
  • I think you’re onto something @mkarrett.

    At the very least, the callbacks you mention are like the Doubles/Shadows we’ve been seeing all along.
    Things are different, yet they are the same. I believe this was the hastily put-together “second show” made necessary when word leaked about TMC’s plan. No time to construct a new narrative, so let’s…[Read more]

  • @daela The box — I only just recently posted my story and mentioned it on Slack. She wasn’t cradling it. She was clutching it. I tried to carry it for her as we walked to my car but she wouldn’t let me. She held it tight in her lap the entire drive home.

  • Michael Rizzo replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    I do quite enjoy mason and am always hoping for him to not be in on it all BUT he did watch Noah so the same thing over and over? Wouldn’t he tell Morgan after the first night that Noah has been giving the exact same speech, down to the blocking, every hour? Or did they figure it was fake and decide to continue on so we participants a…[Read more]

  • Coming from Slack #theories and I still don’t really have this in a cohesive write up so I apologize, this will be disjointed and is pretty much based off my experience. On my way home today I was thinking about Anointment and a question that Morgan posed to me right before I was leaving: what was the point in Anointment?

    That lead me to…[Read more]

  • Personal Experience | Sunday 10PM, originally was 11:30PM

    First off, I was already hugely disappointed the night of MSE because I was excited to be doing the last show with a bunch of my friends and when I was moved to 10PM and the only person in the group I knew was @kevin – the rest were a group of people who knew each other. When Stef called…[Read more]

  • Sarah replied to the topic Narratives and the MSE in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    (Disclaimer: This was a lot easier than periscoping and I wasn’t sure if any of what happened possessed pertinent information for you all. So, I’m here to recap in case it is useful in any way, shape, or form. Some of the dialogue exchanged may be tweaked due to the massive head cold I presently have. I also realize that my tenses will be all over…[Read more]

  • Kevin replied to the topic Sabrina's Pregnancy in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    I don’t remember Morgan saying anything about this until the walk back. He was very specifically referencing Tom Barrow, who was Addison’s father in the fiction of Ascension.

  • I completely agree. The first thing I thought after I saw that was that Noah could be the father. “Daddy’s going to be a daddy” that Morgan shouted when he stormed the event could have been referring to him? I think its interesting that the photo was previously used but with Noah cropped out. It looked to me like they might be holding hands but…[Read more]

  • Before Steph was involved, I told her that if the game came to her, that she was under my protection. When I the FB photo of her, I feared the worst – a blood sacrifice. I had intended to go in with one mission – find a single truth in all the lies. Then it became a second mission – find her.

    Little did I know they would be one and the same.…[Read more]

  • Lauren Bello replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @rizzzoooooo I’m not sure. Mason’s role repeated in a way that made sense for an actual social mixer: guide people through, watch new groups come in, etc. Noah’s role repeated in a way that didn’t make sense for anything but a theatrical performance. I also get the (perhaps false) impression that Mason is someone who keeps to himself, while N…[Read more]

  • Unseen Presence replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    I certainly don’t trust Mason in this context.

  • @bcbishop

    keep your eyes open.

    Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to say at the end of my post, but forgot. That’s really the plan: keeping my eyes and ears open and preparing for anything and everything.

  • shinobi replied to the topic Where Am I Going? in the forum SPECULATION 6 years, 9 months ago

    @bcbishop Yes, we always seem to meet up at these events. Now we’ve seen more of each other than we probably would’ve cared to. Looking forward to the next.

    Personally, I want to find Alexis again.

  • @bcbishop

    The lightning bolt of realization may be just moments away. In a dressing room with naked Larry Meyers.

    : 100% of participants frantically fill out “have lightning bolt of realization in a dressing room with naked Larry Meyers” under “what do you want” for next show :

  • @unseenpresence Haha, I love it, you already have your “Character.” Now if only I can find mine. Maybe Zane. I really found him interesting to watch.

  • Bruno Bonilla became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago

  • I’ll follow up on this @rizzzoooooo. I got up and went to find Karlie after Rico told us she was next to die (she was going by Tatiana btw, if I recall.) I had a brief encounter with Steph in the hallway where she pinned me to the wall with a hand around my throat and greeted me. Love you too, girl. I followed her back out into the dining room a…[Read more]

  • I would like to note @bcbishop’s comment in slack about the picture posted of Sabrina in the bed with Noah. He suggested that we be looking to that picture as an indication of the father. I think he’s onto something. We have been presented things before and looked past them, either distracted or thinking it’s too easy an answer. But we miss a lot…[Read more]

  • Michael Rizzo replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @daela if we are saying that every night was canon (as we should, since that’s the same for tension last year), would you also not trust Mason? Mason played the part just as anyone else, easily being able to tell Morgan every night was fiction rather than just saying he thought it was fiction last minute.

  • @remrelganaps I’m going to echo @unseenpresence here and thank you for starting this thread as well. (And thank you to @unseenpresence for sharing your story.)

    I had similar feelings after going through Anointment. I was challenged to confront insecurity about my body, which was certainly liberating, and @shinobi and I shared the latest in what…[Read more]

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