Sushi? Dead Drop 6/20

This topic has 78 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Lauren Bello.

  • Author
    • #17025
       Hannah Schenck

      Hey guys so Lust IG went live tonight and some crazy guy with awesome crazy hair said some things and stuffed some papers in a bush outside of Sushi Dan in Studio City. @timsmyname got to the drop first to retrieve the papers and when I got there he had discovered the pages below: (@goldtongue joined us soon after!)

      Sushi DanSushi DanSushi DanSushi Dan

      Leaked emails between two people who use acronyms that might be initials? Who the fuck is Debra!?

    • #17026
       Lauren Bello

      “I think I’ll be done crunching the EI reports by 1…” “I might not make lunch after all, this must be corrupted, the index is all over the board…” The EI reports….Emotional Index?

      “Hey, do me a favor and check the current numbers on RE? I can’t believe she came back and was just like, BLAM! I heard she purposely didn’t give him anything to work with just so they could get the right reading when he found out he had been that close to her without realizing it. Savage.” RE…Russell Eaton? A reference to Sabrina intentionally withholding during their iConfidant correspondence, so she could get a reaction out of him at the meet and greet? Were they taking emotional “readings” from him, and from all of us, at the meet and greet? How? Why?

      “Do I actually need to [look at the EI reports] or should I just go back to our stuff about a year ago?” I sort of love that apparent OSDM employees are asking the same questions we are about how the data-gathering this year differs from last year.

      “It’s not like I will ever make to a CM.” CM…clockmaker?

      “I know, right? I think one actually did make it through the ranks. Could you imagine how much he gave up? The things he did to get there?” Is this implying that there is a way for folks with ordinary beginnings to rise through the ranks to clockmaker status?

      “I got the file on RE, thanks. He’s actually closer than I thought.” …any Russell theories we should be paying particular attention to? Or is he closer to an ideal emotional state, closer to feeling something they want him to feel?

      “I am hearing rumblings that the top is actively trying to bring a few more back into the fold like they did with LB.” Umm…me?

      “Honestly, there is one who I’m not scared of at all…” Any guesses? Since the other party replies “as for her,” is it a woman they’re not scared of? A woman who lies all the time to get a rise out of people? Is it…Sabrina?

    • #17027
       Tim Redman

      Did we screw up by not going into Sushi Dan’s?
      Maybe somebody was still there.

    • #17028
       Hannah Schenck

      @timsmyname The timestamp shows that the most recent email was tonight a little before the drop so maybe they WERE in Sushi Dan’s having dinner and we fucked up by not going in? That would absolutely break my little heart 🙁

      For the record, that guy with the crazy hair seemed nuts and I wanna be his friend so badly 😉

    • #17030

      Wow wild!

    • #17031

      Well what were you supposed to do, rage into the restaurant with crumpled papers and argue “ARE THESE YOUR EMAILS?!” …leaves in your hair and crazy in your eyes?
      I think y’all did great!

    • #17032

      MF = Mike F?
      MK = Melissa K?
      DK = ?
      CH = ?
      AE = ?
      TB = ?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by superstar.
    • #17034
       Tim Redman
    • #17035
       Lauren Bello

      Do we think that “the core” refers to a group within OSDM…….or a group of core participants? Contextually, it sounds a lot like they’re talking about participants.

      “I just don’t think the core understand how critical they are. Maybe the visit we have planned will help…”

      “…it’s not the core’s usual inside-drama….my second biggest fear…is that the core finally realizes why everyone is targeting them. Could you imagine if they actually all got along with each other instead of just pretending to?”

      “By the way, I am hearing rumblings that the top is actively trying to bring a few more back into the fold like they did with LB. I think they are watching but I can’t get a good read – MK, DK, CH, AE, TB…” <– sounds like participants, and was written directly after a reference to “the core”

      And if we are the core…what visit?

      And why ARE they targeting us?

    • #17036
       Hannah Schenck

      Here is @timsmyname periscope:

      Sushi Dan Dead Drop

      And here is mine as a continuation:

      Sushi Dan Dead Drop

    • #17037

      The redacted text was definitely used to get MK: @mkarrett back in the game.

