Lauren Bello posted a new activity comment 6 years, 12 months ago
Hey Francesca, have you checked out the Getting Started google doc?
Lauren Bello replied to the topic Tension Lore – Q&A in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years ago
@kasch – The picture is from their Twitter account! https://twitter.com/the_tension_exp/status/740319826778804226/photo/1
Lauren Bello posted an update 7 years ago
“Because of how I was made, I will never forgive myself for failing to be who she needed. I will also never forget the faces of those who took her.
One day, they will find it hard to forget my face, too.
For now, I just want the tears to stop.” – 111error, 2016
Lauren Bello replied to the topic Tension Lore – Q&A in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years ago
The History of the Helmet
TensionMost of us were first introduced to the Helmet at the donut mixer in May 2016. Sean, Russell, Rizzo, Mike Fontaine, and Andrew Kasch were all taken to a private room and helmeted by Gatekeeper 4. Gatekeeper 4 told Andrew that he was now experiencing the machine that turned her into what she is today.
At…[Read more]
Lauren Bello posted an update 7 years ago
“I have so many names. Elizabeth, Janice, Nancy. They change them, and us. They hire a lot of people out of town and bring them in. They want people with low social profiles, people harder to trace back…Not everyone are actors. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I am sorry to all of you, for anything I have ever done to harm any of you.…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 3/19/18 – JP's leaked video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I just want to take a moment to remember how Morgan reacted, back when we began to realize that Sabrina was being helmeted.
Do you know what darkness is?
I don’t mean the swaying of soft shadows on a path, or the eery depth of a cold night sky, but true d…[Read more] -
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 3/15/18 Kyle's Meeting /Morgan Lying/Too Much Shit Happening in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Realized that I never ported over my call from Slack.
It was pretty simple: a woman’s voice saying, “I understand there’s a private chat.”
This prompted Addison to post the contents of said private chat, and for the chat to be closed.
I also confessed to inadvertently being the “mole” who let the cat out of the bag about the private chat.
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 3/19/18 – JP's leaked video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Questions this raises:
– Noah said Morgan had been “with us” (OSDM?) since Sabrina took his name tag. This was a reference to 2016’s Ringing of the Bells/donut mixer event, where Morgan and I were missing name tags when we arrived. We were given handwritten name tags which we carried in our hands. I know that several community members at that…[Read more]
Lauren Bello started the topic 3/19/18 – JP's leaked video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Link to JP leaked video: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OhAzx54tnl3HW1NClVjGn22HL2rDeB0d
Transcript of the dialogue that takes place AFTER Morgan’s resignation:
Noah: Is it off?
Morgan: Left it on so you can edit.
N: You alright buddy?
M: Yeah. I’m in fucking control.
N: Yeah? Sure you are. You’ve been in control since Sabrina took y…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 3/15/18 Kyle's Meeting /Morgan Lying/Too Much Shit Happening in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Questions raised yesterday:
1) Why did Morgan call Kyle and warn him not to meet with Irene? Did he know who Irene was and what Irene would say? What did Morgan *think* was going to happen?
2) C told us that Irene was higher than even the Clockmakers, and clarified that the Clockmakers are higher than OSDM. What’s higher than a Clockmaker? W…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 3/8/18 – Lia resurfaced on Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
So you have to consider what that agenda is, and whether Morgan is aware that he’s furthering it. I don’t think he is; he’s got bite but his intentions appear noble, if unclear sometimes.
My personal theory (and I could definitely be wrong) is that their agenda is the strengthening of the brand by whatever means necessary. Morgan is being…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I’ve been meaning to update my old “Where I Stand” post for a while, since we’ve now seen more of the Resistance. Now feels like as good a time as any.
(Note: I’m speaking as a participant, not a mod, here.)
ThenBack during Tension, I defected from the OOA to join BOS. I had a few reasons, many of which no longer apply.
1) I believed…[Read more]
Lauren Bello started the topic 2.27.18-3.2.18 – A's trail of hints in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Just wanted to fill in the gaps here and there of A appearances in Slack.
Some participants were talking about willingness to form a “let’s do occult shit” faction. A chimed in.
Be careful. I urge you to understand what you jest about.sfire8
@a you’re right. It excites me because it terrifies me.a
You should be scared of i…[
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Cristen seems to be friends with everyone. I don’t know how she has the time or energy for all of these friendships. I have like five friends and it’s fucking exhausting
I am laughing so hard
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 2/27 – Call & Email from Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Questions raised:
- “We spoke recently. She is an actress and is playing her part. Outside of a few missteps she has done everything we have asked.” What missteps?
- “We appear to be set up for the transition.” What does this mean? Were they thinking LIA would be the one to transition? Was this a transition of power? Was whatever happened…
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 2/27 – Call & Email from Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
I think the others who signed are simply the “actors” in Lust. Hostess in Black described the NDA as a 17-page document that all the “actors” signed.
The contract said things like,
*”All performers must attended a minimum of three (3) system events prior to the ‘End A…[Read more]
Lauren Bello replied to the topic 2/23 – A answers some questions in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Lauren Bello started the topic 2.23.18 – Asking A a question in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
We have been invited to ask A a single question. Thoughts?
Lauren Bello replied to the topic New Instagram post: "Fire Rises" in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
with the exception of Sam’s letter…everyone featured in this video has openly declared for BOS
I don’t believe @argentrose has either? And AllieCat expressed interest in joining but has not openly declared (unless she goes by a different username here?). A good number of those at the “Wurstkuche” event also are not BOS.
Lauren Bello replied to the topic New Instagram post: "Fire Rises" in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
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“Because of how I was made, I will never forgive myself for failing to be who she needed. I will also never forget the faces of those who took her.
One day, they will find it hard to forget my face, too.
For now, I just want the tears to stop.” – 111error, 2016 View