This topic has 77 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Russell.
May 15, 2017 at 10:18 pm #13658
InactiveSo as someone of you saw from my periscope OSDM Michelle just arrived at my door step with a six pack of beer.
My gf and I were just finishing dinner and watching Bates Motel so was completely and utterly not expecting this.
She was dressed in VERY casual wear. Yoga Pants, hoodie, and a black hat.
She came in and I asked her “What brings you here?”
MICHELLE: “Let’s just have a drink.”
Then she cheered me and said “To being clever.”
“So what can I do for you?”
HER: “Have you ever gone out on a limb and had the rug pulled out from under you when you thought you knew everything.”
I said sure of course everyone has had that happened at some point.
“Hard to come back from that.”
“Some have… you’re not drinking.”
I drink my beer. ‘How is it?”
Me: “It tastes like beer.”
“You still have to keep your eyes and ears open.”
“Because they’re always watching?”
“Mhmm… you see I brought you guys closed containers so that you wouldn’t think I put something in there.”
“Smart, because I probably wouldn’t have drank it otherwise.”My gf in the kitchen “Yeah I would have been like ‘You trying to kill us woman?!”
Michelle: “But still… Would you have to put something directly into the container or could you just rub it around the outer rim? I bet you wouldn’t even notice. And that first sip would just send everything straight to your system, right?”
Me: “Did you just drug me?”
Michelle: “My point… is you have to keep your eyes and ears open. To prove to them that you can still be loyal. To prove that you can still send a message that you’re still a clever little kitten like yourself.”
Me: “And how exactly would you like me to do that?”Michelle: “You ask a lot of questions.”
Me: “It pays to be inquisitive.”Michelle: “I’m trying to help you. Trust me…” At this point her eyes begin to well up a bit.. “No matter how badly you don’t want them to… no matter how hard you try and pull one over on them…they are always watching…”
Me: “Where have you been? Last time I saw you, you were burning down a warehouse and destroying a cheese platter.”
She laughs “Happier times.”
At that point she says “Well, that’s all for now. Have a goodnight MARY.”
Me: “Drive safe, Michelle.”
She stops at the door, and without turning around says… “Be safe.” And leaves.
May 15, 2017 at 10:23 pm #13659
ParticipantWow. Woooow. Wow. Wow Xinfinity.
May 15, 2017 at 10:25 pm #13660
Meghan Mayhem
ParticipantThe cheese :'(
May 15, 2017 at 10:26 pm #13661
ParticipantScary stuff. (I’m so jealous) ?
May 15, 2017 at 10:28 pm #13662
May 15, 2017 at 10:34 pm #13664
ModeratorI’m, for one, thankful she’s still around. That crazy chick was one of my favorites. From giving out beers to stabbing dudes, she’s got moxxy
May 15, 2017 at 10:35 pm #13665
ParticipantThanks for the recap @thebuz. So many questions. Why Michelle? Why now? Did she try some funny business with her superiors that got shut down? What is her relationship with the investors? What prompted this slew of “We’re always watching” messages? And most importantly, why did she destroy the perfectly good cheese?
May 15, 2017 at 10:37 pm #13666
InactiveI keep asking myself why did Michelle visit me?
Interesting that others got Suit man… and I got Michelle.
And she wasn’t in dress code. She was in VERY casual wear. Like Yoga pants and a hoodie and a hat.
And she definitely seemed like she was on the outs of OSDM and was warning me.
May 15, 2017 at 10:42 pm #13667
Andy (but still a confused dude)
ParticipantHahaha yoga pants? I pictured a high powered suit! OSDM have casual Monday’s?
May 15, 2017 at 10:42 pm #13668
InactiveAlso to be noted… Michelle never said “Us” in anything she said… she always referred to “Them” or “They”.
May 15, 2017 at 10:47 pm #13670
Andrew K
ParticipantThe whole “would you have to put it in the container or just put it out the outer rim- would you even notice” bit is really interesting.