    • #17038
       Hannah Schenck

      @daela Yes WHY are they targeting us and WHAT visit!? If the core IS us, they think we don’t like each other and are just pretending? Is that based off of iConfidant emails where people may have spilled the beans on who they don’t like, as Sabrina suggested? And what does it mean that they are bringing some back into the fold? Who is LB? Is that you??

    • #17039

      @daela I personally think core is referring to the participants. Is the copy cat part referring to recent confusion of other ARGs calling and people thinking it’s LUST?

    • #17040

      People Mentioned –
      • Bill (going on a power trip)
      • RE (Male) (Russel E?)
      • CM (Clockmaker? Mentions it being a male)
      • Michelle
      • “the top”
      • LB (Lauren B?)
      • MK (Michael K?), DK, CH, AE, TB
      • Horace
      • little “prince” (Noah?)
      • The Investors
      • Julio
      • DC, CL (Chelsea L) (Won’t be ready but should be next)
      • MF (Mike F)
      • BB (Bryan B)
      • Debra
      • Debra’s Cousin (female)

      Dates mentioned
      • June 14th 10:20AM
      • “About a year ago” (referencing files)
      • June 20th 9:20PM
      • Seven years ago

      Things Mentioned –
      • “Maybe the visit we have planned will help”
      • Purchasing a new building
      • Investors can “read your mind” and “Float”; also burn sage. One of them isn’t scary at all (obviously Nicole)
      • Scared of “the core realizing why they’re targeting them”

    • #17041

      @shankfx22 well @thebuz mentioned something to that effect in his iC emails so maybe that’s what they’re talking about

    • #17042

      “…it’s not like I will ever make to a CM” – CM=Clockmaker?

      EDIT – @kortneydarling got to it first!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Maranda.
    • #17044

      Such modern ‘hip’ language and vernacular.

      “I was in a room with a couple of them once. I wasn’t scared.
      Sage burning weirdos”

      1) Sage/not wheat/ confirmed? Also, 2) back to the cult of beautiful people?

    • #17045

      Fantastic data collection.

    • #17046

      @theladyj Could the person who “was in a room with a couple of them once” have been someone who was at Registration?

      They also make reference to someone who “lies all the time to get a rise out of people” – that’s got to be Nicole, right?

    • #17047

      @izryn oh right like how Nicole lied about @thebuz at registration to @macbethinabathtub and he got super upset.

    • #17048
       Lauren Bello

      I’m guessing TB may be Tiffany Bevan (@tiffany223), and AE may be Amie Elrod (@amieexists)?

      DK may stand for Debz Kim too

    • #17049
       Kevin Hsu

      I’m getting a Cabin in the Woods vibe to this conversation. They are monitoring us, the participants, and have been since last year. But something strange happened today, Debra dies and Observer 2 starts acting really weird and seems to be luring Observer 1 into a trap.

      “one actually did make it through the ranks” could be Andy

    • #17050
       Hannah Schenck

      DK= Drew Kowalski! @anakindrew

    • #17051

      Also- I know people may not agree but I think whoever is dating Debra is male. I’m actually leaning towards both of them being guys. How the person responds “alright man” and “dude”- that’s a very obvious/stereotypical way of guy talk.

      I call people dude regardless of gender, but I’ve never said “alright man” – let alone “alright man” to a female.

    • #17052
       Hannah Schenck

      Yes also I think it was proven that Nicole lied to and about more than just the things that never happened with @thebuz

    • #17053

      Oh snaps! More infiltration? More Andy’s? An assistant/Liaison to Tina maybe? (since it also references purchasing a new spot, as like, hearsay/gossip.)

      Also, someone who ‘lies all the time to get a rise out of people’, could be the suffix of so many involved!
      “Noah Sinclair Jr ‘SomeoneWhoLiesAllTheTimeToGetARiseOutOfPeople’ Esquire”.

    • #17054

      Honestly the biggest thing I got out of this is that they’re scared of US (assuming) finding out why THEM.

      I highly suggest everyone who was mentioned like they’re part of “the core” get together and figure out what they all have in common.

      People up to going to Sushi Dan next week to discuss 😉 ?

    • #17055
       Kevin Hsu

      before or after we get fluffer nutters, @kortneydarling?

