In-person registration

This topic has 178 replies, 52 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Brian E.

  • Author
    • #11580

      In Person Registration Available.
      Between 12-7

      Whooo!! Glad I’m off that day ???

    • #11583
       Haley Wilde

      I will be there as well! Gonna have to skip a few classes, but that’s okay! haha totally worth it.

    • #11585
       Max Z

      I’m just a little confused by this. We go any time between 12 and 7 to an as-of-yet-undisclosed location downtown, or we should block off that whole chunk of time?

      • #11593
         Haley Wilde

        @maxzumstein I sure hope it’s anytime between 12 and 7 considering I’m going to be driving from Santa Barbara haha

    • #11586

      I’d like to know what are the out-of-towners gonna go? Hopefully there’s an online registration?

    • #11587

      I want to go!!! Very close to the area! Hopefully anyone can go instead of a select few…

    • #11589

      @jared Hoping the same thing as well. I’ll clear my day though. I’m ready for something to finally happen that makes me want to feel invested in this.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by M..
    • #11590

      Hopefully there will be another registration between July 7-11…………… 😉

    • #11591

      @mkarrett I’m pretty sure there will be. It sounded to me like this was just an available option for anyone who’d like to take care of things in person.

      good question

    • #11594

      I can 100% be there. Any time all day.


    • #11595

      Thank goodness I’m off the day!

    • #11596

      I’ll be jobbing, or yobbing. I think the J is silent.

    • #11597
       Max Z

      @haleywilde Yeah I feel ya buddy. I’m coming in from Northridge, but my plan just in case is to get up early and just be in the area from 11. I wouldn’t be shocked if they don’t announce an exact address until the day of or even the moment of, so I want to make sure I’m there early. I don’t know the area well, I’ll probably try to find a coffee shop or something to sit at and refresh my phone manically. Should be a chill morning.

    • #11598

      I’ll email coming in from riverside, just leaving at 11.

    • #11602

      I’m free after 4:45 to hop over there. Pleased they included some “evening hours” for the worker bees.

    • #11603

      I’ll have to leave work, but fortunately I’m only, like, 20 minutes away. Boss will just have to deal.

    • #11604

      Maybe I can convince my iConfidant to go for me?

    • #11606

      Yeeeeesssssss I just have one audition at noon and then I’M THERE!!!!

      I wonder if they will narrow down the time frame at all…

    • #11608

      Oh, how I wish they could allow skype for those of us who are available but unable to physically come in. Alas, have fun everyone. Make sure to let us know what it is you are ever so happily registering for. 🙂

    • #11609

      I’ll look for a spot for all of us to meet at on the day to hang and await what comes next.

    • #11611

      @thebuz ?????

    • #11612
       Brad Ruwe

      Looking at the train schedule down that way, I might try to get into the office early and take a quick lunch and leave around 5-5:30. That should put me down there around 6:00. Depending on what exactly this is and if I need to get there sooner, I may even try leaving earlier. Cause I have the feeling this may take longer than a quick lunch break may allow.

    • #11613

      @thebuz just pick somewhere fun and hang out forever until the rest of us valley kids show up thx.

    • #11617
       Max Z

      @thebuz That’d be super cool, man! Please do! I haven’t gotten an opportunity to meet any of y’all in person yet and I’d love to.

      @clairebuch Break a leg at that audition!

    • #11621

      @maxzumstein Thanks!! Fingers crossed. Not gonna lie though, it’s going to be PRETTY hard to concentrate with this going on the same day hahaha

    • #11627

      Hoping this isn’t at the staples center- from what I can see there are two parks (which seems likely cause I mean… parks right?)
      Grand Hope Park (which is a great name for this) and Toberman Park.
      Anyone else have any thoughts on where it could be (assuming this is all the info they’ll give us)

    • #11628

      Good call on the park. There’s also Pershing Square.

      Here’s a potential meet up spot? Will call tomorrow and confirm they open by Noon.


    • #11637
       Max Z

      @thebuz Seems pretty on-brand! Look forward to it!

      That’d be pretty interesting to have a “registration” be in a park, but then maybe it’s not a registration in the traditional sign-a-piece-of-paper-on-a-clipboard sense of the word. Definitely excited!

    • #11638
       Bryan Bishop

      Clifton’s rules all. That’s the spot if they’re open. Good call @thebuz.

    • #11639
       Hannah Schenck

      I’m with @thebuz, this is when unemployment shines lol I’ll be there!

