Phone Conversation with Marcos 4/24/17


This topic has 101 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by Jackie.

  • Author
    • #10829

      Sitting here, minding my own business at 09:45pm, I get a phone call from “Unknown”. I get excited. I get hot in the face. Marcos, to start off, I’m sorry for my ‘out door voice’, I was excited and wanted to speak clearly:

      He introduced himself as Marcos, He had a strong foreign accent and sounded like he was on speaker phone.
      “Hi Jackie! Marcos from The Lust Experience. Are you Having a good time?”
      OMGOMGOMMGOMG…Excuse me, I am! I missed out on most of the Tension experience prior to the live event. So yes, this has been very exciting!
      “So do you believe everything (you hear/see)?”
      I don’t know, I think I’m leaning less to ‘robots’, more to ‘artificial intelligence.’
      “Are you staying out of the sun? You have freckles!”
      Me…me? Yes I work nights so the sun is no good. My mother has skin cancer, so I have to be careful.
      “Oh that’s too bad. What do you think of this Noah guy? He seems to have no consequences right? But you didn’t hear that from me. Heh. ”
      I think he’s a guy who’s having a midlife crisis, or maybe he’s done the same thing, so long, he’s self- imploded his life to see what lasts. Ya know, it’s wild.
      “His role is much different than in the Tension Experiment.”
      I didn’t know anything about him in it. So this is new to me, period.
      “well Jackie, I think we’ll talk again ((or Ill contact you again)).”

      Then I ask:
      It’s Marcos with an S, right, Not just an O? You introduced yourself with The Lust Experience, but Are you with the Sinclair’s or the Iconfidant stuff?
      “Oh, I cant tell you that.”
      I would like to talk to you again, Marcos you have a nice night!
      “You too Jackie”

      It was a very natural conversation. He didn’t rush me off the phone. It sounded like he was on speakerphone, maybe in a car? I spoke TOO loudly. Sorry Marcos/Boyfriend/Cats. He on the other hand spoke softly, confidently and his accent was constant.
      His line of questioning, the ease of conversation, Marcos seemed very ‘on the outside’, like a fan, talking to a fan,or like…a Customer Satisfaction survey? I was so thrown off that he introduced himself as from The Lust Experience, not any of the current events we know about. However, On my Iconfidant application I put a note next to my phone number, “I work nights. Ill do my damnedest to answer, but calls after 5pm are appreciated.”

      I’d certainly answer a 10PM call, before answering a 10am one.

      I believe he said he’d contact me again, but I was so excited, paired with his accent, I’m only 70% sure. It may or may not be a one time contact. Someone else may be contacted by Marcos.

      ready, set, GO!

    • #10830
       Brad Ruwe

      So….. OSDM checking in on the progress of shenanigans they’ve created to measure our responses?

    • #10831


    • #10832
       Brad Ruwe

      Next time he calls you, ask him about Levi.

    • #10834

      So weird that he introduced himself from The Lust Experience… And mentioned Noah’s role from The Tension Experience? Sounds kinda OOG?? Maybe Marcos is the new investor (from Panama)?

    • #10835

      There have been too many instances of trolling and gamejacking lately, so I’m skeptical of your call until more is known about this Marcos guy… Why would someone claiming to be part of Lust reach out and ask questions? Very odd…

    • #10836

      @theladyj Uhhh this sounds extremely suspect.

      They don’t call from “Unknown.”

      They call from “No Caller ID.”

      This is very suspect.

    • #10837
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the wording change depending on the type of phone you have?

    • #10838

      Yeah that’s super weird they introduced themselves as “the Lust experience”… I feel like that’s not… normal for this? Am I wrong?

    • #10839

      This feels very strange… Can we get a ruling on this one? Though, for the sake of argument, if this is legitimate, could it be the start of a twist? Michelle and the OSDM taking our expectations based on what we saw in The End and subverting them in order to cover up what they’re doing? We thought the Tension Experience was real and it turned out to be a show used to collect data for the OSDM. Now, so early on, could they be claiming they’re doing the same thing as a way to stop us from taking any of it seriously, when in fact Noah and Sarah ARE real? If they were going to wage a misinformation campaign, this is certainly one many of us are primed to fall for. Again, this feels like a strange choice given how many different things are already expected to happen in the next two weeks… but maybe that’s the perfect time for a violent left turn?

