This topic has 31 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago by Violet.

  • Author
    • #21388

      I invest in those who invest in themselves.  

      A member of your tribe was given an opportunity to grow, to care, to share and to most of all to learn.

      To take steps within The System…

      In fact, I normally don’t even think about work on the weekends but for some stupid reason I was feeling generous.

      This member decided to shit the proverbial bed as it were.

      Well my friends, Noah Sinclair has and does do some weird stuff but alas, he does not lay down in the brown.

      I believe that all of you now know that I am above calling out people by their real name but for the sense of narrative I feel I need to call this person …something… so,  Smim Smedman let’s say is the member in question and I’m frankly none too pleased Smim. None too pleased indeed.

      What does this mean for all of you?

      It means I have a short attention span and although some of you have been absolutely crushing it lately, your collective rate of return has now been diminished by this singular, obstinate member. I think I’ll take some much needed time off until I feel that there are more people out there that are indeed ready to show up and become the best that only I can make them.

      Side note, congratulations to Mr Bradley R, you’re no longer the biggest turd burglar on my radar. Feel free to celebrate by denying a few of our finest convenience store clerks items of little to no importance OR by letting me know if you want Smim Smedman’s ticket.

      No charge. Brad, it honestly makes little to no difference to me if you want to change your path but know this… anymore of your grand gestures over this will only serve as attention getters and will only broadcast a celebration of mediocrity.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Maddyxxx.
    • #21390

      What happened @timsmyname?? Never silent.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Sage.
    • #21392
       Andrew Kasch

      Christ. How hard is it to perform what is required of you?

      • #21395
         Tim Redman

        It’s not hard at all to go out and be an ass clown on Periscope or Facebook live or whatever. It’s a lot harder to try to bring a teachable moment to somebody who is crying out for help on a daily basis.

    • #21394
       Tim Redman

      Sorry everybody. I was in the middle of working on my post when Noah lashed out yet again. The guy is his own worst enemy. I’ll post when I’m ready. It’s really a lot over nothing.

    • #21402
       Brad Ruwe

      Interesting turn of events for sure.

      As for the ticket, I’m not one to make rash decisions. I’m gonna think this one over a bit. Maybe I’ll go for a stroll tonight around, oh, I don’t know, midnight or so. Who knows, I might have some enlightenment this night over whether or not to take you up on your offer.

      You’ll have your answer from me tomorrow @maddyxxx.

    • #21403

      Uh… what the fuck?

    • #21404

      @nothenrygale ah yes if you suddenly decide the System is right for you after tonight I am sure no one will suspect your motives. ?

    • #21405

      Ruh roh.

      You still have some rabid fans. Don’t lose faith.

    • #21407
       Brad Ruwe

      @wanda102 You know I love @111error. I trust him. BUT, I do recognize I’m stepping into unknown territory here tonight. Morgan has helped out Noah recently with his project last weekend. Who knows what will go down tonight. Hell maybe even Noah himself will be returning the favor for Morgan. I’m keeping my mind open to any possibilities regarding the BOS and The System. I’ve been wrong before, I’m sure I’ll be wrong again. Right now, I’m at a crossroads where I’m going to listen and re-evaluate myself.

    • #21408

      @nothenrygale I’d venture to say Noah doesn’t give a shit what you choose, and I don’t think he’s waiting with baited breath for your decision.
      But, see what paths appear in front of you and don’t forget who you are. You’ll manage.

    • #21410
       George Zuniga

      I think @nothenrygale made the best decision he possibly could’ve in that moment, personally speaking. He made his stand, and voiced what he thought was right. Catherine Hepburn said “if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” Brad told Noah’s rules and instructions to fuck right off and opted to play by his own. That’s something to be admired.

    • #21412
       Tim Redman

      Short version:
      Noah called me today and asked me to do something. I said no and he trashed me in the forums.