    • #11640
       Hannah Schenck

      @thebuz Clifton’s is an awesome place, if they’re open I’d say that’s our spot!

    • #11641

      Definitely gonna be there after my classes are done at 3:30. Should be an hour or two on the bus ?

    • #11643

      Also hoping they’ll have some online registration as well!

    • #11653

      I fully support a meetup at Clifton’s!! Would love to meet you all!

    • #11658
       Kevin Hsu

      Clifton’s is closed Mondays ☹️

    • #11682

      Aw man I always wanted to go to Cliftons. Bummer…

    • #11691
       Shannon McGrew

      Here’s what I don’t understand… why make an in-person registration in the middle of the day when those of us who have to work can’t attend? It’s tough for people in the OC to make it. I know I’m not the only one who thinks that, just kind of sucks for those of us who can’t take the time off to go and see what all of this is about.

    • #11695

      @horrordesignchick There are plenty of other people that can make it, and for all we know that time and day was chosen specifically to cut down the numbers. You’ve only been registered for one day, it’s a bit early to start complaining..

      There are people from all over the world here, we won’t all be able to see or do everything, but we’ll all be able to try and figure out what’s happening as the adventure unfolds.

    • #11697


      I couldn’t agree more @111error. Do this on a Saturday and it would be even more of a cluster.

    • #11699

      It would be a mistake, I think, to think that you are going to be able to attend every event and find yourself disappointed when you cannot. As someone with a 9-5 who lives in San Diego, I absolutely understand the pain and frustration but this is only one thing, one step. There’ll be plenty more.

      I’m absolutely certain we’ll each get what’s coming to us.

      • #11702
         Hannah Schenck


        I’m absolutely certain we’ll each get what’s coming to us.

        *Gulps and palms start to sweat*

    • #11700

      Once again, my commute disqualifies me from attending… but maybe @winstonsmith will have better luck.

    • #11704


      *Gulps and palms start to sweat*

      Would you say your knees are weak, palms are sweaty?

      Something something Mom’s spaghetti?

      • #11706
         Hannah Schenck


        Would you say your knees are weak, palms are sweaty?

        Something something Mom’s spaghetti?

        I’m nervous, but on the surface I look like mom’s spaghetti

    • #11705

      I’m absolutely certain that, when it comes to the OSDM, you only get one shot. Do not miss your chance to blow.

      • #11707
         Hannah Schenck


        I’m absolutely certain that, when it comes to the OSDM, you only get one shot. Do not miss your chance to blow.

        So what you’re saying is, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime?

    • #11708

      @shankfx22 @thegilded @thebuz guys please just stop.

      I can only love so much.

    • #11709

      Oh god

    • #11710
       Kyle Bown

      I am not throwing away my… shot.

    • #11712
       Twan Intarathuch

      The Lust Experience… aka white folks rapping

    • #11714
       Brad Ruwe

      This thread RN:

      Darkest Timeline

    • #11715
       Hannah Schenck

      @genghistwan @theladyj

      The Lust Experience… aka white folks rapping

      You know what to do… lol

    • #11716

      I leave for 2 hours and this is what I get.


    • #11717

      OK. If I walk away today with a mixture of Eminem and Hamilton in my head, someone’s gonna die.

      And yes, @horrordesignchick – I am one of those pesky non-Californians who keeps insisting on being as much of a part of this as they will allow, and if I can do it from Minnesota, you can do it.

    • #11718

      @coryphella ditto.

    • #11719
       Hannah Schenck
    • #11720
       Shannon McGrew

      @111error just because I’ve been on the forum for one day doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to voice my opinion. I’ve been following Tension and Lust and I don’t need you to tell me that because I’ve only been here for one day I can’t voice my thoughts. Thanks.

    • #11721

      Hi, friends.

      I love @111error’s call for patience. I also respect @horrordesignchick’s passion and fire. I believe strongly that, if the two of you would like to escalate the conversation, could have a great deal to talk about in private messages.

      Because if we start fighting here I’ll have to shut down the topic and then no one wins.

      Especially not the Eminem fans.

    • #11722
       Shannon McGrew

      @sean agreed. I also would never want to upset the Eminem fans 🙂

    • #11723

      @horrordesignchick I’m not sorry for trying to be polite in response to your bad attitude. You’re not going to find much support for acting entitled here, so you may as well get used to other people voicing their opinions too.