    • #10840
       Meghan Mayhem

      Yeah, every line of this sounds sus and oo

    • #10841

      Jackie did you give your phone number to the Sinclair’s or only iConfidant ?

    • #10842
       Meghan Mayhem

      Yeah, every line of this sounds sus and OOG

    • #10843

      I have my apprehension, no doubt. It was an seeing behind the curtain, that it seemed more Above game, with his root of questioning. Though however, I have only emailed my phone number to Sarah emails/Info, and to Iconfidant. While @kasch hacking seems very story related, this could be another facet of that, if Intentional.

      also, If not in game, talking about my freckles is WAY creepy to try and create pseudo-familiarity. In game, less creepy, way more acceptable.

      Want to inquire with the Powers that Be?

    • #10844

      We’re on it guys.

      Well @thegilded is.

    • #10845
       Brad Ruwe

      @theladyj Is your cell number easily available online? Got it posted anywhere publicly? If not, I’d say it’s likely IG. If it’s out there, it very well could be another attempt at a game jack.

    • #10846


    • #10847

      Honestly (and yes this is creepy) there are endless sites that all you need is a name and you can find out where they live, email and phone number. I’ve tested the sites out and they work. It’s creepy as fuck, but it’s much easier to get a phone number than you’d think.

    • #10848

      Must be IG, too much trouble to get her number, etc. just to ask a few random questions??

      And the freckles?

    • #10849
       Andrew K

      I really hope it wasn’t a game jacker.

      If it’s NOT, then I do like the theory of it being one of the investors checking up on things…Darren did say that they’ve taken control from him. Maybe they’re finally starting to surface?

    • #10850

      For me, Unless friends, You cant pull much from my facebook. I only have two Lusters as friends on my facebook, @taysavestheday and @wanda102, aside from Iconfidant, Otis and Lust/tension. My Number doesn’t coordinate to where I live because I had it way, way before I moved. And where I’m living now, I’ve moved in the last year. It’s even challenging to find me on Facebook if we don’t share friends because my Facebook tag isn’t my last name.

      The plot thickens.
      If it is game jacking, I’m happy it happened to me, I wasn’t inconvenienced in anyway. And they didn’t try to inconvenience me.

    • #10851
       Taylor Winters

      I hope it’s not game-jacking for your sake @theladyj! I love how excited you sounded after receiving a call. And after meeting you, I can totally see you using an outdoors voice.

      If this is in-game, I would lean towards it being an investor from Panama. I was curious when they would come back up in the storyline. But it does sound very suspect.

      And my call from Sarah came from “Private Number” for those keeping track.

    • #10853

      @anakindrew, exactly! New investor checking in, speaker phone, calm, collected… Just seeing how things are going…

    • #10854

      Leave it to the investors to kick out the creatives and mess the whole things up. This would be an interesting explanation of his “consequences” remark. Because it’s true, Noah has been getting away with a lot of things he shouldn’t be, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense why he’s been allowed to continue. So this could be the investors checking in on the optics. Maybe even one of the people Sarah has been so fixated on appearing in control for.

    • #10855

      Also, what time could it be in Panama? Is 10Pm the latest call anyone’s heard of?
      And if game jacking, the freckle thing isn’t a far stretch to pull from my facebook. Either my Display image, or 1/5 of those ‘display’ pictures.

    • #10856

      Hahaha @taysavestheday, SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I SHARE MY FACEBOOK. Also, I can’t help my Boisterousness! I’m like a walking exclamation mark. @meghanmayhem and @prufrock5150 know, from Trivia!

    • #10857

      TPTB are pretty on it when it comes to deleting unrelated posts so the fact that this thread has not been struck from the forums is telling me that it’s IG even though my first thought was another game-jack.

      BUT if it’s in game that whole investor from Panama idea makes so much sense!! @theladyj I don’t know anything about accents but did it sound like someone from there? Maybe youtube some videos of people talking from there and compare? lol

    • #10858

      @theladyj honored to be on your FB to thumbs up any and all unicorn related content.

    • #10859

      Everyone’s covered my thoughts already, but I’ll add that if this doesn’t turn out to be game jacking, we’re seeing the meta-narrative take a very big step forward. I think it’s a bit strange that Marcos referenced Tension, since Lust is supposed to be a complete stand-alone (correct me if I’m wrong).

