Uh….so I just got a weird forward

This topic has 93 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Lukas L.

  • Author
    • #7146

      I think Macy thought I was Melinda and sent to me by accident. I hate it when that happens at work (or personal life). Read the e-mail, it’s….interesting

      View post on imgur.com

    • #7147

      Oh wow! Not only do we have more names to investigate, but a lot of theories were correct and Sarah seems to be confirming them!

    • #7148
       Mustafa Said

      Why am I suddenly expecting this thread to get deleted by someone who wouldn’t want this to be shared publicly? Just an odd feeling.

      Anyways, it’s really interesting and only confirms Sarah is in control while Noah is probably the figurehead. Guess Sarah’s also playing the role of PR and narrative management/control at Sinclar Inc, similar to how the OSDM were originally introduced as the people putting a spin on the Tension Experience…

    • #7149
       Andrew Kasch

      The smoking gun.

      Noah… If you’re listening, we’re here to help you. I think it’s safe to say that you have an entire army at your back!

    • #7150
       Taylor Winters

      Replication! AI. More confirmation.

      And Douglas Marrow, Brian Blattman, Melaine Aberdeen, and Macy Jones. Time to start googling.

    • #7151

      “defiantly feeling it this morning” instead of “definitely” is such an odd typo.

      Definitely a smoking gun I wonder what @julierei (and anyone else believing Sarah) thinks!

    • #7152

      This was my first thought when I read people’s emails from Macy today (never got one of my own). There’s no way they could publicly acknowledge his absence for this long, so now they’re pretending he’s back and hoping there’s no way to verify on our end one way or the other. I’m impressed that Noah has been able to avoid capture for so long. He has to be getting help from someone, right? Sarah must be feeling pretty confident they’ll find him soon if this is the way she’s playing it. Or else she knows she’ll have the next best thing ready for viewing any day now.

    • #7153

      Or should I say “defiantly a smoking gun”

    • #7154
       Mustafa Said

      Maybe it’s just me but I’m not so sure I can trust Noah.

      Sure, given the intel we have Sarah is using him to keep the company propped up while she works behind the scenes. But I wonder whether Noah knows he’s being used. Is it possible that support being thrown by him over time could give him the strength he needs to take back power from Sarah and reassert himself as the primary force in control?

      Noah was the one who said that if you want something take it back no matter what..or something to that effect. If Noah is on the run because he knows Sarah’s up to no good and he wants to shut her down once and for all, wouldn’t it play into his hands to appear as weakened as possible so that after he builds up rapport with those in the community who believe he needs help, he could leverage that power into a force needed to knock Sarah off the throne?

      It feels to me that there could be a power struggle going on. Noah could really be beyond his prime or this could simply be him pulling strings to help him take care of Sarah for good. He did call her a devil after all-and I doubt that was a joke.

    • #7155

      Macy just got a lot cooler in my book.

    • #7156

      Am I the only one who can’t read or zoom into that pic?

    • #7157
       Brad Ruwe

      Yeah, tiny email screenshot is tiny. Any chance we can get a larger one? My eyesight isn’t THAT bad! (Or is it?)

    • #7158

      @thebuz I cannot either

    • #7159
       Andrew Kasch

      Noah is the guy in the Lovecraft story who comes back seemingly like he’s stark-raving mad, but in reality has seen way too much shit.

      So unless I discover something new, I wanna help him before he’s found hanging in some shitty hotel room.

    • #7160
       Kyle Bown

      REPLICATION! This is the closest thing we’ve had to official confirmation of some sort of AI recreation or human replacement project.

    • #7161
       Kyle Bown

      Does this help, @thebuz?

    • #7163

      Pulled over for this. Yikes. I sent Macy an email saying oh I think you meant to send this to somebody else she responded

      “Oh fuck”

      Then I got a private call of Macy in a complete panic saying delete the email over and over again then she hung up. 😡

    • #7164
       Brad Ruwe

      Thank you @bruinbown! That’s great!

      So with this, now I’m wondering if Macy is the woman who called me after the focus group. She seems to agree that Noah is better and safer away from Sarah and The System.

