This topic has 12 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by superstar.
February 28, 2018 at 12:35 am #29092
Nicole Mae
ParticipantMorgan popped on Slack this evening after “drinking to numb the pain” and addressed the group, noted “things have been.. unusual.. lately” and promised “I have your safety and best interests at heart, all of you.”
He then asked who was present and a few participants made themselves known, including myself. He responded and suggested we “talk.”
I wasn’t sure he was serious until I received a private message from him asking for a number to contact me at. I provided my number (odd, since I’ve received calls from Lust entities before. They clearly had my number at some point but maybe those files got lost when BOS ‘took control’? Curious.)
Here’s how the call went. Morgan gave me permission to share details and claimed he ‘doesn’t hide things from the community” (paraphrasing)
N: Hello
M: Hey Nicole
N: Hi Morgan. How are you?
M: Oh I’ve been better, how are you?(small talk)
He describes our meeting at the MSE. He remembers my positioning in the circle we made in the parking lot that night. He says he was glad he finally got to meet me, tells me I was about the height he was expecting but that I was ‘prettier than what I post online’ and that I had a ‘striking, proud face.’ He’s flattering me.
Then he goes in to what he recapped a bit on Slack.M: I’m not your fucking enemy
He says I’m a ‘hater.’ He pays attention to everything. He says I only like the things that ‘tears him apart.” He’s not wrong, but I didn’t want to admit it, so I pushed back. I told him I was looking for the truth. He scoffs, said I am trying to sound like I am on the fence, but that I’ve clearly chosen a side. He presses me to admit it and I do – “I guess I’m a hater.” He laughs again. It’s oddly charming, which throws me off. He says he appreciates my honesty.
He asks me what I would have done. He asks if I know Lia, if I’ve ever met her? I say I have, briefly, last April at the OC meetup. He said “she’s beautiful, warm, kind, empathetic, thoughtful.” He says when you speak to her, she really listens. She takes pauses and considers what she is about to say before she responds. He has admiration in his voice. He says, “she means what she says and says what she means – until she doesn’t.” The admiration is gone.
He then asked what I would do if I had information. If I was in his place, what would I do? I answered the question with a question. I asked if he had information why he wouldn’t just share it. Why make Lia?
He answered my question with a question of his own. Why do I think he handled it the way he did last night? I came to my own conclusion. I told him the way he described Lia was with reverence, as if he had previously known her and almost sounded protective of her. I implied he may have handled this situation in the way he did because he was giving her a chance to maybe make things right on her own? His tone changed. It was a bit more softened, almost sad? He said I wasn’t wrong, but I also wasn’t completely right either.
He brought up what he said in Slack about her being the mole and how “her being around endangers everyone.” He asked if I remembered this. I did.
His previous message in Slack: “SHE was a mole. SHE was lying to you. Every moment she stayed within this community, she endangered EVERY single one of you. YOU want change, but you are so ready to stay the same.”His tone changes again, he’s irritated – exasperated even. He says nobody payed attention to those things he said.
He says, “you know, I used to be like you. A participant.” He’s appealing to my emotions again. He says he “just wanted to have fun and participate in immersive theater.” He said he’s “never run out of a show covered in blood and he’s always wanted to.” He mentions his tattoos. Blackout. The OOA sigil. He arrives at the BOS symbol and it’s placement on his arm. He said the BOS was when this “stopped being funny.”
His tone changes. He’s more serious now. Gutteral. There’s emphasis dripping from every word – he believes what he is about to say.
M: “This isn’t a fucking game and there is something really weird going on”Then he offered me his ‘true feelings’ and went in to how on Slack a few days ago A “openly admitted the BOS history, lineage, and what people believed before he ever got involved.” He described A’s depiction of the BOS with reverence, then he sarcastically laughed and continued in exasperation and annoyance as he described how “no one batted an eyelid” and “nobody breathed a word of what A told us.” He went on to say it ‘was they fucking truth’ and (paraphrasing) something about how we’ve reached a point where “lies flit by” and something to the effect of how we pay more attention to the lies, I think. Correct me here, Morgan, if I’m misquoting you – I know you’re ‘watching everything.”