      I’m with @coryphella on this one, Hamilteminem is kinda awful, and I’m still loco enough to choke you to death with a Charleston chew.

    • #11724

      Maybe tone it down.

    • #11725
       Shannon McGrew

      @111error WOW hahaha okay.

    • #11726
       Hannah Schenck

      @thegilded Thank you for suggesting to take this conversation to private message. We will never agree on things, and at times will be at each other’s throats, but this is a large community, and the overall mood is light and happy.

      Also, I don’t want the Eminem vibe to be killed, the streak was getting strong 🙂

    • #11728

      Choices for Monday:

      The Stocking Frame
      Public School 213
      El Cholo


    • #11729

      @thebuz all of those sound lovely. Are we thinking of being there while the seminars/registration are running or after they’ve concluded?

    • #11730

      El Cholo is extremely delicious and they have wonderful margaritas and it’s directly in the center of this whole mess yes please.

    • #11731

      @birdiesrunamok Why not both?

    • #11732
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz I’m personally partial to Public School. But I also don’t know what time I’ll get down there so…

    • #11733
       Haley Wilde

      @thebuz I’m down for anything, but i’m partial to anything that isn’t 21+ for us underage college students haha..

    • #11734
       Meghan Mayhem

      @thebuz I am also partial to El Cholo because I am a stereotype.

    • #11735

      @haleywilde I think those are all people under 21, so we should be good with any of them.

    • #11736

      Touche, @thebuz

    • #11737
       Hannah Schenck

      I just booked a commercial for Monday & Tuesday so I may not be able to make it anymore 🙁

    • #11738
       Max Z

      @shankfx22 Congratulations! I mean that sucks that you won’t be able to attend but booking a commercial, that’s awesome!

      Also, for those meeting up: do we have a solid plan on what time we’re trying to get to wherever we end up meeting? I realize details are sparse on how this registration process is going to go, but is this a “meet-up-after-registration” sorta thang or a “meet-up-before-registration-while-waiting-to-find-out-details-on-where-registration-is” sorta thang? Or something we’re gonna kinda play by ear?

    • #11739
       Hannah Schenck

      @maxzumstein Thank you 🙂 I will meet you guys after!

    • #11740

      @111error – I saw Hamilton on B’way last fall. Thank GOD my husband remembers that (he doesn’t remember anything in November, including the election) because dude I am NOT doing that again. Fucking $400. It’s good, I’m just…not…yeah. And I was so pissed because the night BEFORE I was supposed to see The Grand Paradise, and they had canceled the performance due to technical difficulties. He got Hamilton, I did not get immersive theater.

    • #11741


      Let’s do this:

      We don’t know a ton of details as of yet but we do know between 12 and 7 something is going down.

      So I say we all meet at The Stocking Frame around 11:30am and hang out eat some lunch and drink and stuff until it’s time to do what we need to do.

      Stocking Frame is a restaurant/bar combo so they’ll be fine with underagers and they won’t try and kick us for not ordering food anymore (like El Cholo might since its an actual restaurant.)

      Sound good everyone?

      Stocking Frame around 11:30ish.

    • #11742

      We can figure out the evening plans the day of once we know where specifically we are going.

    • #11743

      @coryphella Only $400 was a nonsensically good bargain when you saw it!

      @thebuz If you’re gonna be there then I am absolutely going to arrive early to relax and enjoy a drink

      at El Cholo.


    • #11744
       Brad Ruwe

      Really hoping whatever goes down happens a few times, cause I won’t be able to get there until 6. SO MUCH EXCITE.

    • #11745

      @nothenrygale same. I will be leaving at 5 and may not get there until 6 or 6:30 because that downtown traffic…

    • #11746
       Andrew Kasch

      First day of my hiatus! Perfect timing!

      And the Escondite is nearby…

    • #11747

      @kasch Have fun at Skid row bar outside of the zipcode.

    • #11754
       Max Z

      @thebuz Everything you just outlined sounds ideal to me! See ya there!

    • #11836

      A clue about online registration for remote participants?


    • #11837
       Lukas L

      @ziegenbartsr I was just thinking the same thing

    • #11911

      I am ready and slay!!! Bitches bring it on!!!

    • #11919

      Further word from Facebook: registration now begins at 12:30 instead of 12, with no mention of a hard end time. Only five participants can undergo registration at any one time, with some potentially taking longer than others. I hope their waiting room is more spacious than Mary-Lynn’s. Still no word on whether we should dress to impress or, like our last processing, dress to undress.