    • #7165

      dang, Melissa! I’m glad you shared it! That’s quite the mistake to make!

    • #7166

      @mkarrett, i saw you just posted something and now it’s gone.

      what happened

    • #7167
       Julie R Goldstein

      You’re all being toyed with. You have no proof, only heresay about about a bunch of conspiracy theories that none of you can confirm. Let’s all take a step back and do what we can to be there for the Sinclairs in their time of need.

    • #7168

      Who in the focus group did Noah reach out to? That’s the biggest thing I’m taking from this.

      Noah most definitely still has allies though.

      Also… if this really is going in a direction of AI and robots… that will be… slightly disheartening.

    • #7169

      People are at their most honest when they don’t think anyone can hear them, @julierei.
      Out of the mouths of Executive Assistants comes truth and wisdom.

    • #7170

      As I said this morning, Macy was certainly lying to us. I’m glad to hear that a Noah is still out there, enjoying his freedom. Now the truth comes out, and Macy is exposed for the liar she is. As I assume Macy was told from Sarah to send out that email this morning, we can see who’s pulling the strings and really wants to pull the wool over our eyes. I don’t trust Sarah one bit, and am certainly happy that Noah has not been found from her or her obeying slaves.

    • #7171

      I don’t know anything, but OH MAN, MACY IS SO FIRED.

    • #7172

      Macy is potentially about to go on the run and one of us will be getting the Jenna like calls @kasch was getting.

    • #7174
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz What calls are you referring to? Was this something from Tension or Lust?

    • #7176

      @nothenrygale It was Tension. An escaped OOA member on the run that contacted @kasch.

    • #7177
       Andrew Kasch

      Here’s hoping Macy just doesn’t drop off the face of the Earth like Jenna did.

    • #7183
       Bryan Bishop

      Nobody’s more truthful than an assistant with a hangover who thinks they’re only talking to friends.

      : thank you for sharing this so promptly!

      This whole “don’t worry / he’ll be back in line / I’ve got it covered” exchange has a real Michelle/Horace/Samson discussing Sabrina vibe to it.

      And this email is just one more reminder: none of us really knows anything about what’s going on. Openly pledge allegiance at your own peril.

    • #7194

      @bcbishop you’re welcome! OOG I was very tempted to not share and just low-key ask Macy “what’s in it for me to keep this under wraps”. Honestly though I couldn’t go through it as I’m completely inexperienced with blackmailing and would probably fumble midway through negotiation. 😉

      Also, you know, you guys and stuff <3

    • #7218

      Man, Sarah is really underestimating us if she thinks the replication/AI stuff went “largely unnoticed!”

    • #7220

      @izryn yeah, that felt more like more downplaying the reality of the situation to higher ups who probably aren’t as informed as someone who is actively monitoring the forums. Sounds like she’s trying her best to control the flow of information in their direction. If one slip up from Macy spills the beans to us, how much longer can it be before the investors realize Sarah’s out of her depth and make a change?

    • #7221

      That email adds a whole new layer to this. I love it! You got me intrigued Lust, addicted again!

    • #7223

      guhhhhhhghghghgh so excited!!!

    • #7234

      I feel so foolish for believing Sarah!

    • #7235

      @macbethinabathtub That’s a good point…didn’t think of that. How closely are Sarah et. al. reading the forums, I wonder? If she’s as on top of things as the most active people on here, she knows we know, and she also knows we know that she knows. That, and Macy’s def fired.

    • #7237
       Lukas L

      Ok so honestly we can’t rule out the fact that this may be a fake email typed up and sent out to the wrong person, “by mistake.” This doesn’t give concrete proof of anything really. It could just be a frame job.

    • #7239


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Maranda. Reason: accidental double post
    • #7238

      @lukasrl We can’t rule it out completely with what we know so far, but the evidence suggests that Macy wasn’t being framed. After Melissa got the email “by mistake,” she emailed Macy back and asked if she had meant to send it to someone else. If someone were trying to frame Macy, she wouldn’t have panicked and called Melissa, but instead be confused as to why there was an email sent from her address that painted her in a bad light.

