
  • Desires evolve and love fades but the OSDM is forever.

  • You know, that might explain why when I talked to Sarah in the lounge, she was asking me why her husband (who I didn’t realize was Noah until later) had asked her to meet him there and seemed really upset that he’d done so. If Noah was doing something that was an act–but forced–he might well have wanted her there to keep an eye on her.

    Or, for…[Read more]

  • First, just wanted to say that I appreciate you making a post like this. I, at least, find such discussions make it easier for others to talk as well.

    I’ve already posted that I was only really emotionally impacted at this event by Cecilia Sinclair. I, too, was sort of hoping to see and experience something seriously different, dark, perverted,…[Read more]

  • Some details that haven’t been mentioned yet:

    – Morgan introduced us to the shaven-headed plant, whose real name was Carrie. She told some anecdotes from inside. She’s part of the Resistance.
    – Kevin Hsu asked Morgan if Stephanie was a mole. Morgan said she wasn’t – she was genuinely in bad shape, and certainly in no condition to be asked…[Read more]

  • Lauren Bello replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    Building on Bryan’s point about the event being fiction –

    I do believe it was fiction. But I don’t believe that Morgan knew it was fiction beforehand. And I believe that it may have been *forced* fiction: that actors with sides may still have been there under duress.

    For what it’s worth, as we stood in the parking lot after the events of th…[Read more]

  • I’m not sure where to put this post. It’s sort of about the MSE but also about my entire Lust experience, so I’ll just stick it here. Maybe other people will add their own musings and views on the future.

    Anyway, now that I’ve had a few days to process, I find myself at a crossroads. My MSE experience was not a positive one, for a number of…[Read more]

  • M. replied to the topic Sabrina's Pregnancy in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    Being a woman who’s had three kids and experienced morning sickness with all three, unless they’re going to complete total fiction, morning sickness usually does not occur until around 4-6 weeks. Maybe you heard incorrectly and they said 5 weeks, @macbethinabathtub? Most women usually find out they are pregnant after the first day they have missed…[Read more]

  • @kasch A picture of the Jenna that I had spoken to is on Instagram

  • Sarah became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago

  • ….okay. Time to chat about my emotions. Or maybe lack thereof. I don’t know if or how people will respond to this, but I finally needed to say it.

    One of the questions of this entire experience is about what we want, right? I’ve already talked about how at least PART of what I want out of this is for something to get through my emotional walls,…[Read more]

  • Oh this does have interesting implications… The OSDM obviously have been trying this ritual already. You only have a bunch of strangers bump the uglies when you are at your wits end and are just trying new variables.
    What if they had always planned to hold the event at the original date, but decided to try one last time with Sabrina and…[Read more]

  • Melissa replied to the topic Sabrina's Pregnancy in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    Is this why the original event was cancelled? Because uh… Perhaps a few people were busy makin’ baby during crucial time?

  • Rpearl replied to the topic What Is Missing in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @superstar I was actually just mentioning on slack that I had an accidental conversation with the driver on sunday night because I thought my date was still in the building and he had my carkeys so they sent someone to go look for him and the driver was my keeper. From our conversation, if pressed, I would say that the driver is firmly OSDM.

  • Chris replied to the topic Sabrina's Pregnancy in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    While TMC walked back to the lot after crashing the final Honoring, Morgan was understandably in shock. Whether it’s true or not, his understanding is that Tom Barrow is the alleged father, with Morgan specifically calling him by that name and saying “Daddy’s going to be the daddy.” When we got back to the lot, he and Mason were whispering about…[Read more]

  • Also worth noting, if the morning sickness story is true then conception happened at least 4 weeks ago.

  • My initial visit on Friday was a mixture of what @rizzzoooooo and @kasch have described. But one thing that I’m not sure had been mentioned: Sabrina was our guide, but when she was giving the initial briefing, she said “My name is.. well, not important.” or something to that effect. She never identified herself as Sabrina Kern.

    I was chosen to pa…[Read more]

  • Here’s my experience:

    My time slot was Sunday 11:30pm but I was moved to 11pm (Steph called me Sunday midday asking if I could move)

    I arrive at 10:45p at the parking lot. Things were running a little behind so our 11p group had time to chit-chat. I’m not sure when but Morgan started to give our entire group a very quick briefing of why…[Read more]

  • And here I come to voice against the idea of it being a stage. “Striking the set and destroying the evidence” could just mean “cleaning everything up.” You strike a set when you’re done with the show–but it can also mean just “cleaning everything up after you’re done”. I’ve called cleaning up after a party at my home “striking the set”…[Read more]

  • I figure we’re gonna need to talk about it at some point, so I’ll start.

    As I stated on Slack, I’m not convinced she’s actually pregnant. Her announcement seemed quite spontaneous and conveniently timed. It may be just another attempt to claim the spotlight.

    However, if she’s actually pregnant (and, assuming Anoch actually exists), it brings up…[Read more]

  • @kasch: It’s worth noting that if the OSDM persuaded the BOS and/or Morgan that the event WAS the ‘real’ event, then his reactions with you and others would seem entirely genuine. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but the OSDM can still be manipulating events and the BOS/Morgan still believe that they’ve gotten to the real event. They’re not…[Read more]

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