Attached notes with books

This topic has 52 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Anonymous.

  • Author
    • #2674
       Meghan Mayhem

      So each of us received a random note attached to our copies of the book. Different stories, different handwriting, etc.
      My immediate assumption is that there’s no real meaning behind these notes other than its a cool little piece of the OOA for each of us to take home.
      But as we know, nothing is random so…let’s over analyze and see if there’s anything to it!

      Most of these notes seem to not be anything any of us have seen before. Maybe they’re just take aways of stories of people lost to the OOA? I’ve heard that some people got the same note. It seems there’s a set number of these, and several copies of each, dispersed throughout.

      Let’s share!

    • #2675
       Meghan Mayhem

      Here’s mine:

    • #2676

      I definitely remember seeing some of these notes in the compound.

    • #2678

      Top one came with my book. Bottom one I found on the ground outside as I was leaving

    • #2681

      The Cake is a Lie!

    • #2682
       Meghan Mayhem

      @mike I defintely remember seeing your 2nd note somewhere in the warehouse at one point.

    • #2684
       Brian E

      Here’s mine

      Tension Letter

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
    • #2690
       Brian E


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
    • #2695
       Andrew Kasch

    • #2698

      I got the same note as Andrew.

      At first I thought “cool, nostalgia! I wonder if it was a prop?”

      Upon reevaluation what if…

      They were written incredibly recently? What if the end was all a setup to get us to think it was the end when in reality people continued living at the compound?

    • #2700


    • #2702

      @immortalconqueror Wasn’t it implied at the book release party that the compound was burned down? I wasn’t there so I can’t say for sure, but if that’s the case I can’t imagine anyone living there now.

    • #2703

    • #2704
       Bryan Bishop

      Adding to the collection:

    • #2705

      @izryn My specific thoughts were in between the two times. As in whatever happened in the between times were what lead to it being burned down. That’s completing my off the rocker conspiracy theory. Let’s call Alex Jones in for the debate!

    • #2706

      @immortalconqueror No no no, then we end up with reptilians in the system.

    • #2708

      @shinobi as long as no one feeds them alcohol….

    • #2711

      @immortalconqueror I have a Gonzo tattoo. Did we just become best friends?

    • #2712

      @shinobi maybe… especially if you have one of those suitcases filled with goodies! But know I will take down anyone or anything that gets in my way. = )

    • #2713

      @shinobi your profile pic! ? my all-time favorite movie!

    • #2714

      @immortalconqueror Maybe not the ether but as long as you act as my attorney… -Z

    • #2715

      @pandace88 Was that my stomach or yours, Ambrocious?

    • #2716

      @shinobi ahh you’re making me so happy right now haha. I think I’ll watch this again very soon.

    • #2718

      @pandace88 I believe it should at least be a monthly viewing along with Casablanca, Muppet Treasure Island and Captain Ron.

    • #2725

      @immortalconqueror I seem to remember someone mentioning that at the book signing that some of the people there said that the only reason they were still there was because you guys were there. The only reason they existed there was because we believed and kept coming back.

      I’m thinking all of these notes are from when all of this started with Tension though, one reason is because of @bcbishop ‘s note where Selene says that she can’t drive to auditions, which seems to place it when they were first recruiting their “actors” for the show, especially since we’re noticing the same actors in Lust as in Tension.

      Also, all these notes seem to be written by women (unless I missed a note or misread a name). I’m guessing all of these notes were written by the women in white that were poisoned at The End?

    • #2729

      @chloe And with those comments, the well is dug deeper.

      So, you mean that all of us giving over to something created, believing in it, maybe brought it to life? Kind of like a freddy-krueger-esque thing that if we believed, they became real?

      I think I’m confusing myself.

    • #2737
       Tom Hite
    • #2742

      This is the one I got. It’s actually pretty prominent on the pages with the notes in the book.


      Tangentially related, did anyone end up in the room that the book lists as ‘The Void’? I mostly lurked on the Tension forums, but never saw it mentioned in anyone’s recap.

    • #2744
       Kimberly Stewart

      @kevin: Off the top of my head I seem to recall “The Void” is where The Oracle was kept, adjacent to the room with the tools. If so, I know various people who entered.

    • #2747
       Lukas L

      @kevin I don’t have my book yet. (Tracking says it should be here today) but if the void is where the oracle was kept as @electrichippo has stated. I got to experience that scene.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Lukas L.
    • #2753
       Maxwell R

      View post on

      “I am inside the wall nearest to which you found this note. I’ve put you in danger by leaving this note for you to find and I’m truly sorry for that.
      The person I used to be would never have done so…she would have sacrificed herself quietly. But confinement (and the Helmet) can make people cruel.
      So, You have 2 choices:
      -Walk away. Put this note back where you found it and let the next fool pay for your cowardice.
      -Go to the wall and knock.
      If I am still alive I will knock back. If I do, go to the police.
      But know this…If you’ve read this far they’re already watching you.
      They already know.
      I’m sorry.”

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Maxwell R.
      • #2922
         Brian E

        @moustachemax I knocked, I knocked over and over, I tried to wait till no one was watching then knock, and tried a few times along the wall. I found that message in a book near the back corner of the waiting room. Nothing ever happened.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian E.
    • #2755
       Chelsea Morgan

      @moustachemax I picked up that note the first time I went through! I was trying to read it so fast, but someone was walking up to me and then I was taken away by one of the handlers.