    • #7241

      @lukasrl rather than a “frame job” against Macy, do you instead mean that the content of the email could have been sent as a distraction specifically for our benefit? A sort of troll where they throw in words like “replication” to get us fired up because it lines up with Tacitus and word clouds and Shadow people and everything else we want to be right about? That perhaps THIS is the “misinformation” Sarah boasts about sending out at another point in the letter? It IS an unusually on the nose divulgence. One that we’re all primed to immediately spring on because it validates hours of theorizing. Is this a wink that we’re on the right trail, or enough rope to hang ourselves with?

    • #7242
       Lukas L

      @macbethinabathtub @izryn No I am just saying that we are not in the amature world. It may not be but it also could be an attempt to frame Sarah. To sway us to not trust her. I mean how hard is it really to photoshop the Sinclair letterhead and write… Whatever.. we want. Then have someone pretend they “Accidently” sent it to the wrong person. Of course if its a frame up, if we respond back to that person they wouldn’t be like “haha Yeah ya got me” this isnt amature. Of course they would be like Oh shit delete that. that wasn’t for you, i’m so screwed. And we are dealing with you Californian’s home of the best actors and actresses in the world.

      Personally I don’t think that if Sarah was as manipulative as this email makes her sound, she would be dumb enough to hire on someone who didn’t make sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. No, honestly and personally I think this leak was meant to be leaked. Everything happens for a reason.

      This is just my opinion just hoping everyone at least questions the motive here… and Everything is fine HAHA

    • #7246

      Alrighty, got another private call right after I posted my “I missed 3 private calls” status update. As some of you predicted Macy is fucking MAD at me, here’s the phone call transcription:

      Me: hello?


    • #7247

      Yep there it is.

      Her live is in your hands, dude.

    • #7248

      For the record, I don’t regret anything–this seemed like information that all you guys should have. If I have to fall on the sword, so be it.

    • #7249

      A few questions pop out at me:

      • why does Macy think Noah is better (and safer) without Sarah & Co? because they’re subjecting him to helmet based AI brainwashing? isn’t Macy and everyone else out of a job if they don’t find Noah? if so why wouldn’t Macy want to find him? is Sarah mentioning @thebuz’s resemblance to Noah a possible backup plan if they don’t find Noah?
      • why is Sarah perceived as being indifferent about the situation?
      • what are Noah’s “warped desires”? orange Tic Tacs and blackmailing? whatever he’s got going on with Egypt/quantum physics?
    • #7250

      They’re gonna kill that poor woman!

      • #7252

        @shinobi That poor wom- that poor slut- replicated herself, you said it yourself, dude.

    • #7251
       Meghan Mayhem

      Now, now. They won’t necessarily kill her.

      She’ll just disappear for a few days and come back friendly and compliant and not at all concerned with what you think you may have read that you most certainly did not. *smiles, blinks, blood drips from left eye, smiles wider*

    • #7253

      @shaun I don’t think I ever got the impression that Sarah was indifferent to this. That was likely posturing when talking to her possible superiors, and we see Macy pointing out how Sarah’s projected confidence is completely hallow because she has no clue where Noah is. I’m sure Sarah is terrified, especially now that there is digital proof of her lies bouncing around the internet. I’m worried about Macy AND Sarah getting wrapped in plastic at this point. And as far as Macy goes, maybe it’s just as simple as she has a conscience. Noah is a charming, personable guy, and she works for the woman who is responsible for his pain and exploitation. I absolutely buy her confiding to a friend in a private correspondence that she hopes Noah stays hidden.

    • #7254

      @thebuz I can get you a replicant by 3 o’clock this afternoon… with nail polish!

    • #7255

      @mkarrett I wouldn’t worry too much about Macy. Her anger in you is misplaced and lashing out because of her failures. You weren’t the one that sent that email, and we are told to be “Never Silent”. You did exactly as we have been instructed and if anyone is to blame here it’s Macy. Although, I’m not completely sold that this email wasn’t for you. Either way, you shouldn’t feel bad for what will happen to Macy, she fucked up and now has to deal with the consequences. Stay strong Bob!!