    • #10860

      It did seem like it was definitely a Hispanic dialect. From Mexico? From Central? From South? I don’t know. But his English was superb, with a very present accent. I tried to dissect it, but I am not talented enough to do so.

      In trying to be useful, I found this video that made me laugh:

    • #10861


      Talk of investors?

      Red flags?

      Then Lust posts this on FB.

      "ready, set, GO!"

      Posted by The Lust Experience on Monday, April 24, 2017

    • #10862

      Game on!

    • #10863

      Confirmed Marcos is the investor.

    • #10864
       Andrew K

      When the money people step in, you know some shit is gonna go down.

    • #10865
       Taylor Winters

      This just got really interesting.

      So there’s investors putting on The Lust Experience in which Darren and Clint were fired from, in which iConfidant and The System are apart of and somehow Otis is off making friends with a woman who like Chickens?

      Give me a minute while I put my head back together.

    • #10866

      My head is spinnnnning.

    • #10868

      Ready set go! With Pink Floyd?!
      SO DOWN!

      So now, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?

    • #10869

      OK OK OK… what? so the OSDM hires Darren and Clint as creatives/patsies for The Tension Experience. Next, the OSDM comes out day one saying they are presenting The Lust Experience. But then new investors come in and fire Darren and Clint. Why does the OSDM need investors from Panama? And what is the goal of The Lust Experience in their eyes? Is Marcos working with the OSDM? Are the OSDM in trouble and are now subject to the whims of the Panama group? This call doesn’t feel like something the Clockmakers would be happy with. But maybe that no longer matters?

      Also, great job reporting, @theladyj! What a ride.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
    • #10872
       Tom Hite

      @theladyj, your ebullience is infectious 🙂 How thoughtful of the Investors to employ such direct methods for feedback on how consumers are enjoying their Lust Experience… and this “Tension Experiment” sounds intriguing, too – were those his exact words?

    • #10873
       Max Z

      I thought it was kind of odd that the Investor narrative seemed to sort of disappear. This feels like the tip of a huge iceberg. Maybe @theladyj just opened page 1 of chapter 1!

    • #10875

      So now that it sounded like a Quality Control call, if there’s money on the line, it makes sense. He seemed very interested in my experience. And now, the ride Noah is on, may come to an end? It certainly doesn’t seem like he’s playing the role they intended for him.

      He was certainly on speaker phone. Maybe he was in a car? Maybe Marcos is in LA. Maybe, they’re coming to solve the problem. @taysavestheday, didn’t Sarah say she -felt- she was going to be replaced?


    • #10876
       Max Z

      @izryn How exactly Tension and Lust are related is unclear to me , but I think it’s fair to say that this exists in the same world as Tension at least. When Noah saw Mike outside the focus group didn’t he make some reference to an experience Mike had in Tension? Something about being in a bathtub full of blood? Unless I misunderstood and that’s just something from Mike’s personal life

    • #10877
       Meghan Mayhem

      This is such a weird weird 4th wall. I can’t even process what this means in terms of the game we think we’re playing.

    • #10878
       Taylor Winters

      @theladyj, Sarah said “He’s going to replace me!”

      I thought the she was referring to Noah–but maybe it would refer to the investors. She never was clear about that. While Noah seems like the obvious answer, it’s always good to look at all available choices and keep an open mind. Maybe she could be referring to an investor ready to replace the actress.

      How weird would that be–to meet someone completely new introducing herself as Sarah Sinclair?

    • #10879

      …probably not. He probably said Tension Experience. It’s probably my misinterpretation, I personally called it that a lot during my early days. I was WAY excited during typing.

    • #10880


    • #10881

      @maxzumstein Lust and Tension are definitely in the same world, that’s for sure. What I wasn’t clear on was the extent to which they are separate stories, but now it seems one-off references are fair game.

      Ok, so now we have a fourth wall, and Mr. Investor Marcos has just broken it (or did he build it? I’m not sure). So if we say things on the level of game-jacking and stuff are OOG, are we talking about the fifth wall? Walls are appearing out of thin air, and are being broken as soon as they do.

      Replacing the actress would certainly be a curveball we’ve not yet seen. Hurts my head just thinking about the impact that would have on the Sinclair’s storyline.

    • #10882
       Taylor Winters

      @izryn @theladyj; how would you even warn Sarah about that? Could you convince a person that they are merely a character in a world that is danger of being replaced? Would Sarah understand?

