Hostess in Black Leaks

This topic has 153 replies, 33 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by Lawrence Meyers.

  • Author
    • #21606

      The Hostess with the mostess is tweeting a storm.

      This recalls the phone call I got possibly referring to a promise someone made to Noah.

    • #21608

      Ah, I just love the smell of succulents in the afternoon…

    • #21612
       Winston Smith

      Oh god, is it me? I hope it’s not me.

    • #21636
    • #21643
    • #21645
    • #21648

      Moved @kipsie posts here.

      Twitter leaks and discussion moved here.

      Friendly reminder to not just discuss in Slack.

    • #21650
       Andrew Kasch

      So basically every social media account from any actor who was in Tension is now suspect. Wow.

    • #21652
    • #21654
       Brad Ruwe

      Something tells me that retreat might include some time with a certain helmet.

    • #21655
       Michael Rizzo

      (Moving OG post here)
      “48 hour retreat”?? Sususususus

    • #21656
    • #21657

      Why post any of this if innocent people are going to be shafted?

    • #21658
       Kyle Bown

      Always in favor of the sexual acts… but genetic testing?

      Are they breeding or something? Eugenics? WTF?

    • #21659

      Can someone clarify who is Hostess in Black, for us sitting in the back of the class room?

    • #21660

      They’re performing non-simulated sexual acts? And this genetic testing stuff is pretty sus… are they looking for a “vessel?”

    • #21661

      @bruinbown Could the genetic testing be linked to an earlier Horace conversation about birthing babes a few months ago? I vaguely recall at one point he was talking about women being walking baby machines (not his actual words) awhile back…

    • #21662

      Also a way to get peoples blood and DNA. Food for thought.

    • #21663
       Vox Chaotica

      Perhaps it’s “big” enough to warrant such treatment. Not to say the actions are justifiable, but there may be accusations of editing the documentation otherwise.

    • #21664

      @theladyj Hostess in Black seems to be a disgruntled actor of sorts, but @thecontroller tried to do damage control and say that Hostess in Black was something else.

    • #21665

      so wait, she didn’t sign an NDA, but she signed this?

    • #21666

      @mamatato right! And someone mentioned love/sex magic. Sex magic rituals?? Horace seems to be all about that.. glad to see they’re being safe and testing anyone who would be performing such sexual acts

    • #21667

      @brianamatopoeia Not sure. It would seem weird that an NDA wouldn’t be involved with the contract.

    • #21668
       Andrew Kasch

      After reading some of this, I’m willing to bet Lust will have a lot more people wanting to be plants.

    • #21669

      @brianamatopoeia She could have been sent this but never signed it.

    • #21670

      @mamatato that or this is a way to make sure the actors aren’t actually banging a cousin, an unknown brother or something.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Melissa.
    • #21671
       Hannah Schenck

      Sexual acts and genetic testing? BRING ON THE SEX CHAPTER IM READY FOR THE NAUGHTY… But seriously, going along with the reference to women being baby machines, maybe that is the true nature behind recruiting people and having them sign away their rights… I’m keeping an eye out for Sarah Thompson’s name

    • #21672

      Would also fit with an idea that testing would be done in a search for genetic superiority.

    • #21674

      @cristen Yes, absolutely!

      It would be an easy way to do it, especially if they are fixating on a certain type of appearance and build during the casting calls. A filtering of sorts…

    • #21675
       Andrew Kasch

      Remember how during Tension, we were told the actresses who played the handlers were actually living at the OOA compound? Looks like that was the tip of the extreme method iceberg.

    • #21676

      A point that I find curious: The actors are to submit to one STI (sexually transmitted infection is the preferred nonjudgemental nomenclature instead of sexually transmitted disease) panel, not several over a period of time.
      For example, I believe that the standard for the porn industry is every 14 days.

    • #21677
       Brad Ruwe

      So much to process with this leak. So many questions, so little time.

    • #21678

      @kasch right!?! I was just thinking how I would LOVE an analog retreat AND a genetics test! Wonder what’s in these genes of mine. Bonus points if it comes with mind control. Someone ELSE do the thinking for me for once.