    • #7256
       Brad Ruwe

      We need to #ProtectMacy and #ProtectNoah

      (This likely will not end well)

    • #7258

      Ya I’m with @meghanmayhem (and totally dodging my guilt!) if Macy was in the process of getting killed she wouldn’t have time to call me.

      So ya, the smiling bloody Steppard Housewive ending for Macy. She’ll totally be fine. Really.

      (((Buries self in closet))) what have I done? Macy forgive me!

    • #7259

      Melissa, @kingkill33 is right. It’s definitely not your fault and you absolutely shouldn’t feel guilty, regardless of what happens.

    • #7260

      Finally some real information!

    • #7261

      I emailed Sarah earlier today and I received the following response from her this afternoon:

      Thank you Kevin, yes, Noah seems to have a very good handle on all of it. It is life changing but just as The System has taught us, we refuse to let it stand in the way of all that we desire!

      To better times in the near future,

      Nothing major here, but it does directly contradict the information that @mkarrett received from Macy.

      “Very good handle on all of it” is referring to Noah’s diabetes.

    • #7262

      I would love to hear about someone getting a reply from Sarah after the Macy incident to see if her tone changes in light of the exposure of her charade. Though she may not have time to talk to the likes for a while. I’m sure Douglas, Brian, and Melanie have shared a few choice words with her since the leak.

    • #7263
    • #7298

      I mean this could also be another case of mis info. Remember the boy who cried wolf? Either way, I hope Noah and Macy are safe

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Daniel.
    • #7301

      @theladyj OMFG wow that’s amazing!

      it’s possible but…it has pretty damning information from Sarah Sinclair…..

    • #7302
       Julie R Goldstein

      There’s nothing to worry about. Everyone calm down please.

    • #7303
       Brad Ruwe

      Do you have some info you’d like to be “never silent” about @julierei?

    • #7307

      I wonder how many of you would change your tune regarding Sarah if she offered up an opportunity? How many of you would place the fake mask on and scream “pick me, pick me!!!” These days, people are quick to judge someone without truly knowing them in the flesh and blood. We’ve all been guilty of it. So many of you are quick to protect Noah yet throw his wife into the flames without any knowledge of the truth?

      Yes, @julierei, Sarah will have this handled shortly.

    • #7311


    • #7313

      @michelle I trust Noah (not because I met him, and DEFINITELY not because I agree with him, but) because “they” still think he’s incredibly important to their entire operation. Just because we don’t know the full extent of why he’s integral to all of this, or what “all of this” even IS for that matter, doesn’t mean that we have wait to decide where our allegiances lie. Noah has the upper hand whether he’s under Sarah’s control or not. If they could run this business without him, I’m sure they would. But they can’t.

      • #7331
         Lukas L

        @lilmsfancpants How would Disneyland fare if Mickey put a PSA out about supposed moralities that have happened on their rides.

    • #7314

      @hazelverse … You’re right. Bunnies 4 ever, The System never.

    • #7316

      Lol. Bunnies actually scare the shit out of me.

      I was just trying to say we are being fluffed. 😉


    • #7321

      @lilmsfancpants I’ve been in a situation very similar to Sarah’s where people judged my actions in regards to my ex husband without knowing the full story. Therefore, I am willing to give her a chance. I have no reason not to distrust either one of the them. However, I’ve not had any correspondence with Noah only Sarah. Right now, Sarah has my attention.

    • #7330

      @michelle There is no wrong path, right? We’re all just trying to make sense of how things are unfolding.

    • #7347

      Interesting to see several people think Macy is going to be fired. I do not think that is likely because it could potentially create another uncontrollable variable in an unfolding situation where there seems to be some… disagreement… on what narrative best serves the Sinclair brand. Macy may be angry with @mkarrett, but it’s only logical… her job probably just got harder because of Melissa’s actions. (If I were @mkarrett my main concern would be this – is Macy the type of person who holds a grudge?)