      Long version:
      Earlier this afternoon I missed a NO CALLER ID call and received a second call right afterwards. It was Noah Sinclair. This was the first of two calls I received from him today.
      Noah apparently was going through my application and had paused at the part where I mentioned that I like following fake cults or something like that. I don’t recall exactly what nonsense I wrote down where or when but that’s where we started.
      He wanted me to perform some task then and there and I told him I was busy and he could call later if he wanted. It’s not like I’m just sitting around waiting for something to do. I don’t know what that task was going to be, but I’m guessing it was going to be similar to what we’ve seen before.
      Instead of insisting that I perform whatever task he was calling about, he negotiated himself down to when I had time, he wanted me to make a video and demonstrate that I could lead. To list three principles of Tim Redman and see who would follow me. Ok, that’s a fair request so far. I was on board with that. It was less than inspired, but maybe he just woke up and I caught him off guard. Or he was distracted by his “stories.”
      But then he wanted me to post it to my Facebook page because I guess that’s the only social media he knows. To try to cultivate my own cult from all the aunts and uncles and parents of my daughter’s friends and high school buddies on my Facebook feed. That’s where he lost me. I know my audience and this was going to be a pointless task. I don’t have time for dead end shenanigans. Every minute needs to have meaning. Just doing what I’m told doesn’t cut it with me. Doing this would only prove that I don’t have a firm grasp of my own path.
      Also, I have money. Or enough that making a choice like this isn’t difficult for me. I don’t mind doing something that might impress him, but to shame myself or humiliate others, that’s not my game.
      And really who gives two craps about whether I jumped through this hoop or not? Certainly not Noah Sinclair. Or you would think. I didn’t say no at the time, but when he called me three hours later to follow up, I let him know that I wasn’t going to do it. He immediately hung up on me.
      Is Noah so unhinged that I, Tim Redman (aka Smim Smedman), somebody he has never met, nor spoken to, nor heard of ever in his life, has suddenly become somebody that crawled under his skin? Really?
      I work for very rich people. I see how they cultivate respect and instill self-worth and purpose to the guys in the corner offices all the way down to the crews in the parking garage and every other dark crummy corner beneath the street. And it’s not by berating people. It’s not by making a scene and taking off heads in public. When things aren’t working out, the grim reaper crew is quietly called and suddenly that person is there anymore. You know the call came from the top but the top is Teflon. Believe me, that is a very effective way of doing things.
      Guys like Noah are blemishes in corporate America. They’re usually the chief’s son. Entitled, lacking character and basic life skills. Put there because their rich fathers don’t know what else to do with them but can’t bring themselves to just hand them the money year after year. After a lifetime free pass, they’re supposed to earn their keep? It’s not their fault. Being adrift in riches is not a great place to be.
      I don’t know if Horace is a good father or not. I don’t know if Noah fits the template above or not. I’d like to think he’s better than that. Regardless, when you work with these guys, you have to find common ground with them. You need to help them get past their own insecurities. You have to scratch the itch so they stop picking at it and making it worse.
      I liked where things went last weekend when we fed the homeless. I appreciated that unexpected message. Does he even remember last week?
      Noah did make a good point during our call. Why am I working for billionaires? Why am I not one? This is a very valid question.
      Being at the top takes its toll. We may be seeing that now with Noah. It’s a lot of unnecessary pressure. You have a lot of people counting on you. It’s a fricken headache. Life is too short, in my opinion. We call it living in a velvet prison. One hundred million and one billion really aren’t all that different. If you have the drive to keep going like that then more power to you.
      I’m ok with one hundred million. Or even ten million. I’m not driven by ego. I don’t need to be liked by everybody. I’m not afraid to speak my mind. I’m not afraid to call BS in a room. And to the leaders I know and work with, that is something which is almost priceless to them. Noah just blew an opportunity.
      I have the drive to be excellent. I believe that you earn respect rather than demand respect. A good leader makes you want to be led. He makes you believe that he’s great even when you go behind the curtain to check the batteries in his wireless mouse and you realized he’s some befuddled guy who’s just as lost as anybody.
      But Noah has the focus and drive to bash me in a post. Which is fine. My feelings aren’t hurt by words and I don’t take it seriously. If he’s the only one getting so worked up about this, who has the power here? Him or me? He seems to have the energy and drive to accomplish things. What those are, we still don’t know. At least we know Trump builds buildings and Musk makes cars and rockets.
      If Noah doesn’t want to take my money, that’s fine. I was willing to spend a lot more than fifty bucks and now he’s sabotaged that opportunity too. If he can’t stop shooting himself in the foot, we should setup a gofundme and get him some Kevlar boots.
      At the end of the day, it’s his gig and he’s allowed to do anything he wishes. He has free will just as I do. Maybe it’s not us that need the System. Maybe it’s just Noah. Without it, where would he be? I wish this most delicate of flowers well on his journey.

    • #21413

      I’m thinking his reaction is intended to be more of a cautionary tale to others who choose to defy him. Also he isn’t interested in people not fully committed to The System.

      You make some valid points for sure. And I’m glad that we finally got the rest of the story. I was thinking it wasn’t going to materialize. Thanks for sharing @timsmyname.

    • #21414

      I think your only mistake was just not notifying them right away you intended to not do the task.

