Sunday's Focus Group – Need a replacement

This topic has 130 replies, 40 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Candace.

  • Author
    • #5166

      Hello Community,

      It has been made known that @lasalle will be unable to attend the Focus Group tomorrow afternoon.

      Upon receiving this information, Noah Sinclair let Mike and I know that he thinks there should be more input for the solution to this sudden opportunity.

      He would like the community to decide who will be filling that now-vacant tenth slot.

      A decision must be reached by 10 pm tonight.

    • #5167
       Meghan Mayhem

      Well, fuck. Pressure’s on again, folks!

    • #5168


      But seriously I’d go with someone OG or someone completely foreign to it all if possible.

    • #5169
       Brad Ruwe

      I nominate @brianamatopoeia. @thebuz was going to pick her when Noah said pick five people. When Noah said the five included himself he had to cut her. She’s fresh blood and would absolutely be present.

    • #5170
       Meghan Mayhem

      I nominate @pandace88 who’s been an active little peach and could do with a little adventure.

    • #5171

      I can be there! I would love to go! I’m ready to step up and be more involved

    • #5172
       Kimberly Stewart

      I nominate @pandace88 & @theladyj. They’ve both proved to be solid, cooperative, enthusiastic new members of our community. Or… me, @electrichippo, because I’ve proven I have what it takes to make difficult decisions under immmense pressure.

    • #5173

      @meghanmayhem ahh you’re sweet ?? even if I don’t get majority vote here I am thankfully for this nomination ? I actually sent Noah an email right now telling him they need me and I’m ready to step up and take this opportunity by the balls lol ? I refuse to be a bystander this time around so either way it won’t be the last anyone hears of me!

    • #5174

      I third @pandace88. But for the sake of discussion, @russell with the idea of the focus group in mind, do you and @mike have a type of participant you’d like to add in your head, in the interest of a well-balanced 10?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Chris.
    • #5175

      Ditto. I nominate @pandace88. Gonna throw @nosnevets in the mix too.

    • #5176

      Another vote for @pandace88!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by superstar.
    • #5179

      @macbethinabathtub – It’s not our call on this one. This is coming from the man himself 🙂

    • #5180

      @mike not your call meaning Noah will choose or the community will choose?

    • #5181

      Well Noah, I’m available!!!

      But also feeling like maybe it should be one of the three that got cut from Julie’s list: Lawrence, Taylor, or Kim.

    • #5182

      However this vote goes, in my opinion, it should be someone completely new to this. Someone that has been active and has shown their interest.

    • #5183

      @shaun – It’s up to the community to decide and then we have to tell Noah who you guys chose 🙂

      Tick tock…

    • #5184
       Brian E

      I’m with @nothenrygale on this one. If the 5th person @thebuz picked was @brianamatopoeia then she has my vote.

      Buz though he picked 5 people (not including himself) . So I like this idea, and it goes to Loser Club, which is a group that banded together and didn’t get excepted.

      Or @lasalle should pick.
      One of those 2 options.

    • #5185
       Michael Rizzo

      I would totally throw a vote in for @pandace88 she’s been pretty litty recently. And of course I’d be down too BUT I have something scheduled on the 5th of may so as cool as an event would be I can wait haha

    • #5186
       Christine Barger

      I trust Mike & Russell to choose.

    • #5187
       Julie R Goldstein

      I’m with @sfire8… The best way to get back at him is by this community nullifying his attempts to tear us apart.

      My first vote would be for @larry since his theories have kept this community the most active. But I’m also side-voting for @electrichippo and @taysavestheday.

    • #5188

      I also think it should be an active newcomer! I’ll support @brianamatopoeia since she lost out during the loser meet up.

    • #5189

      I’m also 2nd-ing @larry! He’s a great combination of solid theory and joking around, not just one or the other. And he got shafted and needs another chance. Plus, he’s nice to newcomers like me!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Sage.
    • #5190
       Julie R Goldstein

      Putting this out there as a way to vote:

      Only 1 vote per per person is accepted.

    • #5192

      If there’s no consensus I’d suggest either let @lasalle choose or let her choose randomly (each who can go gets assigned a number and use a random number generator online somewhere).

