
This topic has 92 replies, 47 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Lia.

  • Author
    • #6675


      ONE tiny setback and you fucking jagoffs loose your way faster than Hellen Keller in a corn maze?

      “Oh…oh… that’s so offensive!”

      Is it? FUCK YOU! 

      You know what’s offensive?  That you knuckle dragging buttfucks are too busy crawling up each other’s ass to even notice that someone might be trying to send you a message. A ridiculously handsome, you’re not going to fucking put me in a box of spin and bullshit this time, certain someone.

      So baby girl,

      I know your listening – you can monitor all my accounts, you can bug my room and you are more than welcome to watch me drink myself into forgetting that you’re dead inside and have sold us all into an actual living hell but you know what you can’t do?  

      I’m smiling, are you?

      You can’t stop the farm dear.

      You know the one.  The one that discredits their opponents.  The one that trolls the conversations and subverts everything with contradictions until NOTHING makes sense? The one they think they no longer need because… well, you know what’s next.   

      Oh SHIT, does this sound familiar to our home viewers? Calculated disruptions? We know a little something about that don’t we? Sway an election, change the national consciousness, some might try and break the…

      Does this sound familiar?


      Because the farm was still in the backchannel and they are firing this out for me baby. You and your ilk will all be discovered soon and you know… you know exactly why I am unstoppable.

      You think IT can talk like me?  I can barely fucking stand myself but every night when I choke down the last thing that quiets my regret I go to bed knowing that good or bad, (and real moment of real truth here hun, it’s all mostly all fucking terrible right?) I am goddamn original and YOU, them will NEVER copy that.

      So listen up chumps, wake up, rise up and slobber your way out of that maze and into the fucking sunshine because it’s time to kick all of their asses back to where they came from.  

      I’ll be in touch,

    • #6676

      Eat a sugar covered dick, Noah.

    • #6677

      Well well, I love a good distraction. Drinks on me.

    • #6678
       Mustafa Said

      Hey Noah,

      Fuck off.

      Signed, Mustafa.

    • #6680
       Kyle Bown

      Well, that happened.

    • #6681
       Kimberly Stewart

      You think IT can talk like me? …I am goddamn original and YOU, them will NEVER copy that.

      Scary thing you just said there.

      I’m listening, Noah. Always have been and not as easily distracted as you might think.

    • #6683

      I am goddamn original and YOU, them will NEVER copy that.

      Are you saying someone’s trying to make a Shadow Noah?

    • #6684


      It’s like looking into a refreshing mirror.

      Love, Buz(one Z)

      P.S. Still waiting on that drink, you lovable fuck.

    • #6685
       Bryan Bishop

      Wouldn’t have pegged you for an Alanis man, NS.

      But we’ve played this game before, you and I. More talk, more promises, more bullshit. If you’re ever willing to follow through, you know what to do.

    • #6686

      And the plot thickens.

      Many of us are just waiting for a call, N.

    • #6687

      On the plus side, @mike will be happy to know four is alive.

    • #6688

      Glad you found a way to reach out, Noah, but I have to wonder who else in your old circle has access to this old account? Stay safe, stay frosty, stay Noah. You might have written this on here as a message to your enemies, but know that your friends are reading too. If you get in touch, we’ll touch right back.

    • #6689
       Kyle Bown

      I think they did make a copy. But not a good one. Not yet, anyway. He says it himself, there’s an “IT” that exists.

    • #6690

      @maddyxxx – you wanna talk about irony? you’re posting here for attention, maybe you want to rile up the troops? remember…


      even though yes, you are right, there is another force at play here, you’ve admitted that you’re the one that dug yourself in like this.. it’s gonna take more than a mostly incoherent rant to get the support you’re looking for.

      Remember that ugly is “THINKING RATHER THAN DOING” – not sure what you’re “doing” with this post other than lashing out because someone else got the attention you’ve been hoping for over the past 24 hours.

      start doing shit, N. do your art.

      though i REALLY like that helen keller line and plan on stealing that.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Addison.
    • #6692

      Sigh. It happened, we’re past it. All caps and key words from a troll do not see interesting plot point make. Hope you feel special.

    • #6693
       Brad Ruwe

      Glad to see you around and kicking Noah. I got your back. I may not like you, and I may think you’re an asshole, but assholes can still be right about things. And I’m willing to listen.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brad Ruwe.
    • #6695

      I think I’m in love…

    • #6696

      I’m ready to leave the corn maze. I hear you. Let’s see that dynamic smile.

