Mason went live on FB – 11/1

This topic has 54 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Lawrence Meyers.

  • Author
    • #26775

      Mason or “Mason” went live on FB and appeared to throw away his Mason persona.

      The video appears to be gone now, but it featured Mason watching part of the Joyce-Mason-Michelle video with a disinterested look on his face, going to his closet and grabbing an argyle sweater, throwing it in the trash, and then throwing a bunch of Rubik’s cubes away too.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Kevin. Reason: Added video description
    • #26776
       Kyle Bown

      Did he quit Mason? Did he quit the OSDM? Did he quit everything?

      Is this his response to the message, the first painting, earlier today?

      So many questions, so few answers.

    • #26777

      So who is he now? If he was already “real” according to the creators, what’s the next step?

    • #26778
       Meghan Mayhem

      Whoever that man was, he was definitely not Mason. Nor Jack.
      So who is he. Someone with a lot more power than we thought he had? Or just power from a different source than expected? Someone wearing various personas to get responses. Betray Morgan. Rile up Bryan. Pull out Mike’s shadow. etc.

      Hello stranger.

      What’s your name?

    • #26779

      saw the Joyce video with near disinterest. went into the closet, threw away the sweater… threw away a bunch of completed rubik’s cubes (and one incomplete cube, i think). and he smiles at the end?

    • #26780
       Bryan Bishop

      Connecting some dots: if “Mason” was just a role somebody was playing, than it’s quite likely “Joyce” is also just a role somebody is playing. Which could mean HCDI in its entirety was just a fiction. All of OSDM for that matter.

      And wasn’t it Clint Sears that said he thought Mason was real? If so, was Clint misguided… or lying to establish Mason’s legitimacy?

    • #26781
       Meghan Mayhem

      @bcbishop Wasn’t “Mason” referred to by TPTB as a “disgruntled fan”?

      That throws it into a sinister twist, if he’s making his own characters and forcing himself to be part of the “story”.

    • #26783
       Kyle Bown

      Crackpot theory.

      Mason and Joyce were in on it together. They faked her death so she could help him take down the OSDM. She is found out, rejoins the OSDM. The message about answering to someone today was from her, to Mason. A warning, an apology, a breakup. I’m not certain. His response is: “Fuck you, the plan is over. I’m doing it my own way.”

    • #26784

      is the FB recording really gone? looking for confirmation.\

      Edit: N/m. i just saw Kevin’s update.

    • #26785

      @bruinbown dude! that crackpot theory… o.o that’s good

    • #26786

      The song makes me think he just wanted to be free of that Mason part, but maybe he really did want to be free of the OSDM completely. Weird way to quit though.

      If he isn’t out, I think @meghanmayhem (partially because I had the same thought) is on to something about him having more power than we thought. And this video was him unveiling himself to show who he really was, not Jack the assistant, not Mason the Briarberg working, people murdering dude, just whoever that was.

    • #26787

      Considering a few of the things he has pointedly said to me lately, that video gave me chills.

    • #26788
       Kyle Bown

      Crackpot theory #2. Building off @meghan-mayhem. He IS the king. The one behind the scenes running everything. The guy Horace answers to.

      He went out there, pretending to be Jack/Mason in a Henry Gale/Ben Linus Lost type con job. To get close to the enemy (BOS).

      This message was calling him home. Maybe a warning. “While you were out playing, shit went down. Are you sure you’re still in charge?”

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Kyle Bown.
    • #26790
       Meghan Mayhem

      Oh, I’ll play this game.

      Crackpot Theory #1:
      Lies and Truths. Telling a lie so much you start to believe it. Did Mason tell himself he was in charge so much he started to believe it?

      Crackpot Theory #2:
      Split personalities. Whoever we saw tonight was the alpha personality that controls the others. Mason didn’t realize he wasn’t in control. Alpha personality just took over and locked up the Mason personality.

    • #26791

      I feel an urge to tie this back into today’s painting. The symbol we’ve seen many times, the Ouroboros, appears here again. Except this time the snake is dead. The representation of the repetitive cycle, of eternity, is dead and decaying. The song, Mason’s video…he’s breaking free of his role and structure. I see these symbols and videos as him seizing control of his story.

      If he IS the king, as suggested, maybe this is him breaking the cycle and changing the narrative.

    • #26794
       Twan Intarathuch

      This is a very crack pot theory but what if the self consuming cycle is truth consuming lies. The ouroboros is consuming the very lies it creates only to perpetuate itself as the truth.

      For example, Mason’s Briarberg persona isn’t real, but because he was created and exists he ushered in @mike and @nothenrygale very mason-like personas. These friends and their change is very real and it was created by consuming a lie.

      BOS is kind of the same. It was a fake resistance until Morgan picked up the banner of a discarded faction and made a real community out of it.