    • #17058
    • #17060

      @kortneydarling Agreed. They know SO much about us and we’re still completely in the dark about what our actual purpose is. They have a shorthand for talking about us and we don’t even know the first thing about why we’re being watched. Very upsetting stuff. The Core better buckle up their seatbelts.

    • #17063
    • #17064

      MF = Mike Fontaine
      MK = Melissa Kramer
      DK = Debz Kim
      CH = ?
      AE = Amie Elrod
      TB = Tiffany Bevan

      My suggestions. May have already been said. Sorry, TB and I are in Hawaii so my theory crafting is limited to say the least

    • #17065

      @timsmyname @shankfx22 I think I missed it since I was at work, but how did you guys get the info for the dead drop? I don’t remember anyone with crazy hair.

    • #17066

      @kortneydarling I was also going to suggest finding out what the core has in common, but first we have to figure out exactly who is in the core. We can’t connect the dots without knowing who the dots are.

    • #17067

      Still unsure about most of the other acronyms but CM feels like “Community Meetup”

      Who the hell “rose up” though? I thought that the barrier between “us” and “them” was so far unbroken…?

    • #17068
       Andrew K

      Uhhh well. I’ve been away almost all month, and now this happens.

      “By the way, I am hearing rumblings that the top is actively trying to bring a few more back into the fold like they did with LB. I think they are watching but I can’t get a good read – MK, DK, CH, AE, TB…””

      If “DK” is me and they are “trying to bring me back into the fold” it definitely just worked.

    • #17069
       Andrew K

      Also @shankfx22 – definitely a missed opportunity not going into sushi dan. I bet any money someone was inside.

    • #17070
       Hannah Schenck

      @izryn Some awesome crazy guy with the best hair went live on the Lust IG page and showed us he was outside Sushi Dan and that he put papers in the bushes.

      I know I’m kicking myself bc in my periscope I suggested we go inside to further review the documents but I guess they were closing lol ????‍♀️

    • #17071

      “By the way, I am hearing rumblings that the top is actively trying to bring a few more back into the fold like they did with LB. I think they are watching but I can’t get a good read – MK, DK, CH, AE, TB…”

      These are old people who aren’t active as much as they once were – “bringing back into the fold like they did with Lauren” means getting them back into the game, so MK = Melissa, DK = Deb (?), AE = Amy, TB = Tiffany, CH = Cody (?)

    • #17072
       Andrew K

      Also yeah, this whole thing makes it seem like they’ve been watching us for awhile and there’s as much interdepartmental gossiping and theorizing about us between employees at the OSDM as we’re talking and theorizing about them.

      Important to remember that some of the people at the OSDM are simple employees/ people with their own lives and that they gossip and talk and socialize as much as any of us do.

      To them this is all just a job. A nefarious one, but a job nonetheless.

    • #17073

      @timsmyname, @shankfx22, @goldtongue Thanks for jumping on this so quickly! I missed the live IG but thanks to Tim and Hannah’s sweet periscoping skills I felt like I was there with you!

      As for bringing people back into the fold… this, combined with some recent social media activity I’ve noticed from a certain previous experience, seems very much to be the objective right now. They want to build our numbers.

      And don’t beat yourselves up about not going inside. I think you completed your objective by finding these documents and disseminating the info as quickly as you did!

      Thanks also to @kortneydarling for boiling it down to bullet points!

      Did anyone happen to get a screen grab of this well-coifed/crazy-eyed fellow?

    • #17074
       Andrew K

      The only reason I think “DK” might be me, is that although my forum name is Andrew- my Facebook name is Drew and they used the name Drew on my nametag for The System focus group. Sarah also called me Drew directly.

      So although my forum name is Andrew, and I sign my emails Andrew, The System and OSDM seem pretty insistent on using the name Drew instead – hence “DK.” The name Drew is normally reserved for what my friends call me, So it’s interesting to me on a personal level that they’d call me that.

      I also haven’t been active all month due to work, but have been logged in and liking the Lust Facebook and iConfidant posts – so I have been “watching” so to speak.