    • #2756

      @darthzannah – I wonder what would have happened if you’d knocked??

      • #2759
         Chelsea Morgan

        @coryphella I’ve always wondered that. I wish I could have found out, but the minute I got to it the handlers took me away. Seemed weird to say to them, “Yes, I am ready to continue my journey just one second though I have to go knock on this wall.” haha

    • #2757

      This one was NOT attached to my book but I thought I’d share anyway. I accidentally ended up with this note in my pocked after my first time through. I kind of felt awful about it because I really hate it when people steal stuff from immersive theater sets. I found this note, went up to one of the handlers and asked about it, and she said something like “keep it, it will help you.” I put it in my pants pocket, which of course I lost in the very next room. I didn’t find it again until I was going to bed much later.

      (edited to crop out my painting schedule from the photo)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Megan.
    • #2761

      @darthzannah I don’t know…I kind of think I might have done just that. 😉 Or at least that is something I would have planned to do on my second time through (go straight for that note, find note, knock on wall) except, of course, the second time through was totally different.

      A couple of stagehands tried to herd me off a stage last week when a presentation on holographic technology was over and I was like um, no, I’m standing two inches away from holographic technology I will stay here until my questions are answered thanks.

      I doubt that would have flown with the Overseer, though.

    • #2762
       Chelsea Morgan

      @coryphella I had thought about it for my second time around! I wasn’t even lead into that room for my second time, completely skipped it. Ascension was my first immersive theater where we were given more freedom (I had done Delusion previously), so I had no idea what the rules were.

      hahaha Yeah the Overseer does not seem like she would have appreciated that. Maybe Noah would? Someone who pushes to have questions answered… as long as they aren’t against him I suppose.

    • #2765
       Brad Ruwe

      I got the same note @meghanmayhem posted. The thing with “carebear”.

    • #2766

      @darthzannah – I have major regrets about my first time through Ascension – it wasn’t what I expected at all and for various reasons that I won’t go into here I essentially “gave up.” I don’t live in LA, and haven’t done much of that scene’s immersive theater, but do a LOT of the big ones elsewhere which are all fairly passive. I was scared to push too hard at Ascension and went along with it as much as possible. I wish I could go back and do the first time again and push harder against it than I thought I could – though, to be honest, I am NOT a performer, and it’s really difficult for me to do any interactive theater at all, so everything with Tension was a major step forward for me. If I get the chance to fly out for anything this time around I hope I don’t make that make that mistake again.

    • #2767

      @coryphella I knocked. A handler told me not to let them catch me knocking. I knocked on every other wall in that room too. and thought I’d do it everywhere else. But soon became busy with other things and forgot after the processing room.

    • #2768

      Here are the notes that @winstonsmith and I received. Upon inspection, these are indeed photocopies. Black light doesn’t reveal any secrets.

      View post on

    • #2769

      Funny story: @winstonsmith inspected a briefcase in the Welcome Room during the book release party and found that ‘carebear’ note inside.

    • #2770
       Chelsea Morgan

      @coryphella I know exactly what you mean. When I read about people going through pushing the boundaries I always wonder how. I get quiet and try to take everything in, so I rarely fight back. I’m doing more immersive theater so I’m kind of coming out of my shell about it. A very wonderful man told me though that everyone experiences things things different and there is nothing wrong with it.
      Hopefully you’ll be able to be out here soon and experience more! I get the feeling that Noah is going to push us in ways that may want us to push back.

    • #2771

      @darthzannah we will see. 😉 Noah told me I’m a loser with a chip on my shoulder. He’s not wrong.

    • #2772

      I received the same note with my book that @mistere and @pandace88 received. (The note from Melody that speaks about her excitement meeting Addison / Number 2)

      At first, I thought it just logical that I received a note that referenced Addison, since I followed and emotionally invested in her story and family story more than anything else in Tension. When I first saw Addison she was not “sure of herself” and seemed to be filled with anxiety or fear. I saw her confidence manifest itself later… but not in the manner this note describes. The odd thing is that this note references an Addison I never really met… it references the Addison that existed before I (we) became aware of her and her growing role in all of this.

    • #2773

      These notes do sound like they were written in the beginning when all the girls were getting recruited in along with addison. A time before we entered the world. To me they are a glimpse that all the attendants had a story. They all had feelings and lives, just like Addison. But Addison just happened to be the story we heard. All of them could have been our main character.

    • #2824
       Brad Ruwe

      I’m really glad I’m participating from the beginning this time. I came into Tension in November right at the very end and probably would have pushed more, and interacted more, had I been invested with the bigger story.

      This time around? No chance in hell I’m going to be a passive viewer.

    • #2869
       Lukas L

      I just got my book in the mail. Skimmed through it. Looks amazing. Here is my note. I don’t believe it has been posted yet. can’t wait to continue reading.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Lukas L.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Lukas L.
    • #2877
       Lukas L

      I just got my book in the mail. Skimmed through it. Looks amazing. Here is my note. I don’t believe it has been posted yet. can’t wait to continue reading. OOA note

    • #2884

      here's mine

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Melissa.
    • #3467
       Jon K

      Finally was able to pick up my copy! My note is very similar to @moustachemax, but with the variation of knocking on the floor instead… Very tell-tale heart…


    • #6498

      I didn’t participate in Tension but I bought the book. Here’s the note I received. note

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