    • #26795

      My thoughts on Mason. Now that there’s a pattern, Jack>Mason>??, I find myself wondering if this guy isn’t some personality chameleon. Not quite an actor, but someone who spends so much time living as other people that they essentially don’t have their own personality. Like Sabrina/Addison’s helmet situation, but voluntary and much much more dangerous.

    • #26796
       Kyle Bown

      So what we’re left with now is this:

      Briarburg is a lie.
      Jack is a lie.
      Mason is a lie.
      Joyce’s death is a lie.

      So, what is the truth? What is the point? There’s a reason for all of this Briarburg/Mason stuff. What is it? What is the truth hidden in these lies. What are we missing?

      • #26797

        Hypothetically if @russell is correct and Briarberg really doesn’t exist/Mason is just a giant lie/Joyce is alive then that seems to point to all of this being OSDM f*ckery. The point of the “Briarberg” meeting?

        Data, EI, DNA collection….

    • #26799
       Twan Intarathuch

      I’m gonna double down on my theory and say Briarberg is a lie that will become the truth.

    • #26800

      I definitely don’t think he quit anything. He threw away the symbols that we associate with him. “I’m Free” as the song last night could be just that. If he has gone “off script”, I’d like to know who put him on script in the first place. Who put him in the costume? I really don’t think he quit. I think he’s recalibrating. So far, we’ve seen him, presumably, under the thumb of some power that we can’t see. I’m not sure what’s more terrifying and awesome: This power we don’t know controlling someone that intelligent, or him on his own.

      “If he IS the king, as suggested, maybe this is him breaking the cycle and changing the narrative.” I’m not sure yet that I think he’s the king. But if he’s not, I think we are about to see another rebellion of sorts.

      I think my main question is what changed that sparked the shedding of the costume? What has changed since the last time we saw him?

    • #26801

      You guys haven’t seen much of me recently. The last few days, I have been rearranging a few things in my life.

      Gotta admit it freaked me a bit. Please, I do ask… have sympathy for a friend of mine who seems to be wrestling with a few things. I know sympathy and kindness do not come easily to some people around here.

      I choose to have faith in the man I believe he is.

      • #26802

        @mike What’s been going on the last few days? How are you?

      • #26803

        This.. sounds really familiar. Where have I heard this?

      • #26804

        Russell said it. About Mike. Dun dun dun.

      • #26810

        Copy/paste game strong today.

      • #26805

        We’re here for you. Sometimes talking things out helps. Has he opened up to you about specifically what’s going on for him? You can always bounce ideas off of us too.

      • #26807

        “I know sympathy and kindness do not come easily to some people around here.”

        That’s normally a byproduct of being lied to, yes.

    • #26806

      @mike Who do you believe he is?

    • #26808

      I’m not going to say much. Friendships are tricky things. Friends are tricky things. They can surprise you.

      He’s a smart guy.

      I can’t respond to all of the questions. I don’t have answers.

    • #26809

      …..okaaaaaay then.

    • #26811

      More “similarities” to Russell’s message after the whole locked in Mike’s basement incident. (Post:

    • #26812

      @mike it seems like you’re talking about “Mason,” no? That he’s your friend?

    • #26813

      Up until last night, I’ve been wondering if the truth was that Briarberg actually WAS an escape route and Joyce’s death was faked, like @bruinbown said. Maybe all the deaths were faked and Mason was a mole within the OSDM, acting as a “cleaner” when he was really conducting the underground railroad.

      And @mike was used by OSDM as a false flag to discredit Briarberg. Russell says Briarberg isn’t real in order to make us think they’re dangerous or a trick.

      OSDM has been nearly encouraging us to turn Mason (and Noah and even @111error to an extent) into a meme. Make us so familiar with them that we remove their power by framing them in a way that we don’t take them seriously. Mason’s long phone calls talking about nothing seemed odd or creepy out of context, but you know someone’s safe when they’re speaking freely and at length.

      And now, maybe Joyce really is alive, and Mason’s been burned.

    • #26814

      Not So Crackpot Theory…

      Briarberg group is a lie. If Mason is discarding what we are familiar with and associate with him, doesn’t that mean that there is nothing for him but absolute freedom? Anything he has embraced in the past and anything he chooses to embrace in the future is possible.

      Sometimes when you realize people around you are not what they seem, doesn’t that give you permission to act accordingly?

      • #26820

        @russell this is the read I’m leaning towards. So If Briarberg’s a lie…then Mason no longer needs that persona. You imply then, that his behavior last night is reactionary?

      • #26823

        How can you not be inspired by someone feeling freedom to shed shackles and truly be themselves?

      • #26824
         Bryan Bishop

        @russell I can’t help but notice that this sentiment also aligns with what Joyce told me Friday night: “Do you always do what they tell you to?”

