• Small things? That’s part of my confusion. (And, man…. I am confused these days.)
    At the end of Ascension, wasn’t part of Michelle’s overall frustration with the pace of progress for the OSDM seemed to be, in her opinion, glacial – because of the tactics of her predecessors?

    She wanted bigger actions. She wanted bigger, faster results.
    Are…[Read more]

  • Russell replied to the topic I was banned…. in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago

    It’s very hard for me to follow Slack shenanigans due to my work situation.
    I was a bit aware of people being banned, questions thrown toward @a, etc. because I checked Slack between a couple of meetings. More informed people than I cannot seem to find a pattern and that is what I found most interesting during the time I was able to “tune in”…[Read more]

  • Russell replied to the topic Hindsight is 20/10 in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 1 month ago

    @chelsea, Mason gave me a Cube at the MSE. I took it as a symbol of a very brief conversation we had.
    He indicated that I needed to “continue working on myself” during the conversation. In my opinion, the Cube is a simple metaphor for the puzzle I am trying to solve… myself.
    Right now, the Cube means more to me unsolved, actually.

  • Russell replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago

    @larry My conversation with Harry did not seem to offer that. The way I heard him speaking I think he was just trying to stress the point of the Power… that lurked… somewhere behind the scenes. Since he was someone who created something that was a marketable product, he was just lucky enough to get a glimpse at the reach of that power and…[Read more]

  • Russell replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago

    Also am a bit late to this chat, but the majority of what I experienced is similar to things already described.

    One encounter that seems like it might have differed a bit is my encounter with Harry – aka Mr. Rock N Roll. When we were encouraged to grab a drink at the bar, Harry and I made eye contact as I crossed the room. At first, I swear he…[Read more]

  • Russell posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago

    @larry MyTRUTH, the one that I created for myself, misled me into thinking there was a purpose to all of this other than manipulation and deceit. Now, I have no clue what the true truth… “objective truth,” is your turn of phrase… might be. I started to reevaluate all when I started seeing drastic changes in my friends. But, what I saw also…[Read more]

    • My own dramatic emotional growth this year definitely speaks to your point, @russell. Letting go perceived truths we’ve created without evidence and being present for what’s very real is all we could hope to learn.

    • @wanda102 Well said. @russell I believe we don’t change so much as awaken. Sounds like you are in your own way. When confronted with a world in which objective truth is actively buried, we must turn inward to find the truth of who we are and who we can become. Sorry to harp on the Westworld analogy, but that entire world was a fiction in which a…[Read more]

  • Russell posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago

    @wanda102 The song popped into my head a couple of days ago, Cristen… have not heard it in years. It struck me that now the message seemed very significant with the recent revelation that factions were… not necessary.

  • Russell posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    When is a lie NOT a lie?
    When YOU CHOOSE to believe something without any evidence to support it.
    Because you make your own truth does not make it TRUTH.

    • I hear this loud and clear, friend.

      • @wanda102 The song popped into my head a couple of days ago, Cristen… have not heard it in years. It struck me that now the message seemed very significant with the recent revelation that factions were… not necessary.

    • As your previous comment noted, you’ve been burned and hurt by being emotionally honest. The reason for this was perhaps 1) your subjective emotional truth did not jibe with that of the other people in those scenarios, or as you say here, 2) your subjective emotional truth blinded you to objective truth.
      Have we not all been there?

      • @larry MyTRUTH, the one that I created for myself, misled me into thinking there was a purpose to all of this other than manipulation and deceit. Now, I have no clue what the true truth… “objective truth,” is your turn of phrase… might be. I started to reevaluate all when I started seeing drastic changes in my friends. But, what I saw also…[Read more]

        • My own dramatic emotional growth this year definitely speaks to your point, @russell. Letting go perceived truths we’ve created without evidence and being present for what’s very real is all we could hope to learn.

        • @wanda102 Well said. @russell I believe we don’t change so much as awaken. Sounds like you are in your own way. When confronted with a world in which objective truth is actively buried, we must turn inward to find the truth of who we are and who we can become. Sorry to harp on the Westworld analogy, but that entire world was a fiction in which a…[Read more]

  • Russell posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago

    Sometimes I don’t like what I feel, Cristen. Truth can hurt.

