Meeting Kristin at 2pm today, 5/12

This topic has 91 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Hannah Schenck.

  • Author
    • #13222

      Kristin just called me, setting the venue and the time..

      I’m nervous, she sounded a little less upbeat than I’ve heard her previously. Once we’re done I will Periscope.

      So, things to remember to ask; Does she know Macy, has she heard of ‘The System’, and how is her name spelled. Anything else?

    • #13223

      (Incidentally, I have no idea what the purpose of this meeting is, only that I might be walking into a trap)

    • #13224
       Brad Ruwe

      Best of luck today! Call Admiral Akbar if things go south.

    • #13225

      Obvious question:

      “Are you a robot?”

      Also be upfront about how the last meeting went and your suspicions and maybe ask her to put her phone on the table so you know you’re not being recorded.

    • #13226

      @111error What are all the rules the confidants have to follow and when are they allowed to reveal their names/meet us?

      Be careful out there.

    • #13227

      @111error consider showing her these string of numbers

      01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100

    • #13228

      Ask her straight up who put her up to what she did to you last time and what they were looking for. I believe she owes you an honest explanation. @111error

    • #13229

      You could always be covert and tap this out on the table

      .- .-. . / -.– — ..- / .- / .-. — -… — –

    • #13230
       Andrew Kasch

      Best of luck, man!

      If you can, please try to get some info out of her regarding what is happening with Stacey and who “those people” are that invaded iConfidant. Mark’s e-mail about the worldwide hacking is incredibly strange…

    • #13232
       Meghan Mayhem

      “Are you a cop robot? You have to tell me if you’re a cop robot.”

    • #13234

      Keep me posted. With translation please and good luck!! What is your periscope name @111error thanks

    • #13236

      @sassyyael I am KIROBASS on Periscope

      – the rest of you, lol. I’m practicing my binary pronunciation and morse code tapping.

      I’m also here, pre-gaming.

    • #13237


    • #13238

      You always know it’s the real @111error and not a mirror version because the real one will always find excuses to humble brag about his fancy photography phone

    • #13241
    • #13243
       Brad Ruwe

      @111error What kind of phone is that?

    • #13245
    • #13246

      Mind if anyone can write a recap for me thanks

    • #13247

      So it seems that either they aren’t AI/robots, or Kirstin (forgot what he said when he spelled her name correctly) just doesn’t know about it. Are they all just brainwashed people and that’s why they talk so weird sometimes? Were they brainwashed by the helmet?

    • #13249

      I am both excited to know that the confidants are real people/not AI, and terrified that iConfidant is apparently a dangerous or untruthful entity.

    • #13250
       Max Z

      @sassyyael Morgan’s going to have a detailed recap coming soon but this was just kind of an immediate-aftermath scope. The main things I took from it for now were:
      -Kristin is very scared
      -Morgan is very shook
      -We learned that “they didn’t find what they were looking for” from their first date was a reference to the fact that someone had broken into Morgan’s house and went through his shit while he was on the date
      -Kristin asked if Morgan knew Kim Stewart, and alluded to a connection of some sort between Kim and Stacey but no real concrete details
      -When asked about the iConfdiants being AI, Kristin seemed totally confused

      More details to come in the write up I’m sure but that’s the jist of it for now I think

    • #13251



    • #13252


      1.) They broke into @111error apartment–what the hell. My trust with iConfidant just went down the crapper.

      2.) @electrichippo mentioned but no reason as to why? Odd. I find the story of all the steward/ess looking calm but really actually very frightened an interesting tie in with how Stacey looks everyday–Kim, is Stacey okay? I believe you are the closest connection to her.

      3.) “They’re always watching”


    • #13253

      There’s no freaking way they would have actually broken into @111error’s house… is there?

      Everyone over at iConfidant is terrified, but she didn’t say what from. She told a story about flight attendants pretending that everything is fine, even when a plane is malfunctioning and they’re scared. That the people working on the plane have to pretend that everything’s fine. And yeah, that stuff with @electrichippo and that whatever happened with @kasch’s email hack is still going on.

    • #13254

      Hang on.
      Kim is involved in something and didn’t tell us?
      My “shocked” face is around here somewhere. Probably under 33,000 emails.

    • #13255
       Max Z

      Damn, that scope was upsetting. I’ve only met Morgan the one time (on the 1st) but seeing someone who, last I saw/talked to him, was so funny and cool and sardonic now acting so upset and shaken was…rough. Makes me think that there is some shittttt coming.

      Also, if we can take Kristin at face value and the iConfidants are indeed not AI, I feel like @addisonborn deserves one of those stick figure victory dances like Larry used to do

    • #13256

      Of course not, @lilmsfancpants. Just like they’d never blackmail Bryan or organize an event in the park for you.

