

This topic has 84 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Melissa.

  • Author
    • #214

      Hi all, this is my first time getting into anything like this. I loved listening about The Tension Experience and all of the other immersive theater and haunts in LA from Mike and Russell on their podcast, and I decided I’d try this out. I’m in Illinois though, so we’ll have to see how that goes with all the physical stuff that seems to go on as well, but I’d love to help and play around however I can!

    • #221

      Hi all
      I’m in the same boat as Chloe. This is my first experience, here because of Mike and Russell and I live in the Midwest. Wish I could be there for events but I’ll settle for being part of the online community.

    • #223

      Welcome to the lot of you! Last time around we had people from as far away as England still getting interaction through various means, and people as far away as St. Louis getting dead drops.

      Even if you miss some of the LA-centered face-to-face meetings, you’re not out of the OSDM’s reach entirely.

      If you are among the active, that is.

    • #225
       Mustafa Said

      Hello! @ziegenbart, where in the Midwest are you? I’m in Kansas myself. 🙂

    • #226

      Wow thank you so much @chloe and @ziegenbart !! Welcome to this and enjoy yourselves. There’s already stuff to nerd out about, so have fun with it 😀

    • #227

      Hello @mumumusings. I’m just outside of Minneapolis. I’m really looking forward to getting involved however I can. I’ve never done anything like this, so I’m sure there’s lots to learn. Hopefully I have something to offer and can contribute.

      • #233

        @ziegenbart – we are neighbors – I’m also in the Twin Cities (living in Saint Paul but I consider them to be the same place). I was involved pretty heavily last year, too, even from all the way out here.

      • #880

        Same! Can please start the twin cities newbies club?!

    • #229

      “as far away as England”


      But otherwise @thegilded is correct. Distance means very little here.


    • #230
       Alejandra Acosta

      Hi and welcome! I am one of the people that live outside of California but still got to participate in The Tension Experience last year; I started a few months late, but was still able to interact. As long as you stay active and interested, you will still get something out of…whatever this will be now 🙂

    • #231

      @blondie – Sorry, I’m not familiar with it. Is that in the “Royalty” part or the “St. Patrick” part?


      • #234

        @thegilded – that map is out of date. I don’t think we think of Russia as “the commies” anymore. Maybe “Daddy” is more appropriate now?

      • #241

        @thegilded Don’t make me set the dragons on you…

    • #236

      @coryphella – I’m sad and uncomfortable at the same time now.

      So… like normal, only moreso. Thanks.

    • #237

      Sorry for the sad – I don’t think Lust should make you feel sad.

      Uncomfortable, well. I think it’s too early to tell.

    • #239

      @coryphella are you the same Megan that did the “Looking For A Game With Consequences” write-up I found through No Proscenium? If so, you are partially to blame for my being here as well and thanks. If not, well, thanks to the other Megan.

    • #242

      @ziegenbart – yep, that is me. I apologize for whatever might be about to happen to you.

    • #243

      I’m kind of also a n00b, so I just want to say hello! I attended Ascension knowing next to nothing about what I was getting myself into, but it absolutely shook me. (Also,I was terrified and literally shaking for a lot of it as well) Anyway, this is baby’s first venture into an online community! I can’t wait to get to know all of you, make some friends and see what the OSDM has up its sleeve!

    • #265

      Super excited to get to the next part of the experience. TENSION was wild, and I’m wholeheartedly invested into Lust.

    • #311
       Christine Barger

      Welcome everyone near and far! I’m excited to be here.

    • #316

      Another forum newbie here…hello, everybody! I was super late to the game on TE, but loved Ascension and am really looking forward to being more involved in LUST.