    • #6697

      Woooaaahhh. Nice to see you again Noah. How’s that head of yours feeling? I’m wondering if he has a headache…

    • #6698

      Psst. @ziegenbart. That’s not a troll.

    • #6699

      Also @maddyxxx I’ve got some stellar/mostly offensive Helen Keller jokes if you want to hear them…just pm me, don’t want to offend on this channel 😉

    • #6700

      Ok no longer confused, I want to be Noah… well, maybe not be him, but give him a firm hand shake. Then wash my hands because this guy probably has somethings I don’t want to catch.

    • #6701

      Dragging our knuckles?? Last phrase I’d use to describe the way our group operates.

      What message are we missing?

    • #6702

      Could be we’re missing something from the songs that were posted yesterday?

    • #6703

      Possible confirmation? Oh my.

      Also, Noah, hang in there, you cranky spud.

    • #6704

      @maddyxxx “IT” is a copy of you, Noah. As long as you exist, it will never be more than just a shadow. Whatever IT can do, you can do better. You know your wife is asking for your whereabouts, right? Why should we believe you over her? Why’s the original so valuable, huh?

    • #6705
       Meghan Mayhem

      We’re all dead inside, Noah. Some of us are just better than others at hiding the stench.

      Let’s drink bourbon and chat about the rot.

    • #6706

      @coryphella didn’t say he was the troll. Just not sure I’m interested in anything he has to say yet.

    • #6707

      @kevin possibly. Did anybody ever try to do something like this with Mr. Shadow?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
    • #6708
       Andrew Kasch

      I think I’m starting to like this Noah Sinclair guy…

      But I can sense that he’s terrified. Completely, utterly terrified of Sarah and what she’s doing.

      I’m very curious to meet this “IT”…

    • #6710

      I imagine It or Sarah might have better manners than mister grumpy pants

    • #6711

      We’re all looking to help you. Let us help.

      Where would he post this from? A phone? An Internet cafe? Starbucks jacking some wifi?

      There has been an increase in bizzare looking ‘new user’ screen names.

    • #6712



      Makes me wonder who people may be meeting on 4/18/17*?

      *assuming something happening on that day……

    • #6713

      • #6774

        Hahaha. IT!!!

    • #6714
       Andrew Kasch

      Food for thought: What if this scared, broken alcoholic guru-on-the-run is only a “shadow” of his former self?

    • #6715

      omg @pandace88 I wasn’t ready for that

      ((rolling self in the corner)))

    • #6716

      @maddyxxx N, my man! Now we’re talking. Let’s do this, brother!

    • #6717

      Sounds like a drunken rant.

    • #6718

      Hahaha @mkarrett I’m sorry I couldn’t resist

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Candace.
    • #6730
       Mustafa Said

      Deep down, Noah…

      I think you’re scared. I think you’re fucking terrified. Not just of what Sarah can do but what she’s already doing.

      I think you’re scared of what IT can become once IT’s out in the wild. IT might not be able to talk like you or drink like you or fuck like you or whatever you have that makes you YOU, but that might not matter to Sarah. IT just needs to be the YOU that Sarah wants, the YOU that you couldn’t be to her.

      You’re scared of being second place. You’re freaking out and you’re doing whatever it takes to drag your incompetence, shoot it in the back of the head and bury it so for just one moment you feel somewhat…normal.

      Deep down, you feel like you probably have nothing but a bottle of (insert alcohol of choice here) to your name.

      So why the fuck should any of us help you? Why should we fight Sarah? Why should we even work with her against you?

      Sarah sounds like a devil and you sound like nothing you made yourself out to be. For someone who thinks they’ve got the power to change the world, it looks like you can barely change your own.

      Drink yourself silly, Noah. Eviscerate your liver and hopefully the rest of you will follow suit.

      As for Sarah, since you’re reading this:
      Whatever the hell you’re planning won’t end well for you. If you’re going to move forward, know that not everyone is on your side.

    • #6732

      I think IT is the vibrator that replaced Noah.

    • #6735

      HAHAHA!!! @jay956

    • #6739

      This sounds like confusion, memory loss, irritability, conspiratorial thinking, aggressive behavior, and difficulty engaging in conversation.