      Then again I could totally be wrong. Regardless, this whole thing has definitely forced me out of hiding.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Andrew K.
    • #17076

      My sense is that “the core” is a reference to last year’s players for a few reasons:

      1. “This fluctuation is not us and it’s not the core’s usual inside drama”
      2. “…the core finally realizes why everyone is targeting them.”
      3. “Could you imagine if they actually got along with each other instead of just pretending to?” (nice)
      4. “I don’t think the core understand how critical they are”

      1 and 3 seem to be a direct reference to last year’s ARG players. 2 and 4 suggest that we’re being targeted differently than newer players?

    • #17077

      @coryphella That could very well be it. Do we know if there are any new players referred to as being part of the core? If there aren’t any that’s some support for your hypothesis.

    • #17078

      Not in those 5 initials plus Lauren and Russell…I don’t don’t know who CL orDC are but they may not need to be old people for this to be right, maybe the core isn’t that but I think those 5 people are players who aren’t playing.

    • #17081

      Firstly, @shankfx22 thank you for posting! The reverse order of the emails is giving me Forest Whitiker eye.


      “Honestly, there is one who I’m not scared of at all…” Any guesses? Since the other party replies “as for her,” is it a woman they’re not scared of? A woman who lies all the time to get a rise out of people? Is it…Sabrina?

      They are 100% talking about Nicole here (as it’s in reference to Investors).

      What might you be referring to in regards to my iC emails? I never talked smack on anyone to Sabrina except bringing up the bullshit about Nicole up to her.

      So all the acronyms they mentioned are 100% the core group from last year that aren’t playing as much this go around. I think the reason why they are focusing in on them is because the core group from last year are the base measurement for the EI (which I assume is the emotional index as others have pointed out).

      In any experiment you must have base measurements in order to test against. So if they were reading our emotions last year, then this year they need to test different stimuli as what provokes someone like @russell won’t provoke me so you can’t test his emotional index against myself. Make sense?

      And also… that dude totally had his gf killed then he got the helmet. That seem about right?

      So here’s the big questions:

      2) Why leak the email? What was the purpose of leaking this email to us?
      3) Who’s next? (DC AND CL?)
      4) The use of the words “sector” tells me that perhaps they’re maybe in a rather large complex?

    • #17082

      Aside from @thebuz’s question #1, which I agree is THE big question…

      DC = ??? CL may be @chelsea? They “won’t be ready.” FYI I don’t think that DC and CL are necessarily in the “core” group here, so this could be anyone.

      Why is the “core” so important? Why are they targeting them? (us?)

      Melissa kind of oddly enough came back randomly yesterday. What about the others – do we need to get them back? Because some of those are probably going to be tall orders.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Megan.
    • #17083

      It would appear The Lust Experience is now lusting after us. Thirsty, much? Come back into the fold, Tension folks… “One of us! One of us! Gooble! Gobble!”

    • #17084


      Why is the “core” so important?

      Because they are the base measurement of the emotional index. I explained it in my previous post.

      • #17092

        @thebuz – yeah I just don’t think that sounds like reason enough for us to be upset.

        – yes.

    • #17085


      CH = Cody Haller?

    • #17093

      @coryphella Huh? I’m only commenting on why they are “important.” People being upset has nothing to do with it unless I just missed something and there’s context you’re talking about that I’m unaware of.

    • #17101

      “…the core finally realizes why everyone is targeting them.”

      This, to my thinking, says that something sinister is going on that involves the core. Something darker than us being the control group for measuring emotions. But whatever. Carry on.

    • #17102

      Ah I see what you’re referencing. I took that differently as “The core doesn’t realize they could fuck up the entire data plan.” Or something to that effect.

    • #17103

      Yeah I was hoping for more like “the core is key to bringing on the encroaching dusk.” 😉

    • #17120

      Speaking as a CL, I would love for them to be referring to me. But I doubt they are.

      • #17172

        @goldtongue. Yes, CL is definitely you, Clay Lapari! You played last year, are you less active this year?

    • #17137

      Just throwing this out there because it doesn’t seem to fit anyone else… My last name is DaCunha. DC.

    • #17138

      @shinobi – Yeah I thought about you but I thought that made you a DD.

