Mason live on FB 11/2

This topic has 41 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Megan.

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    • #26845

      I keep refreshing to see if anyone started a post already. Mason went live on FB again today about 10 minutes ago. He sat silently and then showed us a video he was watching of @111error interviewing Erika, a handler from Ascension (my handler!! ♡) she spoke about how DLB and CS did a great job at convincing people it was all immersive theatre. And how she got invited to a social but it was anything but social. She said there were people in fancy suits and dresses and she felt judged. She said she was with Sam (my other handler ♡) and then she started crying hysterically and I couldn’t understand what she was saying but it broke my heart to see her cry. My insides ACHE!! ? I hate whatever made her that upset!!

    • #26847

      Before the facebook went live, Just Lurking and A had a little exchange in Slack.

      Just Lurking: shall we play?

      A: It’s all just a big illusion.
      How easy
      How so
      Just Lurking: easy
      by now

      A: You would think

      Just Lurking: something

      A: Would
      Make sense
      But more lies

      Just Lurking: more and more and more lies
      do your worst

      After that, we went to the forums where posts were changed talking to LIES, EXPOSE THEM, and ultimately, FACEBOOK.

      • #26849

        Just Lurking: more and more and more lies
        do your worst

        Regardless of if this is a challenge or a command, the implications are worrying.

    • #26850

      So, when Mason comes live on facebook after MyChild tells us to go to facebook, we have an interesting situation. Does Mason have control of MyChild? They are certainly connected after this. After this, it looks like he’s working with Morgan, but why, for what, and for how long?

      Faking Joyce’s death to get a response out of @bcbishop is not exactly in line with what Morgan has been doing this far, but we truthfully have no idea what Morgan has been up to.

    • #26851

      The flip side of this being that Mason leaking video footage of Morgan and Erika doesn’t make sense to me yet. What would be the benefit of that? Why would it benefit Mason to show Erika breaking down over what she has seen? Unless it’s to get a reaction from us the same way that Joyce’s death was intended to? This angle doesn’t make sense yet.

    • #26852
       Kyle Bown

      So this may be too near and tidy and in no way true but here goes.

      Mason and Morgan may have been working together the whole time. No idea. But Mason goes off to start Briarberg. Fakes Joyce’s death to help him and Morgan take down TPTB. Joyce is discovered and brought back into the fold. Mason quits the charade. Releases this video. To show us the truth. Or some of it.

    • #26853

      Worth mentioning that both last night and tonight Mason was watching videos of actors or employees discussing the retreats. Maybe we’ll see a pattern continue to emerge.

      Erika scared the shit out of me, tonight.

    • #26854

      Also, in this exchange between Just Lurking and A, it’s possible that they were both Mason. We saw him last night in front of multiple computers. He could have been logged into both accounts at the same time. This could have been going on for much longer than tonight.

      • #26856
         Kevin Hsu

        absolutely this, @chelsea

        I think that he and/or MyChild is also capable of taking over the Facebook account. I think the previous video of him throwing away the argyle was taken down because not!Mason only got temporary control and this video of Erika is still up because by using MyChild has more lasting control.

    • #26855

      I thought that too, @chelsea

    • #26857

      I don’t necessarily think this means he’s in on things with Morgan. After Joyce came out as undead, it made me feel like Mason is part of OSDM and just out to get more emotional data from us. Like another OSDM ploy to get us riled up. And now he’s leaking “retreat” information to get us going about whatever those may entail and feeding off our emotional ties to the actors who were hurt by them. I think Morgan may have legitimately been trying to find answers from Erika and not!Mason is using this footage for his own data collection on us. Idk..

      • #26860
         Lauren Bello

        @pandace88 I think you’re right. The way he’s doing this is making us question MyChild, question everything. Making us believe there’s no firm ground to stand on, no one to trust, no sides. The Joyce reveal and the Mason persona-trashing accomplished the same thing. We’re hesitant to latch on to anything as truth now. Maybe that’s what he wants.

    • #26858
       Kyle Bown

      At a certain point, if all of this is just OSDM getting our reactions to a bunch of stuff they’re making up, and we know that, then won’t that cause us to stop reacting. To stop caring. At some point.

