind of just an update of where I’m at now.

      As another player outside of California, I can understand what you are saying. I originally had similar feelings/fears but have to come to view things differently. Yes, others will have more physical connections and experiences just out of luck of location but I wouldn’t say that we can’t participate in
      anything. I believe that our participation is just as valuable to this world as anyone else’s. We don’t know what “they” have in store for any of us. We don’t know the scale and long-term vision for this world that is developing. We are extremely lucky to be involved so early on. The forums are open and we are free to contribute our thoughts and observations. We are just as enabled to peer down random rabbit-holes and work on solving puzzles and mysteries as they come available. Sure, sometimes I might feel like nobody is reading what I’m writing, but I have realized that nobody here knows me yet. I’m just some profile that showed up and started throwing out random thoughts. I’m sure that over time that will change as I remain active and contribute at that point it doesn’t matter if I’m 5 or 5,000 miles away.

      As to none of this being real, what is? I keep thinking of money, is it real? Of course money is “real”. We work, sweat,and sacrifice time with friends and loved ones to obtain it. Some people resort to violence or other horrific means for it. But it’s just pieces of metal and paper, or 1’s and 0’s on some hard drive. That “money” has no real value. You can’t eat it, it won’t keep you warm or dry, it cannot heal sickness. Money is real because we all believe it is real. It’s the belief that has value.

      This experience is not real in the sense that people are going to end up dead at the end, but there is a very real aspect in that it changes people’s real lives. People build real relationships. I know that the constant message of “Be Present” has made me take a serious look at myself and is changing the way I actually think and act. My reaction to Bryan’s and Lia’s experiences brought out real emotions and feelings in me. It made me think, “How would I react in a similar situation. Why would I react that way?”. I feel connected to the story through their sharing of it. The experiences and interactions of real people will feed back to the continuation of this world, regardless of if they are sitting in the room or on the same forum. Just by observing this experience we are changing it. We all matter.

    • #3658

      @ziegenbart I think that was very well said! And I personally read EVERYTHING on the forums. I don’t always respond because I don’t always have an intelligent response to people’s very elaborate and highly intellectual theories. But just know people are listening 🙂

      I think even people in Los Angeles may feel as you do sometimes because we don’t all get chosen for things like in person events. Some people haven’t even gotten email replies. I know it’s hard sometimes because it feels like we’re just spectators but like @ziegenbart said, we can help and participate in other ways and the emotions that come through for us can be very real. I guess I’m just hoping that you are able to have fun despite the frustration of being so far away. You are still part of this community 🙂 stay active and maybe you’ll get a phone call or something!

    • #3661

      Beautifully put, @ziegenbart, thank you for putting that out there today. This experience’s ability to engage people not only around the country but across the globe is one of its most admirable features and you’re a wonderful example of the positivity and insightfulness we need. We may be all over, but we’re also all here. And that’s a remarkable thing.

    • #3666

      @pandace88 You bring up a great point that I hadn’t considered. I expect that the frustration for not being chosen or reached out to yet with an email response must be even greater for those of us that are closer.

    • #3809

      My wall is more like a window, I can’t help but think about the production/logistics side of the whole thing. This however, does not take anything anyway of the enjoyment away. I like solving the mystery of how they did that just as much as the mystery of the story itself. For example, the recent encounter Julie had with Darren is an effective subtle move. I’m sure most of the creators/writers/producers of these experience know each other, enough for Darren to use Covell as a scene for Lust, and I shouldn’t be hard to find out when one of us would go to another show though social media. None of this though makes it any less special for me.

    • #4441
       Rebecca Horist

      I have done other immersive events. Things I am not proud of (not ashamed, but not glad I did it). Some were let down after a lot of hype, maybe it was the story, maybe it was working on performance kinks. But the main one that comes to mind, messed me up. Recently attended a fun event- into the wild and was happy to let go and dance with the ferries, and talk about our desires.
      I usually am willing to open if I feel its a controlled environment. You should get involved in the storyline and interact.
      I know some of this is vague, but its something I only talk about in private messages.

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