    • #17140

      @coryphella That’s what I would think. Though if they happen to know my deep history, my grandparents got Corleone’d when they came to America. My grandfather said his name was Jose da Cunha. Meaning Jose of Cunha. So technically, my real name should be Dan Cunha.

    • #17173

      @goldtongue who were you last year?

    • #17178

      @coryphella, I was @tinnose during Tension. Definitely tried to be as active as I could — participated in a bunch of the in person events… but I’ve never receieved any personal, one-on-one interaction during either so I’d be surprised if I’m the CL. But who knows!

    • #17180

      Okay so I just read this backwards, three times Here is my overall take in chronological order:

      –Bill is their boss and is on a power trip.
      –#1 is in a new relationship with Deb (hence #2’s joke about getting “tested”)
      –#2’s index board is watered down and he’s frustrated.
      –#1 is happy he found Deb and doesn’t have to die miserable and alone.
      –#2 would rather be alone than have to watch Dancing With the Stars (Deb’s favorite show?) and he thinks Sabrina’s reveal to Russell was “savage”.
      –#1 thinks “they” need to move on (not sure if “they” is us or those manipulating us), but what does he know?
      –#2 agrees “they” need to move on, but one actually did make it through the ranks (also talks about Michelle, the core, RE being close, and the top bringing certain people into the fold).
      –#1 asks about the new building and #2 responds they are still looking for one with the right “reading” but might have found it (Horace lit a fire under their asses) and that he’s never met the investors and they scare him.
      –#1 has been in “THE room” with them and wasn’t scared.
      –#2 is totally shocked #1 went in THE room, then comments that the fluctuations aren’t from them or the core’s “usual drama”. And he’s super frustrated the core doesn’t even know who’s targeting them.
      –#1 mentions a push for a new ad.
      –#2 acknowledes that, then mentions Brian’s video of Sabrina’s reveal and that they will figure out the context for the ad tomorrow.
      –#2 doesn’t hear from #1 and asks what’s going on?
      –#1 jokes that Deb has died and #2 gets pissed off and says not to joke about that!!
      –#1 goes away and his sector blocks #2 for a bit while he is working (on the ad?)
      –#1 comes back and says that Deb is alive, haha. He would like sushi after all, but #2 thinks he’s acting a little weird.
      –#1 seems to be enticing him to sushi with the promise of Deb’s hot cousin. #2 doesn’t seem so sure about it, questions if the hot cousin was asking about him?
      –#2 reluctantly agrees to go to sushi.

      —Uhhh, what happened at that sushi dinner???

    • #17186

      Trying to piece through all of this… interesting tidbits of info, for sure.

      You touched on a question that fascinates me.

      RE…Russell Eaton? A reference to Sabrina intentionally withholding during their iConfidant correspondence, so she could get a reaction out of him at the meet and greet? Were they taking emotional “readings” from him, and from all of us, at the meet and greet? How? Why?

      All this data, the whole premise iConfidant put forth is all based on emotional connection it seems. If you are correct and they were data-mining in various ways to get “emotional readings” of some kind for us all, then the big question is “Why?”
      (Personally, I find that a more interesting question over “How?” Although, how is the more fighting topic, probably.)

      So I am “closer than (they) thought”? To what they expect me to be emotionally? To a position they want to manipulate me into? Or am I close to being vulnerable enough to fall victim to whatever nefarious plan they have in store for some or all of us? I have no idea.
      That comment makes me sound like a piece of almost-ripe fruit, haha.

      How can they use information about our emotional responses? Manipulation in some manner seems one obvious conclusion. That seems like a smaller game than has been hinted at, doesn’t it?

      @thebuz You make an interesting point about each of us reacting to stuff differently. Very true. Looking back to the focus group meeting, we were all paired off several times in various ways and that could have been an easy way to directly compare emotional reactions in action to the same situations. (You and I specifically showed very different reactions and tactics when we were paired together.) So, even then were they all about emotions?

      How is knowledge of our emotional reactions useful beyond manipulation? I think there has to be a bigger picture we have only seen the very edges of, so far.