      You can only cry wolf so many times.

      • #26866
         Unseen Presence

        This is something I keep coming back to as well.

        If EVERYTHING is part of OSDM, then it’s ALL just data. Okay, fine.

        But now we know that. Now many of you have had the rug pulled out from under you over and over (for some f you, over two years of experiences).

        It has to be reaching critical mass, critical disbelief levels. If not!Mason suddenly pops up claiming to be someone ‘new’, will we even believe him? Or will we just say it’s -another- cover.

        There has to be a limit as to what people will buy. And we have to be at it by now….

        …don’t we?

    • #26859

      Another question. So many questions. We are seeing a different version of Mason these last two days. Why the change? What is the benefit of revealing the change now? There is a reason, a specific reason, that this is happening now.

    • #26861

      @bruinbown and that is exactly how I was feeling…

      …until I saw Erika cry 🙁 even if it turns out to be a lie as well and she is in on the whole thing, I maintain my humanity by caring about a human being who appears to be suffering. So, OSDM, you can jot that bit of data down if you want.

    • #26862
       Lauren Bello

      Transcript of the video, as best as I could make it out:

      Morgan: K. Thank you again for doing this. Please introduce yourself to anyone who doesn’t yet know you.

      Erika: Hi. My name is Erika.

      M: OK. Please just repeat exactly what you told me earlier.

      E: I feel…I feel so stupid.

      M: It’s OK. Please.

      E: I…

      M: It’s OK, please. Breathe. Calmly.

      E: A lot more went on with Ascension than people ever knew. I think…I think DLB and CS did a really good job making people buy into their world. And…the fiction they were selling.

      M: Fiction? What do you mean by that?

      E: Immersive theater. “The Tension Experience”. It was all just a front, of a facade, for something else.

      M: What was that something else?

      E: On the first night of rehearsals, I was invited to this…they called it a “social”. (here Morgan clicks a pen, begins taking handwritten notes) But there was nothing social about it.

      M: What was it?

      E: When I, when I, when I walked in, I knew I’d made a mistake. There was this weight in the air. And, uh, it was, it was really quiet. Really quiet.

      M: And what exactly did you see?

      E: It was…there was people, in, in suits, in really expensive suits, in really expensive beautiful dresses, and I…I felt…I felt judged, and I, I didn’t (book?). I didn’t. And then…and then…and then they broke us apart. And I was, I was, I was with Sam, and they broke us apart, and I LET them. I LET THEM. And I was taken into this room where it was a dining room but there was no table, there was no table, and then it was (?)…really quiet, it was really quiet…and I could hear them, I could hear them screaming and crying, I could hear Sam, I could hear Sam, Sam is the toughest girl I know (?) and I could hear her crying.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Lauren Bello.
    • #26864

      Reading that makes me so sad…

    • #26865

      Porting some discussion over from Slack earlier this evening.

      While we don’t know that the rehearsal took place at the warehouse, we heard a similar story from Lisa at the Briarberg meet up. Details were pretty close too, just different times. People in fancy clothes gathered around doing strange things (in Lisa’s story it may have been just men?). So the events and the retreats appear to be held to completely break down at least some of the people attending them. And the two instances we’ve heard of have both been directed at women.

      We saw him last night in front of multiple computers. He could have been logged into both accounts at the same time. This could have been going on for much longer than tonight.

      In front of the computer and in business attire, plus methodical and calculated the whole time, like a whole chess master vibe going on. If he’s still inside OSDM, I’m more and more convinced he’s running the damn thing. If he’s not and he has no home (as JustLurking flat out said, assuming that is/was Mason at any point), he’s being very specific about what he’s showing us and why. And how he’s getting access to everything he’s using is a huge question mark: So far seems to be the Lust FB account to stream and post the songs, video with Morgan in it, the A and JustLurking accounts on Slack, just about everything really.

    • #26867
       Unseen Presence

      Does anyone else feel like some of what Erika is talking about may be what -we- are about to experience?

      Could it be that not!Mason is pulling up videos that are going to give us either info/warning/ideas of what is to come in a few weeks?

      It was one of the first thoughts I had when I could finally listen to it.

