Who is Mason?

This topic has 47 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Christine Barger.

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    • #23007

      @kasch pointed out on slack today that calling Mason incompetent was a dangerous move. It’s highly likely that he isn’t incompetent at all but in fact VERY good at what he does – it’s just that whatever he does isn’t researching ethics in immersive theatre. That’s a cover.

      So, if he’s not contacting the Final Five in order to conduct his research, what is he really here for?
      At first it seemed like he was contacting the Exhibit C people and maybe that part of the purpose of “Exhibit C,” but maybe that was intended to make us think he was connected with Lust?

      Are @joycecarlberg and @a afraid of him? Is that why they were so quick to silence him last night?
      Is he afraid of them? Is that why he abruptly left slack?

    • #23008

      I agree that he is not a researcher in ethics. I don’t want to dismiss him entirely because he could be a researcher of something. What? The fuck if I know…

      I also agree that contacting us “Exhibit C” people was probably a way to insert himself into the realm of Lust. However, if he was truly conducting research on ethics, ethics in immersive theatre, or immersive theatre in general, he probably would have emailed me back. He has not.

      I believe the theory that he is plotting something and left to go deal with that plotting business may be why he has left for now. The fact that he supposedly received a call from A definitely makes me feel more inclined to believe that A and Joyce are afraid of him. Why? I haven’t observed enough to guess. Maybe to drive suspicions and fears up in participants so that they can leave? I don’t know.

    • #23010
       Robert Fuller

      Paul Revere was a Mason and a silversmith. Is Mason our Paul Revere, sent to warn us about the coming of … something? Just a thought.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Robert Fuller.
    • #23011

      Interesting…though if he was sent to warn us, why put all the effort into contacting the performers? That seemed to be his main goal.

      Are the performers somehow a weak link in this?

      I wonder what specifically was said between him & Stephanie.

    • #23013

      Either Joyce and A are afraid, or this is another misdirection…that thought occurred to me as well. Whatever role he has to play, I do think underestimating him is not a good idea.

    • #23014

      I’m not sure that fear is the only option. As I mentioned in Slack, I don’t think Mason left slack out of fear. If this guy isn’t incompetent, then he’s plotting. Plotting people don’t dismiss themselves out of fear – they dismiss themselves to do more plotting. Maybe he’s someone that was removed from Tension, and is looking to get in touch with people who have been banned from speaking with him? Creating an alias and fake objective to be put in touch? “Angry participant”?

      I also don’t think that A/whoever was afraid. The language in slack was calm and in control. It was calculated. Again, not fear-based behavior. The only thing that seemed to get attention was Mason mentioning the box delivery. I think that was the only message deleted in the exchange. That was the only thing A/whoever really didn’t want us to see or ask questions about.

    • #23015

      @chelsea That makes sense too. There’s certainly plotting afoot (AND WHAT’S IN THE BOOOOOOOOX?!?!).

      I’m also curious as to what was said between Stephanie & Mason. He clearly upsets her for some reason.

    • #23016

      I agree with @chelsea here. I don’t think Mason OR a were afraid of anything. Maybe irritated? Or probing each other for information?

      I also didn’t get the impression from her interactions with @russell et al. that @joycecarlberg was necessarily afraid of anything Mason was up to either, at least yet. It reads like two predators circling each other.

    • #23017

      Maybe he’s someone that was removed from Tension, and is looking to get in touch with people who have been banned from speaking with him?

      Jeromy has returned.

    • #23020
       Lawrence Meyers

      I’m actually more afraid of @chelsea now than any of these pretend lunatics in LUST.

      I think that @kasch was with her when she got the initial call. When he called her when we were together, she just answered very tersely, “Yes” “No” “No” “I’m in Pasadena”. So he was asking if they could meet.

    • #23022

      I do like the idea of them circling each other like a couple of lions. But why. What territory are they about to be fighting over? What is to be gained/lost?

    • #23023
       Bryan Bishop

      @chelsea I keep thinking of Joyce’s original explanation about the HCDI, where she described the Investors as a board of directors bonded through various lineages (plural).

      The Sinclair lineage has obviously been foregrounded lately. Is there another lineage involved here – and is it using Briarberg in an attempt to take down (or take over) The Experience?

