iConfidant Beta Program

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This topic has 156 replies, 66 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Winston Smith.

  • Author
    • #10245

      Hello everyone,
      I just received an email from Stacey stating that I’ve been selected for the Beta program. I’m assuming that others will be selected as well. Watch your inboxes everyone!

    • #10246

      Me too! Just when I thought school and work was getting too busy for me to participate. Thanks iConfidant.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jeremy.
    • #10247

      I did too… well this is about to get interesting. I will answer it when I get home from work later.

    • #10248

      I’m so excited ??

    • #10250

      (((throw confetti)))

      I’ve been selected too! 🙂

    • #10251

      For reference, here are screenshots of the email. I wonder if these are Stacey’s honest responses.

      beta email 1

      beta email 2

      beta email 3

    • #10252

      My guess is that everyone was. I’m curious if anyone wasn’t accepted. That would be interesting.

    • #10253

      Same here! But I’ll have to respond later, it’s bedtime for me.

    • #10254

      Yep accepted too.

    • #10257
       Vox Chaotica

      I, too, have been accepted, so I also think they pretty much brought in everyone that emailed – or at least got a non-copy/pasted response from their email. Now I just need to make sure I find a picture of me that doesn’t look like absolute bunk.

    • #10261

      @michelle I actually wasn’t accepted to iConfidant.

      I received a very simple email from Stacey this morning saying that I did not neet the criteria. There were no bells and whistles in my email. Just two sentences. She wishes me the best of luck. I only applied yesterday so maybe I just missed some sort of a cutoff.

      To say that my history with the Sinclairs is somewhat complicated is an understatement. I can imagine that affecting their decision as well.

      Enjoy your new BFFs everyone!

    • #10262

      Samesies. Got the email.

      I don’t think I’m going to respond to this one.

      I’ve got enough friends…

      I want to see how the doctor works… not be one of the doctor’s works.

    • #10263

      @lilmsfancpants that’s a shame, sorry. :-/

      Didn’t meet the criteria…interesting….

    • #10264

      Accepted as well. Did those who were a part of the 4/13 call get this email?

    • #10265

      I also go accepted!! Now to figure out how to put a picture in an email and how to change the subject line. I’m sure either of those won’t be too hard, have just never had to do it before, so gonna go learn something new in the process!

    • #10266

      I am quite stuck on the picture. When it says Thing(s) you love the most, does that include people? Cause there are a number of things I love that I have pictures of but none are together all separate and the idea of “take a picture” tells me they want a picture taken now. Those people I love are not around. The closest thing I have is my cat.

    • #10267
       Taylor Winters

      I was accepted as well. I find it interesting that @lilmsfancpants was not. If anyone else wasn’t, I’d be curious to know.

    • #10268

      Lia said:

      I actually wasn’t accepted to iConfidant.

      I received a very simple email from Stacey this morning saying that I did not neet the criteria. There were no bells and whistles in my email. Just two sentences. She wishes me the best of luck. I only applied yesterday so maybe I just missed some sort of a cutoff.

      To say that my history with the Sinclairs is somewhat complicated is an understatement. I can imagine that affecting their decision as well.

      Enjoy your new BFFs everyone!

      I didn’t realize there were criteria for being accepted? What kind of response did you get when you initially emailed? Was it boiler plate sorry but our program is full language, or was it more encouraging (we look forward to seeing what iConfidant can do for you in the future)? I wonder if other people who have been heavily involved with the Sinclairs (@julierei @thebuz) received similar responses to you? Though at this point they haven’t established a clear link between the System and iConfidant, right?

    • #10269
       Brian E

      Also accepted into the beta program! As for picture of things you love, I think that’s whatever you want that to be and is open to interpretation.

      *Also did a reverse image search of that picture and came up with nothing, anyone else have any luck. Nothing found in the EXIF file either.

    • #10270

      Very interesting @lilmsfancpants. Your narrative is with the Sinclairs perhaps? @julierei you’re entwined in the Sinclair narrative. Did you reach out to iConfidant?

    • #10271

      Sent a mail back, hope I did it correctly, even though my picture somehow ended up sideways in the sent version ???

      I’m also curious as to whether the people who have been outright rejected by the Sinclairs have been receiving more positive responses from iConfidant than those that are clearly more involved with them.