    • #5193

      I’m going to throw my vote out to @nosnevets. He’s been a host on several occasions that have brought our Tension family together and he helped make it possible someone in our community to attend Tension last year who otherwise may not have had the opportunity. I think he’s a good choice.

    • #5194

      @pandace88! Get it gurrrrl!

    • #5196
       Tom Kircher

      I’m not normally that guy, but can I pitch myself?

      My biggest regret from Tension was not being as involved in the ARG when it was going on. I signed up for Indoctrination the moment Bloody-Disgusting posted their first article about Tension on February 8th, but in the time since then I ran into a number of very serious personal and family-related issues (most notably my mother being diagnosed with cancer) that made it impossible for me to keep up. This combined with school meant I had to miss out on the events leading up to Ascension. I want to change this with Lust. I still have yet to receive any emails or calls, and I would be so incredibly grateful for the chance to participate in the focus group.

      With that being said, I appreciate the opportunity to put my hat into the ring, and I appreciate any consideration.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Tom Kircher.
    • #5197
       Madelaine Rain

      Is it bad to nominate ourselves? If not I’m free and I’d love to go. So far I’ve been watching from the sidelines with no calls and no emails. Lust has left me feeling like a lonely girl waiting by the phone on a Friday night. But maybe that’s the point?
      In all seriousness though I’m excited to hear about what’s going to happen from everyone who does go!

    • #5199

      Great idea, @julierei Put it to a poll.

    • #5200
       Alejandra Acosta

      It’s always good to have newcomers, but I find the presence of vets just as important: I vote for @electrichippo, @rizzzoooooo or @taysavestheday

    • #5201

      I thought @electrichippo and @taysavestheday were out?

    • #5202

      Thanks @julierei – Is there a way to add people? If not, let’s keep it on the forums so new people can be nominated. I’m keeping a tally 🙂

      • #5205
         Julie R Goldstein

        @mike – It doesn’t look like there is sadly. I’d say go with what you have, but keep the poll up as a tiebreaker if need be.

    • #5203

      If @brianamatopoeia doesn’t accept the nomination or isn’t available, I’ll happily support any of the active newcomers!

    • #5206

      I’m going with @brianamatopoeia. Alternatively @larry.

    • #5208

      @julierei – Thanks! That’s a great thing to have in our back pocket for next time

    • #5209

      Definitely nominate @brianamatopoeia.

      Takes balls to publically attack me… well it doesn’t but she didn’t know that at the time.

      Also nominate @genghistwan & @meghanmayhem. They both deserve a shot.

    • #5211
       Meghan Mayhem

      @thebuz You’re too kind. Wait, no you’re not. But thank you for the nomination ;D

    • #5212

      Oh also @michelle who predicted this community thunder down under and has been around since Tension.

    • #5213

      @ah-lay sure, but that was Noah’s choice, and based on Buz being active. Otherwise there’s no point in the whole exercise with Julie.

    • #5214

      I second the @michelle nomination. If any OG should have a larger part in the story this year, I hope it’s her.

    • #5215
       Hannah Schenck

      I nominate @brianamatopoeia since she was technically one of the 5 chosen by @thebuz… I’m rooting for ya girl!

    • #5216
       Alejandra Acosta

      Welp, regardless I stick by my nomination ? @coryphella Cristen was also out but was selected back in by Buz

    • #5217

      I nominate myself.
      I’m sure Noah can Skype me in.

    • #5218

    • #5221

      One for @brianamatopoeia to help fix @thebuz’s counting mistake and one for @meghanmayhem because well, I have more than 15 minutes this time. ?

      • #5223

        Not my counting mistake @wanda102! Dude said pick 5 and I did. Then he said “you’re apart of that 5 numb nuts.”

        I swear to god Noah throws shade like Red Fox.

    • #5222

      I’d absolutely love to go. If chosen, I
      Will be there. Thanks so much for thinking of me, guys. It seriously means a lot. ❤❤

    • #5224
       Bryan Bishop

      We’ve seen an interesting thing develop over the past few days, where we’ve seen a diverse cross section of the community get selected because we’re pulling from different groups. That seems to be essential – and has helped calm some of the community discord that Noah has tried to generate.

      In that spirit, I’d like to suggest that the pick be somebody not included in any prior selections (even if they were struck via Noah).