    • #23024
       Drew Huntley

      *ring ring* The British are coming! The British are coming! *cough* Joyce

    • #23025

      I mean we do have some disgruntled performers (Hostess in Black and her friend Elizabeth) that were warning us about The Lust Experience and how it’s not is as it seems. HIB wanted us to ask any performer “What happened at the retreat?”, we heard the recording of some kind of weird stuff going down that not all the performers were on board with. So yes, Mason may be using the “ethics in immersive theater” thing as a cover, but it’s also not totally out of the question that someone (HIB or Elizabeth) or even someone involved with Sarah Thompson might have alerted this Foundation to the sketchy stuff going down with these experiences…

      And of course @a would be worried if the sketchy stuff was revealed or mistreatment of performers (the retreat) was put out in the open? Not sure about Joyce though, being that she is most likely also a performer who just attend a retreat… Though maybe she is on giving end and not the receiving end of what ever is happening at these retreats? I would like to ask Mason if he knows about the retreats? Maybe he could infiltrate one? For his report.

    • #23026

      I’m with @chelsea and @wanda102. Neither group really seems to be openly afraid of the other. Joyce was actually excited that Briarberg was out in the open so she could begin dealing with them. Mason was disjointed and didn’t really look like he knew what he was doing last night, but that fits with the assessment Joyce gave of him: He (and the rest of Briarberg) are very intelligent but have trouble functioning around others.

      That may actually make all of Mason’s actions make more sense. He’s got a big brain and knows what he wants, so he’s going about it in a way that is simple and logical to him. Contacting people repeatedly and using what he knows about them makes sense to him so that’s what he’s done. He doesn’t understand why that doesn’t work because he’s all logic. (That would actually position him as more of a “head” person than Horace who seems to value cold, hard facts even though we’ve seen lash out at numerous people in very emotional ways.) So maybe Mason just wants information in the quickest way to build his case. Or he’s just a creep.

    • #23027

      @kevin If he was all brains, I would think he’d take a different tactic. The “I’m a reporter and I’m looking for info!” tactic clearly wasn’t going to work right now. At this point, all of our guards are up and we’ve got our skeptic brains working toward everything and everyone, and I think he should have known that. Him stepping out to come up with a new strategy after that one failed makes a lot of sense. I think he comes back with a different name and different plan to get what he wants. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a new plant looking for info.

    • #23028
    • #23055

      Yes, two predators circling each other, that’s the vision I have of A and Mason as well. They are both creepy, and obviously up against each other in some way, but for what? Mason seems dark to me. I have a very bad gut feeling about him. I don’t know what it is.

      Trying to figure out whether Joyce is IG-IG or IG. I’m kinda new to thinking on and in these levels. My head feels messy.

      Assuming that Joyce is like a PR person or something for the investors, that makes her IG-IG?

      What would she be if she was also an actor at the retreats? IG?

    • #23178

      Crazy, outlandish, fun, but probably (maybe not) wrong theory time!

      Remember when we were dicking around with anagrams and Buz made a joke that Mason = Samson? What if Mason is actually Samson. At the end of Tension, Samson was destroyed, stabbed, and publicly humiliated and dismissed by the OSDM. What if he’s trying to get info on how to destroy it. Noah and Samson knew each other in Tension. They worked together. Noah was the last one we knew to have the files, which builds a connection between Noah and Mason. What if he gave them to Samson for “safe keeping” in case someone came looking for them? Then Samson, with Noah’s encouragement or not, went looking to get in touch with us and the actors to get everyone on the side of Joyce/Horace/OSDM = bad. Either they are friends and working together, or Samson went “ooo files!” and is taking his opportunity to get some power. He didn’t want to meet online with Stephanie because he knew she would hang up immediately. An in person meeting would give the chance to at least hear him out before walking away.

    • #23179
       Meghan Mayhem

      I would 100% buy it. I find it interesting, the hinting that the former younger lackies of the OSDM Noah, Samson, and Michelle, all seem to be pretty “fuck the OSDM” after last year’s business

    • #23180

      I like the theory, but the one thing I keep thinking about was the book event where Samson was basically an “enforcer” to get us all out of there. Granted, Michelle was also very powerful at that event and she seems…not as powerful right now. Maybe there was some more behind the scenes type of things that happened that are making the Tension version of OSDM disgruntled and seeing revenge?

    • #23181
       Bryan Bishop

      Maybe there was some more behind the scenes type of things that happened that are making the Tension version of OSDM disgruntled and seeing revenge?

      This strikes me as the right path as well. We’re not seeing a 1:1 rehash of what happened before. We seem to be getting a glimpse behind what happened before.

      A second visit to Ascension was the “meta” version of the story, where we thought Sabrina was taking us behind the curtain. Well, it turned out she wasn’t – because she didn’t even know what had really happened to her or what was really going on at that point. Right now, we appear to be learning about what was happening to the cast and crew that pulled off the double-layer fiction; the closest thing to “truth” that we’ve heard yet.