    • #21679

      @kipsie That is a very curious and odd point…

    • #21680
       Lukas L

      Technically, isn’t it on the actor to read what it is that they are signing. It’s notike this is lawyer speak. It pretty much jumps out at you.

      • #21685


        Technically, isn’t it on the actor to read what it is that they are signing. It’s notike this is lawyer speak. It pretty much jumps out at you.

        Most actors would have their agent or manager read any and all documents like this.

        But since Tension LLC seems to target young new actors, I would hedge a bet nearly all of them don’t have agents or managers. This might be a big reason why they want young new performers. Easier to control and don’t have to worry about an agent getting in the way.

    • #21681

      If we were to go with this whole Horace seeing a vessel theory, wouldn’t one want to do re-occurring STI testing?

    • #21682
       Kyle Bown

      Maybe they aren’t allowed to have sex without permission…

    • #21683

      @bruinbown If they weren’t allowed to have sex without permission, wouldn’t they still need to have frequent STI checks just to make sure they were following the rules?

    • #21684

      @bruinbown @mamatato Or to make sure that nothing’s been incubating in the time between tests? Some things really take their time when it comes to the rearing of ugly heads…

    • #21686

      @kipsie Exactly. I would expect more monitoring…

    • #21687

      @thebuz Agree completely with what you said, especially if the performers are not used to analyzing and reading contracts on their own. I’ve suffered my share of getting shafted by shitty contracts because of inexperience on my part. Throw a 17 page contract at an inexperienced person and they would get overwhelmed pretty quickly.

    • #21688
       Kyle Bown

      @kipsie @mamatato

      Depends on a lot of factors. Whoever is running this seems to feel they are all powerful. Is the 48 hour trek to wherever really about being at the retreat, or is it about TPTB actually going to their residences, setting up hidden cameras and audio devices, maybe putting spy software on their phones and other electronic devices, and making it so they can monitor them 24/7?

      Just a though. They know where they will be for 48 hours, no danger of getting caught.

    • #21689

      I’d sign my life away to be in a project like tension. I don’t blame them for jumping in despite all the stipulations. But there’s always one bad apple in the bunch. .can’t please everyone. Hostess in black is just trying to make TPTB look bad. It’s going to take more than this to change my mind about them that’s for sure.

    • #21690
    • #21691

      Image 1 transcribed – apart from the retreat, it seems like a pretty reasonable agreement for a production that revolves around secrets and reveals like this that needs to protect itself.

      The performer shall render such services as are customarily performed by a theatrical industry, m … but not limited to the following: the performer will assume the artistic responsibility for the charact[er they are being hired to] embody. During which time they will have to turn over complete access to all social [media accounts]. Performers will not be allowed to use any public social media account without prior approval from the Production Company, or their legal council. The performer will be responsible for [making himself/]herself available for all requested tasks during the run of the show. The Performer shalll to the best of his/her ability and with the Company’s instructions carry out his/her tasks in such a manner that the most optimal utilization of the available resources is achieved, even if said tasks might compromise personal beliefs and morals. All making of, behind the scenes, trailers, promos, social media and “official” websites concerning the Picture or Experience shall be approved exclusively by the Company and its [Directors.] The performer has no approval over image or likeness. The Performer is not allowed, without the prior consent of the Company, to make decisions that materially deviate from the approved screenplay (as defined in the previous sentence) or increase the production costs of the Experience. Once Performer is hired, they must make themselves available for a mandartory 48 hour retreat that will transpire outside of Los Angeles. Performers agree to leave their cellphone, computer, and any other electronic device at their place of residence of the entirety of the 48 hours. It is also acknowledged that the Performer will never reference or talk publicly of events that transpired.

    • #21692
    • #21693

      In the first part of the Sex and Nudity section it states that there is a “Exhibit A” attachment that describes “designated sexual acts”. Curious.

    • #21694

      Oh wow looks like we’re getting assigned to certain performers!

    • #21695
       Andrew Kasch

      Oh fuck.

    • #21696

      @pandace88 or some of us are, at least.