      Look at how Sabrina took it during The End. This could be soul crushing for them.

    • #10883
       Brad Ruwe

      Seriously, @theladyj, if he calls back, ask about Levi. It’s the name of the actor playing Noah. I didn’t focus on that much recently, but now that we’ve got this call I think we need to bring it back up again.

      Things are no longer what we assumed they were.

    • #10885

      @theladyj @taysavestheday The idea of the investors starting to pull strings just brings up a million more questions about what and who we’re actually dealing with here.

      What would extracting the Sinclairs from the greater narrative even entail? Can they just walk away? Would we move on and forget about them?

      Also, if the Sinclairs arent getting the results the investors are after, what ARE they after? What more do they want from us that we haven’t already tied up a ribbon on and handed to them?

    • #10886

      @nothenrygale and @theladyj Let’s avoid hunting down the actors just yet until we’re invited into that aspect of everything. Most of us are good peeps but we don’t want a nut job hunting one of these people down.

      Right now Marcos is our first behind the curtain person. Let’s focus our energy there.

    • #10887
       Max Z

      It’s possible Sarah and Noah are Sabrina-type situations, and can thus be replaced, but with Darren and Clint having been kicked off the project, we might also ask ourselves if we’re even taking part in an entertainment experience anymore, or something more nefarious masquerading as an entertainment experience. Maybe the investors (whoever they are) saw the reach and command that Darren and Clint’s creative project had over us and decided to forcibly use it toward different ends. If that’s the scenario maybe Noah and Sarah aren’t characters of DLB and CS’ imagination, or aren’t even “characters” at all (speaking IG of course).

      God this is even getting hard to talk about without being confusing.

    • #10888

      Yes, full disclaimer, Internet: Do not go hunting for trouble. Trouble will find us.

      So If there is one Investor, are there more? Who else can come from the Myst? Will he call back?

    • #10889
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz Totally agree to not go hounding actors, but this ties back into something that’s been bugging me since this began. The Tension book is pretty clearly in-game with the edits and redactions the OSDM made before going to print. Noah is clearly displayed in there, along with the actor’s name. If this was information they didn’t want us to know, it would’ve been removed as they did information on other people.

      So now that we have a clear indicator that there’s more going on that the surface layer we see, I’m feeling like it’s time to ask Marcos about it and see where that leads.

    • #10890

      Omg all of this gave me crazy butterflies!! ? where’s the 4th wall?! *head spinning!*

      ? that video had me dying ?

    • #10891
       Kyle Bown

      I love me some meta narrative. Let’s do this!

      Also, to go full tinfoil hat with the links Noah shared. What if the OSDM was honest about swinging the election. What if the actual investors are the Russians and this is all a giant rise to get data to improve their bots and Sarah is going along with it and Noah, after joining in, is ready to blow the whole thing up. Which would make the ultimate layer of this not a story, but international espionage couched in an immersive theater experience.

    • #10892

      @nothenrygale If it was where they wanted us to go there’d be more arrows pointing towards it.

      You’re fixating on the wrong thing I feel.

      Focus needs to be this investor.

    • #10893

      So Marcos.
      A group of people as Investor? One, Super Investor? Any Relation to TG?
      I believe he must been in LA. It was 10Pm (ish.) In Panama, It would have been midnight and it seems unrealistic he could call then.
      >If anything, big money is in town. And it makes sense as to why when asked, “Are you with the Sinclairs or IConfidant?” He pivoted and couldn’t say. Cause he’s not! He IS the Lust Experience. If it IS just him?

    • #10894

      Also, I should say, I appreciate the later phone call rather than an earlier one. 5/5 stars.

    • #10895
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz I could very well be, but for me personally, Marcos mentioning Noah being in Tension WAS such an arrow. A clue to look backwards for something maybe we weren’t mentioning. I’m sure Noah is just one piece to this ever growing puzzle, but I feel like that’s the piece that will lead to something. Yes the attention is on this Marcos person, but we have nothing else to go off of on that thread. He brought up a different thread that we do have an unexplored bit of info regarding.

      It’s up to @theladyj how she plays future calls, but I know for damn sure if I hear from Marcos or see Noah again soon I’m going to mention the name and see what happens.