      You bring up a good point about who would jump at the chance to serve these people if given an opportunity. Maybe it speaks to what each of us “lust” for within our own hearts.
      Personally, any email exchange I have had with Sarah (and I did reply to Macy thanking her for the update – however suspicious I may think it sounds) I maintain the position I have presented publicly. They are looking for a certain type of “clay” and I don’t think I am good potential material for The System. (Although, Sarah did indicate she may see some potential in me, perhaps. Will my position change? Who knows?)

      I must admit I have the same curiosity of what these “warped desires” of Noah’s are… partially because that may be the source of Sarah’s unease. In this climate of judgmental righteous leaders who seem very eager to determine what we do inside the privacy of our own homes… the image of ethical/moral corruption could be a huge PR nightmare for anyone at The System to deal with – just look at the recent resignation of a US governor.
      (Also, gotta admit… to paraphrase the musical RENT’s take on personal baggage … I am always “looking for warped desires that go with mine.” Haha!)

    • #7352
       Nicole Mae

      @shaun remember the last message from @the-creators? “There will be moments that enrage you and others where you most defiantly cause you pain.”

    • #7416
       Lawrence Meyers

      @russell I was struck by this:

      You bring up a good point about who would jump at the chance to serve these people if given an opportunity.

      It’s an intriguing choice of words. Who among us wishes to serve them, to conquer them, to engage as equals, to fix them, to transact with them? I think this circles back to those most vexing of questions asked of many during TENSION:

      Why are you here?
      What do you want?

    • #7483

      @larry I might be wrong, but their main interest might be to focus on those willing to serve.
      (Despite any websites claiming they are here to help others.)
      After all, the focus group did stress methods of coercion and manipulation.
      Wasn’t there talk of building an army in one of these threads………

    • #7498
       Lawrence Meyers

      @russell That’s what I find interesting…and that there are some personalities that simply are not designed to lust for power, serve power, or submit to power. In fact, some might even say that a few posters would rebel directly in the face of power.

      I’m reminded of Paul Thomas Anderson’s underrated film THE MASTER. It contains some very profound statements about the nature of power. PTA said in an interview, “We all have a Master”, which may be a person or thing. Even those in power have a Master. Which thus leads me to wonder about those characters we have met thus far….

      Who or what are their respective masters?

    • #7758
       Kevin Flint

      Got an email back from Macy today and she doesn’t seem too worried to me. In fact, on the contrary she seems quite confident, well in control, on the offense even. In fact, when I read her response it almost reads like the snarky wit of – Sarah.

      “look at the big brains on Kevin. Yawn.”

    • #7760

      @sbkevin – Was it signed off as Macy or was it just from the email?

      Are you implying impostor or just someone using the same email address?

    • #7761
       Meghan Mayhem

      I too got a short and not-so-sweet response from the [email protected] account today, with the email header name as Macy Jones, but the snark of Sarah and no signature at the end.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #7764
       Kevin Flint

      Email from Macy Jones, but no signoff. So the options are:

      -Macy has recovered from her error and grown a pair.
      -Sarah buried Macy in the desert and does a horrible Macy impression.
      -Macy never existed.

    • #7765

      Macy never existed.

      The idea makes my head explode, @sbkevin.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Jackie.
    • #7769

      @sbkevin what about option 4 – Macy has been restored to her factory settings and is still reinitializing?

    • #7770
    • #7775

      Sarah seems to have control over whatever “It” is. Would absolutely not be surprised to know that she’s using it on Macy.

      brings up a good point, maybe when one of their underlings fails, they get “reinvented”. “Suit guy” may have failed in keeping the first phase, Michelle, or the OOA under the control that the OSDM wanted so they reinvented him into Noah.

      Maybe we’ll be seeing a new version of Macy soon. Maybe Macy is already a new version of someone that failed them before. We all think she’s in danger. Maybe she’s the damsel-in-distress lure that brings in the unsuspecting white knight. Maybe that’s the archetype she is continuously “reinvented” into. Maybe she already served this for us. Maybe before “Macy” it was “Sadie”

    • #7779
       Kevin Flint

      That’s a lot of maybes. The thing is, when an email from Macy sounds like the voice of Sarah, or as you said Sean, its was “just someone using the same email address,” then how do we keep the characters straight? At what point does the whole thing dissolve into mush? There’s got to be at least some rules.