    • #21697

      @mkarrett @mike @mamatato @nothenrygale @kasch looks like you guys are special cases…

    • #21698

      @pandace88 This is confirming what I’ve been suspicious of since the book party. I received way more hugs and next-day Facebook friend requests from actors than I deserved…

    • #21699
       Hannah Schenck

      I wonder if she will share the attachment of Exhibit A that explains the sexual acts…

    • #21700
       Michael Rizzo

      2 things standing out:

      *”All performers must attended a minimum of three (?) system events prior to the ‘End Activation'”

      *”Each performer with be tasked with 10-15 participants.”

    • #21701

      Why is homegirl tiltshifting if she wants us to read/know all this info? It makes more sense NOT to blur it out. Unless she’s just being dramatic.

    • #21702

      Aw god what did I do now?!

    • #21703

      Oh fuck. They have files on us that they give performers.

      I see @mkarrett, @mike, @mamatato, @nothenrygale, @kasch mentioned.

    • #21704
       Lukas L

      @buz But even still. Can ignorance be a legal exemption. I can only think of this in a scenario that I have been in. I mean, If i take a loan out on a house, and I’m young and excited and just want to move in. Can I not pay and claim ignorance with out repercussion if I never made the connection that on top of the mortgage comes PMI insurance, escrow payments, association fee’s ect ect ect. No the bank doesn’t care. You signed your paperwork and if you cant pay for the house you go into foreclosure, ignorance or not. And don’t even think to try to get a decent home loan again for awhile because your credit is fubared.

    • #21705

      Why in the living fuck am I mentioned as a special case?

    • #21706

      Tasked with 10-15 participants…

      That means that each performer gets us. So… that would explain why some people are always the eyes of certain characters but not others.

    • #21707

      A part that I find unusual – These are leaks that The Real Powers That Be don’t want getting out, yes? And yet here they are and here they remain.

      Also, this is an info dump from this disgruntled actor… why are the pictures of the pages all done at hard to read angles instead of photocopied or at least taken directly?

    • #21708
       Kyle Bown

      So does that mean @joycecarlberg has her 10-15 and @maddyxxx has his 10-15?

    • #21709

      Don’t forget this leak started by saying one of US had signed one of these for Lust. So an actor posing as a “participant” would be tasked with 15 or so people to keep eyes on as well, no?

    • #21710
       Michael Rizzo

      I’d be curious if the files they have on us are similar to what Sarah Sinclair gave me outside my house all that time ago? The file was only my questionnaire, however there were a few pages ripped out. I’d imagine they have to have more details on us than just that.

    • #21711

      @thegilded And certain parts have been blurred, deliberately making them harder to read (if at all).

    • #21712

      @thegilded that’s what I’m sayin!

    • #21713
       Hannah Schenck

      @bruinbown if that is the case then that would mean @111error would also have his 10-15 right? And that @joycecarlberg just exchanged @kevin file to Morgan lol…

    • #21714

      @thegilded The blur and the tilt read as SUS.

    • #21715
       Michael Rizzo

      Also curious about the system mention. The reasoning I’d guess are either to force the performers to give extra money for the seminars AND/OR something wonky goes down in the seminars that could help TPTB handle the performers easier.

    • #21716
       Michael Rizzo

      @shankfx22 I’d argue @111error is NOT a performer. We’ve spoken at length about certain topics and I would bet money he has never signed a contract like this.

    • #21718


      Let’s not forget that this is an actress still. People can retain the flair for theatrics even when in the process of leaking classified info.

    • #21720
       Andrew Kasch

      I just hope our Hostess realizes that the longer she waits to dish out information, the more time she’s giving them to find her.

    • #21721

      page 2 transcribed below:

      3 Nudity and Sex Acts
      It is understood between the parties that, with respect to services to be rendered by Playe … consideration set forth in the Agreement, such services shall require Player to appear nude … semi-nude, and/or perform sexual act(s), as the case may be, in the Picture, or Experience. T … general description of the extent of such nudity, and the type of physical contact required in s … designated sexual acts, is attached as “Exhibit A”.

      3B PLAYER’S CONSENT: Player agrees and consents to render the services set forth abov[e] and hereby affirms that Player agrees to appear nude and/or semi-nude and to perform su[ch] sexual act(s). All performers must undergo genetic testing, as well as submit to an STD panel.