      Did you say you’d do it then said no three hours later? I can understand why he got pissed, not because you refused the task but because you weren’t forthcoming with the “Nah.”

      But I don’t know what that first conversation entailed word for word.

    • #21415

      @thebuz interesting take. Has anyone else said no to Noah to see what happens without flipping the bird in the process?

    • #21416
       Tim Redman

      I never agreed to anything and no time table was given.

    • #21418
       Tom Hite

      @shaun – yuppers. I did. He called me a goofball and made me feel like I was passing up some sort of golden opportunity that I’d later regret. And you know what? I don’t. Sure, maybe if I’d jumped at his every beck and call, he’d have let me flip some papers over in a warehouse and participate in his reindeer games, but then what? More obsequious hero-worship and kowtowing? There’s no end to his power-hungry priapism, and my nose-bleed perch at the seminar will, I suspect, be a bird’s-eye vantage point from which it becomes increasingly apparent that he is, in fact, like MacBeth, and his System has become his life itself – a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more… a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Shmim is wise to maintain doubt.

    • #21419

      I’m sure he hung up before hand but the usual take away from these things is that it is assumed you will do the task. Don’t think it would have hurt to drop em an email.

      Again don’t disagree with your decision not to do it, just trying to impart on why maybe Noah got upset.

    • #21424

      Let Noah be upset. Is he going to hold the rest of the community hostage from his little tasks and phone calls because one person didn’t follow his made up and not clearly communicated rules?

      Not all of us have the ability to drop everything and jump at his beck and call, and for some there could be real life consequences to publicly posting about this on social media or elsewhere.

    • #21431

      @timsmyname, All I asked you to do was believe in yourself… 🙁

    • #21432
       Meghan Mayhem

      @maddyxxx Aww lil’ buddy. <3

    • #21433

      I believe that you earn respect rather than demand respect. A good leader makes you want to be led. He makes you believe that he’s great even when you go behind the curtain to check the batteries in his wireless mouse and you realized he’s some befuddled guy who’s just as lost as anybody.

      I am 100% on board with you on this. As an orchestral musician I’ve played under conductors who are leaders, and “conductors” who are not. Needless to say only the first sort get any meaningful results out of an orchestra, and they embody the exact leadership qualities you’ve described here. The bad ones act like Noah, demanding to be followed, and in so doing go unheeded.

    • #21434

      @timsmyname, All I asked you to do was believe in yourself… ?

      I…what? I’m sorry, what??

    • #21440
       Tim Redman

      Did I use too many words, Does it not seem like I already believe in myself? Change your methods. Help me believe in you, @maddyxxx

    • #21444

      Noah is sad! 😮

    • #21448


      Soooo many words. I read… some. Here’s the thing you self-centered, delusional fuck, I don’t waste time. My beloved Grandmother could come back from the grave, type out a message half as long on a floating typewriter and I’d still check out.

      You are not special. YET.

      It and by “it” I mean allllllll of it, only works with buy-in Timmy. Buy-in to life, to yourself and to The System.

      Holy shit, I’m still talking to you? You’re… you’re a tequila turd that just won’t wipe clean.

      NEXT UP,

      Brad, TIX flying in my dude.

      Welcome back on board team ? ❄️ ❄️ ❄️’s

    • #21451
       Winston Smith

      @maddyxxx I thought you were going to fuck off for a while? For a moment, that sounded like good news. But now I’m confused, because you didn’t go anywhere. Did you miss your flight?

    • #21452
       Tim Redman

      I’m conducting a leadership seminar on Sunday August 13th at 6:30pm.

      You will be given the area code one hour prior to the event and the exact address will be texted to you ten minutes prior.

      There are 3 tiers available.

      For anybody who’s every posted in #CAPS, it’s $500(because ya’ll already got what it takes).

      For Larry Meyers, it’s $25.

      For Noah Sinclair and anybody else, it’s free.

      Please RSVP at savenoahsinclairfromhimself@gmail.com.

    • #21453
       Tim Redman

      I’m conducting a leadership seminar on Sunday August 13th at 6:30pm.
      You will be given the area code one hour prior to the event and the exact address will be texted to you ten minutes prior.
      There are 3 tiers available.
      For anybody who’s ever posted in #CAPS, it’s $500 (because ya’ll already got what it takes).
      For Larry Meyers, it’s $25.
      For Noah Sinclair and anybody else, it’s free.
      Please RSVP at savenoahsinclairfromhimself@gmail.com.

    • #21470
       Lawrence Meyers

      Clowns to the left of me.
      Jokers to the right.
      Here I am…

    • #22065

      Well this was a wild ride!

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