    • #11920

      See you at The Stocking Frame @thebuz and anyone else who shows up! I’ll be there early.

    • #11921
       Max Z

      @macbethinabathtub I’m nervous but excited that it’s open to all and not invite-only! Did I miss word on where it actually is, or can we expect that to be announced last minute for extra excitement?

      Also, all those who were planning to meet at 11:30ish while awaiting word, how does this affect our plans? Since we know it starts relatively early and there will probably be some linewaiting involved, is it maybe wiser to just plan to see eachother there and maybe do something afterward if we feel so inclined?

    • #11922

      So we’re totally going to be meeting Marcos and the other investors or their representatives right?

    • #11923

      So I am hoping there is online registration because I am over here in northidge and I want to slay? I hope it’s for everyone in person and online too

      • #11931

        I’m in Northridge too and I was planning on probably heading down. Know anyone else up in this area? Also, do we still not know where it is or did I miss something?

    • #11924

      It’s an interesting question about Marcos. We’ve had a lot of talk about the foreign Investors, but he only labeled himself as FROM The Lust Experience. Would the actual Investors be making calls to participants and hanging around in an office all day doing in person registration? Marcos and whoever we meet tomorrow are one degree closer to the truth than we’ve been with the Sinclairs, but for now I’m viewing Marcos as being in a similar station as Kristen or Macy. I don’t expect the real power to reveal itself for some time.

    • #11925

      I hope to meet marcos! ♡

    • #11926


      I say we stick to the plan and people can come and go as they please. It’ll be a nice centerfuge for everyone as we figure out when people are allowed to go in and all that jazz.

    • #11927
       Kimberly Stewart

      “Each guest will be processed individually and on their own timetable. Only five people will be allowed in at any given time…”

      Flashback to this:

      OOA Processing

    • #11928

      Apperantly phone registration will be a thing????

    • #11929

      @warrior – yes and I’m so excited about this!!

    • #11930
       Haley Wilde

      I will see you guys at The Stocking Frame at 11:30!! So excited to finally meet you guys

    • #11932

      Excited to hear what goes on in the in-person registration, and really excited for phone registration later on! Have fun for everyone going tomorrow!

    • #11933

      Awesome, it will great to meet more of you! Don’t have to be at work until 5pm so I plan on getting here on the earlier side.

    • #11934
       Haley Wilde

      I’m gonna periscope whatever I can (mostly cause it’s my first in person event and I’m excited to actually use periscope haha) so if anyone wants to follow my day tomorrow my periscope handle is @haleywilde

    • #11935
       Michael Rizzo

      Just thinking, do we have an idea of what exactly this registration is for? I mean of course it’s for Lust, but would we be meeting someone from The System or IConfidant? More pie with Otis even?? The first tension event was consulations for the OOA, but unlike tension we have three seperate entities moving around already. I’d be curious if it could even be a mix?

    • #11936

      @rizzzoooooo We’ve also got the group putting on/investing in The Lust Experience running around. Given the language on the Facebook page, I’m wondering if we’ll be meeting with someone representing that group.

    • #11937
       Michael Rizzo

      @kevin ahhhh yes yes, I hadn’t thought of it like that but I could absolutely see it as an OOG/IG thing. Maybe with a vibe similar to the scare LA event for tension last year…

    • #11938

      See y’all around 5 or so! And I hope there’s still folks hanging after for a beverage.

    • #11939

      How crazy would it be if you just meet with Marcos or other representatives of the Lust experience? Actually signing up to participate in the game and not interacting with any characters or group from within it at all.

    • #11940

      Drive an hour, wait, enter a room, sign a piece of paper, add your email to a mailing list, possibly pay some preemptive money, ‘thanks for your time!’, leave. Drive hour back. Think about life choices.

    • #11941

      @theladyj Exactly! I didn’t do Tension but from what I’ve heard about how things went in the past I think that would be more disorienting than running into some crazy cult or data mining corporation.

    • #11942

      Hope you guys enjoy the meetup thing (if you can call this that)
      Have fun!

    • #11943
       Andrew Kasch

      I have the whole day (and month) off…so I’ll see you guys at the meet up tomorrow!

    • #11944
       Maxwell R

      I’ll be seeing y’all tomorrow!

      If Ruth is there tomorrow my brain may implode. That woman broke me before anything even started.

    • #11945

      @rizzzoooooo, I assumed we were signing up for The System, since Noah’s website says “Live Training Resumes May 1rst”?