    • #13257

      Seeing Morgan so shaken made me anxious!! 🙁 that story about the flight attendants legit scared me. Stacey and iConfidant officially freaks me out now…fuck…what did we tell our “perfect matches”?

      What exactly was the point of this second meeting? A rogue warning from Kristen or was this scheduled by someone higher up again?

    • #13258

      Wow, this is insane!

      Did I understand correctly they sent you TWO ubers and that they were in on it?

      That is trust, getting into a car having no idea where you are going.

      do you believe her about the robots? Could that be a lie?

      Once again, my head hurts.

      P.S. what if they hid cameras in your place?

    • #13259
       Brad Ruwe

      Wow, talk about craziness to come back to after a work meeting!

      So if our iConfidants are NOT AI, what the hell is up with the initial messages? I emailed Stacey after getting a couple messages from mine under the assumption that it was an AI. Got no response. So either they ARE AI and she’s ignoring it so she doesn’t have to lie, or they are NOT AI and I’m just some misinformed schmuck whose email got passed over in the chaos of what’s happening there.


    • #13260


      P.S. what if they hid cameras in your place?

      Then they have revenue coming in from XXX streaming sites such as,, and

      Then the comedy ones such as, (that’s when he acts out Home Alone), and (where he does his Swedish Chef imitation)

    • #13261

      It sure does seem like all the women in our lives, Kristin, Stacey, and Sarah, are operating in a constant state of concealed panic, huh?

    • #13262

      Without being able to view the Periscope (finishing up at work), so much context is missed. Don’t mind me. I’ll be here mentally pacing back and forth until I can finally clue myself in.

    • #13263

      Maybe we need to ask Macy @wanda102? I wondered the same thing why those women have in same common is in panic. What is it they r so afraid of?

    • #13264

      Hi everyone, full and detailed recap coming very soon, I have been held up a little dealing with a lot of phone calls and texts and more phone calls and more texts and hurriedly created chats and more phone calls.


      I am okay, Kristin (correct spelling) is okay.

      The Lust Experience is getting tense, weird, convoluted, and exciting. We’re not always going to like or enjoy every turn of the story; that’s what gets our blood pumping and why a lot of us are here.


      Recap to come. ?

    • #13265
       Andrew Kasch

      What @111error said…

      When shit get tense, it’s best to step away, relax and remember to trust the creators.

    • #13266

      Colin Firth was selling crack on a corner. What else is new?

    • #13267
       Kimberly Stewart

      It was surprising to hear that Kristin asked @111error about me. It doesn’t seem she gave Morgan much to go on, but I’ll try to explain/reiterate the little I do know. (The vast majority of this has appeared as it happened in the “Stacey Erikson” thread.)

      Stacey and I have carried on a friendship since the first days that iConfidant came onto our radar. It didn’t feel contrived at all. It just seemed to happen naturally… We hit it off and have become quite supportive of one another. The vast majority of our chats are merely stuff that friends would discuss… Things that don’t seem sketchy in any way. The only even vague signs of discomfort in Stacey’s world seem to be 1) A poor relationship with her mom (which she says she’d like to elaborate on with me when we can meet face to face some day), 2) A severe dislike of cats, and 3) The stress of being overly busy getting the iConfidant beta off the ground. Even with the stress of work she continuously tells me things are great and going well and she’s really excited. For example:

      “April 23: I have been extremely busy with the beta test but it’s all going as planned and I am excited for what’s next!”

      April 26: “…super busy!! …I am excited for what comes next!!”

      May 3: “…it’s just a lot of work at the moment. But on the good note the business is going great.”

      May 8th: I decided to express my concerns to Stacey in regards to the safety and security of her and her business. Stacey replied that she appreciated the concern and asked me if something had happened to have me worried about her and her company. I explained in detail the comments made by Kristin to Morgan, the peculiar situation that occurred with @kasch, as well as my encounter at “registration” with the investors and Darren. I’ve not heard back from Stacey since.

      Today Kristin told a story that could be taken at face value as an anecdote on disguising one’s fear. The thing that caught me as off about it was the timing. Morgan said Kristin was asking if he knew a Kimberly Stewart, then says she immediately went into this story of the “stewards and stewardesses” on the plane. Steward is awfully close to my name, Stewart. My husband happens to be an airline pilot: Captain Stewart. Also, no one says “steward or stewardess” anymore so this is a very peculiar choice of words unless perhaps it’s being said by someone much older. Flight attendants actually consider the term insulting nowadays.

    • #13268
       Max Z

      @mike I just snortlaughed in public. You beautiful bastard.