      3C OWNERSHIP OF THE PERFORMANCE: Pursuant to terms and conditions of the Agreement, Production Company own all results and proceeds of Player’s services rendered pursuant to the Agreement and has the exclusive right to use, license, and exploit the Picture, and performer throughout the world and in perpetuity in any and all media whether now or hereafter devised.

      […s]ure of Confidential Information
      … agrees not to use or disclose any Confidential Information … [o]btained by it from the other party for any reason including … purpose except to carry out discussions concerning, and … ationship. Except as set forth in this Agreement, neither … by law or court order, disclose any Confidential … third parties or to employees, agents or … ceiving Confidential Information, except … [s]ors who are required to have the … scions in connection with and regardin[g] … eiving Party may disclose … if required by law or c … eceiving Party gi[v] … meant to [p] … [p]ri

    • #21722
       Hannah Schenck

      @rizzzoooooo Okay so then he is NOT the one they mentioned to be a participant who signed the actor NDA and contract

    • #21723
       Brad Ruwe

      Processing this. I’m curious if this specific contract was the one our HiB was given. Meaning, I’m wondering if she specifically was tasked with studying the five of us. Either way, this is quite a turn of events.

    • #21724

      I honestly cannot imagine that a contract like this is legal.

    • #21725

      So an actor posing as a “participant” would be tasked with 15 or so people to keep eyes on as well, no?

      OMG the lines are blurring again so hard ?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Candace.
    • #21726
       Kyle Bown

      25% porn contract, 50% standard Hollywood contract, 25% sperm/egg donation contract

      Totally legal.

    • #21727

      @nothenrygale Following from that, is it possible that HiB is the member of the community HiB themselves referenced?

    • #21728

      @nothenrygale I read this as the five of you NOT being assigned to a specific player until something specific happens in “Exhibit C.”

    • #21729

      Agreeing with @wanda102 on this one.

    • #21730
       Kyle Bown

      I concur with @wanda102 on that. I think those five are seperate for now.

    • #21731

      @bruinbown that’s bananas! I am very naive.

    • #21733

      I honestly am having a hard time reading the contract bits that have been posted due to blur. So I will be waiting for the transcriptions…

    • #21735

      page 3 transcribed:

      …construed as a representation [or … that the Receiving party …] develop or have developed for … are similar or compete with the pr … contemplated by or embodied in the Confi[dential Information] … Receiving party does not violate any of the obligations [under … agreement] … connection with such development. All Performers must attend … System Events prior to the “End Activation”.

      Upon signature of this agreement and the attached NDA, a series of files will be hand [delivered to your] residence that will be your “subjects” to study. Please note these files contain highly [sensitive information] and must be returned within one business day of receiving them. Each Performer will be tasked [with 10-]15 Participants (as defined in “Exhibit D”). M. Kramer, M. Fontaine, S. Musnicky, B. Ruwe, A. Kasch will be separated from the remaining names until “Exhibit C” is enacted. It is acknowledged that the participants may switch Performers during the course of the activation. It is the requirement of the Performer to pass off any essential information. No Performer may switch off any “Exhibit D” Pa … without written approval from TENSION LLC Legal Counsel.

      5. Non-Solicitation
      During the term of the Relationship act party agrees to refrain from any attempt to employ, solicit, take away or induce any employee, officer or agent of the other to leave his or her employment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party is free to continue pre-existing relationships, so long as such relationships do not involve the subject matter of this Relationship or the … use of Confidential Information of the other party.

    • #21736
       Lukas L

      @wanda102 So multiple plants tasked with engaging in 10-15 participants? Convince them the color of your shirt isnt the color of your shirt?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lukas L.
    • #21738
       Bryan Bishop

      @shankfx22 I’d argue @111error is NOT a performer. We’ve spoken at length about certain topics and I would bet money he has never signed a contract like this.

      Totally agree with you in principle on this. BUT if the role somebody was playing was “participant turned resistance leader,” then conversations designed to sell that role would totally be in play. And said person would likely deny signing any paperwork as part of the NDA itself.