    • #11946

      @wanda102, I’ll be there more around 5 too. Let me know if there’s a later hang out?

    • #11947
       Michael Rizzo

      @sfire8 oh wow of course! I totally blanked on that haha brain fart

    • #11949

      Stocking Frame 11:30am, I’ll be there ?

    • #11950

      Hey gang! I definitely don’t want any spoilers from people who register, but I would really appreciate if someone could give an estimate in terms of how long the registration took. I’ll be sneaking out of work at some point hopefully and would love to know if it’s 15 minutes versus an hour and a half… thanks!

    • #11951
       Brad Ruwe

      I’m excited! Should be leaving my office around 5 to hop a train down there and get there around 6.

    • #11952
       Erik Lund

      Would have been nice if it were in the evening, post work.

    • #11957
       Bryan Bishop

      Looking forward to seeing everyone at the meet-up tomorrow! Will be there at noon. Thanks for organizing @thebuz.

    • #11958

      I’m going to try to head out around 3pm tomorrow, work permitting.

    • #11959

      Just registered to register per Facebook’s invitation! I’d be curious to hear if anyone gets bounced back if they request a specific time and slots are capable of filling up. Our first opportunity to take what’s ours!

    • #11960

      Here’s the link to reserve a time for tomorrow’s registration!

    • #11961

      Anybody at 6pm with me?

    • #11963

      Signed up for 1pm!

    • #11965
       Haley Wilde

      I signed up for 1:00pm! I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant at 11:30 and just hang out until then! 🙂 So excited

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Haley Wilde.
    • #11968

      Got a 3:30! Excited to see what happens!

    • #11969

      Will be at the bar before and after registration! Looking forward to seeing folks.

      And let’s please keep spoilers off the forums until end of day.

      or I will make a spoilers thread so those waiting for another day or for a phone call registration can still be surprised.

    • #11970
       Meghan Mayhem

      Anyone else joining me at 5?

    • #11971
       Hannah Schenck

      I have one of the last spots, will anyone be staying at the bar for when we get out of the last time slot?

    • #11972

      @shankfx22 I’m right before you and I’m down to head there after to nightcap with you!

    • #11973
       Brad Ruwe

      Have fun gang, I can’t make any of the remaining available times. My night afterwards is completely open if anyone would like to meet up though.

    • #11974
       Twan Intarathuch

      I just snagged the 4:30 timeslot… See everyone tomorrow!

    • #11975

    • #11976
       Brad Ruwe

      Do you think it’s still worth it for me to come down after work to the bar y’all are meeting at? I’d love to come see everyone again but I worry for spoilers for my phone registration.

    • #11977
       Alecia Steiner

      Heartbroken I didn’t see this in time… 🙁

    • #11978
       Max Z

      So weird, I get notifications every time Lust posts something on Facebook but for some reason didn’t get a notice for the Eventbrite link! I got in there in time to get a 2:30 registration time, thankfully. I’ll see you all at the restaurant place around 11:30. I’ll be the big guy with big hair and probly a red button-up.

    • #11979


      Due to the overwhelming response, we will open up more spaces tomorrow at 11:00am.

      In Person Registration. Address will appear on the official Lust Facebook page at 12:15pm. Please be in the zip code 90015.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jackie.
    • #11980
       Max Z

      @steiner2 They just added some slots for 11am according to the Facebook. Hope this notification gets to you in time!

    • #11982
       Max Z

      By voluntarily entering LUST upon my own free will, I confirm and acknowledge that:
      I have been advised and acknowledge that LUST may contain graphic scenes of simulated horror, adult sexual content, language, performance driven fear tactics that include darkness, fog, strobe light effects, strong odors, physical contact, and crawling are an integral part of the experience of the LUST.

      Just noticed this part of the standard legal fine print stuff on the Eventbrite email. Hope it’s a promise!

    • #11983

      In it for the adult sexual content, fear and fog.

    • #11984

      Have fun tomorrow. Although the FB says more times were added, the earliest time on the eventbrite link still shows 12:30pm. I am debating whether or not I should go to the meetup tomorrow due to concerns about spoilers.

    • #11985
       Brad Ruwe

      Yeah, only times I can do tomorrow would be 6 or later. We got a big project launching soon and while I could leave a little early if I take a quick lunch, I can’t be out of the office for an undetermined amount of time mid-day. If anyone from this world NEEDS to see me tomorrow, let me know and I’ll make it down there in the evening. It just doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me though.