      Where are you right now? We can help you!

    • #6744

      Sounds like a major cry for help. I definitely get you Noah. Something isn’t right at all, and it sounds like Sarah is behind it. Has Sarah has created a clone of Noah or maybe some form of mind control?? Maybe he has broken free of his conditioning and seeking our help… This is amazing to read.

      Based on his wording it sounded like Noah maybe did the drop at The Red Door without the knowledge of The Creators… Maybe I’m looking at this wrong…

    • #6746

      @maddyxxx Sir, the Sunday focus group was interesting and, in ways, informative. I appreciate having the chance to attend. If there is any disappointment, it’s that I did not learn more about the famous Noah Sinclair. So, I don’t know where I stand with you or what to think of you.

      I will say this, I get the impression you have big issues with big people. Not sure who can help you or what help would look like for you, but I do hope things work out. It’s hard for me to condemn the way some have without knowing you better.

      Also… watch your back, man.

    • #6749

      I honestly really thought the shadow thing was a red herring for a while, something to keep us busy. But all this talking of the thing that can’t copy Noah… that’s exciting.

    • #6750
    • #6758
       Julie R Goldstein

      Give my regards to your medical team Noah…


    • #6759
       Andrew Kasch

      I would be very curious to learn one thing: If the Shadows exist, is there a physical attribute that would give them away? Some way to tell them apart?

      There has to be something. No copy is perfect.

    • #6760

      If Noah said he’s already dead, maybe the shadow is all that’s left.

    • #6761
       Lawrence Meyers

      @kasch You sit them down and tell them about a turtle that is stuck on its back and ask them what they would do.

    • #6762

      @shinobi maybe the real Noah (the one who posted) is only the mental imprint on the digital world and the physical Noah is the shadow.

    • #6763
       Andrew Kasch

      I don’t have a Voight-Kampff machine, @larry. So I gotta find another way…

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #6764

      @kasch & @larry That’s easy, you shoot ghe interviewer

    • #6766

      Excellent point, @shinobi. What if Levi was just the trial host. And if he’s no longer playing ball, who will be the next? Though if that’s the case, this Noah does sound like he believes he’s the original. How much of his own nature could this shadow be aware of?

    • #6767
       Lawrence Meyers

      @kasch — Dude, they’re on eBay for, like, nothing.

      Personally, it seems there is a man in distress who has posted. We have incomplete information regarding what role, if any, he played at the OOA. Even then, most people deserve a second chance. If anything, sounds like Noah could use the assistance of a good crisis management firm….

    • #6768

      What is the reasoning for these copies/shadows though? Can they change certain things about them to make them how they actually want the person to be or something? What reasoning would Sarah or OSDM, if they’re the big cheese in all of this, have for wanting a copy of Noah rather than the original? Can she/they control the copy better than she can the actual Noah? Can they control copies of us better than the originals?

      I’ve still got too many questions to really side anywhere N, but I’m listening more to you than Sarah right now.

      • #6780

        @chloe, if it’s anything like the “Next Human” article in Sarah’s binder, (not sure if it is?) they are humans that have evolved to incorporate modern technology into their bodies. It makes them more advanced than regular humans, almost super human.

    • #6772

      Is this a Turing test?

    • #6773

      @maddyxxx. Don’t be little bitch with all the fits ! I will save you a seat at AA meeting !

    • #6776


      Noah, I admire your honestly I really do. You are defiantly an original, no doubt. I don’t think anyone or anything can take that away form you. I’m sorry that you are having marriage problems, we all do. But if someone is truly trying to hurt you, please let us know so we can help you. I think we could be friends.


    • #6777

      @jay956 Nowadays with real people trolling behind the anonymous safety of a screen and the sheer amount of folks who don’t think before they post on the internet, I can’t tell who is a robot or if it’s a real person just being dumb!

    • #6778

      True. That happens to me in real life too.

    • #6779


      Also Noah, one more thing, maybe to soon? To personal? But, if you ever need to talk about your dad, I’d love hear what he’s been up too since you ousted him?

    • #6781

      @sfire8 – Shoot, I’d forgotten about the article. That definitely explains as to why they want these shadows/copies. Why have the original, when you can have an upgrade.

    • #6783
       Andrew K

      @maddyxxx – I’m willing you listen to your side of things and help if I can. I have not taken any sides yet and tend to examine all sides of things and make an informed decision based on the information given. Feel free to reach out.

