Mike replied to the topic Why the distractions away from Mason? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
Or maybe you’re Mason @blondie
that would explain why Mason can’t meet in person with anyone 😛
Mike replied to the topic Why the distractions away from Mason? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
@blondie – Exactly! The understudies are people who saw behind the scenes, knew the part to play, and were involved. The actors would know them/their face, but the majority of us wouldn’t. We’ve all been focusing on the people we became close with, the main actors that we all dealt with and then eventually saw outside of the compound.
And…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Why the distractions away from Mason? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
What if Sentinel is Mason. It kind of fits because people would know him and has a similar agenda. If BoS became real because of you guys, maybe he was able to feel that connection. The connection was real. Maybe he’s been seeing how things are happening and isn’t liking it and is trying to help. Also, London MAY (and he’s someone’s son)
Oh…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Who is Mason? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
Crazy theory time.
Mason is part of whoever is running this whole thing. A power above OSDM, the Investors…everyone
– could his name be a clue that’s been staring us right in the face this whole time? Freemasons literally ran the country.
– someone disappeared for threatening to expose secrets…whose name was William MORGAN. Our Morgan has…[Read more] -
Mike replied to the topic Phone call from Darren Lynn Bousman 8/30 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
@kasch – Right, but so was III. What I mean is, he’s only made phone calls up until now. What will make him actually meet someone(s) in person?
Mike replied to the topic Phone call from Darren Lynn Bousman 8/30 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
With the data OSDM has on them, and all of us, there doesn’t seem that there could be an escape. They can always find us. We’re probably screwed either way, but have a much better chance at survival as a group, looking out for one another, than running away from this.
Mike replied to the topic Phone call from Darren Lynn Bousman 8/30 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
This makes me wonder if this is the Community’s version of “You can’t save her, just let her go”. Because DLB and Clint mean EVERYTHING to us…just like Stephanie means a ton to @larry and Sabrina means a ton to @russell
But you know what, fuck that. They’re a part of this just as much as we are. We can’t just let this happen. Too many times in…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Call from Mason 8/30 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
Mike replied to the topic 8/30 Recordings call in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
We all know how “they” love smokescreens. Isn’t a little too convenient that @addisonborn gets a call that is over hearing another call right when he made the sigil discovery?
What if Clint was feeling the heat and….there was no phone call. There was no one on the other end and this was him to get us to focus on this shiny new object so we…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Call from Mason 8/30 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 3 months ago
So if the dick is the Community, and the cheating girlfriend is Lust, does that make Mason the guy in the car?
For the video, the thing I noticed first was “Sabrina” in a red dress…to me, whenever she’s in a dress, she’s Addison. Perhaps, it’s not really Sabrina in the video?
Mike replied to the topic Is Clint behind it all? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
@chelsea – Interesting you say this
we have a separation happening between Clint and DLB
Because we were always thinking our relationships would get fucked within Lust..and if that’s happening with DLB and Clint and then @kasch was going through @thebuz ‘s emails (supposedly), then they might be heading to Divorce Court as well. Then “your”…[Read more]
Mike started the topic Is Clint behind it all? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
Everything that’s been happening lately has reminded me of something I had posted back in March
Another thing that’s in the back of my mind is Clint. Could he be setting Darren up somehow? He’s nice and safe all the way across the country. Whenever stuff has gone down with Darren, Clint is nowhere to be found. Makes me wonder about that.
Or may…
Mike replied to the topic Who is Mason? in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 3 months ago
I like the theory, but the one thing I keep thinking about was the book event where Samson was basically an “enforcer” to get us all out of there. Granted, Michelle was also very powerful at that event and she seems…not as powerful right now. Maybe there was some more behind the scenes type of things that happened that are making the Tension…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic A Dangerous Fanatic in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
@bcbishop – You’re such a righter
I chose my spelling carefully <3
Mike replied to the topic A Dangerous Fanatic in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
Noah knows how to go to the mattresses when it’s required
He sure does! Play on player…LUUUSTTTT
Here’s the thing, and I know I’ll get shit on by BoS members for this, but, to call BoS an “independent entity” feels like them trying to gain the trust of all of us because one of our own is running it. But BoS was something c…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic A Dangerous Fanatic in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
@coryphella – to keep us wondering/fighting/off balance/questioning/not trusting/etc
To keep us from the truth. Ever notice that when we seem to get close to something, something like this happens that makes us all rethink what we think?
Think about the people behind it. They don’t care about us, just our data. They don’t want to be exposed.
Mike replied to the topic A Dangerous Fanatic in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 3 months ago
I was thinking about the theory that Mason could be Noah. We know that the helmet is new and improved and more advanced now. What if Papa Sinclair and Papa Barrow put the new helmet on Noah and he is also Mason. Since the helmet is improved at this point, maybe they can input multiple personalities instead of just one (like with Sabrina/Addison…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Phone call(s) from Mason on 8/25/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@russell – Yes…I noticed, but having been to your place (and also the crew from the other night. Do you think they didn’t take notes on the layout of your place/complex?)…I also know how easy it is to get passed that. Remember the lock pick set I used? Yes, I know I didn’t get ALL of the locks unlocked, but I was able to…[Read more]
Mike replied to the topic Phone call(s) from Mason on 8/25/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@russell – after all of this, after that phone call, after all the talks of data mining…you’re still putting out there on a public message board….that you live alone? COME ON! Now any faction can just roll up and know they’ll encounter you or no one.
Mike replied to the topic A Personal Visit from Joyce on 8/23/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 4 months ago
@larry – Man, I wish Stephanie listened to Hatebreed when she said “Don’t try to save me” because then she could have followed it up and screamed “How can you save me, when you can’t…SAVE YOURSELF?”. Then, much like the park incident, everyone around you becomes a part of it and turns into this huge flash mob pit.
@creepsociety Oh you know 😉
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Sarah Sinclair asked me to leave before we even started. The Chosen 9 are still in there. I didn’t drive so trying to get a hole of my ride. More later. View