    • #13269

      @maxzumstein – my work for the day is done 😀

    • #13270
       Meghan Mayhem

      @mike is taken, but is not.

      I think that’s a pretty clear sign of what the universe wants.

    • #13271
      Participant, if they had the cameras, maybe there’s something behind the Russian Spam. “,Доброе утро! CLicK HeRe TO SeE RhE MoRGAn LiVe!” Poor @111error Did you NOTICE someone had broken into your house previously? So they sent her to lure you away? Wild.
      Looking super forward to your breakdown.

    • #13272

      @meghanmayhem – even better though…. is available. Thank you universe!

    • #13273

      Good morning friends, just woke up to @111error’s periscope notification. So Stacey definitely has her hands full, and no matter what she might be saying to @electrichippo, she’s scared, but the only person we know she’s confided in (ha) is her ex, Mark.

      She’s so alone.

      Morgan, maybe it would be a good idea to put something between your door and the frame so you can tell when it’s been opened…

    • #13274

      @meghanmayhem Maybe Morgan Borgan is Boris the Bulgarians real name.

    • #13275
       Brad Ruwe

      @mike Need me to make any logo animations for any of these?

    • #13276

      @nothenrygale – Deep down inside, I think you already know the answer

    • #13277

      Um, anyone hear from @111error since 4:30, and can you confirm he’s alive?

    • #13278
       Andrew Kasch

      @111error is alive and well. Was just hanging with him. He will post a recap later tonight.

    • #13279

      Looking forward to hearing full recount from @111error.

      The Kristen web grows larger.

    • #13280

      Honestly @electrichippo when Kristin talked about the stewards/stewardess looking calm on the outside and terrified on the inside, I actually thought she was making to allusion to you….considering your last name is very similar to, well, steward. That until Kristin went on tying that story to Stacey. I still find it weird that she would just mention you seemingly out of the blue.

    • #13282

      Mocha. Delicious, creamy, nervously sipped as I look around the cafe. 2:01pm.. any minute now, she’s walking in that door. The taste of chicken curry sandwich was still on my lips, wow that was an amazing sandwich, but obviously I’m not expecting anything romantic or lusty to happen today. Better chew some chewing gum. 2:04pm, she’s late, or maybe she is already here, but I don’t want to look too nervous as I canvas the room. 2:08pm, phone rings, I answer within the first ring.
      “Morgan, leave the coffee shop and look around, there will be a white Prius, get into it.”

      Fuuuuck. The car pulls up, confirms my name, and drives me to a nearby library. I get out, there’s no one waiting for me, but a large man is pacing and talking loudly on his phone. He reminds me of the man we met in the ‘reddish’ room at registration and he’s so animated that I think he must be part of this adventure. I follow his steps for a moment, he’s angry at someone for not completing their side of a job. Yup, this is definitely who I am supposed to talk to. He turns and stares at me and stops talking for a moment. Nope, no, definitely not part of Lust, I’ll just casually walk somewhere else now….

      Big pile of discarded stuff on a bench. Hmmm… perhaps Noah is coming?
      I start to look around, there is a book placed deliberately on top, maybe I need to look at it, or rummage through this pile?

      I’m about to start emptying the contents of the bags when I spot Kristin walking up. She’s looking a little perturbed, and I walk to meet her. She looks around nervously and softly asks me to follow her into the library. There’s nowhere to sit so I suggest we go into an empty section between shelves. She asks to see my phone, we turn it off and she puts it on the shelf.

      She apologizes for what happened last time. I ask her if she is okay and she says yes, but is visibly shaking. The Andrew Kasch events have really been a huge issue, she says, and I offer her a hug, which she accepts while trembling slightly in my arms, then she steps back and asks me if I know someone called Kimberly. Yes, I answer, I’m aware of her.. Kristin is concerned about her talking to Stacey, but doesn’t elaborate when asked multiple times about it throughout our meeting. She takes a moment to compose herself, but is still shaking as she tells me a story of how scared she is of flying, and that her mother told her to look at the flight attendants and how calm they were, to help her relax. An engine experienced trouble half way into the flight, and the flight crew couldn’t hide their fear behind their smiles – and this is how Stacey looks all the time now, she said. She did not know why.

      I ask why she was so upset last week after we met, what happened and what was she apologizing for? They broke into my apartment, she says. I have NOTHING, I exclaim almost proudly, so what could they have wanted to find? She doesn’t know, but whether she does or not is up for debate at this point. Despite her betrayal, I find myself trusting her, and then imagine all your voices calling me an idiot.

      Kristin gets a little flustered and says can we talk about me for a moment, like we did last time? Can I tell her something she doesn’t know about me again? I tell her I have a newfound fondness for dirty chai lattes, but because they are so bad for me I am trying to pair it with a love of arugula salad.

