Mods – As in plural


This topic has 32 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by Taylor Winters.

  • Author
    • #7365

      The Powers That Be honored me greatly when they offered me the role of Mod and Community Liaison. I remain the only one of the latter, but I can’t be online 24/7, so need someone to help with the former.

      I was granted the opportunity to choose a mod that would work with me to make sure things don’t get out of hand. I will remain the only person to speak to when it comes to safety and narrative verification, but there will soon be a second who will help make sure conversations here don’t get out of hand, and someone to manage topics. I would ask that you all remember going forward that this choice was 100% mine. The Powers That Be granted me the choice, and I made it entirely on my own.

      I had three requirements:
      1. Someone who is fair
      2. Someone who can mod on a different schedule than me
      3. Someone who has different friends than I do, who can keep an eye on the pulse of a different section of Lust

      I modded Tension with Melissa. She was a truly amazing mod, and anyone would be lucky to have her. But she and I work the same schedule, and are plugged in with the same people, even though she’s got criteria #1 in spades.

      After careful analysis, I’ve selected another veteran as my mod, to cover the times that I cannot, and to speak and meet with those that I don’t have the ability to very often. Someone who is cold and fair, and can take the hate that the moderator role will inevitably generate when we need to step in. Someone with the wherewithal to do what’s needed. Someone who would kill a man if duty made him do it. With his bare hands. On a creepy couch.

      I sincerely hope that you all show @thebuz the same respect that you’ve shown me as he moves into the position.

    • #7366

      Hell yeah! Congrats @thebuz!

    • #7367

      …there goes the neighborhood.

      what up @thebuz!

    • #7368
       Brad Ruwe

      Excellent choice sir. I’ve only known @thebuz for a short time but he’s quickly become one of my most respected members of the community.

      So does this mean if we spell his name Buzz on the forums they’ll magically change to Buz (with one z)?

    • #7369
       Meghan Mayhem

      Congrats @thebuz. Remember in the trenches that I was always kind to you.

      …right? …hello? Buz?

    • #7371
       Andrew Kasch

      I’m gonna make his life a living Hell. >:)

    • #7372
       Nicole Mae

      @thebuz is an awesome choice!

    • #7373


    • #7374

      *eats popcorn*

    • #7375

      @thebuz thinks he can convince me of anything. How do I trust that guy? Haha!

      OH, WAIT… I already do trust that guy!!!
      Very happy to hear this, all the best to you both @thegilded and @thebuz

    • #7376

      “I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don’t do your job, I’ll shoot you myself.”

      Just kidding. But if you spell my name wrong I will ban you.

      Joking aside I’m honored to have the position and thank you to @thegilded for thinking of me.

      While I won’t be able to verify what’s in game and out of game my door is always open to anyone and any issue happening on the forum. You may not always like the outcome but I will always be extremely fair in my decisions.

      The right choice isn’t always the easiest and I will do my best to mod from that stand point.

    • #7377

      Congrats @thebuz!

      View post on

    • #7379
       Lukas L


    • #7382

      Goodness… we have @thebuz now in charge. Let chaos ensue. ?

      Joking aside… congrats.

    • #7383
       Kimberly Stewart

      Does this mean you have to behave now, @thebuz? If so, life just got that much less interesting around here.

      For reals though, congrats.

    • #7384

      @electrichippo Means YOU gotta behave now! ?

      Thanks @michelle!

    • #7385
       Kimberly Stewart

      But @thebuz, the onus is now on YOU to prove that I’m not perfectly behaved and ever rule following ?

    • #7386
       Kyle Bown

      Thanks @thebuz someone’s gotta keep us in check. while @thegilded sleeps, or eats, or whatever he does when not modding…

    • #7387

      I mostly just wait, unblinking and unmoving until it’s time for me to mod again.

    • #7388
       Andrew Kasch

      Commence “@thebuz is Shadow Noah” theories! 😉

    • #7389
       Meghan Mayhem

      @kasch Been there, done that.

    • #7393

      Congrats Buz!

    • #7394

      Hope I can live up to your mod standards @mkarrett!

    • #7395

      *party noises*

    • #7397
       Brian E

      Excellent choice @thegilded , congratulations @thebuz this will be good for the entire community. Thank you both of you in advance for you’re hard work.


    • #7399


    • #7400

      @theladyj New cover profile pic. Bless you.

    • #7404

      May we always remember the day we got our second dad

    • #7406
       Meghan Mayhem

      @addisonborn Dying. Dead. Deceased.

    • #7407

    • #7408

      Where can I purchase this poster?? I would like to hang it above our bed.

    • #7418
       Brad Ruwe

      I come back from lunch to the greatest movie poster ever. This is a good day.

    • #7593
       Taylor Winters

      Congrats @thebuz; it’s well deserved!

      Looking forward to having you make the forums a safer place for all of us!

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