    • #11986
       Hannah Schenck

      @maxzumstein That’s all normal stuff 😉

    • #11987
       Hannah Schenck

      @birdiesrunamok From how I read it, they would be adding more time slots tomorrow at 11am. So tomorrow they will open up slots for various times I’m sure

    • #11990

      @shankfx22 That was what Brad told me but, honestly, I am not sure if I’ll even get access to the slots tomorrow depending on how work goes. Oh well. We’ll see.

    • #11994

      What was the registration for accession like??
      I’m guessing that was in person as well?

    • #11995

      No, those were tickets purchased online, like for a theatrical production. Not like this, it wasn’t “registration.”

    • #12005

      I just realized Noah’s seminar is also today!
      Or is “registration” the seminar?

    • #12017

      I’ll see you guys at 5PM

    • #12021

      Yo doods

      View post on

      Please take note that there will be organized rallies and protests in Downtown Los Angeles today for May Day. It’s probably advisable to give yourself extra time for traffic and parking….where ever the heck we’re actually going to.

    • #12023

      I can make suggestion is take metro redline save parking headache. Wish I could be there today

    • #12024
       Julie R Goldstein

      New slots are up. Just snagged a 6:30pm slot.

    • #12025
       Hannah Schenck

      6:30pm is already sold out again lol

    • #12026
       Brad Ruwe

      @shankfx22 My bad, I think I snatched up the last 6:30 time.

    • #12027
       Michael Rizzo

      I’ll be there 4pm ???

    • #12028

      Yes! Just got a 6pm slot.

    • #12030
       Hannah Schenck

      @nothenrygale it’s okay I have a 6:30 slot but I may not make it. I was hoping they would extend later lol

    • #12031
       Brad Ruwe

      @shankfx22 I was hoping for that too, but it is what it is.

    • #12032

      DTLA is completely gridlocked thanks to the various protests in the area. Give yourself lots of time!!! Im currently stuck in a long line of cars on my way to The Stocking Frame. Haven’t moved for almost 10 minutes!!

    • #12034
       Brad Ruwe

      Def hope the location is near-ish one of the metro stations down there, either red or blue lines. Sounds like that’ll be the best way to get down there today!

    • #12035
       Max Z

      Google Maps is telling me that The Stocking Frame doesn’t open until 5 today…is this in error, or possibly a result of the May Day protests? Anyone else seeing this?

    • #12036

      My Suggestion is take red line and blue line it will save a lot of headache good luck guys

    • #12037

      Stocking Frame is open, @sirhuxleywiseass and I are here.

    • #12038

      Parking at 9th and Olive. 10 bucks all day.

    • #12042

      See some of you at 3:30!!!

    • #12045
       Alecia Steiner

      I’m so excited…got in at 6:30p!! How long are you guys going to be at the Stocking Frame? If I get down there early enough, maybe I can come by.

    • #12052

      A bunch of us are at Stocking Frame on Hill Street downtown discussing events. Come here after if you need a drink or food after!

    • #12057
       Brad Ruwe

      FB just shared they are running 15 minutes behind to account for protests and traffic.

    • #12058

      What is happening!?

    • #12059
       Meghan Mayhem

      @jay956 NDAs, so it seems.

    • #12060

      I haven’t heard of any formal NDA’s just yet, but I am informally requesting spoiler avoiding until it’s over.

      Currently, people are being registered, whatever that means. At least a number of them have already finished, and the process will continue until approx 7pm tonight as far as I can tell

    • #12061
       Brad Ruwe

      Keep in mind they are running behind, so it will be running until at least 7:15 with the 15 minute delay.

    • #12062

      Correct, @thegilded, there is nothing specifically stopping any of us from sharing what we experienced, we were not asked to wait like people were during the first iConfidant calls. But, similar to not sharing experiences during Ascension while the show was still running, it would definitely lessen today’s experience if someone on here were to read about the events before attending. I have my account written up and will post it around 6:30.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Chris.
    • #12064
       Brad Ruwe

      @macbethinabathtub Might want to hold off until 6:45, as it looks like that’s when the final group will be going in tonight (due to the 15 minute delay)

    • #12065
       Brian E

      Oddly no NDA, no one told me not to talk about it, ans no embargo. I feel this was a personal experience and it ultimately a positive one. I’m making a choice to not share my experience details at this time.

      I came dressed professionally, answered honestly and was truthful with anything asked.


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