    • #10896

      The fourth wall is super exciting, where do we go from here!? But everyone play safe and play smart and we’ll see this through to the end! Now lets hope I didn’t scare him off with my exuberance.<3

    • #10898
       Max Z

      @theladyj Your exuberance is nothing but infectious! I don’t think it’d scare anyone off

    • #10903

      I’m happy this wasn’t a game jacker, but not happy that I’m utterly confused, especially since I was not involved in Tension. I hope there’s a way for newbies to understand this a little better. Never heard of any Investors.

    • #10904

      @jared I believe the investors aspect of the story was discussed in a Periscope that @julierei made after running into Darren at a Covell show about a month ago, maybe longer. He told her that he included were off the project and that investors have taken over. I’ll link you: Julie’s periscope

    • #10905

      @jared I was a participant in Tension and the investor thing makes some sense, this is my personal take. DLB had to keep Tension running by having an investor. Someone who gave money here and there just like any project that needs a boost before customers actually give money for an end product (in Tension’s case, Ascension and merch).

      Now, did the investor keep going with Lust? I’m not so sure. When I was at the book signing DLB was actually mentioning to @kingkill33 and I that he was going to Panama for a few days. I think we all asked why he was going but he dodged the answer. Perhaps his trip down there was to talk to another investor, perhaps Marcos*.

      This would make sense knowing Marcos asked @theladyj how Lust Experience is going for her. Hopefully this all makes sense.

      *Why else would Lust FB post a song titled “Money” and the post is directly tied to something @theladyj said here in this thread?

    • #10906

      Thanks @wanda102 and @mkarrett. It’s all pretty weird, but it does make sense… I’m usually quiet here because I’m not sure my thoughts matter too much, but I’d love to give some feedback to Marcos as a newbie to this world.

    • #10907

      This hurts my head, AND I LOVE IT!

    • #10908

      Yea my head is ALL OVER THE PLACE! And now with their new FB quote by the original Sadist himself…#mindfrizzled

    • #10909

      So, I have this vague memory that I believe(d) at the time was OOG but now sounds increasingly IN GAME…@mkarrett, @addisonborn, @daela, @rizzzoooooo, remember we were on the beach that night I was out there, and talking about Light2Dark, this weird character from early Tension days, didn’t someone say something about the meaning of “wind the clock” (something that L2D said frequently) and how it referred to investors spending money on the project? Clocks, investors, etc…

    • #10913
       Meghan Mayhem

      Investors were also mentioned during a small one off of a small gathering of tension participants who were asked to come back to the compound post-The End and give interviews about their experience “to show the investors”.

      The other thing that I just realized kinda supports this in and out of 4th wall thing with actors in a play for the investors thing is DLB telling @bcbishop several times in the car outside the hotel during his rant about being kicked off by the investors, that the prostitute was an actress.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #10915

      Perhaps Noah is trying to purposely destroy what the OSDM and Investors are setting up? And Sarah’s trying to keep it together by staying on script (which makes sense since she had a script with her at the Focus Group).

    • #10916

      @coryphella I always thought “wind the clock” was us basically us moving that clock along as we discovered more and more and posted our findings.

    • #10918

      @mkarrett – yes but I feel like there was a specific reference that night to…the more we posted, the more people – investors – invested.

    • #10919

      @thebuz Her joke was scripted at the OC meetup as well. And then there was that envelope with her name on it. Maybe she only has this job in the first place because she’s sleeping with Granik. The ice she skates on is becoming increasingly thin.

    • #10921


      You ended your post with a Smashmouth lyric and I don’t know what to do with myself.

    • #10922

      @thebuz Marcos’ attitude towards Noah doesn’t seem like he’s particularly upset with him. He seems more amused by him, if anything. He could have that attitude even if Noah is trying to disrupt what they’re doing because he know Noah will fail, but why leave a random element like Noah on the board?

      Could also be that Noah is working for the investors while Sarah is more involved with the Sinclair companies and he is trying to bring down the company with his name.

    • #10923
       Andrew Kasch

      I can’t help but remember what happened to the last guy who “took over” the production.

    • #10926

      @thebuz we might as well swim.

    • #10927


      I avenged him.

    • #10930
       Bryan Bishop

      LOVE THIS.

      The comments Marcos made seem to indicate that he is part of a group (he’s an investor, per @thegilded) that are aware of both Tension and Lust as “productions” – things that all of us engage in, rather than being actual, factual realities.

