• The taste of chicken curry sandwich was still on my lips,

    Oh my god this sounds delicious, where do I get one of these?

  • @mike I just snortlaughed in public. You beautiful bastard.

  • Damn, that scope was upsetting. I’ve only met Morgan the one time (on the 1st) but seeing someone who, last I saw/talked to him, was so funny and cool and sardonic now acting so upset and shaken was…rough. Makes me think that there is some shittttt coming.

    Also, if we can take Kristin at face value and the iConfidants are indeed not AI, I feel…[Read more]

  • @sassyyael Morgan’s going to have a detailed recap coming soon but this was just kind of an immediate-aftermath scope. The main things I took from it for now were:
    -Kristin is very scared
    -Morgan is very shook
    -We learned that “they didn’t find what they were looking for” from their first date was a reference to the fact that someone had broken…[Read more]

  • Max Z replied to the topic 5/11 — Macy called in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago

    And here I thought Macy was an abandoned plot thread of the ARG the investors were writing for us (or making Darren and Clint write for us at least), something like a “well they liked when there was an organization against the OOA, maybe they’ll like when there’s an antagonist to the System”. Either I’m wrong and Macy is real and has just been…[Read more]

  • I totally missed this thread until just now but I’d love to meet you in person, and revisit with some the lovely folk I met on 5/1, so I’ll do my best to make it out! 🙂

  • @bcbishop Y’know. I didn’t want to sound heartless, but I’m a little inclined to agree, at least with regard to the puppy part. Throwing a puppy on a fire seems over the top even by Evil Megalomaniac standards. I mean, replace “burn” with “kick” and you have the actual title of a trope used to characterize villains…[Read more]

  • @bryan Y’know. I didn’t want to sound heartless, but I’m a little inclined to agree, at least with regard to the puppy part. Throwing a puppy on a fire seems over the top even by Evil Megalomaniac standards. I mean, replace “burn” with “kick” and you have the actual title of a trope used to characterize villains…[Read more]

  • Max Z replied to the topic Songs to LUST to in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 2 months ago

    @nothenrygale NOW That’s What I Call LUST, Vol. 1

  • @mike That warehouse detail totally slid by me. That’s especially odd considering that from what Tina said to us it was strongly implied that the space was just being rented for that day’s “adults playing pretend” event

  • For the life of me I can’t remember who, but I’m almost certain I remember somebody “breaking” their iConfidant by sending them a message with binary and illogical syntax, only for the iConfidant to respond in similarly broken language and numbers. That felt like a strong leaning toward the iConfidant thing being AI to me, but it could also simply…[Read more]

  • So between this “we’ll let him keep Sarah” remark and Noah’s comment in the Periscope about how Sarah really tried, can we infer that Sarah was “assigned” to Noah as a wife and they eventually developed a bond? If so, that REALLY speaks volumes about Noah’s family dynamic with regard to just how tightly they run his life. It’s really wonder he…[Read more]

  • I wonder if she’ll look/act different now that The Investors did all that R&D.

  • Where the Sinclairs fall on the Reality spectrum is definitely the foremost question for me right now.

    My working theory up until this point was that none of what we experienced in the prologue thus far was intended to be a part of the Lust Experience as DLB and SDL planned it. I thought that this has been a hijacking since practically the very…[Read more]

  • Where the Sinclairs fall on the Reality spectrum is definitely the foremost question for me right now.

    My working theory up until this point was that none of what we experienced in the prologue thus far was intended to be a part of the Lust Experience as DLB and SDL planned it. I thought that this has been a hijacking since practically the very…[Read more]

  • @rizzzoooooo Ohhh I see, haha! Without that bit of context, I took at as him saying that Clint does the writing for the Otis facebook, i.e. Otis is an actor, but I suppose that really makes no sense based on some of the in-person involvement we’ve observed from him. Guess I overthought that one.

    That being said though…I wonder what THAT means…[Read more]

  • @rizzzoooooo Ohhh I see, haha! Without that bit of context, I took at as him saying that Clint does the writing for the Otis the critter lover’s facebook, i.e. Otis is an actor, but I suppose that really makes no sense based on some of the in-person involvement we’ve observed from him. Guess I overthought that one.

    That being said though…I…[Read more]

  • Did I totally mishear, or did the Investor say “Call your boyfriend Clint, we need these people to think small dog lover is back at keyboard?” Did I hear that right, and if so, is that a reference to Otis?

    So it seems we can infer that at least some of this is being faked as an immersive theater event by the Investors. How much of it is real and…[Read more]

  • Did I totally mishear, or did the Investor say “Call your boyfriend Clint, we need these people to think small dog lover is back at keyboard?” Did I hear that right, and if so, is that a reference to Otis?

    So it seems we can infer that at least some of this is being faked as an immersive theater event by the Investors. How much of it is real and…[Read more]

  • Max Z replied to the topic 5/5 – Call from sarah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 2 months ago

    That’s interesting, Sarah doesn’t strike me as someone who would have her room laid out in reds and blacks. Those seem like much too passionate colors, almost gauche, something like you’d find in one of the higher-priced suites on the Vegas strip for couples. I picture her house being white, black, and modern/minimalist, with some tastefully…[Read more]

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