Cristen started the topic In case you missed it… in the forum JUST FRIENDS 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m sure many of you know about this by now BUT if you don’t, our friends/probable cult leaders over at The Experiences have a brand new something coming in October just in time for things to get haunted here in Los Angeles. It should be quite the ride. Tickets! Get them!
Cristen replied to the topic I can't stop touching this woman my colleague. in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 6 years, 9 months ago
@gretchen1965 I don’t think you’re a monster, inappropriate for a work place, absolutely, but not a monster. I suppose it’s just one of the many definitions of Lust. Do you feel better having gotten this off your chest, at least?
Cristen started the topic Call 3/21 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
In case anyone thought we were done here:
Got a No Caller around 3pm, a man’s voice. JP? I really couldn’t tell you, I hope it was. But he had a message for me/us:
“Cristen. Just because they posted a video taking shots with you doesn’t mean they’re your friends. You have to be smarter than this.”
Darren said we had a “temporary truce,” after…[Read more]
Cristen posted an update 7 years ago
Nothing will ever, EVER, be like this. I’ll see you, wide-eyed, at The End.
Cristen started the topic Farewell(?) Message from Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I noticed THIS VIDEO on the Resistance site Morgan made a while back. It feels like goodbye…
Cristen replied to the topic Explanation for my switch in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years ago
We all let our tempers get the better of us sometimes, I know I do too, and I think it’s really brave of you to admit that like you did. Thank you for clarifying all of this.
Cristen replied to the topic JP Round Up in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Another note:
I was banned from slack in retaliation for speaking to JP once I revealed the Instagram. I got two robo calls telling me to not speak to him, and the second was a “final warning” asking me to delete the IG account before I was booted.
Cristen started the topic JP Round Up in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I realized that in the insane amount of info we’ve received over the last few days that the developments in the appearance of “JP,” may have never been explained properly in one place. So, while it’s a little bit quiet today, I thought I’d do that.
Please comment any corrections to my recollection, as always.Around the beginning of March, Ad…[Read more]
Cristen posted an update 7 years ago
Still here, still salty.
Cristen replied to the topic 3/8/18 – Lia resurfaced on Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@daela I really think you’re onto something here. This “deal” is supported by your conversation with Morgan about “L” as well.
We have to allow, however, for the possibility that our friend doesn’t have a plan to get himself out from under this, or know how to truly take control for his noble purpose. Like I said, I think his intentions…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic 3/8/18 – Lia resurfaced on Slack in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
Yessss I’ve been asking this for a bit. If Noah asked “does the current BOS operation further our agenda,” the answer isn’t “no.” It’s “yes.” So you have to consider what that agenda is, and whether Morgan is aware that he’s furthering it. I don’t think he is; he’s got bite but his intentions appear noble, if unclear sometimes.
We’ve been…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@daela I appreciate this. And it goes without saying, but I’ll say it: I feel the exact same way you do about Morgan, the person. He’s a kind, brave soul.
I want to think we’re past vitriolic responses to questioning Morgan, the BOS leader, however, though I may be misguided and optimistic in thinking so. I question that dude all the time, and h…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic The Gathering For Agency in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I’ll be there, hopefully not late. And I’ll gladly direct conversation at anyone and everyone who wants me to say words at them and in turn say words at me.
Please leave actual crowbars in their designated receptacles.
Cristen replied to the topic Don't follow anyone. in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@coryphella I am the NoHo mascot (and presumably invited) so I’ll make sure you’re projected on a screen with us, ha.
Cristen replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@kevin God dammit you eloquent thing, you.
Cristen replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
@daela strangely blushing at that.
Cristen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
Distant cousin, hello!
Cristen replied to the topic Does the Current BOS Operation Further Our Agenda in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 1 month ago
Yeah @kevin. I keep going back to the social media; they can take it back when they want, right? Meaning they relinquished control because they wanted to. Why leave a door unlocked unless you know there’s no harm in doing so?
Cristen started the topic Does the Current BOS Operation Further Our Agenda in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 1 month ago
I’m pulling this over from Slack because I can’t make Kevin do absolutely everything for me.
I had this really crazy idea. Here goes.
We’ve been pushed to stop believing Darren all day. The slack shut down when Morgan started saying he didn’t trust him. And @a literally said to stop listening to his lies. BOS board of directors is on board w…[Read more]
Cristen replied to the topic 2/27 – Call & Email from Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
This info is as unsettling as I’m sure it was intended to be. She’s been working for…someone for a long time, but I get the impression she’s done so thinking she’s a actress, supporting “the experience” with a few white lies. Her true purpose was kept a secret from her, and still is (witnessed WHAT?)
I did mention in Slack that I can in a se…[Read more]
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Nothing will ever, EVER, be like this. I’ll see you, wide-eyed, at The End. View