Macy's Hunt – 6/30

This topic has 111 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Sage.

  • Author
    • #18426

      Facebook live RIGHT NOW

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Sean. Reason: Merged topics and renamed
    • #18427

      Anyone that’s close to Echo Park needs to go right now.

    • #18428

      Welp, I’d LOVE to go now but I’m at work. Someone please periscope it for me!

    • #18429
       Meghan Mayhem

      Be that virus, Macy.

    • #18430
       Meghan Mayhem

      There’s a few headed there right now, but that’s the Echo Park Lake.

    • #18435

      @kortneydarling Here, for your cards:

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Cara.
    • #18439

      Hannah is Periscoping her travels as she and others recover the notes. Link here:

    • #18440
       Brian E

      Good luck everyone, way to go @111error suggesting everyone wait till a bunch of you are together, if you’re close you still have time.

      Echo Lake Park, the area is really large.

    • #18443

      Everyone was waiting until there were a few more people there before unveiling the notes. Periscope for that is here

    • #18444
       Lauren Bello

      They’re answers to the questions posed in “Burning Questions”.

    • #18445

      Macy met with them at a park. Told them: “Inside the pyramid of illumination, look for the torch of knowledge”

    • #18446
       Lauren Bello

      The answer to the question “Why did Sarah take those pictures of Taylor?” included a YouTube link:

    • #18447

      holy shit that’s scary, @daela.

    • #18448

      And the gang is on their way to the LA Central Library.

      The Occult Symbolism of the Los Angeles Central Library

    • #18449


    • #18450

      @daela So, we shouldn’t trust any video streams claiming to be from @taysavestheday… got it.

    • #18451

      So essentially, they could make Taylor look like he was saying or doing anything they wanted. They’d just need a video of him to manipulate.

      Jeez that’s creepy.

    • #18452
       Bryan Bishop

      Picking up a thread from Slack: That YouTube link + Sarah taking pictures of @taysavestheday points to the possibility of us not knowing if we’re talking to the real @taysavestheday or a doppleganger. Even now. :-\


    • #18453
       Lauren Bello


      Q1: Who Is Horace?

      Despite our best efforts, Horace appears to be completely untraceable. The only 2 things we really know about him is that all known entities seem to report to him, and he is Noah Sinclair’s father, thus making the story on Noah’s website quite suspect.

      Insiders have been able to confirm no other details other than the fact that bloodlines appear very important to the hierarchy of their power structure.

      (LB note: This is the story from Noah’s website – “At 22, I convinced my father’s board to remove him as CEO and instate me. When he was removed from the building, he stopped, shook my hand and told me he was proud of me. It was the best gift he could have given me as it solidified that he was entirely too weak to be an effective leader.”)

      Q2: Why Did Sarah Take Photos of Taylor at the OC Meet Up?

      Sarah Sinclair stated to Taylor himself that she planned to use the several photos she took as possible leverage because for the first time she felt vulnerable around someone.

      As far as exactly how she planned to use IT and his photos we can only imagine:

      We find it highly curious that after learning what we did about Horace and his intentions for Sarah that he is now targeting Taylor to be “less emotional”.

      Q3: Was Macy Really Driving The Car During Brian’s Hijack?

      Sarah Sinclair’s plans for Brian are still unclear at this time but she does appear to have taken a keen interest in him and looks to be planning something outside of their norm. As for whether Macy was driving the car, please ask her yourself.

    • #18454

      Also, we didn’t ask her, but she wasn’t Brian’s driver. Right @mistere?

    • #18455


      It’s Always Sunny in Lust

    • #18456
       Taylor Winters

      @bcbishop maybe that’s why he… I mean I didn’t make it to any recent meet-ups.

    • #18458


    • #18459
       Bryan Bishop

      @taysavestheday JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA

    • #18460
       Taylor Winters

      And especially don’t trust any videos from @taysavestheday taking shots for #caps.

    • #18462

      Is this what they’re going to be looking for?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Evan.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Sean. Reason: Fixed link
    • #18463

      They’ve arrived, periscope to come.

