Briarberg may be bigger than we thought

This topic has 34 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by Anonymous.

  • Author
    • #24184

      For tonight’s event, they sent us a waiver to sign digitally. Since it’s a legal document, I made sure to make sure information was correct. For the Date of Birth, it had today’s date and you weren’t able to change that. I emailed Jaime back and asked about this and got this reply:

      “Details must be followed. A few small details overlooked, leads to a great big lie down the road, wouldn’t you agree?”

      This was VERY different from the tone/speak from Jaime’s previous emails, so that was kind of odd. Since they mentioned “small details”, I replied to that email with something I noticed that could have been OOG. Maybe they didn’t want to make a new account or something.

      So I emailed back asking about this (see the screenshot)

      I got this reply

      “The Briarberg Institute’s financials and our subsidiaries cast a wide net.”

      FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. Is Briarberg another OSDM? Are they even bigger than OSDM? Are they a part of it? Who else is a part of Briarberg? So many questions.

      We. Are. Screwed.

    • #24185

      Ho. Ly. Shit.

      Yeah that bad feeling isn’t going away.

    • #24186

      I sent Jaime an email about this was well, and got the same “The Briarberg Institute’s financials and our subsidiaries cast a wide net” response, but mine came back immediately and in a different font – almost like it was a canned response.

      So Briarberg is connected to TMC. Which links everything a whole lot more closely, including the BOS to the OSDM. I was unaffected by this “doom feeling” you all were talking about until just a few minutes ago. What in the actual fuck is going on.

    • #24187
       Bryan Bishop

      You know, I’m suddenly realizing why BOS always found it so fun to chant about burning things to the ground.

    • #24188
       Lawrence Meyers

      Situational Awareness.

    • #24189

      If Briarberg/TMC/BOS are all the same difference, I’ll still be resisting… but maybe independently.

      Fight for ideas, not leaders.

    • #24190

      So, the connection everyone has been trying to make between those who received the invitation… maybe it’s not amongst the people attending, but the connections you guys have to various parts of that “wide net.”

    • #24191

      If these things are all linked, that certainly yanks the rug out from under everyone. Where do we fit in, then? Where does Morgan?

    • #24192
       Brad Ruwe

      Jesus christ guys, yeah be careful tonight. Is there any other weirdness in the waivers?

    • #24193

      There may be a bigger twist waiting for us at the end of the tunnel.

      We’re due for a chapter break are we not?

    • #24195
       Brad Ruwe

      @thebuz It’s entirely possible this could be a chapter break. Are we due? Maybe this chapter just feels like it’s flown by but I feel like we’d still have another week or two before we’re really due.

    • #24196
       Hannah Schenck

      I personally believe that Briarberg IS another OSDM, with similar based goals. I think we are in for a crazy, fucked up ride folks. Their mission may very well be to rebirth us with new ideals and new insight…

    • #24197

      Looking back on Mason’s email all of us, this caught my eye

      “They are trying to turn me, and this into another trailhead. Be smarter than the nonsense they are trying to create and distract you with.”

      Is this what is exactly happening? Is tonight just a distraction?

    • #24198

      @thebuz @nothenrygale It looks like most chapters have ranged from about 3-4 weeks. If it ends tonight, it puts it on the shorter side, but most have ended with a larger scale group event (registration, iConfidant, TMC reveal, The System seminar). A chapter ending with a Briarberg thing could indicate that they are part of OSDM’s narrative, or that they’ve been incorporated into it, which was a problem Mason highlighted.

      I also wonder if, with everything appearing to come apart at the seams, chapter breaks may be a thing of the past.

    • #24199

      This chapter has been 2 1/2 weeks long so far. I would put the expected break at the tickets going on sale date of 9/15, but I clearly know nothing about reality anymore. There are no rules that say chapters need to be x weeks long.

      Also I take back what I posted earlier about the FB quote being possibly about Mason’s story from last night – looks like it’s more likely about our own perceptions after tonight.

    • #24200

      @mike, what if it isn’t a distraction? Everyone is going negative.
      You guys going tonight… do you think this might be just a course-correction after one of their own- an overzealous baseball fan, perhaps – did something a bit publicly embarrassing?
      I said I suspected they wanted one of you to become whistle-blower and provide a smoking gun.
      What if tonight is just re-branding back to the “we are just investigating and gathering data” routine Mason was originally selling… but the distraction you think is going on might be the fallout AFTER tonight.
      If anything of significance gets revealed to you guys tonight… I bet some other “faction” will try to spin the hell out of it and tell you that what you see tonight is not “real”

    • #24201

      Ok @russell, I’ll bite. Let’s say it’s not and it’s exactly as it seems….then why do they have TMC email for their waiver?

      Also, you want to talk about embarrassing? I’m planning to wear a sweater vest and have a baseball bat in my trunk in honor of the over zealous baseball fan who has the balls to actually DO something and not just talk about doing something.

    • #24215

      @mike So, what, their answer to your question wasn’t satisfying enough?
      Wide net… my friend… wide net. Haha!

      Numerous people believe this is all connected on levels we can only suspect… never truly see.
      Why would that email address surprise you? Isn’t Mason “on message” with what TMC seems to be pushing in back alleys and hidden messages?
      The jack-in-the-box approach the TMC hit this scene with originally may be in play again. Who knows?