He talks about choices and again asked what I would do, but rhetorically this time. He doesn’t give me a chance to answer. The next portion I don’t have notes for so this is from my hazy, sleepy, anxious memory…
He said that if he knows about something urgent and dangerous to the community, what would I do in that situation? What should he have done? He says, “If I do something I’m a fucking prick and if I don’t do something I’m a fucking prick for not doing something for someone that needs saving” (paraphrasing badly there)
He asked if I wanted the truth. I say of course. He says he ‘hopes eventually that the truth proves him right.”
He said, “I’m going to do something fucking crazy. Something stupid. I’m going to do it because you don’t trust me.” Paraphrasing again here, he says “I’m going to show you why I had to do this with Lia. I’m going to send it to you. I want you to show everyone what I send you.”
I told him I would share the information he sends. He asks me to send my email address via private message. We exchange closing pleasantries and have a bit of a cathartic laugh. He really is charming when he wants to be – I almost forget the adversarial nature of our recent exchanges. He reiterates that I’m a ‘hater’ and I tell him I don’t like that word. He says if I don’t like it, I should step back and reexamine what side of the fence I’m on. He says regardless of me being a hater, he appreciates that I took the chat. I let him know I appreciated the call, he says he hopes we speak again and disconnects.
Moments later we check back in via private message. He lets me know he is gathering information to send over. I let him know I’m eager to read what he has to present.
Below is the email I received, in its entirety. I copied and pasted directly from what I was sent. My only edits were the removal of extra spacing between blocks of text. Please take a look for yourselves:
Morgan: Alright, I gathered up everything, pasted, so read from the bottom up. Here’s why I had to act how I did, when I did. I hope it makes sense, to everyone.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: srpxlk3128 <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Feb 15, 2018 at 2.55 PM
Subject: Re: Lia
To: 0539rcpt <[email protected]>
Confirmed. We are crafting it now and once it takes hold, we will enact her final scene.
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 2:45 PM, 0539rcpt <[email protected]>wrote:
Then she is a liability. She has served her purpose. Her time with us has come to an end. Push a narrative about her being despondent for not being trusted by her associates so that they are not surprised by her final story. Research shows that it would more than likely be a warm bath and razor blade. If she is a risk then I want it done this week. And please do this with caution. The last thing we need is a fucking witch hunt from others whom have signed.
On Thu Feb, 1, 2018 at 12:07 PM, srpxlk3128 <[email protected]> wrote:
An update, the witness has grown increasingly restless and is getting less and less sleep each night. She hasn’t spoken out of turn as of yet but her partner has repeatedly noted her increased stress levels and believes her to be holding a secret. People are also talking that she is holding something back. The Sisterhood of Heretics and the alphabet sidekick have started poking holes. They are on to her.
On Sat, Dec, 30, 2017 at 11:54 AM, 0539rcpt <[email protected]> wrote:
It is done. She was concerned but perfectly malleable to his persuasion. However she wanted her “lawyer” to look over the newest contract. He reassured her it was identical to the one she signed last year. I am attaching her previous NDA as well as the new document from BSP.
On Thu, Dec, 28, 2017 at 10:09 AM, srpxlk3128 <[email protected]> wrote:
Don’t let her get comfortable, have her sign the attached document. (this time from his company), he can enter with his forceful charm and assure her that she must stay absolutely silent about what she has just witnessed and make motions that what she witnessed was merely more theater. Keep up the illusion of theatrics. She was brought on because she is an actress. She was brought on because she is an actress. Keep that idea front and center. Never let her question why she is here.
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:08 AM, 0539rcpt <[email protected]> wrote:
She has reported the story to the others. They seem in conflict and everything is as planned.
On Sat, Dec, 23, 2017 at 9:07 PM, srpxlk3128 <[email protected]> wrote:
Excellent, keep an eye on her and report back.
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 10:08 AM, 0539rcpt <[email protected]> wrote:
She did. She reacted as we expected. Caused a scene, got loud, but giving the context of her surroundings it is find. I believe in my heart that she felt what happened was real but we have left enough doubt for her to question most everything so that she may stay sane. The usual.