    • #18469

      they met Sarah at the Library, and with a promise before the weekend is out, we’ll know which one of us isn’t who we promise to be…Now they’re going to the Escondite on Boyd, to ask for a whisky neat. ADVENTURES AFOOT.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jackie.
    • #18473

      Aw Escondite on Boyd


    • #18481

      This is all so amazing. I miss those days of that rush!! Good luck to you all out there, some of us are stuck in making money.

    • #18483

      Merged topics and renamed. Use this for overall adventure posts please

    • #18484
    • #18485

      Meghan’s periscope at the Escondite –

    • #18486

      Looks like the gang just received a Gmail account username and password.

    • #18487

      And now they’re going to the warehouse… where it all began, and supposedly ended.

      • #18490

        Good luck to all those on their way to the warehouse! Don’t die.

    • #18488

      Is it just me or does it seem really strange that we’re getting answers to ALL our questions? Everyone’s been so hush hush up until now, and suddenly, INFO DUMP

    • #18489
       Lawrence Meyers

      Email copy via Morgan:

    • #18491

      @izryn It’s almost like the questions that we were asking were completely inconsequential…

    • #18492
       Bryan Bishop

      Fuck me. This is amazing. Congrats to those going on today’s adventure, and thank you for documenting it for the rest of us!!

    • #18493

      I’m trying to wrap and follow along and it is both exhilarating and completely and utterly frustrating!

      But this is all fucking incredible.

    • #18494

      “supposedly” ended- dang!!!

    • #18495

      Well, hell yeah!

    • #18496
    • #18497

      Who ever periscopes next please for the love of god have better cell reception!

    • #18498

      Whiskies, bill, the gang gets a quick lunch, unlocks a Gmail account, (IT is Stacy’s progaming, noah likes Egyptian shit, safe to say maybe he designed the Lust website maybe? Or had an initial say in the design) and goes back to the warehouse, possible 30 minute ETA (413pm).

    • #18499

      YES! YES! YES! Finally some more ASiP jokes! <3 <3 <3

    • #18500

      Transcription from the emails image:

      Noah Sinclair realized that Stacey’s stolen code, referred to as “IT” was being rolled out in a beta phase. This beta phase included the unintentional appearance of “shadow” profiles that several forum members referred to and that Stacey brought up in the iConfiadant meeting.

      Noah hoped that making this knowledge public would make his wife, Sarah Sinclair who, at the time appeared to be trying to control him and his antics of excessive drinking and debauchery, back down.

      The AI song that Noah posted was another warning to all parties that he had direct knowledge that The Investors were firing the original creators because they believed their modifications to the IT code could potentially replace some of their duties when controlled or contrived scenarios needed to be created.

      Their future plans for this modified code are still unknown at this time.

      Noah appears drawn to several esoteric Egyptian items and seems to hold them in almost a ritualistic regard. The reason for this is still unclear.

      For the next step go to the place where it all began and supposedly ended…


      (cc: @lustbackup)

    • #18501
       Julie R Goldstein



    • #18502

      Thanks to everyone for the updates! Trying to catch up now I’m home from work – this is nuts! Don’t have anything to contribute but I am watching… Kinda… Never silent guys

    • #18503

      This is quite surprising that you all are heading back to the warehouse that was “supposedly” vacated due to losing the lease. I wonder who actually owns the lease on that building? Might make some sense on how DLB and Gordon were able to get such a large warehouse for last years schenanagins.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by KINGKILL33.
    • #18504

      Lust was not kidding, from the FB post “Be prepared.”
      This madness has been going on since 1pm, @111error is out considerable parking monies, and the gang is getting a tour!

    • #18506

      We need to pick up on more of those song Easter Eggs (fantastic catch on Sara Smile, @thebuz). They did the exact same thing to me at Lock and Key. I was a visual cue for a soundtrack to start. I thought I was crazy at the time, but now I’m sure. It’s just about adding texture as opposed to unlocking actual secrets most likely, but I’m SO about this. LUSTLUSTLUST!