      Not accusing anybody of anything at this point, however. Just saying that we don’t know, and that the usual “That’s exactly what a plant would say!” rules probably apply with these performers, whomever they may be.

    • #21739
       Brad Ruwe

      @wanda102 You’re right, I misread that. I saw my name and just went “WTF”. So yeah, sounds like maybe the five of us are still up in the air in terms of who is our assigned person?

    • #21740

      @lukasrl this is what any actor who signs up to work for Lust allegedly will sign. They are tasked with learning about and focusing on up to 15 participants, some of whom may shift between actors if necessary. Five people have not been assigned to a specific actor at this time and will not be until “Exhibit C” is enacted.

      It is also safe to assume that if this is a true contract that one of our community members is under this set of rules and is gathering information and studying a set group of 15 or so of us at this time.

    • #21741

      So essentially we’re all assigned to certain performers except the ones listed. They come into play whenever Exhibit C is enacted.

      That the gist of this?

      EDIT: Shit @wanda102 already summed it up before me.

    • #21743
       Hannah Schenck

      @addisonborn Thank you for doing that!!!

      @bcbishop I agree it could go either way. Rizzo has a point, but Bryan brings up an interesting theory that could apply if that was in fact how it all went down. We may never know, or perhaps that will be part of the leak

    • #21744

      Now the question is what is Exhibit C?

    • #21745
       Michael Rizzo

      Yes, you’re completely right @bcbishop, the fourth wall is dust and anything can be possible. I guess it’s just a gut thing.

    • #21746

      View post on

    • #21747


    • #21748

      Welp. Looks like whoever it was that was leaking info is either captured, dead, or had the account hacked. :/

    • #21749

      Two options, which do you think it is:

      1. She typed this under massive duress via threats, extortion or torture
      2. She’s currently in a trunk somewhere (or in a couple trunks somewhere) and someone else typed this

    • #21750

      I don’t buy that shit for a second.

      She was about to tell us about Tower 7 and how jet fuel cannot melt steel beams!

    • #21751

      ok.. so Hostess in Black was all of the following:

      1) Stephanie Hyden
      2) A glitch in the narrative release system
      3) Someone unrelated to but familiar with Tension/Lust via a relationship with an Experience associate.

      Sure ok yes.

    • #21752

      Yup. “Everything is fine.”

      P.S. OSDM cleaners ain’t shit.

    • #21753

      @kipsie They sure ain’t subtle…

    • #21754
       Brad Ruwe

      RIP HIB

    • #21755
       Mustafa Said

      well this sucks. Here’s hoping the Hostess isn’t dead.

      Now I gotta see that full doc. Wonder how many other people didn’t sign it.

    • #21756
       Bryan Bishop

      All but one tweet was deleted before the “apology note” went up. It was the tweet saying that all actors had to give over passwords for their social media accounts.

      Can’t imagine that was anything less than a reminder… and a warning.


    • #21757
       Michael Rizzo

      Rip to our hostess with the mostess

    • #21758
       Andrew Kasch

      The grammar of her latest post is completely different than what she was posting prior.

      Might as well have wrote “LIFE SUCKS” in illegible handwriting Christian Slater style.

    • #21759
       Kyle Bown

      Well, now we know what to look for. If she is dead, she at least gave us that.

    • #21760
       Twan Intarathuch

      Like a Telltale game…

      *Twan will remember this

    • #21761

      @genghistwan hahaha yesss! ?

    • #21762

      And the Twitter account is now gone. HiB, we hardly knew ye.

    • #21763
       Andrew Kasch

      A friendly word of advice to @111error and the Resistance: If you have a smoking gun, might not be wise to tweet jigsaw pieces a little at a time. Just produce the damn gun.

    • #21764

      So HiB got the respose she was looking for and agreed to do a quick clean up. “Just kidding, everything is fine” . What was it that she wanted and got? Or how big was the threat? Since originally she wasn’t scared of threats and now her mind has quickly changed…

      How could any of that be lies..I don’t think she took the time to write up a fake contract to show us!

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Candace.
    • #21766

      Here are all of the tweets sent from Hostess in Black:

      Just adding some text so it doesn’t take over the whole activity feed.

      Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below.
      Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below. Images are below.

      HiB 1
      First set

      HiB 2
      Second set

      HiB 3
      Third set

      HiB 4
      Fourth set

      HiB 5
      Fifth set

      HiB 6
      Sixth set

      HiB 7
      Seventh set

      HiB 8
      Eighth set

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Kevin.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Kevin.
    • #21769
       Brad Ruwe

      Interesting thought I just had. Maybe Noah’s sudden change of heart with me, bringing me back to The System event this weekend, is due to this “Exhibit C” mentioned in the leaked document? Is it possible that “exhibit” is taking place at The System, and as such I HAVE to be there? Noah got angry with me when I refused to perform his task and booted me. Possibly someone above him reminded Noah that I needed to be there, and with @timsmyname’s refusal, it opened an opportunity for him to get me to come back?

      There’s also the possibility Exhibit C has already happened. We don’t know when this contract was given to the actors. This may be “old info” and the five of us have already been paired with someone to keep tabs on us.

    • #21770

      Yeah, it would seem HIB is dead. And it was done in a threatening and not very subtle way. Definitely a warning.

      This contract is all very interesting assuming it in itself is not a prop designed to further mislead us.

      Wonder how Noah ties into all this…

    • #21771

      @cass not dead until we see a slit throat, and even then, who knows.. HiB is “compromised” maybe?

    • #21772

      @nothenrygale we are probably going to be earning the drinks @rizzzoooooo offered to get us the day of the seminar.

    • #21773

      @kasch Thank you for the heads up, but don’t worry, we’re more prepared than a lone tweeter breaking an NDA.

      The grammar of her latest post..

      Might as well have wrote “LIFE SUCKS”..

      A friendly word of advice though; “Written”.

    • #21774

      My hot take on the Members being listed is not because of special treatment per say but that they don’t know how to assign those members yet.

      Regardless though they will still be utalized whenever “Exhibit C” is enacted as whatever that is probably affects everyone.

    • #21775

      I’m glad for HiB giving us a glimpse at how deep the rabbit hole goes, how intriguing, if not completely necessary. As for her being shut down? I suppose it comes down to protecting the integrity of our Experience. That was necessary.

      • #21778
         Winston Smith

        @wanda102 That sounds awful close to one of those “the end justifies the means” kinda statements. How far are you willing to allow something to go in the name of “protecting the integrity of our Experience”? Is there a line you wouldn’t want to see crossed?

    • #21776

      Exhibit C

      Cheese is for cheese

      THEY’RE GONNA PUT GASOLINE ON THE DAMN CHEESE AGAIN. I’m calling it now. And when that happens so help me, there will be blood.

    • #21777
       Brad Ruwe

      @mkarrett If the cheese burns again, I’m forming my own BOS. Brotherhood of Swiss.

    • #21779
       Andrew Kasch

      Maybe Exhibit C is the Thunderdome and we get to stand judge like Tina Turner?

      (I make jokes because I’m terrified)

    • #21780

      I mean, I’m kinda intrigued by the reveal not really scared… I would’nt see any reason to kill someone for leaking this contract? It wasn’t that bad…I mean remember the Westworld contract where performers were asked to ride each other naked? Maybe just silenced.

      I still don’t understand the fingerprints and firearms in Indiana reference though??

    • #21781

      @bruinbown I didn’t see anyone get hurt today, did you?

      As for lines being crossed, I suppose we can look at what we saw today. If what Hostess revealed was true…there are no lines.

    • #21782
       Winston Smith

      @wanda102 What bad things would you tolerate happening to HiB in the name of protecting your experience? I’m not talking about what HiB is claiming, I’m talking about what you’d be willing to see happen to shut them up. Is it ok for harm to come to HiB in the name of protecting your experience? Would it be acceptable to extort, or threaten HiB in the name of protecting your experience? At what point for you, would TPTB be crossing an ethical, or moral line in shutting down an adversary?

    • #21783

      I just am having a hard time there are actually files or that actors are really “assigned” to participants. In fact, all of this seems just like what she said it was- completely made up to get attention.