      It’s why we’re now interacting with people like Stephanie and Damien not as the characters they played, but as the actors they actually are. And it probably means we’re going to be meeting more new people as we learn more about what’s happening, rather than see old ones repurposed.

    • #23192

      I appreciate it sounds weird, as someone who if you cut me I bleed BoS, but Samson and I ended up having a connection. Yes, having someone sing Nat King Cole to you so beautifully can sway a girl like me, but he was straight with me. Treated me with respect. I think it hurt him to see how being shown I was powerless affected me so deeply. I felt a real deep crisis in him. I cried when Michelle “killed” him. I would love to see him return – a new Samson fighting against the system that screwed him over and spat him out. But I know, deep in my heart, that it’s not gonna happen ?

    • #23193

      @sfire8 Your bringing up the first recording could be relevant after @thebuz’s call…what if what he heard was either more of the same or another recording from a similar “retreat”??

    • #23432

      I’m having an issue with Mason. He came in with talk of wanting to research and expose things within the experience (currently most likely being run by the OSDM). He talked about “seeking truth” and taking down those who are using others. But here’s what I don’t get. There’s a group or two or… here that is already working to take down the OSDM. But he didn’t seem interested in talking to the people currently holding the matchbox and waiting for the kindling to pile. There hasn’t even been a suggestion of him reaching out to @111error. Instead, he went to seek out the old actors from Tension who are close to Darren. Why? I think this adds another layer onto my theory of Mason is someone we know from Tension, or at least someone the Tension cast knows.

    • #23458

      something just hit me!

      “Mason Silver”… M.S…. Mary Somers / Michelle? She “had the rug pulled out from under her”, and went on about the “bullshit and lies” at the book signing. Does she have reason to want to take down TPTB?

      (and, yeah… I know, Mason is referred to as a man.)

    • #23459
       Brad Ruwe

      From a convo in the Slack, what if the “real” Mason is a woman? Specifically, Michelle / Mary Somers? When TPTB try to write Mason into the story, they fuck up and make this “Mason” a man, not knowing it’s a woman. It would explain the references to Mason as “he” from the fake narrative based Mason. Because as far as we know, we’ve never heard from Mason right? Like heard a voice? Unfortunately the only contact from Mason we can be SURE is coming from him/her is the emails (and potentially the Mason who joined the Slack).

      Michelle / Mary has been fucked over by Tension / Lust, and now she’s out to bring them down. Thoughts?

      (Kudos to @superstar for the theory tag-team)

    • #23460

      I mean, the “phone call”/”potentially fake” Mason is quite a different personality than the “email Mason”. And, we don’t actually have proof of who the phone calls came from, just the caller’s word (unless I’m forgetting something). Could have been anybody.

    • #23461
       Brad Ruwe

      That’s a good point @superstar. Has Mason made any mention of the phone calls in any emails?

    • #23462

      I really don’t think this is right. Two people have spoken to Mason. We have no reason to believe that Mason is a woman. The people trying to stop us from investigating Mason refer to him as a “he”.

    • #23464

      @chelsea the “real” Mason could be a woman. The “fake”/phone call Mason is a man (or, at least, a male voice pretending to be Mason).

      The people trying to stop our investigation have, perhaps, mistakenly “written” the character as male.
      (credit to @nothenrygale)

    • #23470

      Crazy theory time.

      Mason is part of whoever is running this whole thing. A power above OSDM, the Investors…everyone

      – could his name be a clue that’s been staring us right in the face this whole time? Freemasons literally ran the country.
      – someone disappeared for threatening to expose secrets…whose name was William MORGAN. Our Morgan has disappeared after trying to bring the truth forward (yes I know he’s at Burning Man, just humor me)
      – in Freemason history, there was a time called “The Great Schism” between the French and English Freemasons. Right now, we’re starting to see schisms in our relationships
      – then there was the Talix hoax where he made increasingly outlandish claims that were not true. Sound familiar?

    • #23471

      Just to make sure we’re aligned – this theorizing is based on the idea that there’s a “real” Mason, and a separate “fake” Mason created by TPTB to add noise to the messaging and discredit “real” Mason.

      “Real” Mason presumably being the one behind the audio leaks.

      “Fake” Mason being the one having sometimes creepy, two-way conversations with people on the phone.

    • #23485
       Meghan Mayhem

      Let’s hop back to this for a second.
      As soon as we started discussing Mason and his intentions and connections in Slack, Bryan started getting phone calls.
      We brought the conversation back to it and suddenly messages started deleting from Slack.

      Let’s bring it here and see what happens.