    • #18507
       Brian E

      @lilmsfancpants You’re correct, when I met up with Sarah Sinclair in the park , the women who drove us was a young black women in stylish attire. She seems like an assistant to Sarah, and was having trouble following the route on her phone to get to the destination. Sarah didn’t speak to me in the car, just took my phone and made me turn it off. (Thus missing the phone call from Stacy asking why I wasn’t there, and she’ll be leaving soon).

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Brian E.
      • #18524
         Brian E

        I’d love more information on Jenna, @kasch please fill us in later who she is, was that the women you met in the library in the hooded cloak?

        So it sounds to me, that Stacy, Macy and Jenna, copied the all the data that the OSDM has. Basically taking the concepts and ideas of the BOS from tension, but making it real, creating the real resistance “Triumph of Civilization” TOC

    • #18509
       Bryan Bishop

      Just posted to Lust IG (apologies if this has already been posted – I’m on mobile atm).

      A missing clue. You found her before you found this. #MyChild

      A post shared by The Lust Experience (@thelustexperience) on

    • #18510
       Lauren Bello

      Was Jenna the hooded girl?? Or when they say “You found her before you found this,” do they just mean that they found Macy before they found the note?

      Probably the latter, now that I’m thinking about it.

      But if so, how has she “resurfaced”?

      ? Was that Jenna at the library?

      Also, “#mychild”. Presumably confirmation that Stacey and her…child…have been behind all these disclosures?

    • #18511
    • #18512

      Anyone wanna give background on Jenna for those who weren’t around for early Tension? My knowledge is limited…

    • #18514
       Julie R Goldstein

      Resistance? Really? Does Stacey really think Anoch’s rise can be resisted?


    • #18515

      Spurned and betrayed women, vengeful like The Furies of old. If its girl-power-hour, will Sarah be the leader?

    • #18516
       Brian E

      Hannah’s periscope of the conclusion…

    • #18517

      Really hoping this movement is the one we can trust. Stacey is the only one that seems to be genuinely good, so I’m rooting for this to work.

    • #18518

      Stacey met the group at the warehouse. Told them that the virus was going to get even bigger and that she, Macy, and Jenna are all part of a resistance. @meghanmayhem is going to meet their leader on Sunday. And, @kasch, @meghanmayhem, @sfire8, and @111error are all superheroes!

    • #18519

      No more going along with their lies. The OSDM and their secrets will be brought down by the resistance. Let’s do this!

      Congrats to @meghanmayhem for securing Sunday’s spot!

    • #18520

      As much as I really like Stacey, and this resistance, it seems like the one’s who are genuinely good or innocent get used and thrown away the fastest.

      I mean Sabrina started out as an innocent girl who just wanted to be an actress, then the OSDM got their claws into her, and now look at her.

    • #18521

      We’re way too giddy about this idea of the resistance being real, @meghanmayhem’s probably going to end up meeting with another Sabrina personality.

      Let’s hope that this resistance is actually real. And if it’s not? We make it real.

      Fuck the OSDM. Fuck Anoch. Fuck yer cult.

      Long live the resistance.

    • #18522


      But I also want to know who the head of this resistance is on Sunday.

      We have no idea what to expect here.

      I’ve liked Stacey for quite some time here, and she definitely seems to be the only person with good intentions. However she has also proven to be easily manipulated (Kristen). So… who we see on Sunday is going to show us where our allegiances lay.

      Also… This will weed out the spy… and I have a feeling it isn’t going to be pretty.

    • #18523

      Is it so crazy to think Sabrina *could* be the head of the resistance?

    • #18525
       Lauren Bello

      I’m guessing the leader of the resistance HAS to be the leak that Dark2Light referred to.

      “Which one of us is not who they seem to be? According to Dark2Light?
      One of you will surely find out before the weekend is over.”

      Is the leader…one of us?

    • #18526

      I’m guessing the leader of the resistance HAS to be the leak that Dark2Light referred to.