      She asks me how iConfidant is going for me, and I say good, they’re slowly opening up and chatting a little more. I pause, and ask her, are we talking to humans, or AI? She is taken aback by this question, looks almost insulted, and I say it’s just a theory going around because conversations were very stunted at first for many people. From her reaction, we can assume everyone is human, or if they’re not then Kristin doesn’t seem aware of it.

      She asks me if my iConfidant has asked for any pictures, and I say yes, they wanted to see my new tattoo. She also asks if they’ve asked about my previous relationships, and I think I had offered that information up in the conversation without being directly asked.

      She walked away for a moment to answer some texts from her worried Mum, and then said it was time for us to leave. As we walked out I told her that one day when this is all over, I would cook crepes for her, and she giggled and said okay, she would like them with strawberries.

      We walked outside and sat down while waiting for my car to arrive, and we chatted about lots of those previous topics as I went scavenging for more information, but she was steadfast about not saying anything else. She did apologize several more times for he events of last time though.

      My car arrived, we hugged one last time and I climbed in. The Uber driver was chattier than the first, and as I opened the door to exit she turned to me and said “They wanted you to know, they are always watching.” She smiled, apparently glad to pass on this cheery message. I laughed, nervously.

      This was an intense meeting. It may not have revealed a ton of new information, but what we did learn is pretty alarming stuff. iConfidant goons break into houses, for one thing…

    • #13284

      So she didn’t actually say the iConfidants were human straight up. It could be offensive if they think their AI is legit. Not saying there AI necessarily but…

      I wonder what they’re looking for breaking into your home @111error!

      I got the impression at the “registration” event that they (the investors) were definitely looking for something or someone in their quest to right the wrongs of Tension.

    • #13286

      @111error maybe it wasn’t “iConfidant” specifically who broke into your place. Those higher ups that are making a Stacey nervous maybe? The same upper management that’s been running The System? Dying to know what they wanted from you. Me, I just want that mocha.

    • #13287

      Thanks for the recap (the periscope link is dead).

    • #13288
       Andrew Kasch

      I’m always the one causing huge issues.

    • #13289
       Max Z

      The taste of chicken curry sandwich was still on my lips,

      Oh my god this sounds delicious, where do I get one of these?

    • #13297
       Michael Rizzo

      Wait, @111error
      Did Kristin reference them as flight attendants or as stewards/stewardesses? I had thought you mentioned flight attendants but the periscope link is broken so I can’t check 🙁

      I only ask because it would be interesting if she went from talking about Kimberly Stewart to stewardess. If it was “flight attendant” I’m sure the story was about Stacey. But “steward”, I would think it was about @electrichippo

    • #13305

      Thanks for the recap, that is all so crazy. And yes, I too am now lusting after chicken curry, dirty chai lattes, arugula salad, and strawberry crepes!!

    • #13307
       Kimberly Stewart

      @rizzzoooooo He definitely reported it on periscope as Kristin having said “steward” and “stewardess.” It was such an outdated choice of words that it stuck with me as possibly relevant and purposeful.

      Yes exactly, that’s how I remember it too. iConfidant should know what we all look like unless we didn’t follow the instruction. Our confidants were given our name so it’d not shock me if they also received our photo.

    • #13308
       Michael Rizzo

      @electrichippo yes yes, that’s what I meant… I tried to edit the post but I guess it didn’t go thru 🙁

    • #13314

      @wanda102 I really don’t know what they could have wanted to find. I do remember my bedroom door being open when I returned. =\

      ‘Romancing The Bean’ in Burbank. Pick me up on the way there?

      I used the word stewardess because I’m old and British, I don’t think Kristin used that word. Kristin and I don’t trust Stacey or Kim, so we quickly moved on to the bigger picture.

    • #13317
       Meghan Mayhem

      So the people that were initially contacted… @111error, @kasch, @coryphella, and @kingkill33, I believe are definitely targets for iC.
      Why that is is up for debate, but there’s something in particular. Morgan and Kasch have seen it happen already to some degree, so I’d imagine there’s something sinister on the books for Megan and Mike as well soon. Maybe that’s why the “foul-mouthed guardian angel” fucked up Kasch’s initial set up? To thwart what they were going to do to him?

      I recall Kasch being told they were going to follow him around to monitor him. Were the others told that as well?

      and I would assume that Kim being mentioned was to simply bring up the fact that she is distracting Stacey. Perhaps Kristin thinks that Kim is untrustworthy as well and wonders what her intentions are with her correspondence with Stacey.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Meghan Mayhem.
    • #13318

      @111error Do you feel there are still people looking for something, have you noticed any strange encounters or exchanges in your life recently? Random men with accents talking on phones near you… possibly observing YOU. (Just sayin’) 😉 The search could still be on no matter what Kristen indicates.