    • #330

      Hey there! I’m in South Florida and was unable to experience Tension first hand. I joined a little late, I don’t even remember how I learned about it, but I tried to get involved through the forums and keep up with what was going on. By the end I felt connected to it. This time around I am hoping to be more involved and am already planning a trip out to LA to experience it first hand! Hopefully multiple trips (my brother is living out there now). Excited to meet you all and to be apart of this journey 🙂

    • #417

      I’m so excited to be here early on this time. I got interested in The Tension Experience near the end and couldn’t keep up with everything happening so i wasn’t active. I hope to keep up this time. I live in TN so I won’t be able to participate in physical events sadly.

    • #448

      I am so excited for all the new blood. It’s going to be such a delicious party…

    • #577

      Does anyone have any advice or know any ways us newer people could be more in the loop? I had so much trouble trying to keep up after I got interested so late

      • #583
         Lukas L

        Best way I have found is to log in and search for the days trending topics in forum activity. That and by the My Haunt Life podcast. Also I know there are a lot of bloggers that are on here that give great updates.

    • #578

      I’m also new, sad I missed Tension but looking forward to being involved in Lust. Curious and sort of nervous for what this entails! Excited mostly, though 🙂

    • #582

      @liveandlove4now luckily, you’re almost entirely at the beginning of the Lust “chapter” so you’re definitely not too late now.

      Normally the way it works is that we all monitor very closely. That’s the site feed, all comments and conversations as they happen. Normally we’ll catch wind that something is going to happen and when we do, we all talk about it on the forums for a while. Like tonight’s 7pm thing. Then /activity/ blows up with our analysis and conversation and then lulls until the next “event”

      If you miss any one of these content/analysis burst, I’d normally recommend just asking nicely for a recap during one of the lulls. That way you can catch up in time for the next one

    • #584

      I’m going with the listen and learn. Way out of my league right now. So much of the past conning into things. No clue how to “play” and get actively involved. Especially being away from all the possible physical meet ups. But not throwing in the towel just yet.

      • #585

        Half the fun is seeing how everything fits together, imo. 🙂

    • #587

      Guys, if you have any specific questions, you can always reach out to people who seem more “in the loop”. I know I am more than happy to help wherever I can – if I can’t, I’m sure I can point you in the direction of someone who can. Feel free to send me a private message any time. I also have a blog at but I’m not sure that will clear anything up at this stage…

    • #588

      I took some time this afternoon to kinda learn my way around the site and make sure I had all the social media links. And Have been watching the activity feed. It’s much easier to keep up this time. And I live so far away that I can’t participate in the physical meetups but I’m trying to stay involved in what I’m able to. I’ve definitely been searching and trying to learn. I registered this afternoon and haven’t logged off. I just hope I can keep up when it comes to things from tension. Thanks for the advice! I am so excited to see how everything unfolds!

    • #591
       Taylor Winters

      To follow @blondie’s post, I run a website called that will help people keep up with Lust, as well as provide a guide to immersive theater in general. But definitely follow her blog, it’s wonderful and very well written!

    • #604
       Taylor Winters

      Thank you, @thefreeman! I appreciate you reading it!

    • #642
       Twan Intarathuch

      Hopping on the Newb train! Wanted to introduce myself and hopefully make some new friends! Thanks for the links and help!

    • #657

      Hey, I am also jumping in with LUST from the beginning this time, and I think with different expectations than I had with Tension!

      All the way from South Africa, so will have a hard time keeping up with everything, but looking forward to seeing what develops 🙂

    • #667

      I’m here because of Mike and Russell also! One might think that they are involved behind the scenes! (Wink, Wink)

    • #673

      Come on man, it’s only been 3 days and this is already happening? SMH @dawsonc

      We all know that if anyone is involved it’s @kasch 😀

    • #675

      So many plants, it’s like a greenhouse in here 😉

    • #684

      @mike You can’t possibly be surprised. You knew this was coming. We probably should have had a bet ring going for how long until someone called you a plant.

    • #686
       Andrew Kasch

      That does it. I’m asking Noah if I can be his Mr. Smithers so I can fuck with you all.