      Much love to @larry, @brianamatopoeia, and everybody else previously named, but the more we spread it around the better. (After that, activity on forums seems to be an essential piece of criteria.)

    • #5225

      I would love to attend via skype? Hahaha ?

    • #5226
       Hannah Schenck

      @bryan you’re absolutely right! I think the initial reaction of betrayal and confusion is justified and understandable, but I am glad to see that everyone is keeping themselves grounded with the community

    • #5227

      Wow thank you so much for nominating me! You guys are amazing. I’m available and would love to go.i also have unfinished business with the OSDM and Noah. Though I’m not so unsure that giving a more new person a chance is a bad thing. Also someone from the “losers” perhaps? @k-w-t maybe? I love you all you glorious sexual wank phesants.

    • #5228

      Thank you @thebuz and @coryphella ?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by M..
    • #5230

      “the more we spread it around the better” @bcbishop amen to that!

    • #5231
       Tom Kircher

      Taking a page out of the @lasalle book.

    • #5232

      @bcbishop I agree that the diversity is key here since we are creating some sort of focus group.
      (Which is also playing right into Noah’s plans… or is it?)
      >Insert dramatic music sting here<

    • #5233

      @creepsociety Noah *does* seem like the Skyping type. 🙂

    • #5234

      Well I mean if Noah is going to be skyping anyone at this meeting it should be @lasalle lol

    • #5235

      @clint-sears enthusiastically votes for @k-w-t by proxy.

    • #5236

      @pandace88 – TRUTH. And I was honestly being sarcastic about nominating myself. 😉

    • #5237

      @russell is the dramatic music sting followed by reverberated “lust!”, a whip sound, and “oh yeah!”?

    • #5238

      I nominate @titacorn!

    • #5239

      @shaun Perhaps, for now. 😉

    • #5240
       Lawrence Meyers

      Very thoughtful of you all and I’m humbled by your kindness. Please save your nomination for the future as I think spreading the wealth is a good idea (and because I’m doing Clovell at 6).

      Plus I’ll have time to develop further bizarre theories based on your experience!

    • #5241

      Yasssss @titacorn ? you finally came to the party!! U have my vote too ?

    • #5242

      I also want to throw some weight towards @pandace88 who’s been super active and involved.

    • #5243
       Tom Kircher

    • #5244
       Martha Acevedo

      WooooOooOoo, @titacorn!! #UnicornsForLust …oh wait, but my vote goes for @pandace88 #yasss

    • #5245
       Tom Kircher

      Also, thanks @macbethinabathtub and @nosnevets — I’m so very grateful for your consideration!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Tom Kircher.
    • #5247
       Martha Acevedo

      @jayfurby wants the vote for @larry but I know he cant go so he needs to you know…VOTE. Possible me, most likely not.

    • #5248

      Seeing that there may be votes being tallied and I’m seeing a few names coming up more than others, I want to throw out a second choice. I also vote for @pandace88. She’s been involved and active. She has a lust (no pun intended) to be involved.

    • #5249
       Alecia Steiner

      I haven’t been vocal but frequently lurking. I want to get in on this and take advantage. <<Tossing my name in.>> 🙂

    • #5250

      Side question in case I missed a story beat:

      How come @lilmsfancpants and/or @bcbishop are not in the running here.. is it because they already had an interaction or are somehow ineligible? Are they already a part of the focus group?

    • #5251
       Lawrence Meyers

      Yes–as far as a vote, I am adhering to a story concept. I can share that when my Email asked what stands in the way of my getting what I desire, I answered “chance”.

      In that spirit, I printed out all the names on the member page who have made at least one post, cut them out, put them in a bowl and had my daughter pick.

      is the name she picked.

      May the odds be ever in your favor.

    • #5252

      @shaun – I don’t think that anyone has nominated them, mostly we seem to be concentrating on people who *haven’t* had many interactions before. My guess is that @bcbishop (see I didn’t tag the shadow that time) will have more interesting adventures to come…

    • #5253

      @shaun, I could be wrong, but I think that falls into the “spread it around” category. Plus this event has been characterized as a focus group for the System and going by the story, @lilmsfancpants and @bcbishop are already in Noah’s pocket. Can we trust they would be impartial?