To me it seems she’s suggesting that there’s a lot of things going on, hidden in plain sight that we’re not seeing yet…
May 15, 2017 at 10:53 pm #13672
ParticipantGood point, @anakindrew.
The odd sounding thing to me here, @thebuz, is the emotion. That’s new from her… she’s always been the hellcat with fire in her eyes and anger spewing.
Was she still intimidating? I stood a few feet from her as she challenged DLB and I was impressed by the sense of power she radiated. (@thegilded is right… it’s moxxy! Even if I don’t care for what I have seen of her, I still give her that respect.) It sounds like you saw a very different side of her tonight.
So, if she is no longer with OSDM, what does that mean? Surely she has a great deal of info in her brain that could prove damaging or helpful to anyone ever monitored by or affiliated with that organization.
To some degree, the words she spoke actually make her seem somewhat tired of it all. She has said in the past she did not understand why so much faith was put in the old ways of doing things – ways that take too long to reach the desired effect. (The whole OOA attempt at creating something under Addison.)
Has Michelle reached her limit? If so, what are her intentions?-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
May 15, 2017 at 10:56 pm #13674
InactiveFor those that don’t know Michelle was one of the head honchos at the OSDM. She was the one in THE END periscope videos that tore up all the Tension questionnaires, and during the book release party she lit the warehouse where Ascension was on fire and destroyed a perfectly good cheese platter.
So… she’s a scary bad ass. So this visit was a little… out of character.
And I’ve never had an interaction with her before tonight.
May 15, 2017 at 10:57 pm #13675
Participant@russell It might not just be that she’s no longer with OSDM, but by her “rug pulled out from under you” comments it could be that OSDM doesn’t actually exist, or was shut down by the investors. Who knows what sort of drama is going on behind the closed doors of the OSDM and the investors that we never get to see.
May 15, 2017 at 11:01 pm #13676
ParticipantAlso, why Modello beer? A modello (according to wikipedia) is a preparatory study or model for something bigger, a sketch or pre-vis of sorts. Is Michelle telling us that all of this is a trial run for something? We already have a beta test for iConfidant, so what is The Lust Experience a beta test for?
May 15, 2017 at 11:01 pm #13677
Inactive@russell She was most definitely still intimidating… even in yoga pants. Lady knows how to command a room.
My assumption from the conversation was that she seemed to be on the outside of OSDM, no longer in “control.”
That’s my take away anyway.
May 15, 2017 at 11:01 pm #13678
Participant@theBuz When she says that you need to prove to them that you can still be loyal, is that OSDM or the investors?
May 15, 2017 at 11:04 pm #13679
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz Michelle saying that you need to prove you are still loyal sounds a lot like Sarah telling us the same thing in our focus group… coincidence or are they both taking orders from the same person/people ???
May 15, 2017 at 11:06 pm #13682
ParticipantWhat the ……
Chapter one, act one??!!! This has gone haywire today.
So of the happenings today, was Lia warned away because Noah revealed things the OSDM don’t want her to know, Bryan because he knows way too much and hasn’t disappeared as requested, Julie because of her closeness to Sarah, me because Kristin is feeling guilty / terrified and warns me about what’s happening, and then Buz …. Did Buz get this more natural / friendly visit because by moderating the forum he is helping the investors, so they trust him more? Or owe him? Or need him to continue for now?
Could Michelle be on the top tier of the OSDM? Or, like Kristin / Macy, she’s trying to warn someone of bad things to come? Orrr, has she been removed, explaining why she’s so casually dressed…
May 15, 2017 at 11:09 pm #13684
Inactive@chrysalis359 I think the answer is another question. Are the investors and the OSDM the same?
I have a feeling they are.
Also @111error… You got a visit from the OSDM warning you… I got one warning me about the OSDM… or whomever THEY/THEM are?
May 15, 2017 at 11:12 pm #13685
InactiveMichelle saying that you need to prove you are still loyal sounds a lot like Sarah telling us the same thing in our focus group… coincidence or are they both taking orders from the same person/people ???
