
  • No, not in immersive theatre. Sorry.

    Another example –

    You have CHOICE in Sleep No More.
    You do not have AGENCY in Sleep No More.

    I mean you can disagree all you want but…ok.

    None of that matters anyway. I don’t know if you know this, but the only people who are upset by any of this are BOS people. And Larry, but that’s beside the point.…[Read more]

  • @coryphella I saw your dictionary statement, but I disagree with your interpretation. I think, ultimately, our decisions will have an impact one way or another. It’s just a matter of how small or big that impact is.

  • @chelsea I used the most extreme sample for a reason. We do have agency. I have consistently made the decision to be Team Me since the iConfidant days. I’ve never chosen to be Team OSDM. I’ve never chosen Team BOS. The fact of the matter is that I’ve ALWAYS had a choice. We have ALWAYS had a choice. It has not been blatantly stated that we need to…[Read more]

  • @chelsea Congrats, you now feel how I felt back when Lust began. I did NOT like The System. One bit. Noah pushed my buttons in not-so-fun ways. But eventually, a path opened up that I connected with, but that was a couple chapters in. Not all paths are going to open up all at once. The choice isn’t “BOS or quitting”, it’s “BOS or see if other…[Read more]

  • Megan posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    I only ask things I’d ask any superstar
    What is it that you have got that puts you where you are?
    I am waiting, yes I’m a captive fan
    I’m dying to be shown that you are not just any man.

  • @silvitni I’m having issues understanding how a choice between BOS or quitting is… fair. The OSDM certainly has never put us in a position to make that decision. 😉

  • a·gen·cy
    noun: agency; plural noun: agencies
    a business or organization established to provide a particular service, typically one that involves organizing transactions between two other parties.
    “an advertising agency”
    synonyms: business, organization, company, firm, office, bureau
    “an advertising agency”
    a department or bo…[Read more]

  • @daela I’m so thankful that you are having a good experience as a member of BOS. I really am. I’m glad that you feel comfortable questioning and challenging your leader. I’m glad that you believe there is a mission of inclusion. This was not my experience, and the idea that things are changing is good. I can’t help but feel upset reading this…[Read more]

  • Because if anyone will run full tilt into the burning building that is the Order and save those inside, it’s him.

    Tell that to all the innocents left inside the MSE.

  • I’ll be there to observe and gather opinions. I’m immensely curious about knowing why others believe there is a lack of agency considering we can honestly leave anytime. 😉

  • See you there!

  • @daela I appreciate this. And it goes without saying, but I’ll say it: I feel the exact same way you do about Morgan, the person. He’s a kind, brave soul.

    I want to think we’re past vitriolic responses to questioning Morgan, the BOS leader, however, though I may be misguided and optimistic in thinking so. I question that dude all the time, and h…[Read more]

  • If someone can facetime Shitty Third Cat and myself in that would be lovely. STC is a big proponent of agency and not giving a fuck about what anyone thinks.

  • I’ve been meaning to update my old “Where I Stand” post for a while, since we’ve now seen more of the Resistance. Now feels like as good a time as any.

    (Note: I’m speaking as a participant, not a mod, here.)


    Back during Tension, I defected from the OOA to join BOS. I had a few reasons, many of which no longer apply.

    1) I believed…[Read more]

  • I’ll be there, hopefully not late. And I’ll gladly direct conversation at anyone and everyone who wants me to say words at them and in turn say words at me.

    Please leave actual crowbars in their designated receptacles.

  • Anyone is welcome, but be advised that if you believe the present state of affairs does permit agency, there may not be much conversation directed your way.

    I’m going to be in Austin so won’t be able to attend anyway, but I’ll be honest: I don’t love the tenor of this comment. Any legit discussion about agency would by definition include, and be…[Read more]

  • Those who believe the current state of affairs appear to lack individual agency, you are welcome to join a discussion at NoBar this Sunday at 930PM.

    The agenda is broad — Talking about Agency, and perhaps finding a way crowbar open door permitting agency, thinking about seeds that have been planted but missed.

    Anyone is welcome, but be advised…[Read more]

  • Addison posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago


  • Throughout my experience, I’ve not chosen a side. Next month will mark 2 years that I first fell into this rabbit hole. Two years with no side chosen. I’ve leaned more OSDM than anything else. But, I’ve also pretty much remained in Switzerland where it’s safe.

    After this past week’s events, I agree with those who felt as though there was a nar…[Read more]

  • Cristen replied to the topic Don't follow anyone. in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    @coryphella I am the NoHo mascot (and presumably invited) so I’ll make sure you’re projected on a screen with us, ha.

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