    • #5254

      Ok got it makes sense thanks.

      And @larry how many names did you have in that bowl??

    • #5255
       Bryan Bishop

      @shaun I don’t want to speak for @lilmsfancpants, but I’m definitely taking my name out of contention for this one. I’m on Team Spread It Around. 🙂

    • #5256

      Just now, Shitty Third Cat jumped up on the table and started throwing everything to the floor. I decided to take advantage of her awfulness. I wrote down everyone’s name who has been nominated and put them on slips of paper on the table, and watched her knock them off one by one until she got bored and ran off, sideways, because that’s how she runs. She left one name on the table, and that’s the person am now wanting to throw my weight behind.

      I would like to add my support to @pandace88

    • #5257

      @bcbishop can you tell me more about this “it” stuff you’re spreading around?

    • #5258

      I’d like to nominate myself, @pandace88 takes all the damn shine and I can’t even get a word edgewise, if you are looking for someone completely “foreign” trying to bust way into the community. You have the perfect specimen right here. Also you guys keep using my poem that I wrote from the heart , does that Count for anything? If it’s not me I want it to be @larry, that fool is dope.

      • #5283
         Lawrence Meyers

        At last! I’ve been called both a fool and dope in the same sentence, and they both were meant in a good way!

        This ARG stuff is dope!

    • #5259
       Bryan Bishop

      You keep it up @mike, I might just decide I do like the new sound effect. 😉

    • #5260
    • #5261

      @coryphella lmfao!!! Please tell me that is really your cat’s name! ?

      the best bf award goes to…?

    • #5262

      @Shaun I’m trusting that Noah will keep his word and call me when he’s ready to see me again. I’ve already been through somewhat of a vetting process with him. Maybe tomorrow’s group is headed down a different path?

    • #5263

      Just now I had to rush outside to sign for a package, and to make sure my browser stayed up to date on the discussion, I set up a dipping bird to click the refresh button every few seconds. Inexplicably the dipping bird was nudged out of position by a passing moth and accidentally printed the names of every single person who has registered on this website. However, my printer being what it is, every page was smeared beyond all recognition– save one: I still vote for @pandace88.

    • #5264

      @macbethinabathtub – A gif NEEDS to be made of that bird refreshing the forums. NEEDS TO HAPPEN

    • #5265


      @macbethinabathtub – A gif NEEDS to be made of that bird refreshing the forums. NEEDS TO HAPPEN

    • #5266
       Tom Kircher

    • #5267

      @pandace88 – her official name is Ygritte, but she doesn’t give a shit about her name, and she’s not mentally well adjusted, especially since we moved, and is afraid of everyone but me, so we renamed her.

    • #5268

      Close to the dipping bird refreshing:

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Shaun.
    • #5270
       Bryan Bishop

      Since it was Saturday today I decided to do some home repairs. I was standing on the edge of my toilet hanging a clock, the porcelain was wet, I slipped, hit my head on the sink, and when I came to I had a revelation. A vision! A picture in my head! A picture of this!

      A picture of me voting for @pandace88!

    • #5271

      @mike Everybody in Hollywood knows @bcbishop is the “it” guy.

    • #5272

      This is heavy @bcbishop

    • #5273

      Heavy? Is there something wrong with the Earth’s gravitational pull.

    • #5274

      @bcbishop why on EARTH would you do that??

    • #5275

      @thebuz I thought he called you “asshat?” I’m starting a new topic of names Noah calls Buz brb.

    • #5276
       Taylor Winters

      I’ll give my vote to @pandace88 as well. She has been active and was a pleasure to meet today!

    • #5277

      With like no time left at all it sure looks like @pandace88!

    • #5278
       Meghan Mayhem

      10oclock! Time to send @pandace88 to the wolves! I mean focus group!

    • #5279
       Lawrence Meyers

      @shaun Is “a fuckload” a number?

      The Mixing Bowl of Chance sits here until the Fates call upon it again….

    • #5280
       Kyle Bown

      My vote goes to @pandace88!

    • #5281
       Brian E

      I see lot’s of people voting for multiple people.

      Loser Club New Comer & @pandace88 another newcomer with super dedication.

      Sinclair industries should just let them both in.

