Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic Stepping away in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 8 months ago
First off, I wanted to apologize for for leaving everyone on a cliffhanger.
After the event, I was was instructed to not return to the boards for a few days.
I have been going through a really stressful last few months, and after the last event we witnessed and made whole, a few days turned into a few weeks.
I have been having family issues, as…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic 5/26 NOAH AGAIN in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Holy shit… i’m back at the same place I went earlier this week… Noah sinclair or Levi is here again. I am terrified that I am not supposed to say anything, but how random would it be running into him two times in a week in the middle of nowhere?
This cannot be a coincidence!? Especially after last nights post.
Going to try and per…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
My other thread is locked or I would say this there. First off, I’m sorry I came across like I was ungrateful. I get so wrapped up in this and eager for the next thing that it’s hard to remember the big picture sometimes. You guys are great for reaching out.I am going to tuck my tail and keep plugging along. Never silent (ahhhhh, except when…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic VENTING in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 8 months ago
First off, let me say that I really DO like this.
I think the community itself is insanely awesome!
So far I have been able to attend a few meet ups, and the registration AND a call from Noah himself.
I hope this doesn’t sound like complaining. And maybe I am just need to be more patient, but when does this ramp up? I remember reading…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic 5/25 NOAH SINCLAIR in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Opps 5/24!
I don’t think he recognized me! I think he saw some weirdo smiling at him and was probably like “oh shit, we gotta bounce!”
Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic 5/25 NOAH SINCLAIR in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
I think I just saw Noah… actually I am pretty positive I just saw him! I’m working downtown this week, and we stopped in for lunch at ComfortLA and literally five minutes after I sit down in walks Noah.
HOWEVER, I don’t think it was Noah NOAH. It was the dude who plays Noah – and I am pretty sure this was just a random encounter – he was in…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Wow, a lot has happened today!
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic First contact with iConfidant in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
Um, anyone else’s iconfidant starting to act strange?
I started noticing things in the emails I never divulged that “it” knew.
Small things, now getting bigger.
Like where I grew up, and what sport I did as a kid, and one of my favorite books.
I guess they could have found it somewhere else, but I don’t really use social media so it…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Anyone want to go to work for me today? Just saying.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic 5/16 Call from NOAH! in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
Here is a link to soundcloud.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic 5/16 Call from NOAH! in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
Me: Hello
Noah: Little Andy Andy Andrew why are you so fucking confused? Do you know who I am?
Me: Sounds a lot like Noah.
Noah: Bingo!
Me: Do you care if I record the conversation?
Noah: Do what you got to do my man. Word around the campfire is that you have some really shitty friends.
Me: Um, I mean, I wouldn’t say shitty, but yeah, they…[Read more] -
Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic 5/16 Call from NOAH! in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
So by now, most of you know that I THOUGHT I got a call from Tension at this diner I was at, ended up being my asshole friend being a prick.
I came here, posted about it, then realized in the morning it was him.
I felt like an idiot.
Cut to a few hours later my phone rings, NO CALLER ID – this time I was ready! I started recording the…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
after @thebuz I was ready this time, and I recorded it. (I asked him if it was okay to record, and he said YES!) trying to figure out how to post the call!
Andy (but still a confused dude) posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Aw, yay, @confuseddude! Nobody can hold it against you for getting excited. I would have too! Glad they’re really contacting you, though. And also, watch your back buddy. They’re dangerous people… 😀
WHAAAAAT!?!?! Yay!! Post!!
after @thebuz I was ready this time, and I recorded it. (I asked him if it was okay to record, and he said YES!) trying to figure out how to post the call!
Dropbox link?
OMG the suspense!! 😱😱 who called?! Ahhh I’m excited for u!!!
Aw yayy!!! Write about it! 😄😄😄
Yay, Andy!! Do tell!
Can’t wait to hear! If you can, please post a transcription too.
Andy (but still a confused dude) started the topic mystery uncovered in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
So last night I received a phone call at this place I was eating, I thought the call was a LUST call so I jumped on the boards and posted about it.
I am going to just copy and paste the private message I just sent to @thegilded.
I feel more than stupid to say the least.
* Message below
Last night my friend Jeff called me to…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic in the forum Andy (but still a confused dude) 7 years, 9 months ago
@maxzumstein yeah! I was in the 2:30 with you.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic in the forum Andy (but still a confused dude) 7 years, 9 months ago
@maxzumstein no, outside of the people I have met at the last couple Tension meet ups.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic in the forum Andy (but still a confused dude) 7 years, 9 months ago
I never did Tension so I didn’t fill out that form. I have never given my address so I don’t think I was tailed. I have like 5 friends on social media so I don’t think it has anything to do what that (also I always forget to post pictures of my food).
Seriously, the more I think about it, the more I’m upset, unnerved, and excited.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic in the forum Andy (but still a confused dude) 7 years, 9 months ago
@chrysalis359 no my friend drove us.
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic in the forum Andy (but still a confused dude) 7 years, 9 months ago
@thebuz I have no clue!
No one knew I was going, I didn’t know i was going until like 10 minutes before we got there.
When we parked, I noticed a dude getting into his car who did like a double take on me. He was older and kind of normal looking so I didn’t think anything about it. Now I am like did he recognize me? But from WHAT?
How is that…[Read more]
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My other thread is locked or I would say this there. First off, I’m sorry I came across like I was ungrateful. I get so wrapped up in this and eager for the next thing that it’s hard to remember the big picture sometimes. You guys are great for reaching out.I am going to tuck my tail and keep plugging along. Never silent (ahhhhh, except […] View