Argentrose replied to the topic 3/16/18 – DLB and Gordon Ritual in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 11 months ago
From the big picture angle–
Last night’s “ritual” was meant for the BoS. With @nothenrygale having changed sides, this complicated things, and thus @meghanmayhem was called in. BoS needed to see that their efforts amounted to nothing–a bunch of ashes in a bucket.
At least, that’s what I got from a bigger picture PoV.
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Explanation for my switch in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago
@nothenrygale I admire your use of reason and logic to counter irrational actions borne of emotion. I await further news of your next steps towards clarity.
Bryan Bishop replied to the topic Explanation for my switch in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago
I applaud you explaining yourself here, @nothenrygale.
I don’t know that I believe — at least, not yet — but time will tell. <3 <3 <3
Addison replied to the topic Explanation for my switch in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago
@nothenrygale thank you for opening up to us about this decision. While I personally disagree and for some reason cannot put myself in your shoes in this situation, you’v obviously made up your mind.
I cannot support your new alliance as you were an outspoken member of the resistance and we’ll miss your voice, perspective, and fire, and it hurts…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Meetup in North Hollywood-3/12 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 12 months ago
IMHO, the activity over the past few days are signals. The WHY is because groundwork is being laid.
I’ve been sooooo stupid and missing clues relevant to (all of my) profession(s). People say things for a REASON. We have to ask WHY.
We’ve been given tons of clues — mostly from the normally silent, apparently off-script, DLB.
And he called…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@blondie you’re not, ma. It takes a lot of effort to actively bully a person and I think we’re above that. I do want new people to know that everyone is open to say whatever crazy shit they want to contribute here. Please speak your beautiful minds. Healthy arguing I love. Ask @nothenrygale, I argue with him at least three times a week, and if I r…[Read more]
M. replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I personally like the part where @chelsea says:
Given the opportunity, I will actively work with your enemies.
Her choosing a side isn’t a crazy burn, @nothenrygale, I agree. Her stating she will work with the enemies of the BOS if given the opportunity, IMO, is bringing some heat. Because, as I read it, she believes that under any…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@nothenrygale I’ll allow for Chels “dropping heat” in that it’s a bold stance being taken, and she’s willing to have it acknowledged, despite the possibility that may be attacked or ostracized for it. *shrug* As far as bullying per Blondie…eh, we know it does happen. Sometimes intentionally, definitely most often not. There are voices, many new…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
So far, I’ve seen @nothenrygale complain about stuff he brought upon himself when he signed up for Lust, and @daela condemning the OSDM for Tension stuff that was later revealed to be theater.
Just to be clear, I specifically stayed away from anything making accusations that could have been dismissed as theater.
This is what I said:…[Read more]
Robert Fuller replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Dearest Morgan, I shall see where I stand after your followers present their evidence.
So far, I’ve seen @nothenrygale complain about stuff he brought upon himself when he signed up for Lust, and @daela condemning the OSDM for Tension stuff that was later revealed to be theater. If this is their evidence, I’m not impressed.
If this isn’t a game,…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
“I’m merely reporting what happened and what I think is behind it, so everyone has full disclosure and goes in with their eyes wide open.”
It would be irresponsible of me otherwise.
Sam replied to the topic Alchemy and LUST in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 1 month ago
Okay. So. I just read through the entirety of the first link @nothenrygale shared, and I’ve created a Google Doc with all the quotes that seemed relevant to us. It’s a lot, so I apologize ahead of time, but basically, we are solidly looking at an alchemy connection, and not just with the idea that “everything changes” but like as a common thread…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic 2.1.18 Leaked letter from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Did someone say timeline?
If the skid row event was happening “this weekend,” then this letter was written the week of July 23 (sometime between 7/23-7/29). Things that happened that week:
7/24 – @bcbishop got a call from Noah; Tanya Thompson contacted @shankfx22; @kortneydarling got a call from Horace asking if she knew who had been on contact…[Read more]
Sarah replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago
(Disclaimer: This was a lot easier than periscoping and I wasn’t sure if any of what happened possessed pertinent information for you all. So, I’m here to recap in case it is useful in any way, shape, or form. Some of the dialogue exchanged may be tweaked due to the massive head cold I presently have. I also realize that my tenses will be all over…[Read more]
Melissa replied to the topic My Haunt Life interview with Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago
Interesting that Lust has been known to have significant things happen on significant lunar calendar/phases as @nothenrygale pointed out in a thread.
That said, y’all know that Hanukkah starts this evening, right?
And the Jewish calendar is based primarily on the lunar calendar. I think it actually began (back in ancient times) on a specific…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic Where does everyone fit in the equation? What does this equal to? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
I’m trying to piece together some things related to @mike here. Maybe this is the right thread for it? It’s the holiday weekend, it’s super slow, some of this stuff could mean nothing at all – with all of that out of the way, this is the timeline of events as I remember it, please correct if I’m missing anything:
1. 10/20 – Mike gets a call from…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Relationships, Mental Health, and ARGs in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
@nothenrygale Friends have disagreements and even arguments. The measure of a friendship is getting past those moments and seeing each other as people, on a relational level.
Part of the reason for the post was to show that you and I succeeded because we were honest with each other and ourselves, even if belatedly so. I didn’t have to do that…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers started the topic Relationships, Mental Health, and ARGs in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
Because things are (mercifully?) quiet, I wanted to share some insights on these topics. We’re in uncharted territory in many ways with this new form of storytelling. I’ve been having some pretty interesting dreams and, while in analysis, seeing some insights that might be of benefit to the community.
The theme of these dreams is that I – a…[Read more]
MissDahliaNoir replied to the topic Power, submission, and trust in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 3 months ago
@nothenrygale: Oh wow, I’m really sorry to hear about them kicking you of the upcoming Lust Event. That is not an outcome I would have expected and I’m sorry to hear you are being punished for your actions. That seems a bit drastic for someone who is so involved in this community.
Melissa started the topic Strange Message from Mike Fontaine in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
I haven’t heard from @mike in a long time. So I shot him over a message this morning via text just so see how his job is going/how’s life. Wasn’t really expecting this:
Mike: “They know too much Melissa…they know”
Me: Who is “they”, Mike?
(no response for a while)
Me: …shall I tell others about this
Mike: your path is your own. I’ve…[Read more] - Load More
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