    • #21784

      @brianamatopoeia based on multiple direct references to very private information said to many of us last year at Ascension, there’s no possible way that they don’t have files on us.

    • #21785

      @addisonborn I mean, didn’t a lot of you guys GIVE them that info in the questionnaire?

    • #21786

      Well, shit. This is a huge mess, huh?

      I’m also trying to wrap my head around that. What about the participants who haven’t received any specific attention at all yet? Although, I guess you can keep tabs on someone without ever talking to them.

      It’s 1am and I’m so jetlagged in Paris right now and this thread made my damn brain ache. Thanks for all the diligent updates, everyone!

    • #21787

      If the whole point of these experiences are to collect emotional data on the participants, of course there will be case files about each of us. What’s the point of collecting data if it’s never analyzed?

    • #21788

      Two options, which do you think it is:

      1. She typed this under massive duress via threats, extortion or torture
      2. She’s currently in a trunk somewhere (or in a couple trunks somewhere) and someone else typed this

      , Why think in either/or, when really it’s a blow out sale on torture/waterboarding/hooding. All of it is totes possible, in either order.

    • #21789
       Robert Fuller

      Wow, I go to work for a few hours and a shit storm erupts while I’m gone. A lot to process here, but if anything it makes me more excited than ever for this whole thing. Like, what’s going to happen on Sunday?

    • #21790


    • #21791

      Seeing that Lust loves the number 7 (ex: Joyce’s choice number, 7 people chosen for TMC….) it would not surprise me that there are 7 exhibits (so I guess exhibit G).

    • #21792

      @brianamatopoeia based on multiple direct references to very private information said to many of us last year at Ascension, there’s no possible way that they don’t have files on us.

      I agree with @addisonborn on this. They have information (files) on participants. Of course, they have more on some than others. But, there have been instances when a participant has had something said to them that they didn’t divulge in a questionnaire.

    • #21793

      @brianamatopoeia – we gave them SOME information on those questionnaires, but depending on who you talk to, they seem to have information on some of us that we *didn’t* give them.

      They DO have files on us. It’s what’s in those files and how they got that info that’s up for debate, IMO. I have seen nothing that suggests they have anything on me that I didn’t give them. If that changes I’ll let you know. I think the most damning source of intel has been so-called “out of game conversations” with Tension/Lust related people (actors, creators, etc).

    • #21794


      are 7 exhibits (so I guess exhibit G).

      Fun fact… in the film world, per SAG regulations… an exhibit G is a performers time card.

      Also hi @michelle!

    • #21796

      Oh shit @thebuz, so once the Exhibit G has been executed….does that mean we’re going to have the actors die on us?

    • #21800

      @mkarrett Ha! More like that’s when you have to pay up.

    • #21804
       Bryan Bishop

      @michelle Hi!!!!!!

    • #21811
       Robert Fuller

      I always just took it as a given that they have files on all of us.

    • #21850
       Robert Fuller

      So how did the HiB’s Twitter account come to our attention? Did she post a link or did someone just find it?

    • #21853

      She posted on the forums earlier today, but it was deleted.

    • #21855
       Robert Fuller

      I understand that, but I don’t understand how it was discovered that she was tweeting after her post on here was deleted. Am I missing something here?

    • #21856

      @remrelganaps her name on here was the same as her Twitter handle so someone must have checked it?

      If some posts were deleted or may be hard to figure out who first found the Twitter account.

    • #21857
       Winston Smith

      She posted about her twitter account in a follow up to her original post, which was noticed by several people before the threads were deleted, so it was already too late to hide it.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Winston Smith.
    • #21859
       Kyle Bown

      I noticed her Twitter account in her second post. I was trying to reply to her first when I saw the second. I then followed her and told the Slack as I was walking into the gym as the post was being deleted.

    • #21860
       Robert Fuller

      Okay, that’s what I was wondering. Thanks.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Robert Fuller.
    • #22027
       Lawrence Meyers

      I have made contact with Stephanie, who apparently has no idea what I’m talking about.

      “Stephanie is a very popular name”, she says, of yesterday’s events.


    • #22032

      @larry Next time you see her, ask about the retreats.

    • #22033
       Lawrence Meyers

      For certain.

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