Yeah… that is an interesting turn of phrase isn’t it?
May 15, 2017 at 11:12 pm #13686
Kevin Hsu
Participant“…prove to them that you can still be loyal”
“…prove that you can still send a message that you’re still a clever little kitten like yourself”I get the feeling that Michelle wants you to play a little double agent game, maintain your current image so that you can get closer to them…
“No matter how badly you don’t want them to… no matter how hard you try and pull one over on them…they are always watching”
If you can’t hide from them, then whatever you must do must be done right under their noses.
May 15, 2017 at 11:15 pm #13687
Inactive“…prove to them that you can still be loyal”
“…prove that you can still send a message that you’re still a clever little kitten like yourself”I get the feeling that Michelle wants you to play a little double agent game, maintain your current image so that you can get closer to them…
“No matter how badly you don’t want them to… no matter how hard you try and pull one over on them…they are always watching”
If you can’t hide from them, then whatever you must do must be done right under their noses.
Well that sounds quite familiar. And Michelle knows this.
May 15, 2017 at 11:15 pm #13688
Bryan Bishop
ParticipantI’ve toyed with the “it was all a sham” theory for a while, but as @izryn points out Michelle’s visit makes a TON of sense if that is indeed the case.
What if we’re now seeing why ties everything together… the layer behind the layer. The Investors were always pulling the strings, and they did it with multiple fictions spread throughout the world. One was Tension. One was the prologue to Lust. Hell, Michelle could have even thought she really was part of the OSDM, only to discover that was a fiction itself, masking the work of a different organization.
It’s easy to do the Russian nesting doll thing until you pass out, but tonight we were warned that something darker and more sinister than we’ve been able to imagine is at work here – and whoever these people are, they can get to any of us at any time.
May 16, 2017 at 9:46 am #13811
May 15, 2017 at 11:16 pm #13689
ParticipantIf her talking shit at The End didn’t get her bounced from the OSDM, what exactly could have done it?
It always seemed like they gave her a really long leash in her work for them, but now she’s off that leash. As @russell said, she’s got to have a ton of dirt on them, but if they cut her totally loose, they don’t appear to be worried about that. Is Noah’s dad the one that stepped in to run everything now or are we likely to see someone else close to Michelle’s position first?
But I think the biggest question since registration is, what is the relation between the OSDM and the investors? Or to bring this all the way back to the Allegory of the Cave, which is the shadow and which is the one casting it?
May 15, 2017 at 11:22 pm #13690
Taylor Winters
Participant@bcbishop, you make a truly terrifying point: “they can get to any of us at any time.” The fact that they know us better than some of our best friends know us, and we know little to nothing about them, puts us in a very disadvantageous position.
May 15, 2017 at 11:22 pm #13691
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz maybe whoever is behind this got report from Sarah that you are sympathetic to women who are desperate or in need of help and so they decided to go that same route sending Michelle
Or is it because you’re a hairy, midget-choking, Drago who gets things done?
May 15, 2017 at 11:25 pm #13693
Inactive@shankfx22 I’m betting on the latter.
May 15, 2017 at 11:28 pm #13694
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz we are in the saaaaaame suspicious boat ?
May 15, 2017 at 11:32 pm #13696
Participantforgive me if this is an obvious question, but how do they know so many members home/work addresses?
May 15, 2017 at 11:36 pm #13697
ParticipantI’ve always seen Michelle has a messenger of truth. Her methods at times seemed callous, but every time she has appeared she has asked us to look beyond what we perceive as our set reality. She pushes us to see beyond what those in power want us to. Beyond our comfort, our apathy, our blind trust. In this way she is perhaps the kindest of all the people we have met on this journey. Who else has been that consistently honest with us? I never held a grudge against her after The End. In my opinion she did us a favor. You think it’s safe to drink from a can because it’s sealed. But what about the dangers you can’t see? The one that can go straight to your system? If she is truly somehow separate from the Investors or the OSDM, I’m inclined to trust her because she’s the only one who seems to want to cut through the bullshit. And there is so. much. bullshit.