      One of us?

      I don’t think so because the leaks seem to be on the side of the RESISTANCE and why would they reveal to the OSDM they had a plant inside?

      It was them trying to help us and let us know that one of us isn’t what we seem to be.

      At least those are my deductions.

    • #18527
       Winston Smith

      @kipsie What you said. If they’re legit, we’ll soon see. If they’re just another bunch of BOS amateurs, that will also be soon apparent.

      • #18529
         Winston Smith

        Professionals would never rely on just a single plant. It’s too high risk, too easy to get burned. You send in multiple plants, so when the “easy” one gets burned, everyone relaxes thinking they found the mole.

    • #18528
       Lauren Bello

      The Resistance is telling us that ONE of us will know who the leak is before the weekend is out. Presumably that’s Meghan. But all that said, she may not tell us…or may not tell the OSDM. I think the secret’s definitely coming out either way, the question is who will have access to the answer.

    • #18530

      Posted by the resistance to Lust fb 10 minutes ago:

      Before we give the OSDM back its toys our leader has a quick message to EVERYONE out there watching right now

      Don’t you dare say we are back when we never fucking left!

      You like music? Well how about we drop this one on the way out the door


    • #18531

      Let’s look at the evidence, because either @daela or @thebuz is correct. Who apart from @dark2light has explicitly mentioned a possible leak before today? Whoever brought up the possibility of the leak is the one who stands to be harmed by it. Either the OSDM wanted the leak rooted out of its system or the resistance wanted us to be aware of the leak as another piece of evidence showing the treacherous ways of the OSDM. Let’s look back in the feed.

    • #18532
       Bryan Bishop

      A wanna-be tech CEO that was never straight with us shows up and is supposed to be the conduit to a virtuous new resistance? Calling upon allies of Noah and those skeptical of Joyce to join her ranks?

      Convenient – for the OSDM, that is. Drawing more people into its Experience through good old fashioned manipulation.

      Watch your backs friends. Don’t count on anyone being who they seem.

    • #18533
       Andrew K

      Not sure to trust the BOS or trust the OSDM. Trust no one unless they’ve proven otherwise.

    • #18535

      While I may not have many constructive points to add to this, I’d like to say that if ever there were an event or “happening” to draw some of the older players back into the game, THIS WAS IT. Awesome hunt, exciting clues, and overall very entertaining to follow. Thank you for this, whoever organized it. I know I definitely feel even more intrigued because of it, and I’m really looking forward to any and all in-person events that this may lead to.
      Now please excuse me while I read through the 1,000 comments and conjectures that have certainly beat me here. Cheers!

    • #18536

      @anakindrew Trust no one and resist.

    • #18537
       Bryan Bishop

      So does this mean we’re not getting info on the other six tiers, @thecontroller?

    • #18538
       Brad Ruwe


      Just caught up on today’s events. Absolutely CANNOT wait to see how Sunday plays out. Stoked that @meghanmayhem is going to be meeting. Let’s cause some chaos shall we?

    • #18539
       Andrew K

      I’ve been away all month and haven’t had time to really be engaged as much as I want to, and am a bit behind on a few of the characters. But, holy shit was this the thing that dragged me back in.

      Welcome back, LUST, I’ve missed you.

    • #18542
       Andrew K

      I have a rebel alliance tattoo on my shoulder, so I guess I’m a little predisposed to be drawn into something like the BOS, or any resistance against a large, corrupt corporate/shady entity.

      BUT, I’m also very selective with whom I trust and tend to analyze a full situation before jumping into it. I am eagerly awaiting to see what will happen to @meghanmayhem on Sunday.

    • #18545

      I still have a bad taste in my mouth of BOS from last year for numerous reasons, but I am willing to give it a chance IF it is different than last year. If not, I’ll never join.

      A rename would be nice for starters.

      -No more withholding information.
      -No going after individual participants
      -No using real life friendship to steal IG items.
      -Just be fucking nice to other people.