    • #10272

      @lasalle I was accepted into the beta test. Don’t know about @julierei though.

    • #10273

      @lasalle I didn’t get any response after my initial email. Like I said, this was all yesterday, so rather than sending a maybe (or whatever that “we’re super busy!” email was) and then a no, she just cut right to the chase. Stacey’s exact words were:

      “Lia, thank you for your interest in iConfidant, however we regret to inform you that you do not meet our criteria. We wish ou the happiest of success in all future endeavors. Regards, Stacey”

      Yeah what about @meghanmayhem? She’s in deep now too.

    • #10274

      Also got accepted!

      , I wondered the same thing. IMO, animals are beings, not things. Still, I think it’s pretty open. Whatever will set you up for the most heartbreak, I suppose 😉

      I got a “maybe” from the Sinclairs, and only sent my email to iConfidant yesterday. So, who knows?

    • #10275

      I got accepted, I had done the initial email. Then I followed up once, never hearing anything back. Then I was doing the Sinclair Insider stuff and once that didn’t pan out in my favor, I got this email today. Which is nice. I thought my journey had ended for now.

      Oh man, and do I have a DOOZIE of a picture:

      Hawaiian shirts AND taking the cats to the mall for professional pictures?
      <3 Hes my favorite person.

      Who’s ready to be paired up with me?! #ShininigansAfoot

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jackie.
    • #10278

      @nking my thoughts exactly. People and animals are not things but since her example was her dog I just took it as they chose the word “thing” to keep it open to anything anyone wanted to put. Maybe some people don’t love anyone or any animals (monsters. Lol) but they LOVE other things like food or books. Books came to mind for me..lol

    • #10279

      @theladyj hahaha that’s a brilliant photo ? I was tempted to send this one but I didn’t after all ?

    • #10280

      I was selected to move forward as well! Can’t wait to see where this goes. 🙂

    • #10281

      I also received the email of acceptance.

      I have similar thoughts… minus the pet 😉
      My photo will probably include symbols of what I love most. (Friends, for example.)
      Wonder if a collage would work… hmmm…

    • #10282
       Brad Ruwe

      I’m in! Sent in a picture of myself with my two biggest loves, @birdiesrunamok and adrenaline/theme parks. Us riding Top Thrill Dragster in Ohio!

    • #10283
       Taylor Winters

      While people, pets, and items do mean a lot to me. I value things like friendship, community, and ambition more. I found a picture that was able to capture this well while still having some “things” I love in it as well.

    • #10284

      Sorry mysterious julian. I claim @pandace88 as my person.
      That is rad. Hotdogs cutouts and a cat!? Yes.

      In other news:
      I think using the word things allows people to feel comfortable using their Car. Their house. Their favorite coffee mug. Because I also believe that sometimes people don’t bring happiness. So what else can make someone happy?

      No one is ever sad on a sea-do.

    • #10285

      I also got the acceptance email. I wonder what the criteria was though

    • #10286

      Am I the only one rebuffing at iConfidant?

    • #10287
       Taylor Winters

      @theladyj, the question wasn’t what makes you happy. I think we’d be getting far less materialistic answers that way and a very different subset of answers. The question was about things we love. And for that, I think some level of materialism is needed (whether it’s an item or a person). But I still wanted to include intangible concepts that I love.

    • #10288
       Brad Ruwe

      “Tragedy struck today as a massive failure of the iConfidant program caused the deaths of the entire beta test user base. The only survivors being @hazelverse and @lilmsfancpants who opted out and was not selected to join, respectively.”

    • #10289

      Which of you will be my confidant?

    • #10291

      @hazelverse So it seems. lol Although, I’m sure there are others who will do the same. Our paths are our own, right? I respect that you would choose not to reply back if the narrative doesn’t speak to you. Because if it doesn’t, how could you be emotionally invested. (Assuming that the reason is you’re just not interested in iConfidant)

      you considered books… I considered my Placebo vinyl collection. lol

    • #10292

      I got an invite as well but the thing you love most is tripping me up, too. I think my biggest problem is that the thing I love most is myself.

      Don’t really know how to convey that one.

    • #10293
    • #10294

      Did everyone get the 1st email from Stacey about them getting TONs of email applications and to be patient? I wonder why someone who’s been actively invoveled would not get accepted?

    • #10295

      I’m seriously considering submitting a photo of myself with a container of parmesan cheese.

