
  • A few things that stood out to me in context of the recent info dump…

    1. “She was brought on because she is an actress. She was brought on because she is an actress. Keep that idea front and center.” — The way this line is repeated reminds me of the “advice” we were given by Joyce when asked to explain the meaning of “FHSF”… to meditate on…[Read more]

  • Morgan joined us on Slack after a discussion about DLB, and then things got weird.

    I have a story that I am sure some of you will believe to be false, but in the interest of being more forthcoming, I have had many interactions with Darren.

    Literally couldn’t care less if my life depended on it, Megan. Go and boil your h…[Read more]

  • The mole thing, at least right now, doesn’t make a lick of difference to me. If she felt forced into it, I’d rather her relay information on us to them so she could stay safe than have something happen.

    Totally agree. I said in Slack that if someone threatened my kids, I would do anything to protect them. If it meant becoming sinister af, I wou…[Read more]

  • Finally catching up and good Lord, I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but I guess I should have known. They did warn us that they were basically going to tear out our hearts, and basically that there would be betrayal and distrust.

    I didn’t know Lia personally, I’ve never met any of you in person. But I feel like I’m part of a family or a…[Read more]

  • @remrelganaps You know I hadn’t considered that possibility, but now that I think about it that could also make sense. We could be seeing a different Sabrina altogether: not the brainwashed Addison who escaped the clutches of the OSDM at The End, but the actress who believes (or is being led to believe) that everything she’s doing for the OSDM is…[Read more]

  • Questions raised:

    • “We spoke recently. She is an actress and is playing her part. Outside of a few missteps she has done everything we have asked.” What missteps?
    • “We appear to be set up for the transition.” What does this mean? Were they thinking LIA would be the one to transition? Was this a transition of power? Was whatever happened…

    [Read more]

  • I’m not really sure how I feel about any of this. It looks like Lia was in imminent danger and Morgan made a play to help her. That’s good! The method he used is definitely questionable, risked putting her in more danger, and we still don’t know if she’s safe. That’s less good!

    The mole thing, at least right now, doesn’t make a lick of…[Read more]

  • I think the others who signed are simply the “actors” in Lust. Hostess in Black described the NDA as a 17-page document that all the “actors” signed.

    Hostess in Black Leaks

    The contract said things like,

    *”All performers must attended a minimum of three (3) system events prior to the ‘End A…[Read more]

  • Well, -I- noticed it. Put it in my forum post here last night. 🙂

    It could mean other actors in general, like those at the MSE.
    It could very well mean there are other actors/plants still within the community.
    Which, if the emails are true, is a worrisome prospect–and I’m certain that people who have suspicions of others will now start to press…[Read more]

  • I’m stuck on a part of the email that’s been mentioned but not really grabbed onto.

    The last thing we need is a fucking witch hunt from others whom have signed.

    Who are the others that have signed? I think this is important to know. We have no idea who this correspondence is between. We honestly do not know if it’s ODSM correspondence or…[Read more]

  • This info is as unsettling as I’m sure it was intended to be. She’s been working for…someone for a long time, but I get the impression she’s done so thinking she’s a actress, supporting “the experience” with a few white lies. Her true purpose was kept a secret from her, and still is (witnessed WHAT?)

    I did mention in Slack that I can in a se…[Read more]

  • This unfortunately comes down to a matter of trust. Do we trust Morgan — and by extension, do we trust that his emails are valid?

    Some do trust him, obviously, while others don’t. Here’s some concerning things that I see:

    1. An email chain with no backing evidence, utilizing the format we’ve seen in other leaks. Something that we’ve already b…[Read more]

  • Lots of information there, for certain. I will give Morgan the benefit of the doubt and assume the information he received is legitimate at least as far as he believes it to be.

    Relevant things, as far as I see in first examination:

    * Clearly already part of ‘the experience’ as of Nov. 22nd of last year. There is indication that there was…[Read more]

  • Morgan popped on Slack this evening after “drinking to numb the pain” and addressed the group, noted “things have been.. unusual.. lately” and promised “I have your safety and best interests at heart, all of you.”

    He then asked who was present and a few participants made themselves known, including myself. He responded and suggested we “talk.”

    I…[Read more]

  • Megan replied to the topic Lia's NDA in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    @remrelganaps – so there is only “I” – fitting.

    I’m going to hang out in the background for a bit. The constant negativity and pointless bickering and moral high-horsing and meanness is not something I have room for right now. I’d love to be a part of things but lately that just seems to be when people want to remember that I haven’t talked about…[Read more]

  • A has continually insisted that they are but a cog in all of this. Cogs generally don’t have allegiances, they’re part of the machinery, turning ever onward with no goal of their own. (A also admitted today that they don’t have free will in this.)

    Clocks are made up of specific parts, made to keep the time, run right on time, and to keep doing…[Read more]

  • Third possibility: Sabrina is an actress and this was the role she wanted to play. This actually ties in with some thoughts I’ve had lately so bear with me. It’s been made abundantly clear to us that Lust is about going after what you want. It’s something that’s been pounded into us time and time again. Morgan got what he wanted, he’s the leader…[Read more]

  • Robert Fuller replied to the topic Lia's NDA in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    There is no OOG. Because there is no G.

  • *sighs* I need a drink….

  • Megan replied to the topic Lia's NDA in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    Two thoughts on these last two posts.

    @bcbishop – …
    There is something about what you wrote that fills me with dread. You and I have talked about this quite a bit but my communications with TPTB in the past 7 months have been odd. Reading this I am now at a point where I am questioning whether what very, very little interactions I’ve had with…[Read more]

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