      I find the comments about @kasch interesting. Why is he such a source of frustration? Because his incident reflects a major issue with their security? Because it could be seen as an embarrassment right as they are launching into beta phase? Because it may have come from within – a rogue insider testing to see if they could manipulate the process from within? (Which means Andrew was a sacrifice to test the vulnerability of all of our information… we could all be at risk, it seems.)

      Morgan, I must say I find Kristen’s reaction to Your Confidant questions incredibly suspicious. If the exchanges did not feel like some of us were interacting with software, then why have so many people posted about that feeling here on this Forum? They have to be aware of the issue. Perhaps part of the process is for the Confidant to appear lifeless or robotic to draw out more information? Seems like an odd tactic but I guess it could be a method being used. Or, maybe Kristen is truly unaware of what is really going on at the company she works at.

    • #13321

      @meghanmayhem I think you’re right in following those trails. Interesting idea about why Kasch’s beginning got murky, too.

      That guy was not part of it… I think… I thiiiiiiiiink… Oh God…

      It’s possible that the initial conversation was stunted just because some humans aren’t as good at immediate social warmth as others, and had nothing to say but a smiley face or a simple hello. Some people also can’t express themselves well via text.. we may have been connecting a lot of dots that weren’t meant to be connected, although obviously @lilmsfancpants in the park was a very odd thing indeed, and we’re all trying to thread the needle with that in mind. For whatever it’s worth, Kristin did seem very genuinely taken aback by that question, more so than anything else we discussed. If nothing else, I do believe that was genuine surprise and confusion at what I’d asked.

    • #13323

      So maybe Kasch, Megan, Mike, and Morgan are all examples of faults in the iConfidant technology? Most of us got “hello,” “hi,” generic responses. Maybe the programming kicks out a glitch and people like Kristin are sent to investigate/distract participants so others can investigate issues with the beta project?

    • #13324

      Mocha. Delicious, creamy, nervously sipped as I look around the cafe. 2:01pm.. any minute now, she’s walking in that door. The taste of chicken curry sandwich was still on my lips, wow that was an amazing sandwich, but obviously I’m not expecting anything romantic or lusty to happen today. Better chew some chewing gum. 2:04pm, she’s late, or maybe she is already here, but I don’t want to look too nervous as I canvas the room. 2:08pm, phone rings, I answer within the first ring.
      “Morgan, leave the coffee shop and look around, there will be a white Prius, get into it.”

      The spy games begin. Wonder why Kristen is having to use tactics… if she was there to manipulate you would she go through that much trouble?

      Fuuuuck. The car pulls up, confirms my name, and drives me to a nearby library. I get out, there’s no one waiting for me, but a large man is pacing and talking loudly on his phone. He reminds me of the man we met in the ‘reddish’ room at registration and he’s so animated that I think he must be part of this adventure. I follow his steps for a moment, he’s angry at someone for not completing their side of a job. Yup, this is definitely who I am supposed to talk to. He turns and stares at me and stops talking for a moment. Nope, no, definitely not part of Lust, I’ll just casually walk somewhere else now….

      As far as you know…. it was Boris’ American cousin Niko asking Boris to go bowling.

      Big pile of discarded stuff on a bench. Hmmm… perhaps Noah is coming?
      I start to look around, there is a book placed deliberately on top, maybe I need to look at it, or rummage through this pile?


      I’m about to start emptying the contents of the bags when I spot Kristin walking up. She’s looking a little perturbed, and I walk to meet her. She looks around nervously and softly asks me to follow her into the library. There’s nowhere to sit so I suggest we go into an empty section between shelves. She asks to see my phone, we turn it off and she puts it on the shelf.

      This is funny because I specifically said for you to ask her to do the same. They are indeed “always watching.”

      She apologizes for what happened last time. I ask her if she is okay and she says yes, but is visibly shaking. The Andrew Kasch events have really been a huge issue

      So this proves our speculation that Noah’s antics really screwed things up over at iConfidant. We still don’t know the reason why though. Because their data might have been corrupted? This is the theory I’m leaning towards still.

      She takes a moment to compose herself, but is still shaking as she tells me a story of how scared she is of flying, and that her mother told her to look at the flight attendants and how calm they were, to help her relax. An engine experienced trouble half way into the flight, and the flight crew couldn’t hide their fear behind their smiles – and this is how Stacey looks all the time now, she said. She did not know why.