    • #26868

      Some questions that come to mind: Why was a video even taken in the first place, if not to show someone? Morgan was speaking in a way that suggested this wasn’t just documentation of the interview. If we weren’t the original intended audience, then who was, and why?

    • #26870
       Bryan Bishop

      Wind them up and watch them go.

      I’m a little surprised at how eagerly everyone is lapping up what Mason showed last night, without really wondering if it is real, legitimate, or what the intent behind sharing it was.

      Notice how Morgan was neatly framed in that mirror, providing a clear reverse shot while we could still see Erika?

      That shot was composed. That’s not how you conduct an interview if you’re just trying to collect information. It’s what you do if you’re staging a scene.

      So we get Erika – somebody that people feel attached too — getting incredibly upset. Provoking an emotional reaction. Judging from many of the messages and texts I got last night, that certainly seemed to work.

      Then we have Morgan — whom everybody believes without question, despite the deception that’s happened thus far. Another point of emotional contact for many, that also causes many to never stop and question what they’re seeing.

      Why was the video shown last night? Who stood to gain? And who was being manipulated by the reveal?

      We have the clearest answer on the last question: every single person here.

      • #26871

        I’m going to go with I can’t agree more with you on this one Bryan. There was some major manipulation on that. I don’t trust that was 100% real with Erika. She’s a good actress. Was she part of the manipulation or was she being authentic? Was filmed without her knowledge? Or was everyone aware of the filming. I don’t know. I could keep asking questions but I know it will get me no where.

      • #26883
         Unseen Presence

        As someone who doesn’t have either of those emotional ties, I think your examination of the video is spot on, @bcbishop. The framing in the actual video is deliberate–a specific, staged way to guarantee that we get both Erika and Morgan in the shot.

        You only do that if you’re intending to show “I (Morgan) was the one recording this, see?”

        Someone was an intended audience. Barring any further revelations by not!Mason to alter that, we definitely seem the best option. Which means once again, everything there could be a lie. Or lies with the truth inside them (such as Erika potentially being really upset but even that actual emotion being utilized for further gain/manipulation).

        But let’s assume that you’ve got it right–this is another step in ‘stripping away the lies’.

        So what?

        What is this world when the blindfolds are gone?

        We no longer buy anything. We no longer believe anyone.

        Is the goal to isolate us all completely?
        Is the point to force us each to stand naked in the night?
        Is this a prelude to forcing us to strip away our own lies?

        When you believe nothing is true, what does that accomplish?

    • #26872

      Yea, @bcbishop I’m with you on this one. I can’t help but feel we are being lied to. Showing us the reflection, everything that happened with MyChild getting us there. It doesn’t add up, and I’m not buying it.

      At the very least, this video was shared to get an emotional response out of us. Why are we so quick to believe that that has any good intent at all?

    • #26875
       Bryan Bishop

      I’ll take this one step further, @chelsea: Everything that Noah has done since last Friday has been about pulling back the curtain, and revealing the lies behind things we thought were truth.

      You thought Joyce was dead? Surprise! Just a con to get you worked up emotionally.

      You thought “Mason Silver” was real? Surprise! Just a persona adopted by Mr. Glasses to get you worked up emotionally.

      You thought this talk of retreats, and the BOS savior, were real! Lemme show you something…

      Remember how mockingly Noah spoke of the retreats at The System seminar? Like they were a laughable distraction we were obsessing over?

      Yeah. And now that everybody has plugged in, bought tickets, and OSDM has swept everybody into its warm embrace, these stories we spin to ourselves all the time have become utterly irrelevant.

      • #26878

        @bcbishop Yup. Everything that we’ve seen over the past however long now is supposed to get us to wake up. We were played, and I think that everyone was in on the playing. We left the world of good guys vs. bad guys a long time ago.

        Noah mocking the retreats is an interesting detail that I had forgotten about. Where in the world has that dude been?

        And who the fuck is Mr. Glasses really?

    • #26879

      Forgives for the flurry of thoughts here:

      A former Ascension participant listens to former Ascension actor only to hear the horrible things that occurred behind the scenes. This it exactly like the “Briarberg” intervention–which we have been told doesn’t even exist. So is @russell incorrect and Briarberg really does exist or is Briarberg still super fake and therefore what we are seeing is staged/fake.