    • #688

      @kasch – please do. Let us know when this happens <3

    • #689

      Confirmed – Scribes now have to wear bumble bee costumes as their uniforms

    • #690

      @kasch I believe you should seriously consider changing your username to Mr. Smithers to show your dedication and commitment.

    • #691

      @thegilded – Oh Sintry, you just want my stinger showing

    • #693

      Not sure anymore if this is a present for @mike or @kasch

    • #694


    • #695

      Holy shit..Finkle is Einhorn?

      Who took whose seminars?

    • #698
       Bryan Bishop


    • #700


      • #706

        @thegilded you forgot to specify for which values of K because non-integer values will definitely even you out!

    • #709

      There is so much awesomeness in this @coryphella. No words. Forget Noah Sinclair… We have @mike.

    • #713

      @izryn – K is the domain of counting numbers, get your R and Q domains out my equations.

      Or wait was it Z for integers.

      Shit, now you have me questioning my knowledge of discrete math

    • #717

      @thegilded – well that’s a relief because you had me questioning my ability to understand your jokes for the last 45 minutes.

    • #747

      As a newbie, could a veteran give a condensed synopsis of Tension and some characters/people we should know about? Example: So who is Noah? OSDM?. There seems a few terms and persons that maybe involved here that I/we should be familiar with.


    • #748

      @dawsonc I’m a newbie too, but listen to the My Haunt Life podcast. And there are some people here that have websites that give insights.

    • #749

      @dawsonc Here’s the official timeline from the Tension site:
      Noah appeared in person at some people’s Ascension, but we didn’t know his name at the time. The OSDM appears to be a the shadowy organization that was behind Tension and now Lust, and they are looking to get data on us for their own nefarious purposes. Some folks who actually attended Ascension and experienced things first-hand can give you a better run-down of the actual players/characters involved.

    • #750

      @dawsonc I couldn’t agree more with @ziegenbart. @Mike and Russell have documented the Tension Experience perfectly. Listen to their podcasts (My Haunt Life) and you’ll be all caught up. They’re my go to for everything immersive and haunt related.

    • #751

      You guys are so amazing to us and it’s so effing appreciated <3

      – A synopsis won’t do Tension justice, but the timeline that @izryn posted is a great start. As far as characters, we still don’t know who may or may be involved. During “The End”, which was the last event where almost everyone we encountered within Tension was killed, a woman named Michelle took control of what was happening. She also appeared in a few Periscopes before then.

      Noah, who we referred to as “Suit Guy”, was someone who was in Ascension the last couple of weeks. Last night we learned that his name is Noah Sinclair (due to the spam on here that led to his website). We’re still unsure his role and if he’s a part of OSDM or not.

      So basically, Michelle and Noah were the “bad guys” who seemed to come out of Ascension unscathed.

    • #753

      @izryn and @mike, Thanks. I have listened to their podcasts. But over the course of a year or so, it was difficult to follow was was going on. The timeline helps to put things in perspective. I also know to keep my eye on Michelle and Noah.

    • #767

      I’m also new to the tension experience thing but I was able to find most of the story that seems to be relevent for this new narrative. Super hyped for this

    • #779
       Christine Barger

      @danduder welcome If you’re interested I wrote a little about Tension here:

    • #783
       Christine Barger

      anonymous #316 How do you write on here anonymously?

    • #786

      @christineb It might have been posted from an account that was subsequently deleted? Not sure though.

    • #789
       Mike derwart

      I’m from florida. Found tension thru russ and mike’s podcast. Followed along but wasn’t really active. I plan to change all that this time around with lust. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.

    • #807

      @christineb thanks for the reading! I’m sad I wasn’t able to get into the tension story while it was happening but here’s another shot to make it happen

      • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Daniel.
    • #881

      How many members, new or veteran, do we have here in the Twin Cities area? I’d be happy to set up a private Facebook group if anyone is willing to participate. Perhaps we could have our own get togethers to share the experience and maybe try an escape room or two. I’ve tried recruiting my friends but they think I highly disturbed. I’m sure they are correct. @colaptesauratus

    • #882

      So far I only know of you, myself, and @coryphella. I know in the past it’s been of more benefit to keep discussion on the forums, but I’d be down for a meet up or an escape room for sure!