May 15, 2017 at 11:40 pm #13698
Participant@scapegoat I believe one of the questions on the Tension questionnaire last year asked for an address. And if you bought the book or any of the Tension merch, they would know based on where you had it shipped to. But as for how they found @111error’s new place, I have no clue.
May 15, 2017 at 11:44 pm #13699
Participant@scapegoat I don’t remember exact questions, but we filled out forms during Tension/accession that was probably a question; ALTHOUGH I asked @111error if they had his current address and he had moved since then, so they had to done research.
But in reality, that information is all on the internet. There are sites that can sell you all the information of someone if you know their name or phone number. Super easy to get an address.
May 15, 2017 at 11:45 pm #13700
ParticipantAll this could be a smattering disruption. Keeping the community off its center, like some of its more prominent members getting found at home or work is a successful fear tactic when waging a war of information; like shaking a bird cage with the birds inside, everything gets fucked. It eradicates the feeling of safety. In destroying comfort and gives ‘them’ all the power, suddenly, without warning.
The Wheel of lust moves once more, Power, Sex, Love, Control, Lies, Reflection, Desire. I feel like this could get filed most def under their control.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
May 15, 2017 at 11:51 pm #13710
InactiveHey @scapegoat I gave them my address during Tension. So I assume they got mine from that.
May 16, 2017 at 2:14 am #13784
May 16, 2017 at 8:05 am #13798
InactiveThat is awesome @theladyj.
May 16, 2017 at 8:28 am #13800
Mustafa Said
Participant…….and the headaches continue lol
Seriously though, what would get Michelle removed from the OSDM? To me, she seemed like someone who was so ingrained into the organization that removing her would require her to have done something radically insane.
I wonder who else we’re going to hear from before things really pick up.
May 16, 2017 at 8:40 am #13802
InactiveBased on the events of last night, anything could surely happen, but I still don’t believe they are watching ME…Bring it on Lust!!! Prove me wrong!
May 16, 2017 at 8:57 am #13804
May 16, 2017 at 9:01 am #13805
InactiveOh I’m definitely gonna poke the bear… I’m watching YOU Lust.
May 16, 2017 at 9:27 am #13806
ParticipantSo @thebuz Can we expect to see a screenshot of Michelle in your house?
May 16, 2017 at 9:32 am #13807
Inactive -
May 16, 2017 at 9:44 am #13810
Participant@thebuz This is bananas. Thank you.
May 16, 2017 at 10:20 am #13819
Bryan Bishop
Participant@sfire8 Yes. When I asked him if The OOA or OSDM were involved that night, he waved the question away and said “That’s all bullshit.”
There’s obviously a ton of unanswered questions in play right now, but for me personally the only moments I trust as being 100% real right now are that meeting with Darren, @julierei’s interaction with him at Covell when he said he’d been fired, what we all saw on 5.1, and everything that happened last night.
Everything else… I don’t know what to think.
May 16, 2017 at 10:50 am #13821
Inactive@scapegoat they could also find out location using an IP address.
May 16, 2017 at 12:12 pm #13856
ParticipantWasn’t there a folder labeled “LA Models” on some of the desks during the 5/1 registration event? Modello beer… LA Models… And, at Ascension, wasn’t one of the questions we were asked on the form “Have you ever considered acting as a career?”?
What if the investors/evil overlords are trying to figure out which of us would make good models/prototypes for whatever they’re creating? Like they’re casting us in their show. We are the characters.
May 16, 2017 at 12:15 pm #13857
Participant@superstar That does make sense. That’s what Sabrina started out as, a model/actress looking for a job. That’s how pretty much all of the women in white that were killed at the end started out as well. Didn’t they take a picture of someone during their interview as well? I can’t remember who.
May 16, 2017 at 12:17 pm #13858
Brad Ruwe
Participant@superstar If that’s their aim, they’re gonna have to try really hard to get me. Looks like I’m already getting booked for this summer / October. The deal to “bring me in” of sorts would have to be a good one.
