Kevin replied to the topic Lia's NDA in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
On Slack, Morgan expressed that it was odd no one had heard from Lia since.
**Edited and condensed**
Then @wanda102 got ahold of her:
Ok fuck so I texted Lia to see if she’s ok
And she said she’d been trying to call me over and over and left a message but I didn’t have one.wanda102
Let me finish thoSo I called her and she said…[Read more]
Meghan Mayhem started the topic New Video From Morgan 2.20.18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Tonight an image popped up on theexperiences Instagram that we discovered was a video still.
The Resistance website revealed yesterday has been updated with a video uploaded to @111error‘s personal account.As you can see, the video is distorted and chipmunked, but a couple of people (@addisonborn and @chrysalis359)…[Read more]
Robert Fuller replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago
So here’s my story. I’ll try to keep it short and limit it to information not already addressed above.
So, swinging married couple (Woman: “Do you want to fuck me?” Me: “No.” Woman: “Do you want to suck my husband’s dick?” Me: “Okay.” So, outing myself right off the bat). They give me a pill. I swallow it without water, which is difficult.
Sat…[Read more]
Chelsea replied to the topic Mason Meetup – 9/11 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
@chrysalis359 It didn’t seem like an empathy ploy. He was not pleased to be getting a call, and made it clear that he didn’t want that. He was genuinely happy when I asked about her.
I’m not sure why he wouldn’t tell me how he and Morgan met. It raised some more questions that I’m trying to find the best way to articulate.
I think she’s…[Read more]
Bryan Bishop replied to the topic Are you happy? in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
@chrysalis359 I appreciate the offer, but will pass at this time. 🙂 I’ve contacted @111error about an issue where our interests may align, but probably not best to go into that unless something materializes.
Bryan Bishop replied to the topic Are you happy? in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
@daela Ah, gotcha on the first half of that post — yeah, I misread that. Thank you for clarifying. 🙂
How can we all question one another’s motives without appearing to be spearheading group attacks? As a member of BOS it’s particularly perilous to question anyone else, because due to baggage from last year it inevitably is construed as “punch…
Hannah Schenck replied to the topic 8.31 UNCONFIRMED leaked text convo with DLB in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 6 months ago
@bcbishop I agree with @chrysalis359 and @addisonborn this is a scare tactic. Don’t stop, but let it compel you to keep pursuing. Someone doesn’t like what you did but that may mean we are one step closer to exposing the lies within the truth
Violet replied to the topic FB Post 8/31 in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 6 months ago
@chrysalis359 THAT’S what I couldn’t put my finger on!! Yes, it absolutely does.
Russell replied to the topic A Personal Visit from Joyce on 8/23/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 6 months ago
Holy crap you people have been busy this morning, haha! Here is my attempt to catch up. 😉
@coryphella, I think everything gathered so far is found with basic data mining. (the picture they used of @mike and me came from a Seraph Films Christmas gathering and was posted on their feeds. Oddly enough, we encountered DLB and Sabrina briefly at…[Read more]
Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Following up in the forum THE SYSTEM 7 years, 7 months ago
@chrysalis359 A video is worth a thousand words. Thank you for this.
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic Unknown Visitor 8/7 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 7 months ago
@chrysalis359 The audio was emailed directly to Sarah. I put it on Dropbox for easy sharing.
Megan replied to the topic In Defense of Emotion & Understanding Joyce in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 8 months ago
@chrysalis359 I’m sure it wasn’t entirely by accident. Nothing is random.
Megan replied to the topic In Defense of Emotion & Understanding Joyce in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 8 months ago
@chrysalis359 – oh crap – I was confusing you with Chloe, I’m sorry!
superstar replied to the topic Sentinel Being in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@chrysalis359 yup. He’s the one.
Addison replied to the topic Sentinel Being in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@chrysalis359 yes, he was the one that tried to save you.
I also got a message from Senty bb. Some private stuff was very briefly discussed that I don’t want to share but I said I hadn’t seen them online for a bit and was told “we look forward to that day.”
They left me with
“we will be in touch”
Tom Kircher replied to the topic An important announcement regarding our future in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Thanks @chrysalis359
Lia replied to the topic Regarding the Deleted Post 6/21 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
First of all, top-notch anagram work @chrysalis359 @coryphella and @daela.
@lazysmartperson Who is the “he” that she’s talking about? Based on the response that Buz received, the first part of her post sounds like it is directly aimed at our trusty creators, but I think she’s referring to someone else at the end. It could be someone that we’re…[Read more]
Bryan Bishop started the topic 6.11 iConfidant Event – Leaked Video in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
At the beginning of yesterday’s event, I was called up on stage, and the man leading the event whispered in my ear. He asked that no matter what he told the group, that I should film the event with my phone, and share that video with them.
I think it should be shared with the community.
While we already have the FB Live preserved thanks to @chry…[Read more]
Taylor Winters replied to the topic Call with Sabrina 06/11 in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 9 months ago
@rizzzoooooo, your message is interesting. The way I see it: Addison had everything. She had a position of power, she had The OOA supporting her (and manipulating her), and she had an entire immersive community giving her attention. It was the ultimate drug. But in The End, it was all taken away from her. Michelle went on stage, showing Addison…[Read more]
Lia replied to the topic iConfidant Meet and Greet is Open in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 9 months ago
I was also emailed by Stacey and told not to come, @chrysalis359. I expected some sort of message like this, honestly.
Who else got the boot?
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