    • #10296

      @thegilded selfie time

    • #10297

      @pandace88 – A selfie of me holding a selfie? What kind of Inception level bullshit is this!?

      I’ll just take one with a bottle of scotch and be done with it

    • #10298
       Vox Chaotica

      I chose a picture of myself holding one of my Japanese games because you can’t find a love more pure than in the realm of 2D anime girls. Without my mask, of course.

    • #10299

      @thegilded That’s tripping me up too. It’s either my Dad or bacon and I have neither handy.

    • #10300

      @thegilded an inception selfie of you and scotch

    • #10301
       Meghan Mayhem

      @lilmsfancpants I got the congrats email as well. I was one of the people that got the initial phone call “interview” with iConfidant, so with the exception of my omission of the security question, I’m not surprised I got accepted.
      My involvement with Noah is new enough that it’s something I’m not 100% sure the “powers that be” (see: Sarah) are fully aware of yet. Sarah still seems to think Noah is an island right now.

    • #10302
       Brad Ruwe

      @voxchaotica Wait… mask? Did I miss something?

    • #10303

      @goldtongue who are you, steve urkel? Got any cheeeeeese?!

    • #10304

      whoa so if @lilmsfancpants is the only one is not accepted to iconfidant, that sends a possible HUGE clue that Sarah is involved in some way. Of course she would ostracize the “other woman” her husband seems to be involved with against her wishes (and yeah @meghanmayhem is under the radar right now so she wouldn’t be rejected).

    • #10305

      I also got accepted.

    • #10306
       Vox Chaotica

      The mask in this profile picture, it is a mask that I own and, well, “mask” my identity with on my various social media profiles such as Twitter. I have no idea how to reply to individuals, so I’m just going to cross my fingers that this works.

    • #10307

      What if the thing we love most is ourself? Do we send an image of ourselves gazing at the beauty of our reflection in a river? (Humor purposes only)

    • #10308

      After more thought, I am not going to include people in my submission photo. When it comes to a confidant, I’m hoping to be paired with someone with similar interests. Those things can serve as the foundation of our inevitable lifelong friendship.

    • #10309
       Brad Ruwe

      @voxchaotica Ahhh, got it. I have images blocked on this site at work (so people walking by don’t see LUST in big letters on my computer) but I think I remember seeing that picture.

      Totally works, I get what you’re saying. Crossing fingers a success!

    • #10310

      Got the email; just went my response. I chose a picture with my two best friends because 1, it’s 100% true my friends are my life; and 2, dog was used in the reference and I felt shitty copying that when I couldn’t even take a picture WITH the dog in question.

      Noted –
      I tried reverse image searching the reference photo and nothing really came up. Also just tried reverse image searching the face and also empty handed.

      Questioning if the examples she gave was her personal answers. Also wondering if that’s the start of a phone number we should keep an eye on.

    • #10311
       Vox Chaotica

      Speaking of reverse image searching, this may be nothing, but at the bottom of the reverse image search page of Stacey and her dog is the notification “Suspected child abuse content has been removed from this page”, which could very well tie into Stacey’s information about herself in the invitation and how she feels about her mother. Or it could just be my paranoia acting up again.

    • #10312

      Yay, I’m in!! I don’t really have “a thing” I love the most since I have no pets, single, and just surviving day to day. I guess what I love the most is my persistence to keep going when I feel like my world is crumbling down. I have faith in iConfidant to help me find the perfect match!

    • #10314

      I also got accepted. I didn’t get a phone call, but I didn’t get a copy/paste response to my first email either.

    • #10315

      I have also been accepted into the next phase.

    • #10316
       Julie R Goldstein

      I have been accepted into the iConfidant Beta Program.

      Contrary to the rumors that have been circulating these boards, I do have a heart and a deep sense of love and need.

      I guess that’s just one more thing Sarah and I have in common.

    • #10317
       Mustafa Said

      Yea, also got in.

    • #10318

      @addisonborn just made this for me. What do you think, too vain?

    • #10319

      I wanted to see if the 36 from the status has anything to do with the number of people selected.