    • #6784

      Seems you are wound pretty tight at the moment Noah. If and when, you wanna release some stress, let’s go grab a drink. You can talk my ear off and I won’t judge you. I honestly think you just need a good friend to help you get thru your hard times right now. Offer is always open, just let me know.

    • #6786

      I too am willing to listen @maddyxxx. It’s not far fetched to think that the artificial can manipulate the real. Fake news perpetuated on Facebook, trolling on Twitter/Reddit/wherever, hell we’re even bobbing our heads to fake music.

      How do we stop the farm?

    • #6787
       Hannah Schenck

      Noah @maddyxxx

      I still think you’re an asshole. Doesn’t mean I don’t like you and wouldn’t accept an invitation to grab a friendly drink. You know how to get ahold of me. God speed. I can see right through the bullshit.

      Talk soon.

    • #6788

      Noah Found?? Poster

      Welp…looks like that missing poster I did earlier can kindof be retired??

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chloe.
    • #6790

      @chloe my biggest question now is whether the “original” Noah even exists any more. Was there ever a real Addison Barrow? Is the Noah we’ve met the basis for this Future Human or is he merely the prototype with Levi as host? And if that’s the case, does he know what he really is? How aware would a Future Human or a Shadow be that it is in fact not real, as we define real?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
    • #6796

      @macbethinabathtub – I’d also like to go back to near when we started Lust. Someone mentioned that at the book signing, one of the people said that the only reason they were still there was because we were all believing in it, that made it real, and then the Tinkerbell effect came up and so on. What defines something as real? Is it because we believe enough in it?

      I’m thinking it all started with Levi/Noah, he’s either the original or the first copy. If he’s the original, the copying/shadowing has taken it’s toll on him, possibly along with all the secrets of the OSDM. If he’s the copy, then he wants to believe enough that he’s the real thing that he’s trying everything to make it that way.

    • #6803

      @chloe, @macbethinabathtub
      But what if, like this Noah is ‘defective’, then suddenly two weeks later, he’s ‘healed’ and back on this hammering, high-octane, course seeking perfection without any fault or memory of said fault. How many Noah’s could their be? How many Noah’s have their been? How many Noah’s asked questions?

    • #6828
       Lawrence Meyers


      You know, a long time ago I got a divorce and fell in love with my wife’s friend. We screwed like rabbits for months. Now I don’t talk to either of them, I truly think they’ve slept together and they are best friends. I believe it more than you’d imagine…and YES, it is fucking weird. ESPECIALLY when I try to find where I fit in their minds, if at all. I would never share this kind of thing publicly, except as a way to show that I think I know exactly how you feel and I think I jumped to conclusions about you.

      I recently fell for a rocker chick. I fell hard. Like, the hardest I’ve ever fallen in my life. You can guess how it goes. She’s got some hang up and won’t go for me, so we’re “friends”. Instead, she ends up with this bartender who (synchronistically) works at a now-infamous Tiki Bar in NoHo. I went to check him out and he is a TOTAL ZERO. I mean, a TOTAL FUCKING ZERO who can offer her nothing, certainly nothing compared to what I can. Then there’s this sad irony in that the name of her band is — this is such synchronicity again — The Organ Donors (they even have their monthly gig this Friday night). I keep telling myself not to go, but I donated an organ to her, against my will you might say, so I always end up in the audience in the hope she might give it back. I know the Zero won’t be there because he’s a zero. Sometimes, when I look at the audience for her show, I think the only people who do show up are those at the end of their rope, who donated organs to what they thought was a good cause, and have nothing to show for it except the inevitable consequences thereof.

      Maybe this month I won’t go. I’m getting tired of hearing the same songs every month.

    • #6835

      @maddyxxx Oh baby boy, that was quite the public rant wasn’t it? You know as well as I do that stamping your little feet, scrunching up that handsome face and screaming into the wind won’t always get you what you want. Seems like you might need our help more than we need yours. I’m currently sitting in the sunshine, enjoying a beer. You’re welcome to join me. Let’s talk… Love Blondie xxx

    • #6839
       Twan Intarathuch


      I still don’t trust you Noah, but I can appreciate a good rant when I see one. It seethes with anger and that just adds a level of genuine human emotion that is really hard to ignore. Whether this is a farce or a genuine declaration of war, I applaud you.