      At the end of the day, BOS had a “the ends justify the means” attitude and it just did not sit right with me, even though I fully recognize I’m guilty of it too. But I’m doing my best to change… can BOS?

    • #18548

      Well @joycecarlberg, I think I do know someone who’s been copying your tactics.

    • #18551

      I am with @thebuz. This did not go well last time. Friendships were sacrificed in the name of the game.
      I will not stand by and watch meanness. If we are back to Survivor, I’m changing the channel.

    • #18552
       Nicole Mae

      HOLY SHIT I JUST CHECKED BACK IN. answers to Burning Questions!??? So stoked

    • #18554

      It’s very possible that this is the BOS in name only. We have Stacey and Macy now. They were victims, now they’re truth tellers. MAYBE some old BOS members are still around, but I doubt Sentinal is who Meghan is meeting Sunday. BOS has brand recognition. A once sullied brand under new management. Come on in and try our new recipe!

    • #18558

      Just a reminder that at the pile of bodies also known as The End, London May who played Sentinel was not there, like very specifically not present.

      Talking to him at the book release party, he made that VERY clear that the dead Sentinel was not him.

      Might just be a “we don’t have anything else to talk about at the moment” thing, might be some breadcrumbs. Just throwing it out there.

    • #18559
       Lauren Bello

      @macbethinabathtub I think you’re right – while this new resistance may recruit those with a history of resisting in the past, they aren’t really the same entity. What was fake has become real. The new resistance’s approach so far is completely different. Old Sentinel was insane, seemed driven mostly by being anti-establishment, and shared very little helpful information and answered few questions. Stacey and Jenna understand what they’re up against, are motivated to avenge past wrongs, and are full of helpful information that they’re completely willing to share. Last year’s iteration was a distraction; this year’s is the real deal.

    • #18560

      Doh! Not intentional to leave out Hannah from my earlier post! @kasch, @meghanmayhem, @sfire8, @111error, and @shankfx22 all kick ass!

    • #18566
       Meghan Mayhem

      I’m finally in a stationary place and not sitting in an ocean of traffic and now I can say…FUCK! I’m glad I decided to toss on some eyebrows and join the already-in-progress adventure train today.

      This whole day has been exhilarating and the coordination was so impressive.

      That said, I have no. fucking. idea what it is I’m walking into on Sunday but I am thrilled to be a part of it.

      I’ve made no secret of my admiration for Noah, and if he chooses to break free again and join the resistance I will be ecstatic to see him again, but I have been shouting for a movement of chaos and fucking up the system since the day that monster Horace called and tried to threaten me and told me what he likes to do to “toughen up” little boys.

      I will gladly take part in being a virus that destroys those that try to control us.

      7/2, here I come.

    • #18571
       Andrew Kasch

      Fuck, what a day!

      I’d love more information on Jenna, @kasch please fill us in later who she is, was that the women you met in the library in the hooded cloak?

      So it sounds to me, that Stacy, Macy and Jenna, copied the all the data that the OSDM has. Basically taking the concepts and ideas of the BOS from tension, but making it real, creating the real resistance “Triumph of Civilization” TOC

      I didn’t recognize Jenna since she was deeply incognito. Looked totally different, like a street junkie or a runaway. Too bad the note wasn’t found before…I would’ve instantly put it together and tried to engage with her. But she smiled at me in recognition.

      I’m deeply relieved she’s alive.

      Her reappearance changes everything for me. She’s been the one I’ve trusted since the beginning so where she goes, I go.

      Here’s hoping TOC is more tolerable the BOS, a group I really had no patience for (@thebuz hit the nail on the head in regards to what happened last year with them). But with these 3 women behind the Resistence, can’t wait to see what happens. Good luck to @meghanmayhem this Sunday!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #18579
       Kevin Hsu

      Amazing hunt! The TOC are up against a powerful force and it may be dangerous to side with them, but if they fight for truth and justice then I am willing to stand by them!