      List of who’s said they’ve been accepted so far –

      1. @lasalle
      2. @jay956
      3. @nking
      4. @pandace88
      5. @mkarrett
      6. @michelle
      7. @izryn
      8. @ziegenbartsr
      9. @voxchaotica
      10. @hazelverse
      11. @macbethinabathtub
      12. @lenize
      13. @taysavestheday
      14. @mistere
      15. @thebuz
      16. @superstar
      17. @theladyj
      18. @phisher13
      19. @russell
      20. @nothenrygale
      21. @danduder
      22. @goldtongue
      23. @thegilded
      24. @meghanmayhem
      25. @lexthewolf
      26. @tyson ?
      27. @jared
      28. @chloe
      29. @monkeymuffin333
      30. @julierei
      31. @mumumusings
      32. @korteydarling
      33. ?
      34. ?
      35. ?
      36. ?

      NOT ACCEPTED (no offense)


    • #10320

      Following up on making that list; I’m positive more than 36 people got accepted.

    • #10321
       Kyle Bown

      I was also accepted!

    • #10322

      @kortneydarling The cheese stands alone. But I LOVE cheese. So it’s ok.

    • #10323

      @kortneydarling yes, I was accepted. Sorry for being vague.

    • #10324

      @kortneydarling, I’m accepted too.

    • #10325
       Twan Intarathuch

      I’ve been accepted

    • #10326

      @kortneydarling me too hi!

    • #10327

      33. @bruinbown
      34. @sfire8
      35. @anakindrew
      36. ?

      I’m positive @shankfx22 got accepted, due to her getting a call.

    • #10328

      Yeah so it’s confirmed, more than 36 people got accepted.

    • #10329
       Andrew Kasch

      This is fascinating.

      For the record, I was contacted by them last week. They asked me a few questions and said they were going to “follow” me around to obtain data. Very different from the “accepted” letters people are getting.

    • #10330

      @kortneydarling also accepted!

    • #10331
       Miki M

      Count me among those accepted.

    • #10332


    • #10334

      Both @winstonsmith and I have been accepted.

    • #10336
       Lawrence Meyers

      Hmmm…I got an email welcoming me to UConfidant. Apparently I’m going to be a “Confidant” of 36 lucky people. I cannot wait to hear all your their deep dark secrets and tell them “I understand” and “I know how you feel”.

    • #10337
       Winston Smith

      I also received an Iconfidant acceptance email.

    • #10339


      Everyone else:

    • #10341
       Lukas L

      Keep this list going. I am really interested in who responds

      I also got accepted.
      Here is the picture I sent in. The two things I love most are, The Fibonacci Sequence, and Stacy!!!! Oh la la

    • #10343

      @kasch – I also got the same call from Stacey (and was the one that dropped the URL to the forums via @michelle) – collecting data, following me around, taking a journey, etc.

      And I was accepted today too.

      Don’t know yet what I’m taking a picture of. I have two pictures I could send but they weren’t taken today and they don’t include all the “things” I love.

    • #10349
       Max Z

      @lilmsfancpants I didn’t get accepted either. Granted, I didn’t apply, but still…

      I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m rebuffing the iConfidant thing but I did stay out of it. Something about it was very unappealing to me. Looked kinda…cloying. I’m excited to hear about it on the boards secondhand though!

    • #10373
       Brad Ruwe

      I should mention I had the suspicion the 6 digits from the Focus Group barcode (01) (17) (10) might have been the missing 6 digits of Stacey’s phone number. Nope, number is not in service. No luck there.

    • #10376
       Lauren Bello


    • #10380
       Tom Kircher

      I was also accepted.

    • #10381

      As stated earlier, I received the same letter of acceptance. Here’s my response. We’ll see where it goes from here. Gets a little personal, but… screw it. I’ve already opened myself up this much.

      #2.) – Abandoned, self-blame, pain
      #3.) Reconstructing
      #4.) I have attached a collage, as I could not seem to get everything in one photo. Things I love : My Dad, My dog Mojo, My sense of humor, Stories/knowledge/books, and art/film.
      #5.) (918)*******


      P.S. I said this the first time I responded earlier. I figured I’d include it here as well… I hate thinking about the saddest moment of my life. In 2005, I woke up from a coma in intensive care 3 weeks after a terrible car accident. I literally almost died. Selecting three words is hard when trying to describe such an event. For a while, my own mother couldn’t handle the thought of her son being in such conditions. 2 weeks out of the hospital she separated from the dysfunctional relationship with my father. I didn’t see or speak to her for 2 years, but not because I didnt try. I did try, and it went ignored for over two years – – and I hope you nor anyone else knows such a feeling. It is a horrible thought to believe the one who created you is rejecting you in your biggest time of need. Strangely, in the best way – my saddest moment became my strong point after realizing how much I meant to the world, my family, and friends. I’ve learned to forgive my mother as well as build a relationship with her. I also surprised myself with how strong I am as a person, as I had to completely relearn how to walk over a period of 6 or 8 months. Sorry this got long but I figured if you want a deeper understanding of it, there it is!