We have also created an over-the-top story for her to convey to the benefit of those who saw her arrive and leave. She will tell them that she witnessed Anoch and create a tale of a fantastical creature. We believe that the other witnesses will split into fractions with some believing her narrative for narrative’s sake, some believing she saw a special or practical effects prop while others will assume she is the liar that we have always hinted she was – their suspicions have been growing for some time and do not forget that the program warned of a plant within their midst long ago.
Irregardless, she witnessed what Our Prophecy required.
On Sun, Dec 17, 2018 at 8:54 PM, srpxlk3128 <[email protected]> wrote:
I am told she was brought in to witness. Where are we and how is she handling it?
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 9:18 PM, 0539rcpt <[email protected]> wrote:
We spoke recently. She is an actress and is playing her part. Outside of a few missteps she has done everything we have asked.
We appear to be set up for the transition.
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 8:52 PM, srpxlk3128 <[email protected]> wrote:
How is the witness and her narrative coming along? She’s been silent for minute. Push her. She needs to interact and keep up appearances.
This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
Nicole Mae.
This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
Nicole Mae.
This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
Nicole Mae.
This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
February 28, 2018 at 2:16 am #29096
Unseen Presence
ParticipantLots of information there, for certain. I will give Morgan the benefit of the doubt and assume the information he received is legitimate at least as far as he believes it to be.
Relevant things, as far as I see in first examination:
* Clearly already part of ‘the experience’ as of Nov. 22nd of last year. There is indication that there was -another- NDA from ‘the previous year’, so that would -imply- she became part of things as an actress sometime in 2016? Is that tracking correctly?
* “the witness” seems more a religious ‘connotation’ term. Like some religious groups that have “mothers” or “champion”. I think the implication is they were always planning on showing her whatever they did at the MSE–because that was all part of a prophecy. Interestingly, the email also seems to suggest that the -rest- of us are also Witnesses (because they believed we would split into groups based on our beliefs of her story.)
* ‘The transition’ — the moment of the MSE, I believe. Email syntax suggests that. Also the beginning of what appears, by the end of the chain of emails, to be a transition from life—>death.
* Apparently -any- time they bring someone in to witness, they create a scenario where the person -actually- believes it deep down, but they give the person a little speck of doubt. So they can continue to be ‘sane’. That’s very nice of them, certainly. I do believe it would be hard to run a cult effectively if you drove all of your people mad.
That being said, @a suggested that some people have had that very thing happen when she was talking on Slack earlier tonight.
* Sadly, I think the snake-god is probably a term that should be relegated to the dustbin, as it appears, here, that such description was part of the lie Lia told us–because it does say they ‘crafted’ her story.
* Here’s the moment where @111error can complain that I’m missing all the important stuff for the minor things or whatever(although I assure you, I am not.) Irregardless IS a word, but it’s still improper grammar. It’s a spoken word, rarely used in writing. Perhaps the real group behind this should bring me onboard just to grammar/spell-check.
* In what is a classic secret society move (from any one of those I have investigated before and found any validity to), the ‘illusion of theatrics’ mentioned is a double-meaning. Use Lia to create an illusion for us…but also use theatrics as the illusion FOR Lia so that she is not aware she is being set up to die.
* Then it began to fall apart. Lia wasn’t sleeping. The BOS (hereby called by a derogatory name) and @a caught on. The whole thing began to wear thin.
* The last email is the most interesting beyond what it suggests of a planned suicide for Lia (which I freely admit is a terrible thing to plan for someone.) First, it suggests that she has BECOME a liability and that her purpose is served. And yet, that exact purpose remains a little unclear. Perhaps that is the true secret that @lilmsfancpants knows and has not told. Perhaps what she saw will make it clear -exactly- what her purpose was.
Because it wasn’t just to die–that was a change they made.
Second, we should be paying very, very close attention to the one line that’s relevant to all of us:
The last thing we need is a fucking witch hunt from others whom have signed.
Does this mean people like the actors at the MSE?
