Tom Hite started the topic Not Prussian to Judgement, but… in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 6 months ago
Hai gais – sorta curious: anybody asked about why they had a emblem of Prussian royalty on that spiffy deep blue chair?
Tom Hite replied to the topic #NEVERSILENT in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 6 months ago
@shaun – yuppers. I did. He called me a goofball and made me feel like I was passing up some sort of golden opportunity that I’d later regret. And you know what? I don’t. Sure, maybe if I’d jumped at his every beck and call, he’d have let me flip some papers over in a warehouse and participate in his reindeer games, but then what? More obsequious…[Read more]
Tom Hite posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Purpose is found only after boiling away the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to discover the context. You may discover at this point that you are part of an eternal chain of causality that at least results in your existence – keep going. There are greater futures for us all. Anoch is a useful metaphor. You’re not wrong; but you’re not right. Embrace the…[Read more]
Tom Hite replied to the topic Leaks, phone calls, and having a laugh. in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 7 months ago
Triggered by grammatical uncertainty: the rule is that we use “less” for uncountable nouns (less water, less heat) and “fewer” for countable (fewer pencils, fewer marbles).
So why are the “sides” countable, and why emphasize this with all-caps? Is Joyce selling slap-chops here, or is it something else?
Maybe the more we see our situation as…[Read more]
Tom Hite started the topic Que Sera Sera in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 7 months ago
Fair warning: about 1800 words. But I hope it’s worth it.
This post is a paradox.
“If whatever will be will be, then why do anything at all?” You might be asking yourself, or have at some point – I think in point of fact, most of us must have at one time in our lives.
Logically, it’s a valid question – and its sou…[Read more]
Tom Hite started the topic Are Your Feelings “In Game?” in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 7 months ago
Most of us live in a state whereupon we are seeking to follow the path of least resistance. The vast and overwhelming majority of people are constantly trying to “fit in” – this, while having a certain cultural baggage of being a pejorative, however, should not necessarily be eschewed as a negative. There is overwhelming logical support for the b…[Read more]
Tom Hite posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
“True submission means you retain nothing; even a shred of will – the desire to exist at all – cannot be allowed.” – The Ancient Law of Power
Tom Hite posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago
Tom Hite replied to the topic FB Post 6/19 in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 8 months ago
Can’t help but be reminded of Quantum Entanglement, here. Two ends of a chain, one being immediately affected by the other, seems reminiscent of the phenomenon of quarks which are instantly spin-adjusted by the observation of either one, seemingly beyond the limits of space or time. Beyond past, present, and future, in the place where all are the…[Read more]
Tom Hite replied to the topic Lust Cards in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 8 months ago
Amazeballs AF. Yass, queen, yass!
Tom Hite replied to the topic What Difference Does It Make? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 8 months ago
@electrichippo, I’m sure you catch the reference… the “you” in “you are the lie” is not singular, but plural. Our limited pronoun selection in English prohibits us from using one in the second person, but perhaps in another language it might be translated as “you all are the lie.” And taking it a step further, we must recognize that there is no…[Read more]
Tom Hite started the topic What Difference Does It Make? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 8 months ago
Not trying to be an edgelord here with the topic title: it’s a genuine question – Addison/Sabrina/Overseer/Gatekeeper 2 has been “revealed” as the conduit through which our communication to our iConfidants has been occurring, and several days later, I find myself wondering… what difference does it make?
Who did you imagine on the other end? Was…[Read more]
Tom Hite replied to the topic 6.11 iConfidant Event – Leaked Video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Charles Bushman: Now… On the third day, I washed her. She wasn’t too clean. I got all the right spots. She’s the only one I kept for a certain amount of time, because I got a real short attention span. Now, I can’t say she enjoyed her stay, but that washcloth I put in her mouth and held it there with a big piece of duct…[Read more] -
Tom Hite replied to the topic Always Watching? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 9 months ago
@nosnevets – this is quite the allegory…
And quite the question: who is watching who? Let’s piece together some recent events and pair them up with what we already know: 1) There’s a “they.” 2) They are always watching, and they can appear anytime, anywhere. 3) It’s bigger than Noah and Sarah. 4) It’s bigger than Darren and Clint. 5) It’s…[Read more]
Tom Hite replied to the topic Visit to my apartment, 7:28pm 5/15 Jesus Fucking Christ in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
Tom Hite posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
We are not blank slates; we are palimpsests.
Tom Hite changed their profile picture 7 years, 9 months ago
Tom Hite replied to the topic 5.10 – Call From Noah's Dad in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
Okay, well, we don’t technically *know* what “after the puppy, that all stopped” means… maybe they just bought him a puppy?
Yeah, probably not.
Buddhism teaches that all suffering is the result of attachment. There is a lot of wisdom in this belief, and when you explore the degree to which our disappointments are a byproduct of our having…[Read more]
Tom Hite posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
You are not attracted to them because they are beautiful; they are beautiful because you are attracted to them.
Tom Hite replied to the topic Noah's little tantrum in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 9 months ago
Noah just can’t seem to get a clear message out… but then again, can any of us? The presentation of the “pledge” on the back of the signature forms suggests an awful lot of planning – did anyone look on the back of theirs when signing it? Mine was blank, but I recall that someone else’s had “strange marks” (was it @nosnevets?). The fact that…[Read more]
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Purpose is found only after boiling away the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to discover the context. You may discover at this point that you are part of an eternal chain of causality that at least results in your existence – keep going. There are greater futures for us all. Anoch is a useful metaphor. You’re not wrong; but you’re not right. Embrace […] View