    • #10396
       Kimberly Stewart

      Accepted, and honored to be accepted into the Beta with all of you. We’re a very fortunate bunch. Whatever happens, it’s sure to be an adventure.

    • #10399
       Jason Pedroza

      Hi, y’all! I also got the acceptance e-mail.

    • #10415

      I got accepted too. Sent a picture of me with a beer… I am definitely in need of iConfidant’s services…

    • #10416
       Brad Ruwe

      @blondie Ahhh, I see someone took my 2nd choice!

    • #10422

      I chose to send in a picture of me, a piano, a comedy camp shirt, and a drawing book.

    • #10423

      I did get accepted and got the same questions.

      I couldn’t decide between who I loved most, so I included three pictures. One of me and @nothenrygale, one with my mother, and one with my pyromaniac basset hound.

    • #10432

      iConfidant’s latest FB post. Haha! Here’s the image I sent…

    • #10437

      @shinobi All the best things begin with B ?

    • #10441
       Andrew K

      What’s interesting to me is that the prose said “take a picture with the THING you love the most”

      Not the Person or being (ie pet)

      A thing is a non sentient object, which is why I’m not doing a family member or friend (s)

    • #10442

      @anakindrew Hence the bacon.

    • #10445
       Brad Ruwe

      I got asked something similar in Tension Experience. In processing I was asked “What was your first love?” and I noted it asked what, not who. As such, I answered “Adrenaline” which is very true. I got hooked on thrill rides and theme parks at a young age and it’s become my primary hobby ever since. It helped shape me into the sort of person I am (and lets face it, that adrenaline is why I’m involved in stuff like this).

      Had I been asked who my first love was it would be my highschool girlfriend. But since it was what, it had to be adrenaline.

    • #10449

      @anakindrew that’s how I interpreted the thing question as well. I love my husband, family, dogs, and my friends. Those aren’t things though to me. A thing is something that is inanimate so I sent her a pic with my dive gear on, in the ocean. Hopefully she doesn’t interpret that as “oh she loves herself”.

    • #10450
       Sharon P

      I too was accepted ?

    • #10455
       Andrew K

      Just sent my reply email.

      – abandoned, unsure, determined

      – close (relationship with my mom)

      – photo was of me with my camera and movie posters (my love of photography/ film/ my career)

      – Phone number

      Now we wait to see what will happen next!

    • #10459

      Even the debate of a ‘thing’ is interesting. To me, I see as everything is ‘dude’. You’re a dude, she’s a dude, dog is a dude, billboard is a dude…
      Whilst splitting people vs objects, yes is altruistic, the difference made very little to my choice of submitting a funny picture of all the things I love: boyfrien. Cats. Hawaiian shirts. Funny impractical situations. Dragging others into funny situations. Cats wearing cat sized objects…ect.

    • #10460

      @theladyj Did you just quote Kel from Good Burger?

      God fucking bless you.

    • #10469
       Brian E

      Theory about a “thing” this is not another person, it’s too much of a hassle issue, as you take a picture with someone who has no idea what The Lust Experience even is and it can cause issues, Stacey took a picture with an animal to specifically say an animal counts as a thing.

      I really think it’s as simple as that, I bet if you send a photo with a person you’ll get rejected. Anything else goes.

      • #10494

        @mistere so you think a dog is a thing but a person isn’t a thing? I think if a dog is game then so is a person.

    • #10477

      @mistere but by using a photo of you with your SO, aren’t you saying that your relationship is the “thing” you love the most? That’s a viable interpretation.

      • #10497

        A relationship is defined as a noun, which technically is a thing. I respect the loophole you found. But to be fair, if the task is to include you with the thing itself, shouldn’t it be a photo of you WITH/holding a representation of the two of you together (a photo, a ring)? Or is a photo within a photo too meta here?