      Him asking if @theladyj believed everything she’d seen thus far seems like a huge clue in this direction, and I can’t help but wonder if the sun mention wasn’t also a coded reference to “staying in the dark” – i.e., was she buying the facade.

      Him acknowledging Noah as having a different role in Lust vs. Tension also shows a different perspective on this show than we’ve seen from any other character thus far.

      So… it’s pretty clear that Tension and Lust are in the same world as each other. The question is, which world?

      1. Is it the world where a mysterious group called the OSDM funded a show called Tension to collect data on people, and then decided to mount another show called LUST to do the same?

      2. Is it the world where ANOTHER organization (perhaps The Investors™) created a show called Tension, which included the fiction of the OSDM, that is now also responsible for what we’re experiencing as LUST?

      We’ve all been super eager to connect the dots by assuming the “OSDM presents” on the LUST invite was something we could trust and rely on. We’ve all done this, even though The Creators themselves have openly said they created the OSDM as an Illuminati-like organization.

      Call me crazy, but if you’re hired to be patsy fall guys for an evil conspiratorial agency, you probably don’t use the group’s actual name in interviews, or even the show that you’re writing.

      , you mentioned being bummed because you were worried missing Tension would make this too confusing. To that, I would say don’t worry. If I’m right about the above in even the slightest bit, none of that will matter at all. Because all of Tension will have been a lie.

    • #10934

      All of tension will have been a lie

      Oh, how long I have been on that band wagon…. Good to see someone else hop on board. This entire plot wouldn’t be put together to just f*$k with our heads now, would it? 🙂

      The real question is which one of the dudes wearing the masks at The End was Marcos?

    • #10935

      Idk why but I think it’s hilarious that he asked you if you were having a good time. Might just be my lame sense of humor.


    • #10937
       Kyle Bown

      The more I think about this whole thing the more fascinating it is. We currently have both Sinclair and iConfidant going. Sinclair is supposed to start seminars next week, iConfidant is about to launch it’s beta test. Noah is going semi-rogue within Sinclair Inc and iuConfidant is having IT issues. Meanwhile @111error has a coffee date with the assistant to the head of IConfidant.

      In steps Marcos, the investor, asking if @theladyj is enjoying herself and if she believes anything going on. Basically jumping in, telling us all “Remember, this is not real.” while continuing the narrative.

      I know everyone knows all of this, it just sometimes helps me to process everything.

      Why start the meta-narrative so soon? Is everything so far just a prologue that is merely setup for the actual game/story that hasn’t even started yet? Is there going to be a meta-narrative for the meta-narrative? How deep is this rabbit hole gong to go?

      I wish I had something new to add, but right now I’m still processing this fascinating turn of events.

    • #10938

      “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

      , this would be utterly exhausting if true, but you may be on to something. A long-standing sticking point for many people on here has been the crediting of Noah and Michelle’s actors in the book. Michelle’s felt especially odd, as she was nonexistant until the final days of Ascension, and never during the actual show (unless you consider The End part of the show). The Gatekeepers (unless I am wrong) didn’t get the same type of in-book billing despite being strong figures in the early days of Indoctrination. But Michelle’s actress got a whole page. If we are now being subjected to Inception-style layers upon layers, where Michelle is shown to be fictional herself even as she points to others and calls them fictional, then we really have nowhere to stand. It is true that if their subsequent interviews and panel discussions could be considered in-game, referring to the OSDM as their invention so openly in retrospect feels very damning.

      But one thing still bothers me, and I think it was bothering @thebuz last night too: if this is real, why is it happening so early? @lilmsfancpants and I have to have said this to each other once a week since this all started– where is Michelle? Why isn’t the OSDM saying anything? If they’re in charge of the Facebook account, why do they seem so far removed from what has been going on, especially in light of her one appearance at the book signing? Why explode the OSDM and retcon The Tension Experience to be 100% fictional instead of the previous, say, 70% at a time when their connection to Lust has been largely indiscernible? If they are truly employing this nuclear option, then we all appear to now be on the same page, knowing absolutely nothing. But the timing of this still feels odd to me. I’m not willing to completely say goodbye to Michelle and the OSDM yet. Maybe this secret organization became uncomfortable with its level of exposure and is now working to repair its cloak of anonymity by rendering itself fictional in our eyes. How would it benefit Marcos and the Investors to so nonchalantly out their entire enterprise? Something about this just feels too easy.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Chris.
    • #10940

      So this is the son of a bitch that ousted Clint and DLB…

    • #10941
       Brad Ruwe

      Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in the corner rocking back and forth as every idea of what’s going on with Lust gets blown up.

