Sam replied to the topic Be FUCKING CAREFUL What You Wish For/Never Silent in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
this is an actual question because i’m worried i missed something:
Why are you terrified, @larry? What about getting what you wanted scares you from those exchanges? -
Sam replied to the topic BoS message syntax analysis in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
K = Kiro = Morgan?
Sam replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
a.) this was a goddamn delight to read
b.) stop making me question my words from last night 😉
c.) thanks, Robert <3 -
Sam replied to the topic 03/01 – 5 Meet with Morgan in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years ago
I’m gonna drive home and type up stuff with photos in a bit, but here’s a periscope link for now, diving into tarot theories from Morgan’s chosen cards last night:
EDIT to add the write up:
Sorry about the length here. I started with basic interpretations of cards and then move into the way I did my…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
@rpearl I adore you and this is wonderfully put.
Sam replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
@shinobi Nothing is wrong with helping people if that’s your jam. And sometimes it is mine. But I exhaust a lot of my energy (emotional and otherwise) helping people every day and I don’t get much from it. I suppose one could talk of ethical obligations (which I sometimes agree with) or a feeling of general do-good (which reeks of savior-complexes…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
@coryphella YESS. YES YES YES. Particularly #3 & #4. If your desire is to be the hero, than have fun. I never cared much for heroes and savior complexes.
Sam replied to the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Kevin, thank you thank you thank you. This resonates with me a lot.
Sam started the topic 2/19/18 – Declare Your Side in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
We’ve been chatting in the Slack today, following a TMC puzzle and a call to expose the OSDM, about sides and paths and our comfort around declaring them. I have said often I’m not sure where I stand — partially because I often stand with people not groups. I’m a sucker for charisma perhaps.
And so I received a call from Morgan. Guess we truly a…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic Email from OSDM in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Subject: 91505
Their notes are written, read and then destroyed. Today, you have the ability to intercept.
Be careful.
Be confident.
Be Safe.
Tranquility is vital and it’s lost if you feel rage,
so purify your working space with smoke from burning sage,
the heat is overwhelming if you’re standing near the fire,
but there’s a Beard…[
Sam replied to the topic Email from OSDM in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Their notes are written, read and then destroyed.
Also this sounds very much like a reference to the torn Creators letter that @bcbishop received.
Sam replied to the topic Email from OSDM in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
A “Reversing Candle” could be a spell candle in the store where the note might be dropped?
Sam replied to the topic Interview with the creators/no caller ID in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Yeah I’m thinking back to the letter that @bcbishop got and that it felt like Darren was calling Clint out on letting things slip (not destroying communication, using email still) and not pushing enough maybe. So that fits with the on script/off script moment here.
But I’m with @erisbonn that I’d like to know how in the hell Morgan heard the i…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic Alchemy and LUST in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 1 month ago
Okay. So. I just read through the entirety of the first link @nothenrygale shared, and I’ve created a Google Doc with all the quotes that seemed relevant to us. It’s a lot, so I apologize ahead of time, but basically, we are solidly looking at an alchemy connection, and not just with the idea that “everything changes” but like as a common thread…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic The Mysterious Case of DLB's Skull and Crossbones in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 1 month ago
J RX332ik2b4
Jack I know two before
Mason knew two of the members of OSDM before all of this, Noah and (presumably) Horace(idk y’all I’m just trying to see where this goes)
Sam replied to the topic 2.1.18 Leaked letter from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Re: mysterious sender, y’all got me thinking. All we know is that they’re “someone who collects letters with seals”. Collects seals. Who was looking for seals at the MSE? Who could benefit from the potential reveal of lies about DLB and CS being in control?
The seal that stops this all. This stops something — it potentially shows the Master is…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic 2.1.18 Leaked letter from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 1 month ago
Okay. Current thoughts:
1.) if DLB is suspicious of being monitored, he may have made Clint tear up the letter after reading (“you know what to do”).
2.) “enact their addendum” definitely makes me think that this connects to a contract, I.e. the investors or actors or whomever put an addendum into their contract with DLB and CS that if things…[Read more]
Sam replied to the topic The Mysterious Case of DLB's Skull and Crossbones in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 1 month ago
@meghanmayhem I like this train of thought, but then my question is who are they whistleblowing? It seems odd that it would be the OSDM in light of all the MSE drama, particularly re: old vs new OSDM and debates of how to proceed with everything?
Sam replied to the topic The Mysterious Case of DLB's Skull and Crossbones in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 1 month ago
Okay, but where does this leave us re: the previous Tension ending? Correct me if I’m mistaken (as I wasn’t around for any of this), but the OOA was revealed at the Tension finale to be a ruse by the OSDM to collect emotional data, Sabrina was not brainwashed, everything was fake. And we were under the understanding, as well, that the OSDM was a…[Read more]
Sam started the topic Mystic Moons Return & Turns of the Season in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 2 months ago
((Please let me know if this would be better posted in Sightings. I still am not sure where what should go.))
My pretty, I will eat you,
and when I eat you you
will shine so brightly within me
I will tear myself open
for the joy of seeing you again.Then it will be dawn.
The blood of my desire
will paint the sky.Only you and I will know
how…[Read more] - Load More