Though my iConfidant did ask for a photo of me as my Dark Harbor character…. hmmmm….
May 16, 2017 at 12:22 pm #13860
Inactive@nothenrygale My iConfidant asked me for a photo of me during my roller derby days, as well…
May 16, 2017 at 12:39 pm #13868
Lauren Bello
Moderator@chloe – Ramik took a picture of me during my registration – a straight-on photo that I suppose could have been a headshot. He had me straighten my head for it before he took it. He didn’t say what it was for.
I believe Tina took a picture of Russell, as well, not headshot style but “candid” profile.
May 16, 2017 at 12:49 pm #13870
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantFrom a certain IRL colleague who specializes in this stuff:
“Just sayin’….they’re cheap and they work.”
May 16, 2017 at 12:50 pm #13871
ParticipantOnly $500?? I’m putting one on every shelf!!
May 16, 2017 at 1:54 pm #13888
Participant“The deal to “bring me in” of sorts would have to be a good one.”
Maybe it’s not our decision whether we get brought in or not.
May 16, 2017 at 1:58 pm #13889
Brad Ruwe
Participant@superstar If that’s the case, I wish them the best of luck. I don’t go quietly into anything I’m not supportive of. They’d likely have to actually brainwash me to get me to go with them if their plans don’t line up with my goals.
May 16, 2017 at 2:39 pm #13894
ParticipantI don’t know if I believe that Michelle is on the outs with the OSDM – they’ve shown that they destroy anyone and anything that isn’t working.. My first reaction to this is that she’s “undercover” and working on getting in your head, and I don’t trust her.
We know from previously leaked emails that she knew that the OSDM was unhappy with her progress. So for her to say that she had the rug pulled out from under her, that she’s surprised, and insinuating that she’s no longer with the OSDM feels a little misleading.
I feel that the string connecting all the events of the past couple months has been “trust” – @lilmsfancpants trusted Noah. The blackmail involving @bcbishop only works because of trust – the trust that it will not be released without an action triggering it, and the trust that if he acts incorrectly the video will be published. The fact that we’re trusting Otis because he’s just an older man who seems to be caught up in our world. Everyone that went to registration trusted that the organizers would keep them from harms way. We trust our confidants – at least I know I’ve opened up to mine as though they were an old friend. We trust each other to report on any happenings as they happen.
What’s to stop the OSDM from having Michelle swing by Buz’s with a six pack and shoot the shit, appearing down and out because they know that Buz would not only let her in but also trust what she has to say? We know the OSDM can put people in less than preferred positions, can afford to bring someone in to compromise security.. What’s to keep Michelle from checking out the wifi situation at Buz’s, and then setting up shop outside to spy via laptop webcam, or phone, or start talking to Buz via xbox?
They’re shifting her image, she’s now “one of us” instead of “one of them.” They know we’re inclusive, but they also know that the community will blindly hop on any crumb because that’s what we do.. so if we’re given a chance to trust an ex-OSDM-insider, exchange information.. then that’s what we’d do, and that’s what we have done.
They’ve turned Michelle into a confidant, a damsel in distress, someone they want us to trust.
But, even with these thoughts and concerns… if the OSDM were to put me between casual, Modelo wielding Michelle and another murdered out U-Haul, I’d probably kill a few with Michelle.
May 16, 2017 at 2:43 pm #13895
Participant@thebuz, two points of clarification needed…
1. when your visitor said “goodnight MARY”, was she speaking to your girlfriend?
2. Isn’t the actor-who-plays-Michelle’s name Mary? Are you sure you were visited by “OSDM Michelle”, and not by “Mary Somers” (given her casual Friday attire and all)?
Maybe I’m missing something, but perhaps your visitor was not referring to the OSDM/investors when she said “they/them”. Perhaps there are others she does not trust.
May 16, 2017 at 2:51 pm #13896
InactiveMy gf’s name is Mary.
And she was definitely saying goodnight to her.