      Mason goes on about the path of truth, exposing the lies, making people pay for their lies. Bringing down those that control us.
      Sound familiar? Sound like a certain British chap with a vendetta? Mr. @111error

      So their mission statements are the same. Morgan has made no secret of his opinions and everyone around knows that. Morgan leads an army of people with similar goals.
      So why has Mason seemingly made zero attempts at contacting Morgan, getting ahold of him, or talking to literally anyone connected to him.
      Mason only seems interested in contacting people who have information on DLB, or trying to get people to give him information about the actors. Why?

    • #23494

      @superstar reminded me of something on Slack. We know that Mason felt like he needed to intervene after the System event earlier this month. But why?

      OK this might all be nonsense, but maybe not.

      Maybe Mason was the one that hired that cowboy (Adam?) that Noah tied down and slapped? That guy’s job was to go in there and ruffle Noah’s feathers and hopefully, provoke him to go into that slapfest in front of us.

      After the event, a few of us had a chance to see Adam on the phone talking about “how the scene went.” He sure as shit wasn’t talking to DLB, who was still in that building somewhere. So, couldn’t it have been Mason? Maybe he was trying to get our attention by showing us some actual violence?

      If this was indeed Mason’s handywork, he is someone that hired Adam and coached him on “his scene.” Maybe that could be a clue to his identity?

    • #23497

      @lilmsfancpants, playing devil’s advocate, here… I was sitting right in front of “Adam”, and I wouldn’t say he did anything to attract Noah’s attention at the event. Nothing to make Noah choose him to come on stage. It almost seemed like Noah was looking for him. Like Noah knew who he was going to pick (obviously, IG… if there is such a thing… he *did* know who he was going to pick, I know).

      I guess where I’m taking this is: are “Adam”, Noah, and Mason somehow all connected?

    • #23506

      I don’t know where to post my Mason conspiracy theories anymore… But… This is more to do with WHO he is, so I’m putting it here. The more I think about it being someone we know as in a (potentially ex) participant… He refuses to be recorded… He knows someone here will recognise his voice.

      So who has talked to him? Russell, Violet and Kasch? Russell and Kasch may be OG but they may not be super tight with this person – you can’t be friends with everyone in the community right? He may have felt able to pull the wool over their eyes, disguising his voice just enough. But someone closer to him may be more able to identify his voice… So no recordings.

      Ok. I’m definitely going crazy with this. Maybe I should get an early night…

    • #23509

      @blondie I am curious if anyone who has spoken to him got a “familiar” vibe. I did not. It did not “feel” like anyone I have spoken to in the past.

    • #23510

      @Russell I’ve just been reading (and re-reading and re-re-reading) his “no longer a game” email. As an editor, I’m used to picking up people’s writing styles pretty quickly so that I don’t accidentally edit their distinct and unique voice out of their writing… Something seems familiar. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel like I *know* that “voice”…

    • #23511

      Definitely not familiar to me, but then, none of the previous actors would be. Which still makes me curious as to what about my email made him want to reach out to me? I’ve only been in this for a lil over a month and had no part in Tension (sadly…or not, given the current state of things).

    • #23512

      @erisbonn In the time you’ve been here, you’ve been very active though mon petit chou fleur <3 He obviously recognises that. And has a tiny crush maybe? 😉 But you’re on his radar. This could be good. Or bad. For some reason, I’m becoming quite hopeful.

    • #23513

      haaaa!! Guess I can be crushworthy sometimes :p

      I’m wondering if I should reach out to him again…could be useful.

      Could also end with me in someone’s basement.

    • #23514

      I reached out too. Although, with all my crazy conspiracy theorising today, he probably won’t reply. Can I out-creep a creep? Is that possible?!

      But if we end up in a basement, at least we’ll be together @erisbonn 😀

    • #23515


    • #23530
       Robert Fuller

      Wait, @erisbonn, didn’t you get a call from Mason after you emailed him your phone number? So doesn’t this mean that the Mason who is calling people is the same one who has been sending e-mails?

    • #23531

      You are correct, @remrelganaps. And I definitely believe they’re the same.

    • #23759

      Well… All my conspiracy theories turned out to be sh*t huh?

      Time for a new one.

      So. If Mason is the Jack that Michelle was on the phone to all that time ago, this would mean they been working together for a while… Michelle was the one to reveal that BOS was an OSDM construct. What if Mason/Jack is the one who created BOS for the OSDM?

      WHAT IF MASON/JACK IS THE REAL SENTINEL? Not London May Sentinel or Andrew Perez Sentinel. Not the ones we saw in public, the actors portraying him. The real deal.

    • #24625
       Christine Barger

      I saw this discussion and got really excited but I still don’t know “Who is Mason?”

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