      So if I ever meet Kristen I shouldn’t tell her that my dad’s a pilot and I know how to fly?

      I ask why she was so upset last week after we met, what happened and what was she apologizing for? They broke into my apartment, she says. I have NOTHING, I exclaim almost proudly, so what could they have wanted to find? She doesn’t know, but whether she does or not is up for debate at this point. Despite her betrayal, I find myself trusting her, and then imagine all your voices calling me an idiot.

      Wow. What the hell COULD they have been looking for? What was in your photo that you sent to Stacey of the thing you love? Perhaps there was something in that photo that they wanted? Or perhaps they only told Kristen they wanted something when in reality they are starting their very own Truman Show, starring @111error.

      Kristin gets a little flustered and says can we talk about me for a moment, like we did last time? Can I tell her something she doesn’t know about me again? I tell her I have a newfound fondness for dirty chai lattes, but because they are so bad for me I am trying to pair it with a love of arugula salad.

      You glorious flirt, you.

      She asks me how iConfidant is going for me, and I say good, they’re slowly opening up and chatting a little more. I pause, and ask her, are we talking to humans, or AI? She is taken aback by this question, looks almost insulted, and I say it’s just a theory going around because conversations were very stunted at first for many people. From her reaction, we can assume everyone is human, or if they’re not then Kristin doesn’t seem aware of it.

      What the hell then? Did we all just have really shy fucking iConfidants then? And who are they? They must work for the company and aren’t just other users being paired up with each other since they have “rules.” What the bloody hell?

      She asks me if my iConfidant has asked for any pictures, and I say yes, they wanted to see my new tattoo. She also asks if they’ve asked about my previous relationships, and I think I had offered that information up in the conversation without being directly asked.

      They asked all of us for a photo in the registration process. And recently asked a few of us for pics specifically. Mine hasn’t asked anything about previous relationships yet though.

      I’m curious what these two questions mean to hear and what she was trying to convey by asking you that. This might be one of the most important things to come out of this entire meeting. There is something very sinister going on with iConfidant I feel.

      She walked away for a moment to answer some texts from her worried Mum, and then said it was time for us to leave. As we walked out I told her that one day when this is all over, I would cook crepes for her, and she giggled and said okay, she would like them with strawberries.

      Woooboy. Sus af.

      We walked outside and sat down while waiting for my car to arrive, and we chatted about lots of those previous topics as I went scavenging for more information, but she was steadfast about not saying anything else. She did apologize several more times for he events of last time though.

      There’s definitely something she isn’t telling you. I can’t tell yet if she is malicious character or if she is trying to protect you from something.

      My car arrived, we hugged one last time and I climbed in. The Uber driver was chattier than the first, and as I opened the door to exit she turned to me and said “They wanted you to know, they are always watching.” She smiled, apparently glad to pass on this cheery message. I laughed, nervously.

      Yeah, watching you gerk off in your apartment. Also was it a female driver both times?

      This was an intense meeting. It may not have revealed a ton of new information, but what we did learn is pretty alarming stuff. iConfidant goons break into houses, for one thing…

      I actually think there was a TON of big revealing things in this meeting. Stacey is looking broken, there is something important about confidants getting pictures of us, they are willing (or OSDM is) to break into peoples apartments, and that you are a tremendously charming individual.

      So yes, maybe not big answers… but brand new BIG questions. The biggest of which is… Why you, Morgan?

    • #13326
       Bryan Bishop

      So many good ideas to consider here.

      One thing that may account for the fake vs. real style of initial interactions is the matter of scale. That’s a magic word for any start-up, and usually the moment where a user base is big enough where they can be properly monetized. What if Stacey had the idea for iConfidant, but didn’t have the resources to actually put the beta together as promised? Her investors would no doubt be pissed.

      Perhaps those that received direct reach-outs – @coryphella, @kasch, etc. – were the only people that were “really” in iConfidant, with the rest of us talking to some sort of bot or AI placeholder. (Either until Stacey could scale things up, or the bots got better.) That would have let Stacey pretend everything was going swimmingly while she figured out… well, I guess that goes back to whatever iConfidant actually is.

      But if our bot-style interactions were something that Stacey was implementing to paper over the holes (echoes of Kristin’s smiling plane attendant story here), it could explain why Kristin didn’t know what @111error was talking about.

    • #13327

      Um, Morgan, maybe stop taking random photos of people on the street?? And asking if they’re robots

    • #13328

      I recall Kasch being told they were going to follow him around to monitor him. Were the others told that as well?

      Yes, we were. I wondered if there was a reason why we were contacted directly. I figured it was just to get the website out there though. And I figured that following thing was something that we ALL would be getting in order to match us up but maybe all they needed were the answers to those questions they sent?