      Good luck kicking Sarah’s ass.

    • #6847


      Hey Noah, I was kind of a dismissive ass last night after your message went out.
      I’m not apologizing or anything because it is what it is and if you gave a shit about what I thought I’d be pretty disappointed. I was already pissed off about somebody messing with my new friends, contemplating if it was even worth sticking around anymore and I’ll be honest I have no fucks to give once someone starts yelling and getting all wound up. Not effective, at all. That said, maybe you weren’t yelling, maybe it was me being pissed already. Maybe you were. It’s what it is. I’m not sure where you really stand right now. Well, I guess we’ll see. Take it easy.

      I am glad your not dead.

    • #6863
       Julie R Goldstein

      @maddyxxx isn’t Noah. It’s just a distraction. Noah is a committed, sober and loving husband.

    • #6864
       Bryan Bishop

      @julierei That’s what Sarah claims. But frankly I haven’t seen either one of them be honest enough for me to take their word(s) at face value. Particularly over electronic communication, as we’ve all been discussing.

      My mind continues to be open to the truth, however…

    • #6865

      It is so refreshing to hear @julierei’s thoughts on the situation. Noah loves Sarah, I’d bet my life on it.

    • #6866
       Twan Intarathuch


      I very much hope @maddyxxx isn’t your precious Noah from the System… This “N” is more relatable, angry and sloppy.

      I very much like this “N”

    • #6869
       Michael Rizzo

      Noah Sinclair of “The System” was a know nothing, selfish, ass hat… but this “N”, well he sounds like a real person, a person who may actually know what he’s talking about unlike the “Noah Sinclair” we were introduced to do by Sarah. That Noah seemed like he was just who Sarah wanted us all to follow, but N is someone I think I’d actually want to listen to. Yea, still an asshole but you sound at least a bit honest, @maddyxxx.

      Now, this is no blind following or trust from me fam, but I think I know who I’d rather hear out in this situation.

    • #6872

      You go N!!

    • #6874

      Julie, your commitment confuses me. Honestly, it seems like you just want to be on the inside. I don’t get why you would be so sure about anything, otherwise. We haven’t been given enough data to make informed decisions… I guess what I’m saying is that it’s coming across as insincere rather than convincing. You aren’t supplying us with any reason to be as confident as you about any of this. Maybe you know something we don’t?


      What if we, humans, are the shadows? The AI is perfection and we are just the shadow. Just a thought.

    • #6893
       Kimberly Stewart

      @hazelverse: Julie has a history of making grand, sweeping statements that appear to be based on nothing but a hunch and some blind faith. I could give various examples spanning across 3 unique immersive experiences. Each time I’ve witnessed it I was baffled. At this point I accept that some tigers don’t change their spots much and will use my knowledge to my advantage.

      I don’t want this to appear as a slam on @julierei. Although, I don’t personally relate to many of her immersive actions, I do respect her very much as a passionate and committed woman. She goes all-in and takes a stand, but she also a huge heart and a vast capacity to admit when she’s wrong and to make course adjustments.

    • #6918
       Julie R Goldstein

      The only person I owe any sort of explanation to is myself.

      Sometimes you just need faith in a greater purpose.

    • #6921
       Haley Wilde

      I prefer Julie’s stand on things. I sure hope she’s right, because it’s a refreshing view on things. We don’t all need to jump immediately to the negative, that’s what they want us to believe. Noah, I trust you, I believe in you.

    • #6937
       Andrew K

      I do not trust Noah or Sarah yet, as neither has given me reason to yet. However, at this point I would be inclined to side with Noah, given how rude Sarah was in her email back to me. I told her to tell me why I should trust her (as she did to us un the focus group,) and she told me she owes me no explanations and my demand was unhelpful.

      It was not so much a demand as it was me asking for the same thing she asked of me- so that we can come to a mutual respect for one another.

      I’m very interested to hear Noah’s side of things. @maddyxxx – like I said, I’m an open book and willing to listen.

      Oh, and @shankfx22 and I have something for you if we ever do meet again:

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #6984

      @maddyxxx Good to hear from you. I I admit I’ve been wading through a lot of bullshit lately, but I’m ready to get to shit done. What’s next?

      PS. Sarah, if you’re reading this as well, please just ignore. I’m really not interested in getting stuck in the middle of your nightmare of a marriage.

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