      My first impression is Erika can’t be faking this. She looks absolutely panicked and emotionally broken.

      I wonder how old this video is?

      Prior to Lust going live Slack @a and @justlurking seem to be the same person. Mychild was prompted to do it’s worst. So…. did we see a video with the most emotionally provoking material possible as a means for data collection? Is this staged or just data stitched together by Mychild?

      Also, I’m worried that Morgan didn’t send this to us because 1.) he feels like he can’t trust/depend on anybody or 2.) something has happened to Morgan where he no longer has the mean to share this material. Either case–how come notMason is sharing this?

      Ya, I know I’m all over the board with this one but I’m trying to avoid tunnel vision with everything going on. In other words–I have no clue what to believe anymore.

      • #26884

        @mkarrett Why can’t things just be lies with an motive that we don’t see yet? One angle of this could be that Briarberg was fake and a lie, which means the other actors who shared similar stories with us at Briarberg were lying. Which means Erika is likely not telling the truth. MyChild is a lie. Maybe it was created to intimidate the OSDM into thinking there was a powerful weapon, maybe it was to make us think there was a plan, I’m not sure. If Morgan didn’t send this because he doesn’t trust anyone, you would think !Mason would be the last person he would turn to, unless there has been a relationship there this whole time that we didn’t see.

        Maybe the truth in the lies is exactly what we’ve been told all along: It’s all about emotional data.

      • #26885
         Bryan Bishop

        My first impression is Erika can’t be faking this. She looks absolutely panicked and emotionally broken.

        Very true — but we also know that Erika is an extremely talented actor. Precisely the kind that one would turn to if trying to create the illusion of some nefarious shenanigans.

        Is this staged or just data stitched together by Mychild?

        Are we correct in assuming that this actually was MyChild – or that MyChild is even real at all? If Mason is OSDM, and the OSDM chapter dissolves (and the purging of the 91) were as staged as Joyce’s death, we don’t have proof that MyChild even exists. Instead, we just have evidence that somebody with admin access to the forums was able to change a lot of posts.

        Pretty much what I’d expect a guy with three laptops on his desk to be capable of.

      • #26886

        @bcbishop I feel like assuming MyChild is real after last night is foolish. I think the whole point of using MyChild to direct us to the Facebook feed was a call out on it not being what we though. I think the emotional response angle is to make the people invested in it feel betrayed. And yea, we’ve known that he has some level of admin access for awhile. Changing posts with the right access isn’t a complicated process.

    • #26887

      Running with the theory that this is !Mason exposing Morgan in some way. Him posting as MyChild certainly raises questions about MyChild’s… authenticity. When Briarberg was looking to speak with actors, Erika was one of the people on the list that they wanted to talk to. What if this is her interview with “Briarberg”? What if this is exposing Morgan as being more involved with Briarberg than he admitted? At one point, he said he “…had already left Briarberg.” We know that he was meeting up with them for funding. What if this video is proof of his actual involvement?

      • #26891
         Lauren Bello

        I’m trying to think of a way this would fit with Briarberg being a lie and Mason being not!Mason. Mason said he had founded Briarberg. He then tried to make us believe that his whole Briarberg-founding persona was a fiction. (Whether that’s true or not remains to be seen.) Why would he indicate that he was lying and that Briarberg isn’t real, right around the same time that he would try to link Morgan to Briarberg? What’s the point of linking Morgan to Briarberg and at the same time telling us Briarberg isn’t real?

      • #26892

        @daela I’m not sure. For one, we don’t know who told Russell that Briarberg is a lie and that it doesn’t exist. That could have also been a lie. If it’s not, we still don’t know who we met with that day or why, whether or not the actors were in on the lie, or why Morgan was going to them for funding. Briarberg being a lie still has a lot of unanswered questions, including who the “good authority” is that wants us to believe that is true. Him switching into a different (real?) persona doesn’t change that we don’t know what’s happening there or why. It could have nothing or everything to do with Briarberg. We just don’t know. But Mason, or whatever his name is now, hanging out with MyChild and posting a video that looks like it could be related to the interviews for Briarberg is highly suspicious.

