
  • This is the BIGGEST question I have right now.

    Assuming the story we’ve been told is true, BOS owns the media. That means that -someone- (OSDM, the real group, some third party, SOMEONE) keeps interfering to … what, troll us? Wreak havoc for no damn reason?

    Why the hell would they even do that?
    It accomplishes nothing to tweak the nose of…[Read more]

  • Yeah @kevin. I keep going back to the social media; they can take it back when they want, right? Meaning they relinquished control because they wanted to. Why leave a door unlocked unless you know there’s no harm in doing so?

  • Love that a year for these dates is going to be a requirement now..

    Yesterday, per @a, we were getting really close, and spiraling around the truth.

    Here’s an editable google doc so we can work through this together – please try to keep things organized! notes are cool…[Read more]

  • This whole idea is interesting, but this part feels right on:

    I’m not even suggesting that BOS is complicit in this, persay. We can’t know that right now. But it’s fucked, either way.

    The idea that BOS is being controlled or guided by OSDM or The Order without even knowing it certainly feels plausible right now. It also fits with some of what…[Read more]

  • I’m laughing at clouds….

  • So I tried to figure out what the grand narrative was last night. Was it the story of Anoch, Sabrina, Orders and Brotherhoods–saints and demons? That’s an easy picture to paint, an easy fiction to believe. It’s the trappings of a thing, but a good creator knows that behind every story, there’s something greater than the fictions we create.…[Read more]

  • “…if they would but yield….”

    All right…so, from what I can gather, these are both of religious significance–ostensibly the Christian religion. One is a phrase from a book entitled Abandonment. It’s weird how little that phrase appears elsewhere. Or at least that Google’s first choices without the quotes is all about economics–and…[Read more]

  • @larry I’d like to meet this friend of yours, please.

  • I’ll start.

    Last night, was one of those weird nights where I found myself walking in circles–falling apart in a way that I felt was pointless. It reminded me of the turning and turning in the widening gyre…and how the center cannot hold. It reminded me of the Beast slouching toward Bethlehem…and while I know those words were meant for…[Read more]

  • Sometimes a thousand words can’t even begin to describe the things you want to say. They walk you around in circles until you’re almost certain there’s some level of crazy that you are. But then there are those moments when a thought will crystallize into something sublime–a pattern, a form, a rhyme. It’s something so much more than the words…[Read more]

  • This dialogue…I love this dialogue. It reminds me of …something. Joss Whedon, Get Shorty….

    I had some weird dreams last night, but I’ll get to that. I just wanted to say that I’m reading, and I’m watching, …and I’m listening.

    Think I’ve almost got a nickname for you….

    ~~ AR

  • Violet posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    Destiny is what we work toward. The future doesn’t exist yet. Fate is for losers.

  • Sarah replied to the topic 2/28 – A's story in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 10 months ago

    That is heartbreaking.

  • Chris shared his side of the story about what’s been going on with Lia:

    Thank you for those of you who tagged me in the last few days, I appreciate it. I’ve been reading along as much as I could when I wasn’t dealing with issues a little closer to home.

    I’m sorry to hear about what happened with your husband, @a. Secrets in a marriage always…[Read more]

  • Nice job. Although I don’t believe in Danny.

  • I work for this risk management firm sometimes, and I like to annoy this one guy I work for with his opinion on LUST, just to make sure the chances of it all being a cult are as low as I think. He gets annoyed easily. Think of him as a constipated Danny DeVito.

    I guess I’m Samuel L. Jackson from DO THE RIGHT THING.
    Wake up! Wake up Wake upWake…[Read more]

  • What is reality in a virtual world? Is it what you see? Who you know? What you’re told? Is it on the other side of the screen or is everything just an act–a moment’s truth masquerading as a lie? I could call you a hypocrite, but in the end, aren’t we all?

  • I’m pulling this over from Slack because I can’t make Kevin do absolutely everything for me.

    I had this really crazy idea. Here goes.

    We’ve been pushed to stop believing Darren all day. The slack shut down when Morgan started saying he didn’t trust him. And @a literally said to stop listening to his lies. BOS board of directors is on board w…[Read more]

  • Kevin started the topic 2/28 – A's story in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 10 months ago

    A, I’m so sorry if you don’t want this published, but I think it, and you, are important. Everyone should have a chance to read it. I can delete it if you’d like.

    A appeared on Slack and began asking questions about how people felt about Lia and whether she was real.

    Then A told her story:

    “My husband at the time, he was my best friend. I…[Read more]

  • Hey all… I know it’s kind of shit timing to put this out but I’ve been sitting on it for far too long. And since we’re rehashing some of the MSE interactions in Slack right now, particularly the encounter @michelle had with Zane, I think it makes sense to get this up now instead of continuing to tweak.

    Below is a crowdsourced and by no means…[Read more]

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