Or does it mean there are STILL MORE moles running in the dirt of the ‘participants/witnesses’?
Who are the ‘others’ here?***
If this is legitimately true–and I will grant for this moment that it is–then it definitely paints the real group (whose name would be enormously useful, even if it does put us at danger) as one that has heavy plans and a willingness to do whatever they must to achieve their ends.
Whether that means Morgan’s answer -had- to be as harsh as it was, I will not say. If this is as hard as they play, perhaps he has no choice but to be as harsh in return. I worry, however, that if he and the BOS should succeed using tactics such as theirs whether they will have become the new Order in the end, whether or not they intend to do so.
But in this particular case, I suspect the only person who can LEGITIMATELY decide whether Morgan’s actions were necessary is Lia herself. If she surfaces once more and says she’s glad he did it, then that will be enough for me on this action. I do hope it does not become a slippery slope–for Morgan’s own sake, as much as anyone else’s.
February 28, 2018 at 8:46 am #29097
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantThis unfortunately comes down to a matter of trust. Do we trust Morgan — and by extension, do we trust that his emails are valid?
Some do trust him, obviously, while others don’t. Here’s some concerning things that I see:
1. An email chain with no backing evidence, utilizing the format we’ve seen in other leaks. Something that we’ve already been conditioned to accept as truth based on previous dead drops.
2. But in this case, there is no colorful discussion of girlfriends, or someone wearing the “red pair.” There is nothing that makes these emails seem like they were written by an actual, living breathing human being. Instead, they read more like a robotic exposition dump.
3. The email addresses? Also nothing there that make them seem as if they are personalized or “real”. In fact, they are just the same kind of randomized letter and number combos that were used to create the email that leaked the torn-up Darren letter to me.
4. The person that wrote those emails to me promised they had more letters and more seals. Sure enough, shortly thereafter Morgan sent us all on a chase to pick up more letters with seals. Making it extraordinarily likely that Morgan was the one that created the email account that leaked the Darren letter to me.
5. Possible conclusion: The emails are faked, by Morgan, copying OSDM tactics.
This has been Bryan with your Daily Contrarian Point Of View™
February 28, 2018 at 9:36 am #29098
ParticipantThis info is as unsettling as I’m sure it was intended to be. She’s been working for…someone for a long time, but I get the impression she’s done so thinking she’s a actress, supporting “the experience” with a few white lies. Her true purpose was kept a secret from her, and still is (witnessed WHAT?)
I did mention in Slack that I can in a sense understand why Morgan exposed her; thinking it would circumvent the planned faux suicide. I’m not sure it worked the way it was intended; where is she? She was so scared when last we spoke.
The emails also mention that with BOS And @a poking holes in Lia’s narrative, it seemed to support “their” plan to discredit and eventually dispose of her in the first place. It rubs me a strange way, that.At least we know what she meant when she said the Morgan burning her BSP NDA meant nothing: there’s a much older contract in place. That, I’d like to see.
February 28, 2018 at 9:52 am #29099
ParticipantI’m stuck on a part of the email that’s been mentioned but not really grabbed onto.
The last thing we need is a fucking witch hunt from others whom have signed.
Who are the others that have signed? I think this is important to know. We have no idea who this correspondence is between. We honestly do not know if it’s ODSM correspondence or another group or what. People assume it’s OSDM correspondence because of the way it was revealed. I have questions though. Is @111error one of the people who signed one? Are there others among us who we call “friends” that have signed one? Was @111error’s intention in revealing these emails to share with us that there are people who have been embedded within our community, people we call friends, that never were “participants” at all? Or was it because he signed one and doesn’t want the witch hunt to come his way?
I’m NOT accusing him. I’m asking questions. Because this part of the emails appears to be a big piece to me. I said it last night that people will grab onto the fact that they were going to stage her final seen as a suicide because that’s really harsh and it’s a valid reason for her to be scared. I would go into hiding too if someone was threatening to end my life and make it look like I took my own because people no longer trusted me.
Haven’t we been accused over and over of not seeing things that are right in front of us?