      • #26825

        @russell So you think Mason was shedding the shackles of the persona we’ve come to know??

      • #26826

        @russell yes, I find it extraordinarily inspiring. Just as you inspire me by driving toward expanding beyond the preconceived notions many have of you.

        If the people around us are not what they seem, what’s to hold us to remaining what we’ve seemed to be, in turn?

      • #26828

        @wanda102 I can think of a few reasons. Habit, fear, and comfort all come to mind right off the bat.

      • #26829

        @chelsea Very valid reasons for resisting change/one’s true self. And unnerving as it is, perhaps we’re being pushed to break free of all that.

      • #26830

        The path to self-actualization is facing and owning all the ugly truths about yourself. That’s hard as fuck, not to mention terrifying. But that’s 100% where it seems we’re being pushed. Preconceived notions, patterns, our assumptions…they’re all getting thrown out the window. I would say to prepare us for something.

    • #26815

      You have your differences, but he knows you trust him overall.

    • #26816
       Bryan Bishop

      No allegiances. No factions. There is only the self, and where our true nature leads us – as dark a place as that may be.

      Thanks for sharing some wisdom, @russell.

      • #26817

        @bcbishop I’ve been waiting for the factions to all break down. I think we are starting to be shown who people are, and at the end of that little learning exercise, the allegiances will be no more. If you’re right, then this is all about to show us how dark we can really be.

      • #26818
         Bryan Bishop

        @chelsea I tend to find self-proclaimed “darkness” and “edginess” to be nothing more than junior high theatrics. Same with the kind of posturing that comes with tribalization / factions (something we’re seeing on a nationwide scale right now). Any true darkness comes from the self, when the safety net of friends, co-conspirators, and alliances are discarded totally. Who are we really? How far will we go when we think nobody’s watching?

        If that’s where we’re heading — and it’s easy to read the actions of “Mason” and Joyce as direct attempts to disrupt any bonds of trust that exist around here, to that very end — I honestly don’t know if everyone here will be able to handle what’s next.

      • #26821

        @bcbishop Duuuudddeee. I couldn’t agree more. I think we are circling back to the focus on the individual, something I feel like has been pushed at us for a long time. But humans are pack animals. They find comfort in groups. What if the goal is to get us to hate each other? To split and divide until there’s nothing left, except as you say, how far we are willing to go when we think there’s no one we have to answer to?

      • #26822

        Certainly fits. In Tension they saw us declare all but blind allegiance to factions we didn’t even really understand and get aggressive when we felt wronged by our perception of what those factions were.

        Playing with those rabid allegiances could and has lead to… interesting results

      • #26819

        Couldn’t agree more!! It’s like they’re trying to show us that these factions, allegiances, all this is detracting from the real story…which is our personal truth, every one of us. I think we’re all gonna have to face our darknesses to get there- “the only way out is through.”

      • #26834
         Unseen Presence

        It is certainly a possibility.

        If we can take the ouroboros image as having any relevance, we are circling back to the beginning again in SOME fashion. Perhaps it’s to reset and replay in some fashion–but you’re all so cynical at this point (and rightfully so given the video) that such seems unlikely to work.

        But perhaps the circling back is to get us ready for more revelations of chaos. More people turning out to be what they are not.

        Or perhaps the real set-up is to show us that WE are not who we claim to be. Any of us. Our true selves are constantly hidden behind masks, and now it’s time for us to take them off.

        That could certainly be the case. Then ‘anointment’ would potentially be about us choosing OURSELVES as the vessel for the future.

    • #26831

      Just said this on Slack, but it should be here too.

      1 – Anointment / The Midseason Event takes place on the days leading up to a new moon. We’ve been promised darkness, and a new moon is a natural light/dark cycle.

      2 – Mason’s video is basically an exact mirror (just like his closet doors) of the final periscope before Ascension last year titled “Transformation.” Sabrina (then Addison/GK2) with bloody hands and in a bloodstained white dress being put into the shower room with her now signature red dress. Originally Anointment was scheduled for the first week of November; it’d likely have kept the same Thursday-Sunday schedule as we’re looking at now. Maybe this is related. Maybe not. But imo it’s still an interesting parallel worth keeping in mind as we move forward.

      • #26832

        Moon stuff all the way. As pointed out by @wanda102 on Slack…
        8/21 – new moon – darkness – Mason arrives
        Wait for dusk. Wait for Him. His darkness will unshackle us from man’s misguided morality. We will roam free. We will do his bidding.

        Is it worth it to dig in and look at when Mason was his most active? Was he around much during full moons? Did he wax and wane with the moon?

    • #26837
       Lawrence Meyers

      “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
      – Oscar Wilde

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