    • #10493

      Sent my reply. Hopefully I will be stalked soon.

    • #10495

      I was chosen as well. I sent my response in. I considered doing a person or my dogs (since they allowed plural) but I don’t consider people things, and I don’t consider pets things, they’re family. Excited to get the ball rolling. Happy to see the rest of you moving forward too! 🙂

    • #10501

      @tiffany223 our kitten that we rescued together is also in the photo, which definitely represents our little family, and the relationship itself but I think it’s just semantics really. ?

    • #10508

      Then I’ll assume that a lot of people will be rejected @mistere because I’m sure a lot of people sent in photos with loved ones. I know I did. I sent in one with my kids. There is nothing that matters more to me than my relationship with them.

      And, how can a dog be considered a thing but not a person? A dog is a mammal just as a human is.

      Maybe I’m wrong… maybe they wanted a tangible thing, maybe it’s a test to see how shallow, materialistic, genuine, or whatever it may be to determine what someone is. I just think the requirement was a photo of you with something that matters to the most to you.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by M..
      • #10518

        @michelle, I sent in one with my kids too. 🙂 Didn’t even think about it for one second. Total no brainer.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Sage.
    • #10520

      My boss made me work a 17 hour day today, so I’m only now able to send an email to Stacey. For me, the photograph was a no brainer.

      PLease don’t judge. I am a lonely lonely man.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by GoldTongue.
    • #10522
       Brian E

      @shaun I don’t think a dog, or any animal is a thing. In this case only as represented from Stacey’s image, she said thing/s and included a picture of a dog so that says that an animal is considered a thing in this case.

      I took a picture of me holding a camera, and taking a picture at the same time, that’s the “thing” I love. Also, anyone could have emailed Stacey for clarity, and well since this game has no rules maybe even these are open to interpretation as well. I like how you see it @wanda102 the thing for you in the relationship with your boyfriend. So that’s the picture you shared. @michelle I’d say your love for your children is your “thing” as well and commendable, so well all just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

      Wow, that’s epic. What’s your things name? I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone took photos of for this.

      Good luck to all of us!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Brian E.
    • #10524

      @mistere, his name is Blooo. He is a lot of fun when he’s not sleeping.

    • #10526
       David R.


    • #10528

      @goldtongue what is what, a dog? At first I thought it was a puppet.

    • #10530
    • #10531

      The ‘thing’ @goldtongue loves just happens, ya know,… to be insanity.

    • #10537

      @theladyj my leisure wear is a straight jacket.

    • #10546

      @theladyj I feel so special!

    • #10547
       Michael Rizzo

      This is a super late reply so please forgive me (Indio has garabage service), but I too was accepted. Eager to see what’s up!

    • #10548
       Lauren Bello

      @michelle and @wanda102 – I personally think you’re fine! A picture with a person can represent intangible things:

      long conversations
      comfortable silences
      shared looks of understanding
      moments where you’re surprised by someone saying something out of character and then realize you only ever knew a fraction of who they are
      personal nicknames
      emotional histories

      And those are the things that most people love most.

      Maybe @mike can refresh my memory, but early on in Tension, weren’t certain participants asked what they didn’t want to leave the room without? People named their keys, their wallet, etc., but the answer the OOA Institute was looking for was “my mind”.

      Not to conflate the OOA Institute and iConfidant, of course. But it doesn’t hurt to consider intangible things when faced with these questions.

    • #10550

      @daela – You’re exactly right. The thing is, when we were asked that, it wasn’t a general question. There were only a certain amount of answers based on what was in your pockets at the time. I thought the same thing with Iconfidant and was going to print out a picture of a brain, but I thought I was overthinking it….pun intended 😀

    • #10555

      It just occurred to me that this was a missed opportunity to pose with memorabilia from John Carpenter’s The Thing.

    • #10558
       Brad Ruwe
    • #10560

      Man you are great at these! This is fantastic.

      What is that symbol they use?

      And how do we make it look like it’s ejaculating.

    • #10561
       Brad Ruwe

      I swear, if we don’t get a poster of this latest @thebuz post…. @theladyj

    • #10567
       Tim Redman

      I was accepted.

    • #10568
       Tim Redman

      I submitted a photo with me and my kid. My play THING. The best THING that ever happened to me. If there’s any problem with that then they’re dead inside.