February 28, 2018 at 10:16 am #29100
Unseen Presence
ParticipantWell, -I- noticed it. Put it in my forum post here last night. 🙂
It could mean other actors in general, like those at the MSE.
It could very well mean there are other actors/plants still within the community.
Which, if the emails are true, is a worrisome prospect–and I’m certain that people who have suspicions of others will now start to press them.
If the emails are a scam from Morgan (which again, I’m not currently making a decision on until we hear from Lia), then statements like that are expressly designed to prepare for future ‘BOS’ actions.
Then again, if the emails are fraudulent but Morgan doesn’t know otherwise (again, no judgment at this time from me), it’s expressly designed to continue to make the community doubt itself.I know the choice I’m making.
I’ve already emailed both of the addresses in those emails. They didn’t bounce (which I was sort of expecting them to do). We’ll see if I get any response. -
February 28, 2018 at 10:37 am #29102
Lauren Bello
ModeratorI think the others who signed are simply the “actors” in Lust. Hostess in Black described the NDA as a 17-page document that all the “actors” signed.
The contract said things like,
*”All performers must attended a minimum of three (3) system events prior to the ‘End Activation’”
*”Each performer with be tasked with 10-15 participants.”At the same time, though, she said, “One of your ‘community’ is a performer, hired by puppets…”
The implication seemed to be: there are many performers who signed this contract, there is one plant.
February 28, 2018 at 10:58 am #29103
ParticipantI’m not really sure how I feel about any of this. It looks like Lia was in imminent danger and Morgan made a play to help her. That’s good! The method he used is definitely questionable, risked putting her in more danger, and we still don’t know if she’s safe. That’s less good!
The mole thing, at least right now, doesn’t make a lick of difference to me. If she felt forced into it, I’d rather her relay information on us to them so she could stay safe than have something happen. If she was doing it for some other reason, I guess that’s a case-by-case basis. In either situation, I don’t see the community rejecting her if she’s hurting, nervous, scared, or anything else she’s feeling right now just because she might have spied on us. I’m also not sure what they could have gained from Lia keeping an eye on us that they don’t already know, everyone is pretty open between the forums and Slack.
There are more than a few puzzle pieces missing still, and we’ll have to wait until Lia is safe and ready to talk before we’ll fill them in.
Don’t let her get comfortable, have her sign the attached document. (this time from his company), he can enter with his forceful charm and assure her that she must stay absolutely silent about what she has just witnessed and make motions that what she witnessed was merely more theater.
It is done. She was concerned but perfectly malleable to his persuasion.
These two bits seem like DLB, but could it also be Noah?
February 28, 2018 at 11:45 am #29104
Lauren Bello
ModeratorQuestions raised:
- “We spoke recently. She is an actress and is playing her part. Outside of a few missteps she has done everything we have asked.” What missteps?
- “We appear to be set up for the transition.” What does this mean? Were they thinking LIA would be the one to transition? Was this a transition of power? Was whatever happened Upstairs/in the Red Room the “transition”? Someone suggested that maybe this means Lia was going to unknowingly transition into a new role – from actress to something else.
- “I am told she was brought in to witness. Where are we and how is she handling it?” “She reacted as we expected. Caused a scene, got loud, but giving the context of her surroundings it is find. I believe in my heart that she felt what happened was real but we have left enough doubt for her to question most everything so that she may stay sane.” Confirmation that something happened up there, even if it’s not what Lia described.
- “others will assume she is the liar that we have always hinted she was” – What hints would these be? The supposed far-fetchedness of Lia’s park scene? The painting in her home? Were those INTENTIONAL hints? Have the Investors always intended to set Lia up this way, have her lie but then hint to us that she’s lying? Somehow this is the part that seems cruelest to me, even considering what follows. The idea that they asked her to earnestly sell us on a fiction, all the while undermining her.
- “do not forget that the program warned of a plant within their midst long ago.” This is so ambiguously worded. I can’t tell if they’re implying that Noah’s System was part of THEIR program, or if they are referring to Noah’s program. Or, in fact, if they’re referring to Hostess in Black’s leaks and not to Noah at all. Either way, were those warnings about a plant…actually coming from them? Or were they co-opting the truth that leaked out and turning it to their own purposes?