      And…um…what can they do to me in Minnesota? Not to be all “I feel safe over here you guys” but I can generally enjoy a certain sense of No One Is Following Me because…I’m not THERE.

    • #13329
       Andrew Kasch

      I don’t think I was “really” in iConfidant. After the initial phone call, I heard nothing until the hacking. Now I just started interacting with my Confidant same as everyone else.

      I’m very worried about Stacey based on Morgan’s story. Along with the insinuations of her past romantic “relationships” with people she’s previously worked with and the mention of kids, I’m wondering if some blackmail is involved with the OSDM infiltrating her company.

      She created a Facebook account and tried to reach out but has not been back since.

      As for the “Why Morgan?” question, I assume because he is so damn lovable and easy to open up to!

    • #13330

      As for the “Why Morgan?” question, I assume because he is so damn lovable and easy to open up to!

      That is a way of putting it.

    • #13331
       Bryan Bishop

      Not to be all “I feel safe over here you guys” but I can generally enjoy a certain sense of No One Is Following Me because…I’m not THERE.

      It’s been nice knowing you, @coryphella. Cue the mysterious black van in 3… 2…

    • #13332

      Why Morgan?
      It’s the accent.

    • #13333
       Andrew Kasch

      That accent can seduce anyone. I think Morgan is really all our real life Confidants.

    • #13334

      Cue the mysterious black van in 3… 2…

      Travis says they should park out back. There are lots of stairs out front. Also we tend to not lock our side door at night.

      Let me also take this moment to say that if anyone involved with iConfidant, the System, OSDM, or any creators get within five feet of my cats I will murder them.

    • #13335

      That accent can seduce anyone. I think Morgan is really all our real life Confidants

      Morgan, how’s your David Bowie impression?

    • #13336

      I’m trying to piece together why Kristin brought up @electrichippo, and how she relates to Stacey and the flight story/Stacey’s stress and poor poker face. Sorry for the loose train of thought rambling below.. just throwing a whole can of spaghetti at the wall and we’ll see what sticks.

      It’s obvious that the May 8 correspondence between those two has something to do with all of this, right? From Kim –

      May 8th: I decided to express my concerns to Stacey in regards to the safety and security of her and her business. Stacey replied that she appreciated the concern and asked me if something had happened to have me worried about her and her company. I explained in detail the comments made by Kristin to Morgan, the peculiar situation that occurred with @kasch, as well as my encounter at “registration” with the investors and Darren. I’ve not heard back from Stacey since.

      If Noah/The System/Probably OSDM have dealings with iConfidant – possibly another startup in their portfolio? Then the info they’re gaining from our emails is no doubt also being looked at as hard data to be collected and processed. Which is why we have been instructed to only correspond with our confidants via the original emails which route through iConfidant servers, why we can’t meet them irl, why absolutely zero can me discussed with them outside the gaze of iConfidant the company.

      Kim bringing up @kasch’s email situation and the registration thing to Stacey shows that it’s now public knowledge that there are continuing issues within iConfidant, which could lead to their audience leaving due to the lack of confidence in the product, and OSDM gets to put another failed investment in the vault. The lack of confidence has no doubt spread (I know I emailed a note of thanks and encouragement to Stacey yesterday) which is making Stacey nervous that funding may dry up should OSDM walk.

      So Stacey’s trying to keep morale up at iConfidant HQ, smile through the turbulence, etc.

    • #13337

      I find it hilarious that a big pile of trash made @111error think of Noah Sinclair ?. Also, Kristin walks away to text her worried mum YEA RIGHT! ? SUS AF!! more like relaying all the information she’s getting to whoever she’s working for…I don’t think I trust this dame. Morgan, guard your damn heart! Sending in a pretty girl to get shit done…??? hmmm….idk..maybe she’s telling the truth cause she has a crush on you and your great accent and now she’s trying to save you. Regardless, the huge take away for me is that Stacey is stressed the fuck out about some pretty serious shit right now and it sounds scary! Like she is in serious trouble with some scary people. Maybe the same investors that Darren got mixed up with. And now these investors are moving in to collect on what is owed to them…Mafia status

    • #13338

      Yeah @pandace88 I think @111error most definitely needs to have his guard up.

      And I def think the investors are coming down hard on Stacey.

    • #13340
       Andrew Kasch

      Here’s an interesting question: Do you think there is a correlation between the investors of Tension/Lust and whoever is pulling the strings at iConfidant.

      Could they have also pumped money into Stacey’s operation? Or is this just the OSDM coming in like the Feds to clean up the Sinclair/hacker mess?

    • #13341

      @kasch yes that’s what I’m saying. I think they may be the same investors that DLB and Clint are dealing with. Just makes sense in my opinion and would tie every company in together.