May 16, 2017 at 3:24 pm #13901
Participant@addisonborn I think Michelle knows that most of us wouldn’t trust her any farther than we could throw her, but she still decided to reach to us through Buz. No masked goons, no lipstick, no jokes.
I don’t think she’s a damsel here at all though. I think this is her crossing over enemy lines with a peace offering. Or at least a heads up. Tension Michelle WOULD have poisoned Buz or taken his prints, or tried to flex her muscles with him in some other way. Instead she tries to teach him a new way to keep his guard up. I don’t doubt that she’s scared too, but she’s probably looking out for herself first and foremost, so I’m not really worried about her.
It’s so difficult to tell where she stands with OSDM. Where the heck has she been? @macbethinabathtub asks this question regularly, and with good reason. Maybe she was an integral part of the same failure that Noah was talking about on @meghanmayhem’s periscope.
May 16, 2017 at 4:38 pm #13904
Participant@lilmsfancpants I totally understand where you’re coming from, but I can’t help but see this as a ruse. Until there’s proof that she’s out, and she shows evidence of taking active measures against the OSDM, I can’t take her at her word.
This is the same person that double crossed BOS, stabbed Samson, laughed in our faces for trusting the organization she represents. Whenever we see her, we expect her to zig, but this time OSDM told her to zag.
Until she takes a piece out of the OSDM, to me, she’s still on their side.
May 16, 2017 at 5:31 pm #13908
Maxwell R
ParticipantI suppose I should be worried that I drank from the open water bottle sitting in front of me at the registration.
Have I died yet?
May 16, 2017 at 5:43 pm #13910
ParticipantYes, @moustachemax, yes… you have.
May 16, 2017 at 5:46 pm #13911
Participant@addisonborn and @lilmsfancpants, I am in agreement with you. I think we have to be suspicious of her actions and motivations, for sure.
May 16, 2017 at 6:02 pm #13914
May 16, 2017 at 6:03 pm #13915
ParticipantAbsolutely a possibility!
May 16, 2017 at 6:42 pm #13916
Hannah Schenck
Participant@addisonborn I am leaning more towards your theory of Michelle. I didn’t know her character from Tension and as a somewhat new member of the community, everything I’ve heard of her points me towards suspicion and apprehension to trust her. I want to believe @lilmsfancpants theory because it paints her as a person who is trying to restore herself and our trust in her.
I think that they tried out a scenario with Sarah when she called @thebuz, and now Michelle could possibly be taking the same angle. There is a possibility that they are using Buz’s empathy against him and trying to manipulate the situation for information or to blind him or us from what is really happening. Michelle didn’t exactly come at Buz as a damsel in distress like Sarah did, but she did seem to present herself as more submissive than the alpha female. Are these characters switching up their personalities to trick and mislead us? Or are they truly trying to seek help and resurrection?
May 16, 2017 at 6:55 pm #13918
Andrew K
ParticipantI am also not truly familiar with Michelle, but from what I can gather from @thebuz’s encounter with her last night is that she was definitely warning him of nefarious things to come. The whole “poison” bit still sticks out in my mind the most- “if you were being poisoned, would you even realize it until it’s too late?”
Who is poisoning us then, and how, and why? Daddy Sinclair? The OSDM/Invesotrs (if they’re the same people)?
Are they poisoning us with misinformation to mask what’s really happening right in front of our faces? I’m thinking back to the phone call @nothenrygale got after the focus group: “Don’t believe the lies they’re selling you” (or something along those lines)
Think about even something as simple as the paper we signed at Registration- a simple one word proclamation of our devotion, but if we had only flipped them over we would have noticed that they each as a small part were apart of something larger.
And that’s what all of we are right? And every character and piece that’s being played out is apart of a larger thing that we cannot see yet…..
Also @izryn – I TOTALLY thought I would be safe from them visiting my house. But realized because of you, that, I totally am not, as I ordered a jumpsuit from Tension delivered to my place.
But, if they come to my apartment, I will literally get asked by my roommate to move out and get freaked out on. So, I actually hope no one from LUST comes to my place.