    • #5282

      TIME’S UP

      Thank you to everyone! It looks like @pandace88 is the chosen one for the 10th spot tomorrow.

      and I will let Noah know

    • #5284

      Congratulations @pandace88!

    • #5285

      Also, just so we’re all on the same page. Here’s a spreadsheet I was using to keep track of everyone’s votes. I only counted the person they first said, but kept track of the others in case of a tie. Who doesn’t love a good spreadsheet on a Saturday night?

    • #5286

      A hahahaha @larry I’m happy to assist.

    • #5287

      Good job everyone.
      Goodnight. It’s midnight here.

    • #5288

      I’m proud to be apart of the fantastic minority of people known as The Self Nomination Party. Cheers my brothers and sisters!!

    • #5289

      I like that spreadsheet @mike you should be a scribe!

    • #5290

      @jayfurby – that’s what Noah would do! I think he’d be proud of all of the people that saw something they wanted and then tried to take it!

    • #5292

      Give ’em hell @pandace88

    • #5293

      @k-w-t I’m sure Noah likes cute pugs! That + shameless promotion = you’ll be on his list for sure at some point.

    • #5294

      @pandace88 you got this!❤ Can’t wait to hear what you find out!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Briana.
    • #5296
       Lawrence Meyers

      I think it’s worthwhile to note that this is the most votes I received for anything since I graduated high school and was voted “most likely to become a Chippendale”

    • #5297
       Alecia Steiner

      Congrats @pandace88! Take no prisoners…

    • #5298
       Tom Kircher

      Congratulations @pandace88 and good luck! I hope you get to sin with the utmost perfection tomorrow!

    • #5299

      Holy shit…please excuse my silence for a bit while I have a nervous breakdown (and go watch Urban Death)!

      Seriously, thank you everyone, this was so fucking intense!! I’m so nervous and excited.

    • #5300

      @mistere I have to agree. We’re both eager and willing and ready to step up to the plate. I believe they have my contact info, and if my phone were to ring, I’ll answer the call. I have no expectations or pre-conceived notions of who Noah is, what he or what to expect. I geniusky can’t wait for those attending to report back.

    • #5301
       Twan Intarathuch


      Congrats!!! You have been really helpful and nice to me and I’m so super happy you got picked!

    • #5302

      Oh ha ha, I wasn’t watching my phone. But hurray! I thank you for the vote! Yay!

    • #5305

      Stepped out for the evening to see a man about an axe and missed all the fun. Did run into a handful of Lusties(? Lusters?) though.

      Congrats @pandace88!

    • #5306

      @kevin are you knocking on The Door? We’ll be doing so on the 8th! Can’t wait!

    • #5307
       Hannah Schenck

      I went out tonight and came home to 88 emails from this ???‍♀️ Congrats @pandace88 and I will see you tomorrow!

      If anyone is wanting to meet us before we go to the focus group, I made a post about a pre meet up. It’s extended to anyone! KONY pizza in K Town at 2pm! Goodnight and hope to see you there!!

    • #5311

      Went to sleep and woke up to a winner! Congrats, @pandace88, well deserved!

    • #5312

      Lol, after wallowing in despair yesterday I’m like “Well I’ll just step away for a bit, get a late dinner, pass out….” WAKE UP TO ALL THIS! I’m so sorry for not seeing this sooner (seriously never going to leave again @meghanmayhem). That said, I love that the community banded together to choose and I’m even happier it went to one of the newer members. Being chosen was an amazing experience, especially since I’m very new to this community. I’m overwhelmed by the love and support that has been shown to us newbies. That’s not to say I think it would have been bad if another Tensionee was chosen–but like @russell said, it’s about forming a focus group and it’s amazing to get a variety of perspectives and experiences in this panel. You are all wonderful people and I think all of us newcomers feel fortunate to be welcomed into this crazy, dark, loving, and paranoid family. Congrats @pandace88 (you’ve also been an amazing and supportive member of this family and you deserve this!). I’ll be eagerly awaiting to see what happens tonight 🙂

    • #5314

      @lasalle thank you for your blessing. I do really wish you could have gone but I am certain that you will get another chance!! Especially if the community is given another choice in the future. 🙂 it really is hard to take your eyes away from the forums for even a second. And I couldn’t agree with you more about how wonderful this community is?

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