      If that’s what is going on with Briarberg Foundation… when the creepy music stops playing tonight and something jumps out at you guys… I wish you all well.
      Personally, I don’t think you’re all gonna die… you might be the canaries in the coal mine that prove everything is going to be fine.
      Of course… I could be a naive fool…

    • #24216
       Andrew Kasch

      If Mason and Briarberg and the BOS are linked – and all evidence seems to point toward that – then there’s a much more disturbing implication:

      That BOS may secretly be turning into the next OOA. Because you can take the cultist out of the cult but…

    • #24218

      @kasch i see how you’re trying to connect those dots.. but i think i speak for most in that we’re not pledging allegiance to BOS as an organization, or the leadership within. We’re pledging allegiance to the idea of resistance, and that hourglass happens to be the flag we’re flying right now.

    • #24221
       Andrew Kasch

      I’m just spouting a theory. But remember, Mason said he and his “group” were starting something new with the scientific principles of the OOA. And remember what happened to the BOS last time…

      It’s entirely plausible.

    • #24224
       Lawrence Meyers

      From my perspective, BoS remains a lie based upon deception based upon a fiction. Until I see otherwise. Your mileage may vary.

    • #24225

      Wait, if all three organizations are connected…what was the point of acting like they were three different things? And why be so obvious with the Midnight Commission email?

    • #24227


      I see your sus and raise it with a SUS.

      I present you this:

      View post on


      I would have posted earlier BUT I couldn’t tell if this was an accidental mess up or if it was an IG matter, I had @thegilded look into it and was waiting for the verdict. That is until the actual Darren Bousman called me while I was driving home just now.

      5:20 (ish) pm
      “Hey Melissa it’s Darren, how are you?”
      “oh hey Darren I’m okay, how are you”
      “uh not good uh hey did you get any e-mails from me lately?”
      “uhhhhh ya actually…..”
      “uh er um 2:00pm ish give or take?”
      “can you send that over to me”
      (asks for his actual email addy)
      “please send that over soon”
      “ok I will”
      ((hangs up))

      So I forward over said email that you guys see and he then says (via email) that he didn’t send that e-mail to me AND that he landed in LA about 4:45pm today. Apparently two people said they received phone calls from him so his number has been spoofed.

      Afterwards the Briarberg Foundation emailed me to standby for address. What the heck are we getting ourselves into?

    • #24230
       Brad Ruwe

      @mkarrett Be careful today. Lust events generally have a sense of feeling “a bit off”, but this one is feeling more and more like something well beyond that.

    • #24231

      Holy crap @mkarrett!! What the hell is going on?

    • #24232

      @mkarrett Was the email from “Darren Bousman” the same address used to send the initial Briarberg email to you ([email protected])?

    • #24234



    • #24235

      Well if it wasn’t clear before, it definitely is now. Briarberg isn’t concerned about ethics at all. Hopefully everyone going to the meeting tonight will have a chance to find out what they’re really about.

    • #24236
       Brad Ruwe

      If it turns out Briarberg was behind the Red Door I’m gonna flip a fucking table.

    • #24237
       Lauren Bello

      Wait, if all three organizations are connected…what was the point of acting like they were three different things? And why be so obvious with the Midnight Commission email?

      – I think that’s a great point. It sounds like Mason founded Brierberg FIRST, so why not keep it going instead of splitting off with TMC? If he knew Morgan was unhappy and rebelling, why not just recruit him into Brierberg? How can they expect to formulate a successful rebellion if they’re split into three sub-organizations with different values, tactics, and followers? Something’s not adding up…

    • #24244

      Tonight is definitely going to be interesting with revealing information. I wonder if Mason will show up at all, since he did used to be part of the company. Or if we’ll have another Joyce situation on our hands…

    • #24245
       Lauren Bello

      With the email from “Darren” coming from Briarberg, and the email from Briarberg coming from TMC, I have to wonder if the OSDM has in fact compromised ALL channels of communication. Who knows if this is even a Briarberg meeting we’re walking into tonight.

    • #24246

      I think that’s a great point. It sounds like Mason founded Brierberg FIRST, so why not keep it going instead of splitting off with TMC? If he knew Morgan was unhappy and rebelling, why not just recruit him into Brierberg? How can they expect to formulate a successful rebellion if they’re split into three sub-organizations with different values, tactics, and followers? Something’s not adding up…

      I think current evidence may point to them being less a rebellion against OSDM and more a competitor in the same space. They appear interested in the same type of information, they may actually take a different direction to get there (“science” but I think the research OSDM uses based on data is probably scientific in nature as well), and employ or use a number of unsavory people.

      If BOS really is a division of Briarberg, as the TMC email address sort of indicates, I’m thinking they may have been a division of Briarberg they used to discredit OSDM. If Briarberg is just interested in taking over OSDM’s place and BOS was created for that reason, it puts everyone smack in the middle of the two companies duking it out.

    • #24248

      Just remember guys, whatever happens just be cool with each other.

      We’re all friends and no matter what happens that will continue.

      I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know we have a tendency to default to outrage.

      Just remember we all got nothing but love for each other.

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