- “She has reported the story to the others. They seem in conflict and everything is as planned.” Confirmation that they intended for this conflict to escalate. They were prepared for our suspicions. While we may be inadvertently responsible for accelerating their plan, ultimately they always knew the conflict would occur and escalate: they had always planned for Lia’s role to end.
- “She was brought on because she is an actress. She was brought on because she is an actress. Keep that idea front and center. Never let her question why she is here.” “She has served her purpose.” Touched on by Cristen and in Slack already, but…curious to know what her real purpose was.
- “However she wanted her “lawyer” to look over the newest contract. He reassured her it was identical to the one she signed last year.” Seems to imply that they have a plant posing as her lawyer.
- “We are crafting it now and once it takes hold, we will enact her final scene.” I presume they are “crafting” her final scene? But I’m curious about what they expect to “take hold”.
The concept of “witnesses” also invokes the idea that our thoughts, our storytelling, our ruminating, all in some way powers their rituals. Or at least, perhaps so they believe.
(And looking back, several people including @sfire8 mentioned actors blatantly announcing, “I need a witness!” at the MSE before leading participants into new areas.)
February 28, 2018 at 1:03 pm #29106
ParticipantFinally catching up and good Lord, I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but I guess I should have known. They did warn us that they were basically going to tear out our hearts, and basically that there would be betrayal and distrust.
I didn’t know Lia personally, I’ve never met any of you in person. But I feel like I’m part of a family or a community here, even just being online, and it hurts me too knowing that one of us has been a mole this whole time, even before I came here from what I’m reading. Once again, as horrid as it might sound, I do hope somehow that she was forced into it, it would be better than the alternative.
I do want to partially apologize to @111error for my own distrust, he did want to try to help her and us with burning that NDA. They wanted her dead it seems whether her mission was completely successful or not, no loose ends and all that. So, putting this out in the open and trying to help her after might actually be the best thing. Mole or not, I don’t want to see anyone dead or hurt.
@daela, curious about the “final scene” as well. Is it supposed to be this suicide they want? Is something supposed to click after that happens? Maybe her suicide/murder is a tie up loose ends and a ritual in itself to set off something else? -
February 28, 2018 at 1:15 pm #29107
ParticipantThe mole thing, at least right now, doesn’t make a lick of difference to me. If she felt forced into it, I’d rather her relay information on us to them so she could stay safe than have something happen.
Totally agree. I said in Slack that if someone threatened my kids, I would do anything to protect them. If it meant becoming sinister af, I would. I would throw anyone into the fire without regret.
I think as a community that is at times divided, we all would agree that there are times when any one of us would go into self-protection mode no matter the cost.
February 28, 2018 at 2:17 pm #29108
ParticipantMorgan joined us on Slack after a discussion about DLB, and then things got weird.
111error [1:19 PM]
I have a story that I am sure some of you will believe to be false, but in the interest of being more forthcoming, I have had many interactions with Darren.111error [1:25 PM]
Literally couldn’t care less if my life depended on it, Megan. Go and boil your head.Some of those interactions were public. Once, a while back, he had to leave our meeting to put money in the meter. He left his phone on the table, I turned it to see what was displayed, and I saw answers. Scripted answers. Before I could figure out what it was he was coming back in, so I turned the phone back and we carried on talking. A few months later I heard him being interviewed, and he was responding with the *exact* same answers I saw on his phone, the same exact words.
111error [1:26 PM]
We’ve not had the same level of contact, and honestly, he could have been writing those answers, I suppose.a [1:28 PM]
They must be in plain sight. If it is truly hidden, it can be exposed. If it is truly exposed, it can become newsworthy.111error [1:30 PM]
On the screen lock? Are you kidding me?? You’re hearing about snake babies, sacrifices, demonic births – and you want to know why his screen wasn’t locked??!!
o_________OArgentrose [1:30 PM]
No. I’m trying to point out, as @wanda102 succinctly put it, that perhaps it was intended for you to see them.