    • #10942

      Any chance Marcos was actually this guy on forum?

    • #10943

      Oh damn, @mkarrett. That would explain the “jajaja.”

    • #10944

      @lilmsfancpants I didn’t want to use that as my Exhibit A but….ya exactly.

    • #10945
       Meghan Mayhem

      Why start a meta narrative so early on?

      “This is only page one of the forward”

      “When they stop believing you, that’s when it’s begun”

      Boy who cried wolf.

      *rocks back and forth*

    • #10946
       Brad Ruwe

      Seriously @meghanmayhem, I’m quickly losing any sense of how I want to play this game because I’m losing that sense of what exactly the game is.

      ME RN

    • #10947
       Bryan Bishop

      @nothenrygale I think it’s probably best to not think of this as a game, and more as a movie. And this one is shaping up to be an Altman or PT Anderson film that takes its time to reveal itself, conversation by conversation, and by the end we’ll be so invested we won’t even question why frogs are raining down upon us.

    • #10948
       Brad Ruwe

      Actual footage form the end of Lust:

      Frogs and car crashes, OH MY

    • #10949

      @bcbishop @mike We’ve already had an “I drink your milkshake” moment!

    • #10950

      @nothenrygale maybe that’s exactly the point! What if they want us to stop “playing” this as a game and just… I don’t know… “living” the game? What better way is there than to throw us into absolute confusion as to what it’s supposed to be and what is IG and OOG and part of this or that storyline. Just pulling the rug out under us completely.

    • #10951
       Bryan Bishop

      @lenize: @nothenrygale maybe that’s exactly the point! What if they want us to stop “playing” this as a game and just… I don’t know… “living” the game? What better way is there than to throw us into absolute confusion as to what it’s supposed to be and what is IG and OOG and part of this or that storyline. Just pulling the rug out under us completely.


    • #10952
       Brad Ruwe

      That’s a great way of putting it. I may have been a little too engrossed into the idea of an “ARG”, and this sure as he’ll knocked me out of trying to plan my course of action in dealing with the Sinclair’s and iConfidant.

    • #10953

      Yeah I’m at a complete loss.

      They’re doing it again. I don’t know what’s real.

    • #10955

      What if they want us to stop “playing” this as a game and just… I don’t know… “living” the game? What better way is there than to throw us into absolute confusion as to what it’s supposed to be and what is IG and OOG and part of this or that storyline. Just pulling the rug out under us completely

      And now I move to Los Angeles.

    • #10956

      And also, @thebuz, this speaks to a larger, longer conversation I’ve been having about the definition/nature of reality – that question of “what is real?” may not be the right question anymore, because in a sense it’s ALL real. It’s all someone’s reality.

    • #10961
       Mustafa Said

      Playing catch up 🙂

      I wonder about something that @theladyj wrote: “So now that it sounded like a Quality Control call, if there’s money on the line, it makes sense.”

      I wonder if there is money on the line as much as it was during Tension. I mean, I’m gonna take a guess that since Tension was an overall success in data gathering for the OSDM-to the point where they were able to extend the Ascension event a couple of extra weeks-that after everything ended OSDM were able to get more funding for what was coming next.

      As for this investor…guessing he’s trying to keep an eye on things. If the investors aren’t just the ones funding Lust but also now in charge of directing it, who knows where this could lead?

      What if this is the “System” Noah wants us to somehow take control of?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mustafa Said.
    • #11123

      Old news.

      From the previous Lust FB post’ready,set,GO!’ …: Just posting the Pink Floyd ‘Money’ lyrics for continuity sakes to keep information organized.

      Money, get away
      Get a good job with good pay and you’re okay
      Money, it’s a gas
      Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
      New car, caviar, four star daydream
      Think I’ll buy me a football team
      Money, get back
      I’m all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack
      Money, it’s a hit
      Don’t give me that do goody good bullshit
      I’m in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
      And I think I need a Lear jet
      Money, it’s a crime
      Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie
      Money, so they say
      Is the root of all evil today
      But if you ask for a raise it’s no surprise that they’re
      Giving none away, away, away

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