    • #7782

      Definitely a lot of maybes. It’s a theory based off no true fact, purely speculation. More of a “what if” rather than “this is”. If you’re asking from a logistical standpoint how we keep track, Sarah would likely want us to be unable to discern them, but we can do so based off our knowledge of how people act and where they do it.

      From a narrative standpoint, all we know now is that someone went by the name Macy that did something that would presumably get her… dealt with. Now someone is taking over that role using behavior more attributed to another rather than Macy. Ignoring my off the wall theory, that’s only two people for us to track so far, I believe.

    • #7793
       Kevin Flint

      If I’m watching a play and the characters are constantly trading bodies on stage with no indication to the audience that it happened, the play will make no sense to the audience. If it’s “in game” here for Sarah to use Macy’s email address, then the effect is the same, and it could happen anywhere. When does the narrative become fogged by the chaos of everyone using each others character? Just an observation. The mechanics fascinate me.

    • #7794
       Lukas L

      That’s exactly what I was trying to say when I said the whole thing could be a hoax. It doesnt take a expert Photoshop editor to put text on “The System” letterhead. Noah could have easily sent that out “By Accident” (Totally doing finger quotes) and made up the name Macy. We have no proof of this person existing. Then Noah being the influencer he is, has someone he is working with call @mkarrett and pretend to be “Soooo Upset”

    • #7796

      @sbkevin I don’t know that sounds like an awesome play. Now I want to do that play.

    • #7798

      @sbkevin – An excellent point, but a theme throughout Tension and going into Lust is that this isn’t a standard narrative structure. Masks are going to come and go, but people are going to act the same. “Characters” aren’t going to be bound by things like email addresses or signatures. We have to know them by personality and action. We know that Sarah has control over the Sinclair company in Noah’s absence. We know that Macy is probably in danger, so we have to call into question any publication coming from Macy’s email. When activity happens in this suspicious email that matches another characters’ profile rather than this one, we have to use our knowledge of what’s happening to connect the dots.

      It is absolutely nowhere near the ease of a play where characters are clearly and easily defined. That’s part of the puzzle and part of the draw. Now, you are certainly right. That’s going to get confusing. Some people won’t, for example, know that Sarah is more aggressive where Macy is more docile. To that end, @bcbishop is keeping an up to date character list on the subreddit. That’s a quick reference guide. If there is still confusion, we can talk about it here. It’s so confusing that we need to rely on each other. If things are STILL confusing, remember that the minutiae of who’s sending the email is non-vital to the overarching story. Who sent the email doesn’t matter in broad strokes when asking the questions “Where is Noah and what is Sinclair Industries up to?”

    • #7806
       Lukas L

      Honestly. Not really taking sides, but other than the questionable emails that talk about Sarah. Has she ever physically been snarky or rude to anyone who hasnt been snarky or rude to her first. When someone accuses another of something, the accused, guilty or not will become defensive.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Lukas L.
    • #7810

      @lukasrl she did kick @mike out of the focus group, seemingly without cause. I can’t vouch for her tone in that instant. I’m sure @lilmsfancpants has some thoughts on this, though you could probably argue all day about who started THAT first.

    • #7811

      Yeah I sent a very generic “where are you?” to (what I thought was) Noah’s email address when the press release (which wasn’t sent to me) went out. Her response was PRETTY strongly worded. She didn’t like that I had talked publicly about her husband and the way that I had described him. OH WELL.

    • #7812
       Lukas L

      @chris everything happens for a reason. Also if I came into your house and started going through all your cabinets you would probably kick me out too. And @lilmsfancpants if you met up with me at a bar and started posting the same thing you did about Noah, I’m sure with the combination of events and the fact that Noah is an alpha personality, my wife would not be a very big fan of you either. As I said. It sounds like I’m defending Sarah and that’s not what I’m doing. I just think that there is more than one side to every story and what we see on the cover may not do the story justice. Don’t connect the dots too soon because the dots are not all visable.

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