    • #17188


      You make an interesting point about each of us reacting to stuff differently. Very true. Looking back to the focus group meeting, we were all paired off several times in various ways and that could have been an easy way to directly compare emotional reactions in action to the same situations. (You and I specifically showed very different reactions and tactics when we were paired together.) So, even then were they all about emotions?

      I always took that focus group as testing us to see if we were “System” material (going back to my training for the OSDM theory). But now that you mention it, I’m somewhat inclined to agree with your assessment. They were testing our emotions to external stimuli as well as to each other. I’m sure we gave them a LOAD of data based off of those few hours.

    • #17192
       Michael Rizzo

      I would imagine that “the room” that was mentioned was the registration event? I forgot where but I swear I saw somewhere that before or after the event, girls came in and burned sage or sage like substance? They reference burning sage… tho to be fair I would imagine burning the sage would be a regular thing for them? I’d also argue the room was the registration event because I got the vibe that Nicole isn’t always at these type of things, she was there as a stand in for her father, but she was at the RE? I could be wrong but I thought I heard that somewhere.

      Also so much Hahahaha and hahahing at “The fluctuation is NOT us and it’s not the cores usual inside-drama. … Could you imagine if they actually all got along with each other instead of just pretending too.” Straight up pulled a spit-take at that lmfao. After reading that I have no doubts the core is us (or the tension OGs, IDK).

      As @anakindrew mentioned, they’re just normal people too. That was my big take away was that these employees are just that, normal people like us (granted they also believe in Anoch and raising him from the dead). Very much Cabin in the Woods feel going on. After they do their job of manipulating us and getting our data, they go on sushi dates and watch Dancing with the Stars! Haha love it.

      Also I took away that Horace is above the investors in power. As he “lit a fire under their ass”. Confusing because Nicole had asked me what I thought of “Noah, the character”. Noah is a character, but the dad of a made up character is their boss? And we still have no idea how the System plays into all of this, but it would seem Noah’s back on it getting t sorted out again.

      These guys have been working for whatever company this is (OSDM or whoever) for a loooong time. 7 years is at one point mentioned… so what has been going on for the past 7 years? We know DLB/Clint just got involved because DLB went to them for money, and thus got wrapped up in all this malarkey.

      Questions getting answered with more questions smh.

    • #17193

      @thebuz @russell well, it was Lust, not The System, who said “we have everything we need” following Focus Group, after all.

    • #17195
       Hannah Schenck


      All this data, the whole premise iConfidant put forth is all based on emotional connection it seems. If you are correct and they were data-mining in various ways to get “emotional readings” of some kind for us all, then the big question is “Why?”

      I love this question. There is an article that just loosely breaks down some reasons why people psychologically and emotionally manipulate. It is Here

      Some of these can already be applied to what has happened with iConfidant and The System and with Registration, dead drops, in person interactions, etc. A few of my favorites that stick out are:

      2. Let You Speak First to Establish Your Baseline and Look for Weaknesses

      Many sales people do this when they prospect you. By asking you general and probing questions, they establish a baseline about your thinking and behavior, from which they can then evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. This type of questioning with hidden agenda can also occur at the workplace or in personal relationships.

      Why? This is a way to trick you into their way of thinking by studying yours. Perhaps this is a way to get us on board or “sell” us on something we wouldn’t logically go for. The System’s multiple choice questions and the questions that our confidants would ask could be just this.

      13. Guilt-Baiting

      Examples: Unreasonable blaming. Targeting recipient’s soft spot. Holding another responsible for the manipulator’s happiness and success, or unhappiness and failures.

      By targeting the recipient’s emotional weaknesses and vulnerability, the manipulator coerces the recipient into ceding unreasonable requests and demands.

      Why? Guilt can make people consider making decisions out of desperation. This is an interesting tactic to use on those with more empathy for others. Perhaps this is the new suit guy’s tactic with @wanda102 and @rizzzoooooo feeding into their vulnerability to feel comfortable with him, and then switching to the opposite spectrum with @thebuz feeding into his unhappiness with being threatened.

      14. Victimhood

      Examples: Exaggerated or imagined personal issues. Exaggerated or imagined health issues. Dependency. Co-dependency. Deliberate frailty to elicit sympathy and favor. Playing weak, powerless, or martyr.