    • #10571
       Hannah Schenck

      @kortneydarling Sorry for the late reply… I’m catching up (sorta) whileI have some down time in NY… I was accepted to the Beta Program

    • #10573

      @nothenrygale Dang, that’s really well done! Last I heard Stacey is short-staffed. They should hire you!

    • #10581


      Don’t threaten me with a good time.

    • #10588
       Brad Ruwe

      @izryn Thank You! It would be interesting to see what Stacey thinks of the logo. Gonna send it to her!

    • #10589

      I really hope they don’t reject anyone who sent in people as their “things”. As an opposite thought…. what if they ONLY accept people who did people? This is about dating/friendship after all…

      • #10593
         Vox Chaotica

        Where would fictional people fall on that scale? I’m fully prepared to bite that particular bullet if the picture I sent iConfidant was ever leaked by any nefarious individual(s).

        As an alternate response: how dare you insinuate Rousenin Rise is not a real person? I’ll have you know that the passion we share will only be enhanced via iConfidant’s matchmaking system, and anything to the contrary should simply be ignored entirely.

    • #10590

      @kortneydarling it would be odd if they did reject people who didn’t indicate friends or SOs. Like you said, it’s about relationships but not everyone has people in their life that they truly care about. They shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to change that.

    • #10591

      @kortneydarling As far as I’m concerned my pet T-Rex Phil is a real person.

    • #10594

      Usually once you’re accepted into a beta program you don’t go through another vetting process.. obviously anything is possible but I’m hoping everything will be fine.

    • #10595

      @shaun I’ll be curious to see if Stacey rejects anyone on a technicality by not following instructions. If anyone, say, sent it without changing the subject line or writing their name as (first name last name) instead of (last name, first name). Stacey doesn’t seem particularly nit-picky, but the way she said “follow these very simple instructions” made me extra paranoid about filling it out, as if she was waiting for a mistake to jump on.

    • #10596
       Alecia Steiner

      @nothenrygale If you choose to follow the suggestion from @thebuz, I would suggest having it shoot out from the tip at the bottom of the symbol. Of course, I don’t know how you could make that magic come to life… but it’s worth a shot! (pun intended)

    • #10598

      Also @shaun if this “survey” decided that they couldn’t help someone else I see there no reason once we all get the survey (assuming we will) other people will get rejected.

    • #10611

      New post from iConfidant’s fb: “scientists say that it’s the friendship aspect in a marriage that makes it last.”

    • #10689
       Gary Price

      I know im late but its been a busy weekend. I was accepted too and responded, but still havent heard anything back. Excited to see where this is going

    • #10691
       Brad Ruwe

      Something tells me some of us will be hearing back from them within the week. Stacey has been flooded with applications and emails, but she’s been doing a fairly good job replying to people. Whether or not I should trust iConfidant, I’m still unsure.

    • #10713

      I followed up with Stacey via email last night to see if she had any further information regarding my rejection from the beta testing. Not meeting her criteria really irked me. If we’re to assume that iConfidant is a brand new company, where are they even pulling their data from?

    • #10750


      I present to you my masterpiece.

    • #10754

      Wow, @theladyj. Wow. Slow clap.

    • #10755
       Brad Ruwe

      Bahahaha love it @theladyj!

      And to answer your question @thebuz, I actually don’t know what the symbol is. It looks like it’s just the letter I from a very fancy script font. Beyond that I don’t know. I created the 3D version just from the logo jpg.

    • #10757

      @theladyj That’s amazing

    • #10759

      How do you a classy visual ejaculation joke? Spilled milk of course! The other option was ‘mayo on fries’, but ain’t got time for such heresy.

    • #10760

      Welp, now I can never drink milk again @theladyj. XD

    • #10833
       Haley Wilde

      I just got accepted a couple days ago too, so excited!

    • #10910
       Amber Ballesteros

      A little late to the party but I was accepted too

    • #11296
       Winston Smith

      Just received an email from Stacey Erikson at IConfidant saying that the pairing process had started. I guess we’re all gonna get our new special buddies real soon now? I hope mine likes soup.

      She also says the “sheer volume of valuable information” they’re dealing with is exhilarating. Interesting use of “valuable”. Valuable to whom, I wonder?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Winston Smith. Reason: Spelling
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