  • Russell posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago

    My authentic emotional responses have gotten me burned and sometimes led to dead ends. So, am I a fool to still be ripping my heart open?

  • My, my, my… after a recent encounter I had, all I can think of is that old saying about apples falling from trees…….

    @bcbishop, I am surprised you sense any Joyce-ness in this new voice. I, personally, did not sense that. Perhaps because my interactions with Joyce ranged from business or interview oriented to a couple of rather fun…[Read more]

  • Russell posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago

    @bcbishop @coryphella @wanda102 @larry @lilmsfancpants
    Glad to know this resonates on some level. I have done much soul-searching of late… medical issues, travels and family visits can sometimes stir up stuff… can’t it? If everything is a lie, then the truth is only what each of us feel, in my opinion.

    • When objective truth is not present, what else do we have but our authentic emotional response to what is before us? I believe the MSE will be yet another set of lies. All we can do is respond authentically, just as we did in Ascension. And yet…did we each not discover some truth then, sandwiched in between the lies?

      • My authentic emotional responses have gotten me burned and sometimes led to dead ends. So, am I a fool to still be ripping my heart open?

    • “No one should ever tell you how to think or feel,” right? Because you already know the truth.

  • Russell posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    I vaguely recall watching a video of a wise, wise woman imploring – willing? – a community to, “Be present. Be PREsent. BE present.”
    It feels so hard right now. Being present, I mean. So hard. There have been so many lies.
    In the end, maybe none of us really matter at all to whoever is really on top…

    • Sadly, I think you’re absolutely right. It’s hard not to let that fact weigh you down, but know that you’re not alone in feeling this way, and therefore, not alone at all.

    • Of course we matter, inasmuch as we have value to them. Or we make ourselves valuable to them. And then pull a Noah Sinclair, and take over when they aren’t looking.

    • So long as we matter to ourselves, though, no? Your intent is the only thing you know for certain.

    • This really resonates, Russell.

      There have been so many lies that it can become impossible to discern truth from fiction. The only way to approach a scenario like that is, as you said, to Be Present. No preconceived notions. Just authentic reactions to circumstances and situations. Thank you for the reminder.

      • @bcbishop @coryphella @wanda102 @larry @lilmsfancpants
        Glad to know this resonates on some level. I have done much soul-searching of late… medical issues, travels and family visits can sometimes stir up stuff… can’t it? If everything is a lie, then the truth is only what each of us feel, in my opinion.

        • When objective truth is not present, what else do we have but our authentic emotional response to what is before us? I believe the MSE will be yet another set of lies. All we can do is respond authentically, just as we did in Ascension. And yet…did we each not discover some truth then, sandwiched in between the lies?

          • My authentic emotional responses have gotten me burned and sometimes led to dead ends. So, am I a fool to still be ripping my heart open?

        • “No one should ever tell you how to think or feel,” right? Because you already know the truth.

  • Russell posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    “Maybe you made friends. Maybe you made enemies. Some of you rat bastards even made friends of your enemies and enemies of your friends.” – Noah S.

  • @daela, I think your point may be the opening door we are looking for.

    They will have us do things that we previously believed didn’t represent who we are.

    Aren’t some leopards in this jungle constantly changing their spots already?

    Your sentence made me reflect back to one of the earliest traces of your interpretation of the “paradox” – the F…[Read more]

  • @wanda102
    How can you not be inspired by someone feeling freedom to shed shackles and truly be themselves?

  • Not So Crackpot Theory…

    Briarberg group is a lie. If Mason is discarding what we are familiar with and associate with him, doesn’t that mean that there is nothing for him but absolute freedom? Anything he has embraced in the past and anything he chooses to embrace in the future is possible.

    Sometimes when you realize people around y…[Read more]

  • I must say, to learn of Joyce’s return is, in many ways… comforting.

  • Russell replied to the topic Calls from Mason in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago

    @kevin Still waters run deep.
    A few weeks ago, I was unconscious in a hospital bed. When I woke up, @mike was there.
    That’s the kind of friend he is.
    Is that the same Mike I saw on Sunday?
    I choose to have faith in the man I believe he is.

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