Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Don't follow anyone. in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Welcome #TeamNotFollowing. It’s “I want you to be happy” day. I want you to be happy.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@kevin, glad to see you following your heart. Mine doesn’t speak to me much. But I hope that no matter where we stand we can always remember #thekevinsdemandtruth
Kevin Hsu started the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@remrelganaps, @wanda102, @meghanmayhem, @addisonborn, and I meet with Morgan at the NoHo Diner. He brings out a tarot deck and tells us a story about a friend of his that was an excellent martial artist; they were walking down the street and his friend stops at a window and starts practicing his stances in the reflection. After a moment his…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
the king has spun us around, making us dizzy with lies (and truth within the lies). now the king is gone, the game reset, and we are still spinning, rudderless. grab hold of something, someone, an idea, an ideal, anything that you are willing to stabilize yourself with. we begin anew, amid a sea of old.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic 2.15.18 Intercepted Letters from OSDM Outreach in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
“The King folds, the Jack advances and the Ace returns to the deck.”
Horace folds, Noah advances, but who’s the Ace?
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Hindsight is 20/10 in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 2 months ago
Mason’s Rubik’s Cube is like the chaotic jumble of information that we have been collecting on The OSDM. All of the information is there, but some of it has been twisted in such a way that we are stuck unable to organize the information. We have to find the flaw, only then can we solve the puzzle.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic BOS and the Final Anointment in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago
The BOS were told to meet at midnight. Morgan gathered us and we chatted while waiting for the appropriate time. We talked about the disreputable things that we had witnessed, we talked about our concerns for those victimized inside. We drank whiskey. We talked about there being a snitch who forwarded the BOS email to Bryan Bishop who forwarded it…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu started the topic wear a bloody mask in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
email from The Midnight Commission, seems a bit worried about the recent mask chatter, so to be clear…
“No seriously. Wear a bloody mask.
First off, let’s get one thing out of the way. Every single one of you should forget any preconceived notion about what you think you will be hearing, seeing or doing this weekend. We ourselves know more…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Mason live on FB 11/2 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
absolutely this, @chelsea
I think that he and/or MyChild is also capable of taking over the Facebook account. I think the previous video of him throwing away the argyle was taken down because not!Mason only got temporary control and this video of Erika is still up because by using MyChild has more lasting control.
Kevin Hsu posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Calls from Mason in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@mike and @itsnotmason, the both of you are acting eerily similar. Consider the possibility that you have been implanted with the same program. This may not be who you really are. I hope that this is not who you really are.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic OSDM VULNERABILITY VOTE in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 5 months ago
I’m hoping for more than just the raw data they collected. I’m hoping for the compiled data with notes. I’m hoping for charts of IE levels. I’m hoping for information about their agents tied to the information about us. I’m hoping that the DATA will lead us toward the TRUTH.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Where do you stand? in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 5 months ago
I want to fight for what is right, whatever that may be. Right now the BOS is the team that can help me do that, and as long as our mission statements are aligned then I am in.
I don’t really know Morgan, but I am willing to trust him enough to uphold the values that the members of BOS share. And I do value the members that I have gotten to…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Let's Begin. in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 5 months ago
Damn @kevin , you want ALL the truth. I like this idea.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Let's Begin. in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 5 months ago
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic FB Song 9/20 in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 5 months ago
The quote is from @russell talking about when he saw Sabrina helmeted.
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Call from Sabrina – 9/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 5 months ago
#TeamRonin would like to think us all idle samurai, capable but unwilling to leap into action.
Many of us were indeed involved in the events leading up to Joyce’s death, but none of us can be held responsible. It truly is a tragedy, and knowing what we know now I’m sure that we all would have done things differently. But we weren’t prepared then,…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Call from Sabrina – 9/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 5 months ago
These calls are such a cheap shot, trying to throw blame when it won’t even stick. I’m not sure I see the advantage of this for Sabrina, it just manages to band us all together in support of each other.
Maybe Sabrina is trying to egg us on to be more heroic/reckless the next time? I hope we’ll all be smarter than that, than to fall into a trap so…[Read more]
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic Mason Meetup – 9/11 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
It’s a sad story that Mason tells us, but just remember that he has shown us many faces, any of which could be true to his character(s) or merely a mask that he hides behind.
R.I.P. Joyce
Kevin Hsu replied to the topic 9/10 Call from Horace in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
@itsnotmason, your mockery of everyone around you to make light of the situation does not mask the dark depravity of your actions. You stand alone, we are many.
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