Lia replied to the topic What do they want with Bryan? in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 3 months ago
And I think we’re going to find that those five people who claim to be preparing us to survive the MSE aren’t doing that at all.
I hear you, @coryphella, I really do, but I have to disagree.
At this point in time, we still have no reason not to trust Noah. He has been incredibly straight forward with us from day one. That first night at Loc…[Read more]
Mystic replied to the topic Image from Aleister to Bryan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
Late to the “game” here, but @meghanmayhem were did your friend get “kemet” from this? The symbols appear to be “ir-di-ankh” the second one being.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread-cone_(hieroglyph). di-ankh is commonly seen together and usually means: “gives life”. Ir is an eye and means “to see” or something like that depending on context.
Bryan Bishop replied to the topic OSDM Calls from Steph 11/6 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
It IS our Steph.
Interesting. So this seems to pull together a few threads, no?
1. Stephanie Hyden claimed to be helping Gordon Bijelonic at the 5.1 Registration Event with the Investors.
2. Stephanie was at the Briarberg event on 9.7, during which Mason and Morgan had their (presumably staged?) exchange.
3. The Part Two video…[Read more]
MissDahliaNoir replied to the topic Power, submission, and trust in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 3 months ago
@nothenrygale: Oh wow, I’m really sorry to hear about them kicking you of the upcoming Lust Event. That is not an outcome I would have expected and I’m sorry to hear you are being punished for your actions. That seems a bit drastic for someone who is so involved in this community.
Mustafa Said replied to the topic Strange Message from Mike Fontaine in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
@blondie Was it fake? I feel like I may have missed that memo. I thought it was real, that our data really was dumped down the drain.
Then again, in the wake of Noah’s revelations maybe you’re right. Maybe it was all a stunt, a lie. But if that’s the case what does that mean for the BOS,that their leader was really working for Noah the whole…[Read more]
angela became a registered member 7 years, 4 months ago
Blondie replied to the topic "You don’t get to fornicate your way out of this one.” in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for starting us off with this @bruinbown! I was never on board with Noah and The System and after taking some time away from everything to re-evaluate, I think I know why. I told myself that I didn’t need what Noah was offering, that I could see through it as a charade. But there was some real good that was done by getting people to open…[Read more]
Kyle Bown replied to the topic Where does everyone fit in the equation? What does this equal to? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 4 months ago
I agree with the general idea that Horace was not part of Noah’s game. I think. Horace is doing his own thing, leaving Noah to run The System.
That leaves me with more than a few questions.
1. Did Horace think Briarburg and Mason and Joyce and all of that were real?
2. Was Horace surprised by the reveal that Noah, Mason, Joyce, Michelle and…[Read more] -
Kyle Bown started the topic "You don’t get to fornicate your way out of this one.” in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 4 months ago
Yesterday all was revealed… well, kinda. Noah came out of the proverbial closet with his four closest friends and gave us a glimpse behind the curtain. During his video, he told us, no, he begged us, to answer two questions. “What did you learn” and “How do you feel?” He seemed rather insistent. So here goes nothing. I’ll take the first jump off…[Read more]
Robert Fuller replied to the topic Where does everyone fit in the equation? What does this equal to? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 4 months ago
I’ve been thinking about this (and forgive me if I discuss ideas that have already been covered; I’m sort of formulating my thoughts as I go). It’s always been a general assumption that everything is OSDM: every action, every fabrication, everything that may or may not be a fabrication, the OSDM is behind somehow. But what if the OSDM is not the…[Read more]
superstar replied to the topic Where does everyone fit in the equation? What does this equal to? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 4 months ago
Tinfoil hat question:
Is Noah actually our God? (yes… I’m sorta kinda actually IG serious, here). If so, who completes the trinity? Horace = the Father, Noah = the Son,… Who’s our Holy Ghost? Noah has mentioned his board of “weak-minded but loyal subjects”… the apostles?
If he is our God, then perhaps The System, looking at the big…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic Ominous message for the participants in Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@sfire8 Credit to you and Kevin for pointing out the similarities on Slack a while back!
Lauren Bello replied to the topic Where does everyone fit in the equation? What does this equal to? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 4 months ago
Another question – when we FIRST met Noah, was he still under his father’s thumb? Was he genuinely spiraling? @lilmsfancpants recalled their meeting in the park in another thread. Was this an actual stage of escaping his father?
Noah said to us, “I know that I can’t keep you from my father. I had trouble getting out myself. At least alive, a…[Read more]
Sage replied to the topic Ominous message for the participants in Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Wow, @daela, this is a good find! The images totally line up, even down to the eye on the “eye of horus” to the hole in the weird yin yang thing. Very interesting…
Megan replied to the topic Mike and Russell at Disneyland – 11/7 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Violet replied to the topic Mike and Russell at Disneyland – 11/7 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@chelsea I wonder about that myself re: Mike…
Chelsea replied to the topic Mike and Russell at Disneyland – 11/7 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
I sent Russell a text yesterday after the note exchange. I didn’t want to put him in more danger at the time. Considering they are probably not still at Disneyland, I think it’s more safe to share this now.
Me: Can you meet me? Near a restroom, corner, somewhere?
Russell: No. He’s too close.
Me: How can I help? What can I do?
Russell: Uh thks I…[
Violet replied to the topic Part 2 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@bcbishop you can’t see me but I’m applauding you so fucking hard right now.
Meghan Mayhem replied to the topic Coffee Meeting with Morgan 11/07 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
Noah said that the System was designed for everyone to lose and that anyone who thought they won was an idiot.
And we now know everything is The System.
We now know that we are walking into a situation where we are all fucked, no matter what. It’s a rigged system. Carnival games. We’ll never knock down all those pins.
See now how foolish it is…[
Drew Huntley replied to the topic Coffee Meeting with Morgan 11/07 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
The one thing I do think I need to add to this about @111error‘s demeanor through the meet. He seemed nervous at moments and genuinely vulnerable, all very understandable given the climate. I would even go so far to say he was self conscious. He kept bringing up that he did not expect anyone to show. I think his exact words were “I thought I was…[Read more]
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