Lawrence Meyers started the topic The Road Goes Ever On in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago
“The world is changed.
I feel it in the water.
I feel it in the Earth.
I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost.”I stumbled into this strange world and from it earned innumerable riches. Yet somewhere, somehow, something happened to it. And to me. I echo much of what @bcbishop has said. Evidence was lacking for quite some time, or so…[Read more]
Jackie replied to the topic Take care of each other in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 11 months ago
Lawrence Meyers started the topic Be FUCKING CAREFUL What You Wish For/Never Silent in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 11 months ago
Darkness is here.
This is painful to write and will be painful to some to hear.
Perhaps our hearts are indeed meant to be broken.
I will provide everything I can remember that is relevant.
Yesterday kicked off with Meghan being placed in a no-win scenario. Let’s also remember that there had also b…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Call from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Following up on this.
Re: DLB’s references to me. I AM half right AND the DUMBEST smart person which is why I have FUCKING @bcbishop to get me from 50% right to reality.
I made a back-channel communication earlier this week. This, as well as the upcoming gathering for agency, may be what generated a text from DLB last night…and he never…[Read more]
Kevin replied to the topic 3/8/18 – Lia resurfaced on Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Lia showed up on Slack to respond to Darren, Morgan showed up to explain some things, and then shit went down:
@Creators FUCK. YOU.9je’08we4f.e5
PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP.9je’08we4f.e5
I was so stupid to believe you or your stupid fucking “game”9je’08we4f.e5
Produce Horace. The actor, the man, whatever the fuck.9je’08we4f.e5…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic The Gathering For Agency in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@bcbishop Just for that, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE.
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic The Gathering For Agency in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@bcbishop let me clarify. All Inclusive. All opinions welcome. But the point is to discuss the creation of agency. If you don’t feel there is a lack of agency, then….why on earth would you want to be anywhere near me?
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Don't follow anyone. in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@coryphella Well done! Your post and @bcbishop have helped organize my thoughts together in more coherent and less snarky form.
I was this close to walking away. I had lost trust in The Experiences. And while goofing around online, in between porn, I came across the scene in LOTR (the non-porn version) where Gandalf returns and says “I’ve been…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@bcbishop – Welcome, friend. 🙂
Nicole Mae started the topic People encountered at the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Hey all… I know it’s kind of shit timing to put this out but I’ve been sitting on it for far too long. And since we’re rehashing some of the MSE interactions in Slack right now, particularly the encounter @michelle had with Zane, I think it makes sense to get this up now instead of continuing to tweak.
Below is a crowdsourced and by no means…[Read more]
Megan replied to the topic Lia's NDA in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Two thoughts on these last two posts.
@bcbishop – …
There is something about what you wrote that fills me with dread. You and I have talked about this quite a bit but my communications with TPTB in the past 7 months have been odd. Reading this I am now at a point where I am questioning whether what very, very little interactions I’ve had with…[Read more] -
Chelsea replied to the topic 2/26 – A answered questions about BOS in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Kevin replied to the topic 2/26 – A answered questions about BOS in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
A popped in to Slack again this morning:
I understand you all want answers quickly, but that is not the way the world works. We all make decisions based on our truth, and reality. @111error made a decision based on something he knew to be true. Again, I urge you to wait until you understand the facts before issuing judgement.maenicole
Cristen replied to the topic 2/26/18 – Call from an old pal in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@bcbishop all about this. If you’re not willing to move, even slightly, then you just won’t.
I feel like I have to take what Noah said as face value and follow that _path, both because it interests me and because I can, same as any of you should, if that’s what you want to do. And they’re waiting, whatever that means. And whatever that means, so am I.
Chelsea replied to the topic 2/26/18 – Call from an old pal in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@bcbishop I love all of this so much. Such good words.
Kevin replied to the topic 2/23 – A answers some questions in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
A answered more questions on Slack today:
**Edited and condensed down to the main stuff**
I am here, and as I assured you, if you have a question, I will do my best to answer it. If I can answer it.kingkill33
A, how did you first hear of the BOS and what made you join?a
@kingkill33, BOS is a new name. It too has gone by various words,…[Read more] -
Shaun started the topic The Verge/bcbishop are part of the OSDM recruiting efforts in the forum SPECULATION 7 years ago
This might be a stretch but I noticed a coincidence so strange it makes me think The Verge (and possibly more media outlets) are part of the recruiting efforts for the OSDM.
There is no doubt that @bcbishop has helped bring the OSDM to new audiences via his articles on The Verge but he’s also an integral part of The Experiences being one of the…[Read more]
M. replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
18 months of pretty constant attack… and now the tide is turning.
Sucks to be on the receiving end, huh?
Sucks to be expected to explain and defend your position, right?
WOW just wow! 18 months of being attacked? I can think of people who have been more attacked throughout this. @coryphella @bcbishop to give an example. Many of us have had m…[Read more]
Robert Fuller started the topic The New Order in the forum SPECULATION 7 years ago
Given Morgan’s apparent takeover of Lust and its attendant social media platforms, and his call to arms today, I’m left with even more questions than I had before. In light of @persephone‘s and my phone calls from Morgan, his parting words to @larry sound less like a threat than a warning: “join us, or you’ll miss out.” It’s like he’s playing upon…[Read more]
Kevin replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@chloe This is an interesting idea, but just doesn’t track for me. There’s a difference between renaming a local business that has a strong customer base and renaming one that you’re convinced has done terrible things. Extreme example, but if you bought Blackwater and wanted to do something different with it, actually, in total opposition to it…[Read more]
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