      The purpose of manipulative victimhood is often to exploit the recipient’s good will, guilty conscience, sense of duty and obligation, or protective and nurturing instinct, in order to extract unreasonable benefits and concessions.

      Why? This could be used to strip someone down to their most fragile self, feeling sorry for someone and going to great lengths to help them. It seems like a tactic Sabrina has used in the past, as well as maybe a few other characters

      I guess the answer to why would be to serve their own agenda… But what is their agenda?

      Just some food for thought, you spiked an interest within with your question of why ?

    • #17196


      then switching to the opposite spectrum with @thebuz feeding into his unhappiness with being threatened.

      That turned out sooooo shitty for the last guy.

      Weird tactic to take.

    • #17197
       Hannah Schenck

      @thebuz Ego can really cloudy someone’s logical thinking when they think they are untouchable or invincible… Clearly he isn’t very smart

    • #17199

      Also shit I use this all the time. :/

      2. Let You Speak First to Establish Your Baseline and Look for Weaknesses
      Many sales people do this when they prospect you. By asking you general and probing questions, they establish a baseline about your thinking and behavior, from which they can then evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. This type of questioning with hidden agenda can also occur at the workplace or in personal relationships.

    • #17200
       Hannah Schenck

      @thebuz There’s 14 of them that are in that article, I didn’t quote all, only the ones that seemed relevant so far, but I’m certain a lot of us use some of these tactics, even if it isn’t intentional. We learn and pick up habits from people we see successful or doing well, and we may not be aware that they are in fact manipulating others 🙁

      I used to be very guilty of the Victimhood one

    • #17201

      @shankfx22 Interesting stuff for sure, but I wish I knew why these techniques are being applied to us if they are. Data-mining is often done to prove a theory, support an unproven concept or convince a point of view, right? The endgame still feels completely shadowed from us… I am confident that is mostly deliberate right now.

      @thebuz I think we have to consider that focus group more than just a flirtatious meet-n-greet with The System. I think there was more going on there, which may better explain the cameras and monitoring.

      I have the opposite reaction about that “getting along” comment. (I sense I am in the minority, though.) I think that comment is about the investors or OSDM management or something along those lines. Doesn’t it feel like the observation being made there is that if the people running the show would stop internal fighting (which we have seen plenty of evidence that is going on) they would have a better grasp on how to wrangle The Community as a whole.

      Which, remember, we are The One.
      Which, I have no clue as to the significance of that power right now. Ha!

    • #17202
       Michael Rizzo

      @russell I had read t over a few times to make sure I got it right, and of course I could be completely wrong, buti do believe it’s us. I feel like this was shown to us to make us understand that we’re nothing more than work to them. The way that line came off and how they’re talking about us, really weird. We’re just a job to them, they have a folder of info on all of us. Imagine having a full blown folder that’s just full of my info, you’d be feelin weird about it. But they just go over it like nothing and comment on us like you would while watching a show. Whoever leaked this was trying to show us how important we are. We are the experiement, we are these people’s jobs.

      I don’t know, just something about that is really sticking to me.

    • #17203

      @rizzzoooooo I do see your point, it could be either way, probably.

    • #17204

      @rizzzoooooo @russell – I most definitely took the “core” comment about pretending to like each other & drama to be about the Tension OGs and also spilled coffee everywhere when I saw it. Well played.

      I’m insanely curious as to what the hell emotional data they have on me, though. Aside from “has a short fuse and thinks too highly of herself while also hating herself,” have I proven all that easy to manipulate?

      Nope. Never mind. I know exactly what’s in that folder.

    • #17206

      I’m still kinda foggy on who leaked this and how the crazy hair guy prefaced the drop?? Anymore details?

    • #17678

      Apologies for the delayed response, I was on vacation with Sean as he stated previously and didn’t get to really catch up online until today. While I am admittedly a bit lost on the details in Lust, I’m incredibly flattered to be thought of (if those initials were in fact referring to me) and interested in jumping back in. @daela any recommendations on where to start?

    • #17691
       Lauren Bello

      @tiffany223 Welcome back!! I’d start here, and obviously ask me anything <3 – if you want to dive into current conversations, right now everyone is curious about Joyce and what she wants

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