    • #18584
       Hannah Schenck

      What. A. Day. I must say, today’s dead drop took the cake as it lead on quite the adventure. Everything was exciting, unnerving, exhilarating, and


      What was fake has become real. The new resistance’s approach so far is completely different. Old Sentinel was insane, seemed driven mostly by being anti-establishment, and shared very little helpful information and answered few questions. Stacey and Jenna understand what they’re up against, are motivated to avenge past wrongs, and are full of helpful information that they’re completely willing to share. Last year’s iteration was a distraction; this year’s is the real deal

      I’m hopeful that this will be what is going to reveal itself as The Triumphant Civilization. I don’t have experience with the BOS as I was not a part of Tension, only the show and The End, but if this new version is everything that it seems it will be, I can say that I will be on board. I’ve always been one for sticking up for others who have been wronged and deserve justice. It’s been clear that I approach with caution and don’t jump in fully without proof of trust, so if this plays out to be a better and more honest version of BOS, then I will be all for it.

      Will chime in later once I get through all of the threads and comments. Meanwhile, here are two of the three papers planted by Macy in Echo Park (@goldtongue has the last one I believe) and also the paper that Jenna gave to us at The Library.
      Only One

    • #18585

      I’d recommend @meghanmayhem ask whomever she meets on Sunday about what Dark2Light said about one of us being not what they seem, then?

    • #18586
       Andrew Kasch

      I would wager the leader of the Resistance is in our ranks, @wanda102

    • #18587

      @kasch won’t that be embarrassing.

    • #18588
       Twan Intarathuch


      Thanks for the post!

    • #18589
       Twan Intarathuch



      That would be the best twist ever.

    • #18592

      It’s amazing thinking that what they meant as ‘ ONE of us is not who we seem’, and we thought that meant #teamAnoch.

      I love the twist that instead it was a sleeper cell, #TeamToC…(I get it, Toc, like the Tic,Toc, of a clock)

    • #18603

      Wow, what a day! So that was my first in person experience and it was such a rush and completely thrilling! Everything has already been covered, but I wanted to say how impressed I was that our “burning questions” were taken seriously and answered (in a way that didnt spoil anything. I’ve been a big questioner and it was seriously cool to do that for us and showed a lot of respect for us players. And each one was revealed in such a clever well planned way.

      I also enjoyed meeting the three women. They were all very different, like a dark version of Charlie’s Angels! Macy was the sad, innocent blonde, Jenna was the dark bad ass, and Stacey was the tell it like it is Jersey girl! I can see them striking the Angel pose!

      I think we probably missed the Jenna clue hidden in the torch?? But we were already up the stairs and could not NOT notice her first!

      But my favorite part was standing in a circle in a pile of trash eating fried pickles out of a take out container on the sketchiest street in LA.

      Thanks all, that was a blast!

    • #18604
       Meghan Mayhem

      @sfire8 It was a pleasure traversing the city and eating pickles with you today!

    • #18605

      @meghanmayhem, aww, same! Excited for you and can’t wait until Sunday!!

    • #18457
       Lawrence Meyers


      info on the library design and the torch:

      Also: the architect designed a number of buildings and images for secret societies, like Yale’s Skull and Bones and so on.

    • #18461

      This is some straight up DaVinci Code nonsense and I love it.

    • #18466
       Lawrence Meyers

      It won’t be nonsense when they yank your heart out of your chest whilst still beating.

    • #18467

      Hannah’s Periscope at the library:

    • #18468

      They’re off to the “spanish hideaway” on Boyd, aka the Escondite.

    • #18471
       Lauren Bello

      Periscope: A hooded figure met them at the library. “Trying to decide who to believe? Remember the ones who provided what you are looking for.” Whispered a clue in Sage’s ear (“Go to the Spanish hiding place on Boyd Street and ask for a whiskey neat”), and slipped her a piece of paper:

      “Q4: Which one of us is not who they seem to be? According to Dark2Light?

      One of you will surely find out before the weekend is over.”

    • #18472
       Julie R Goldstein

      FYI guys: Escondite means “Hiding Place” in Spanish.

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