    • #883

      I absolutely want to keep the action in the forums. But any chance to connect with others locally, I’ll take. They aren’t going to want to read about us setting up times and places for tea and crumpets before an escape room outing. At least I don’t think so.

    • #884

      They aren’t going to want to read about us setting up times and places for tea and crumpets before an escape room outing.

      – We thought this once too, then they crashed a party at @nosnevets house!

    • #885


      It’s like a whole new world!

    • #886

      @Mike and @russell. I don’t know if you remember but I reached out to you a while ago asking for advice on finding a community like you have. Russell said I might need to be the one to create it. Well, I’m working on it. I’m 100% sincere when I say that the community experience you described has been the largest draw I have to this. Sure, there is a ton of other great (terrible?) stuff. But the honest and respectful friendships, as is displayed between you two in every podcast, is still what I think is at the root of these shared experiences. That’s why I hope this doesn’t get to divisive amongst us, the community. If so, I’m out. I have enough enmity bombarding me every day, from every side, as it is.

      • #887

        @ziegenbart Thank you for the kind words about My Haunt Life. YES, definitely remember the conversation you inspired! Glad to hear you are reaching out in your own community to find kindred spirits.
        As this progresses, who knows what OSDM has in store for the community? Even in times of disagreement (if that is ahead), I believe you will find support here.

    • #888

      @ziegenbart – I definitely remember 🙂 That name is easy to remember. It sounds like you’re in a good spot. There’s 3 of you pretty close to one another. I know @lukasrl is around Chicago, so that’s another person. Thank you so much for saying that. While Ascension/Tension were amazing, it’s even more amazing that a community formed around this and are STILL friends and hang out and have non-Tension events. We don’t know what will happen with Lust, but if there is some sort of divide (Team Noah vs Team Michelle vs Team Anti-OSDM?), but remember that while there may be mudslinging on the forums (and considered in game), the real life friendships (hopefully) won’t falter.

    • #890

      I’m down with having sides in the experience if it comes to that. Totally understand that as moving things forward. Conflict can lead to growth. I can’t explain what I meant, but I think you understood. And I’m super excited to be here, if also a little scared.

    • #891

      So, just for fun I bought the Ascension soundtrack off of the Tension website today and spent an hour of my normal Saturday walking around with that as the soundtrack to everything that was happening. Watching my kids swing on a beautiful MN day was almost terrifying. Oh, and the religious guys in suits knocking on every door? (shudder) Buy it and give it a try.

    • #892

      @ziegenbart & @colaptesauratus – I’m definitely up for getting a drink together sometime. I did Tension last year and was the only MN person…Lukas and Mustafa were the next closest people to me so it will be strange to have people close by this year!

    • #902

      Wanted to pop in finally and say hi. I know a few people here, and have maybe run into a few of you during some haunts/immersive theater stuff or when I was in Blood Alley Christmas… While I’m not a newbie to immersive theater, I didn’t do Tension, so I’m very much in the dark about a lot of that story. Looking forward to jumping in and seeing where LUST goes!!

    • #961
       Lukas L

      @coryphella @ziegenbart I also believe there was another semi active person in the Chicagoland area. Great to have another person in here from the Midwest.

    • #963

      @lukasrl – there was, I’m trying to remember his hame, all I can see is his profile pic with the red balls over his eyes…but yeah he eventually fell away.

    • #968

      @coryphella I want to say his name was Trevor? @sabaki or something close to that was his username I think.

    • #977

      @addisonborn – YES that was it!

    • #980

      @addisonborn “silly putty egg eyes guy” (that’s seriously how I remembered him)

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