    • #26893
       Meghan Mayhem

      Indeed. Briarberg could very well be a lie, as we have sort of assumed since its introduction. But to accept that it is directly non-existent on the account of simply Russell who says he “has it on good authority” is dubious at best. We had it on good authority that Joyce was dead.

      Morgan explained a while back that he went to Briarberg because BOS is self-funded and resources have to come from somewhere and that once he found out they weren’t exactly what they said they were, and he wasn’t getting the money from them, he went to them to tell them the deal was off, which is why he showed up pissed off to the Briarberg meeting you all were at. The question for me is…if Briarberg IS a lie, did Morgan know that from the start? Or was he dragged into it thinking it was legit and was surprised as well?
      My gut says he thought it was legit at first and was quickly proven wrong, as many nefarious things can paint helpful front facades but…who knows.

    • #26909
       Robert Fuller

      Once again, I’m in agreement with Bryan. I hate to say it, because by doing so I’m either repudiating Erika’s pain or calling her a bad actress, but the whole thing felt staged to me. With Mason not being Mason (I’m not writing that fan-fiction-y name with the exclamation mark) and Russell insisting that Briarberg is a lie, I’m inclined to take this as more emotional manipulation. Which could be precisely what They want — this could be when the wolf is actually attacking — in which case, fine, they’ve won. Congratulations, I don’t believe anything.

      Which gets me thinking about truth and lies and the ways information is presented. I believe Joyce is alive because that information came from Bryan and he’s a reliable source. But is that a mistake? Was this another lie, carefully delivered in a way that would maximize its believability? While other, less important lies are delivered in ways designed to instill doubt? And what about Russell’s claim that Briarberg is a lie? Is that a lie? We’re being asked to take our fellow participants’ words on faith, based on no evidence. I’m not saying I don’t believe them, but I am saying we should be questioning why this is happening. All I know for sure is that, as someone who values truth and honesty, these lies and emotional manipulations are just pissing me off.

      • #26910

        @remrelganaps If you don’t like my not!Mason we can fight when I get out there 🙂

    • #26911

      I’ve watched the video a few times now, and more and more I’m wondering if it was either staged, or it’s an old video that we’re just now seeing for some reason. The reason is what’s getting me. Why show this to us now? And why show Morgan so pointedly? That was so intentional & seems important but I can’t put my finger on it.

    • #26961
       Lauren Bello

      I wonder if this recording of Erika sheds any light on Otis’s FB status a while back. Otis said,

      “I’m still not so sure why the hell I am supposed to drop all those lines about all that fruity shit you had us do in the rites room though. I’m not even sure mr tattoo will believe me anymore either, he thinks I’m some kind of soft serve vanilla ice cream even if I did fumble a line or two. I know he doesn’t think I’m a man who would do those sorts of things. Speaking of ice cream taking him out for another milkshake is as we say, a little on the nose isn’t it?…I’m not saying all that causeI am embarrassed necessarily about revealing all that stuff but that’s also not 100% who I am…Jesus H Christ, you get me worked up half the time with those promises, the money…Truth be told I don’t know what the hell you are working me , them upor any of this up for…”

      Is Morgan “mr tattoo”? Did Tim order Otis to meet with Morgan and discuss what happened at the retreats? Just like Erika? This would point to Bryan’s theory being correct – the idea that information about the retreats is intentionally being leaked to “work us up”. But, contrary to Bryan’s theory, this post does imply that the information being leaked is real.

      • #26962

        I assumed Mike was Mr. Tattoo, given the reference to ice cream and milkshakes.

      • #26963
         Lauren Bello

        Ahh, that makes sense (although didn’t they only meet for milkshakes once? Otis references “taking him out for another milkshake”)

        (…unless that second milkshake meeting was kept a secret?)

        Regardless, though, it seems to point to real information about the retreats being leaked with the intention of working people up…

      • #26964

        I always assumed the same, that Mr. Tattoo was @mike. I figured the second meeting never happened but now of course think it’s very possible it could have been kept a secret.

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