Also, …have you heard anything from lia, @111error?111error [1:31 PM]
This is why I don’t share information. You’re right, I’m making it up, it never happened, this is just some poorly written narrative. It’s all figured out, let’s go get drinks.wanda102 [1:35 PM]
@111error…do you trust him?111error [1:36 PM]
Honestly?<This was deleted, but Morgan said he doesn’t trust DLB. There are small things he does to maintain the illusion.>
111error [1:38 PM]
He seems scared. The amount of effort … He tries *hard* to sell these lies.<There were some deletes in here, but not sure what they said.>
a [1:39 PM]
aa [1:39 PM]
aa [1:40 PM]
aa [1:40 PM]
aa [1:40 PM]
No nobody broke aa [1:41 PM]
I accidentally did this, please give me a moment. That was on this side.thegilded [1:42 PM]
Hey uhhThere’s actually an issue going on here
Gimme a secondthegilded [1:44 PM]
Yeah… Slack’s a little fucky right now. Like.. a lot fucky right now. I don’t know what this is yetthegilded [1:48 PM]
So…. here’s a weird thingA new account got made when this stuff happened
An account with mod accessthegilded [1:49 PM]
I checked with the higher ups
And it’s deletedthegilded [1:49 PM]
I was given an email to contactthegilded [1:49 PM]
Frankly I don’t know who responds on ita [1:50 PM]
Don’t let them distract from what He said.thegilded [1:50 PM]
But it’s the email that I’ve always used for admin issuesa [1:51 PM]
Which also means they are watching this slack. Which means they have a user account here to be able to see it.kevin [1:51 PM]
@a you said once before that they could take it back whenever they wanted. Could this be the start of that?thegilded [1:51 PM]
That means they have a higher degree of access than “just watching”, thoughnate31464 [1:52 PM]
Any details about the created account notable outside of the fact that it was a mod, @thegilded?thegilded [1:53 PM]
@nate31464 nothing yet, I’m looking into it but it’s… a weird blip, and I only saw it after the facta [1:53 PM]
They could take it back.
The could shut it down.wanda102 [1:53 PM]
Would we know if they HAD taken it back?a [1:54 PM]
Noa [1:54 PM]
They would most likely mimic.kevin [1:54 PM]
So you could be them and we wouldn’t know?a [1:54 PM]
Yes.wanda102 [1:54 PM]
Which is why we shouldn’t trust youa [1:54 PM]
Correct.kylebown [1:54 PM]
In other words don’t listen to a thing anyone says. But also, totally listen to what they say!coryphella [1:54 PM]
who is theya [1:54 PM]
Safer if you don’t.halfbloodprincess [1:54 PM]
@a You said not to be distracted from what He said… I’m assuming you mean @111errora [1:54 PM]
Yes.kylebown [1:55 PM]
I’m getting tired of this merry-go-round, @aa [1:55 PM]
Jump off it @kylebowna [1:55 PM]
Under your name at the top of slack there is a LOG OFF button. Click it, delete the app, POOF it’s all gone.111error [1:56 PM]
This is nonsense. They’re playing games.
I am NOT.
Tomorrow. Five people. North Hollywood. 9pm.—
The five people selected were @remrelganaps, @meghanmayhem, @addisonborn, @wanda102, and @lazysmartperson.
February 28, 2018 at 2:36 pm #29109
ParticipantA few things that stood out to me in context of the recent info dump…
1. “She was brought on because she is an actress. She was brought on because she is an actress. Keep that idea front and center.” — The way this line is repeated reminds me of the “advice” we were given by Joyce when asked to explain the meaning of “FHSF”… to meditate on it, keep in in our minds. Are we giving something power by focusing on the idea that Lia was brought in because she’s an actress?
2. “He can enter with his forceful charm” — TBH, the first thing I thought of when I read this was Morgan’s “Merry Fuckin’ Christmas!” entrance at the MSE.
3. No one seems to be talking about the “ancient” couple that Lia saw/claims to have seen in the Red Room. What if _they_ are the truth within the lie? Whole lot of talk about time and keeping clocks wound… Might TRPTB have found the key to eternal life, or control of time, itself?
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