    • #13342

      @coryphella I know what you mean. I’m out of reach, but I still enjoy watching others suffer, err, i mean having exciting interactions.

    • #13343

      @pandace88 yes! I’ve always assumed these superiors in iconfidant were the same as the investors for Lust Experience!
      Also hi if anyone messes with Morgan OR his accent I’m coming at them like a tornado full of teeth and fingernails.

    • #13344
       Michael Rizzo

      @addisonborn yea, if I were to guess I would imagine Stacey gets a lot of feedback about the company through @electrichippo among other sources… Kim isn’t one to hold back on truths, so I’m sure Stacey is taking everything she says seriously and may be getting a bit nervous. Especially with these people watching over the company, who knows what’s at risk (other than loosing funding) for Stacey if IConfidant is a failure? I have a feeling kim will be the one to know when/If shit hits the fan for stacey

    • #13345
       Brad Ruwe

      Wait…. did @thebuz just pull out a GTA IV reference?


    • #13346

      I find the comments about @kasch interesting. Why is he such a source of frustration? Because his incident reflects a major issue with their security? Because it could be seen as an embarrassment right as they are launching into beta phase? Because it may have come from within – a rogue insider testing to see if they could manipulate the process from within? (Which means Andrew was a sacrifice to test the vulnerability of all of our information… we could all be at risk, it seems.)

      I keep coming back to this because it feels like something is missing.

      If the main incident with him was that Noah hacked his account, which we know didn’t happen because there were no emails in Andrew’s sent box, the security issue isn’t with them. If it’s a spoofed email issue, that’s not a real security issue, maybe a relatively minor one.

      However, in my quick reading on spoofed emails (and I very well could be missing something here), a response back will send it to the normal email address. In which case Andrew would have received Stacey’s responses. That wasn’t the case though and the person pretending to be Andrew was able to respond to Stacey, so some weirdness there.

      Spoofed emails are typically used to deliver spam or malware through links and attachments. One of the emails Stacey received did contain an attachment named after Noah’s spam account. It isn’t clear if that was malware or not, but in the message from a few days ago with the (maybe) IT guy’s response buried in it there’s no reference to anything of the sort.

      In fact, as of May 7, he’s still hung up on where the emails are coming from. There are plenty of ways to change your IP address, but he says they’re short of a reasonable explanation. He basically chalks it up to a spam thing.

      If it’s a spam thing, what are they so worried about? If it’s something else, what exactly is it? Are their IT guys just terrible?

    • #13347

      So, I don’t know that my iConfidant interactions have been different than anyone else’s…(actually, @kingkill33 – how have yours been? I don’t know that I’ve heard much from you). Actually a quick conversation with @bcbishop yesterday made me think that he & I are having somewhat similar experiences. My iConfidant sounds suspiciously similar to *me* tbh.

      So @meghanmayhem if your theory is correct then they will probably target @kingkill33 next, unless their reach actually extends beyond Los Angeles. Otherwise if they’re going to target me it won’t be until July, if at all.

    • #13348

      If it’s a spam thing, what are they so worried about? If it’s something else, what exactly is it? Are their IT guys just terrible?

      Is it at all possible that Stacey has a very good idea of exactly where the emails came from? That it might be something incriminating and that the stress that Kristen is seeing is fear that she’s about to be exposed somehow?

    • #13349
       Lukas L

      I got no strings

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Lukas L.
    • #13351

      Barely catching up, but I did receive a new message from my Confidant today. The relationship that we have is so far really open and close. We have told each other deep secrets and close to the chest emotions. I so far have not felt that this is not anything except writing to a good friend that you hope to meet someday. If I’m being planned for some plot and my Confidant is gonna be in trouble for our talks, or some other grand scheme is happening, I’m totally not aware of it. All conversations with my Confidant have been nothing but pleasant. It’s actually pretty nice ?

    • #13409
       Hannah Schenck

      Wow finally caught up with this…

      This meeting sounded like it went from hopeful to mind blown. I wouldn’t downplay this at all. I still can’t decided whether this Kristin is trustworthy or not, but if she isn’t she is putting on a great act for you. I 100% do not believe that she stepped away to speak to her mother… she was probably gaging your reactions and information and relaying it to someone to determine whether or not you have what they are looking for. I too am curious to know what they were searching for, and nothing was missing from your room and I find it suspicious that you noticed your bedroom door was open.

      Are there any tangible links from IC to Sinclair Industries? Obviously the System seemed to fail, was this another idea or way for Sarah and Noah to keep themselves afloat? Have either of them been linked to Stacey in any way other than the possible investors?

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