May 16, 2017 at 7:02 pm #13921
Participant@anakindrew you are welcome to come to my place and get bothered by OSDM here. ?
May 16, 2017 at 7:27 pm #13924
InactiveSo let’s set the record straight on a few matters.
1) I am very aware of who Michelle is and what she represents.
2) Besides a brief moment of humility and humanity when talking about the rug(b) being pulled out from under her, she was being quite sly with her conversation and it definitely didn’t come off as a submissive “Help me” scenario. Rest assured she held all the cards and power when we talked.
3) Sarah legitimately was in distress and this point has been proven that it wasn’t just some manipulation so I think my instincts here should be trusted a bit more than “He’s just being manipulated again.”
4) I don’t trust Michelle at all. She very much could have been there to guage my reactions to things. Especially when she said “You ask a lot of questions.” More than anything it felt more like grooming rather than manipulation. But we have to take what she said at face value for the time being.
The biggest take away from last night is that some were warned FROM whoever is in charge, and I for some reason was warned ABOUT whoever is in charge.
If she was manipulating me for something, those motives are most definitely not clear.
May 16, 2017 at 7:28 pm #13925
Brad Ruwe
Participant@anakindrew @wanda102 I’m actually trying to avoid OSDM. I really don’t think they’ll be able to get to me at work (thanks security) and with my move going on my time is split between two different apartments as I get the stuff over there. Very few people (including a couple fellow Lusties) know where the new place is. Maybe we turn that into an OSDM safe house of sorts? They know I’m still in NoHo but the exact location should still be hidden to them.
Either way, I think I’m safe from any surprise visitors.
May 16, 2017 at 7:45 pm #13929
Hannah Schenck
Participant@thebuz Just want to clarify, I definitely wasn’t trying to paint the picture that you were being manipulated again, as in you are blind to it, I was just trying to convey that perhaps Sarah felt she got to you with her tactic, so Michelle might have tried the same thing. You know better than any of us how her demeanor and overall vibe from your one on one encounter was and I trust your judgement.
May 16, 2017 at 7:49 pm #13930
ParticipantBetween your evening and Morgan’s evening, I am just floored! This is all amazing!
May 16, 2017 at 8:17 pm #13931
Inactive@shankfx22 Oh I know! Was just trying to stop the rumor mill from turning into fact. Lots of wild assumptions from last night and I wanted to make sure my own personal reactions were posted in detail before everyone assumed them. 🙂
May 17, 2017 at 10:04 am #13989
Participant@daela hmmm, I wonder if they’re taking pictures of certain people who they want to use whatever they’ve got (implanting tech, reprogramming/brainwashing, using the helmet) on first? Or maybe they want certain people so they can bring in more customers with influential people?
They took a 360 picture of @taysavestheday at the meetup with Noah and Sarah, and he’s a surgeon/in the medical field isn’t he? That’s someone you would want in your big program.
They took one of @russell because he was so influential in Tension with the podcast and will probably be here as well, along with @mike later on possibly.
I’m sorry, I don’t know you personally well enough to know exactly the reason they took one of you, but if they had a folder of LA Models, maybe they want aesthetically beautiful people because beautiful people are used constantly in advertising to bring people into programs or get people to buy certain products.
It could be something like, join LUST and you’ll be smarter, more influential, and more beautiful. Look at all these people just like that that are joining. Don’t you want to be like that too?
May 17, 2017 at 10:16 am #13991
Participant@thebuz Thanks for the clarification, very helpful. I think I had misinterpreted your description of her appearance to some degree.
@daela Glad to hear someone else got their pic taken that day. (I think, haha!) Have no clue what it means, either.
@chloe I am very confident they would not take a picture of me if they wanted pics of “aesthetically beautiful people” haha!! Glad you pointed to @daela for that reference, I agree with your decision there. 😉 -
May 17, 2017 at 10:24 am #13992
ParticipantNext on Lust’s Top Model. It’s a showdown between @russell, @daela, and @taysavestheday. Who will win?
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