8/5 Midnight Commission Event

This topic has 69 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Brad Ruwe.

  • Author
    • #21421

      While I can’t say what I experienced tonight, I can say I was impressed with what I saw. I went into this evening’s event with skepticism and left with a sense of purpose. I think I know now where my allegiance lies.

    • #21422

      Tonight, BOS showed what they’re capable of. And after tonight, we are better equipped for whatever lies ahead.

      Ride or die since day one, and the only thing that’s changed is that we are only getting stronger.

    • #21423
       Michael Rizzo

      Tonight I saw exactly what I needed to see, my loyalty has been strengthend and I know I can trust the BOS. I have a purpose once again and know where I belong, on the side that is helping people.

      I love history, it’s actually what I’m studying right now. And when I do my studies and when I read through all my books, I realized something. The world will always have a “darkness”, always. However, the world won’t always have people like us, a light. See, it’s not the “OSDM” that are changing history with their gods and whatnot… no, it’s US. We are the ones that decide what our books will talk about. It will be US that decides who our children are going to look up to. It will be US that makes a difference in our world.

      History isn’t theirs to change, it’s ours. We never fucking left.

    • #21425

      Stoked for everyone and their triumphant experiences tonight.
      Morgan, I love you, and you had your chance. Alas, I’ll be seeing you across the aisle.

      You never left, but they never stopped watching. ?

      • #21445
         Andrew Kasch

        I agree with @bcbishop. I was resistant to pick a side and was even critical of BOS’ tactics and what some of their members were doing (hell, I missed the whole jaw-dropping reveal because I wasn’t paying attention to other ARGs, something that still annoys me to no end). Whether they want to believe it or not, there is still a stigma attached to this group due to the events of Tension, and I wanted to make damn sure that this would be different. But I went ahead and gave them the benefit of the doubt and solved their cipher system and jumped through their hoops…

        The result? I was ignored in their email blast and was the last to learn what their plans were for last night (which is pretty indicative of my entire Lust experience, if I’m being honest). I assume it’s because I dared to question them at certain points.

        That tells me that they have no interest in engaging with people or doing anything beyond preaching to the choir. They just want folks to come to them and fall in line and blindly pledge allegiance. And their members are being as tight lipped and cryptic as last year.

        That’s not rebellion, that’s zealotry at worst and a clique clubhouse at best.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
        • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Andrew Kasch.
    • #21426
       Lauren Bello

      Guys. 8/05. 805. BOS. …Probably should have noticed that earlier.

    • #21427
       Michael Rizzo

      That’s ridiculous and I love it @daela

    • #21428
       Kevin Hsu

      Tonight has me excited to be a part of something I believe in. The trials ahead will be a challenge, but I feel emboldened by those that stand with me.

    • #21429

      *thumbs up emoji*

    • #21430
       Brad Ruwe

      I’m back home. Tonight was… hard to explain. But eye opening for sure. Def was a reminder that yes, I don’t like Noah. BUT he’s given me no reason to reject his offer to come to The System next weekend. He’s also given me no reason to cause any sort of “resistance” at the event. I truly mean that. I know some of you are suspicious of my intentions, but I saw some REAL, honest to goodness, positive outcomes from The System the past two weeks. Sure, @thebuz stole a plant. But he also brought comfort (and a much needed drink) to someone who could use some company.

      , you and I may butt heads every now and then, but I’m willing to hear you out. If that offer for the ticket next weekend still stands, I’m ready to listen.

    • #21437
       Bryan Bishop

      Stoked to hear everyone had an awesome time, and really excited to hear more when the time comes.


      Beware your new savior, everyone. All of us – and I mean ALL of us – are susceptible to manipulation. Being made to feel special by being selected as part of a chosen few… being given a shared secret that you can’t share with the outside world… having fears stoked about a grand “darkness”/other that will get you, and then seeing someone stand up and say he will be able to lead you to safety…

      These are techniques, designed to make people feel special; indebted. Tribalized. To get them thinking exactly how Dear Leader wants. To make sure that when he says jump, all of you say how high.

      I don’t really want to bring politics into this, but I’ll just say that the techniques should look awfully familiar, and we all saw them (on two different sides of the fence) in 2016, 2012, and 2008.

      I originally thought Morgan was acting in good, if tragically misguided, faith here. Now I’m starting to wonder if that was a safe assumption.

    • #21438

      @bcbishop I keep expecting to get exhausted from agreeing with you but it just never comes.

    • #21439

      @wanda102 *sigh* same.

    • #21441

      I learned a lot about myself last night. Things I’ve always suspected lay dormant within have been brought into the light thanks to the BOS.

    • #21442

      That weird sound? Oh, that’s just me alternating between laughing hysterically and banging my head against the wall… Because according to @bcbishop, anyone who follows BOS must be stupid, gullible and ultimately, needy… How flattering!

    • #21443
       Robert Fuller

      @bcbishop is the voice of reason once again.

    • #21449

      @blondie Bryan wouldn’t say that, no way. He’s saying BOS’s tactics may be appealing to a sense of fear and desire for exclusivity. Every one of you are highly intelligent or you would not be here.

      But ask what BOS needs you for. Ask why they say they want to be open with their mission yet exclude so many of you.

    • #21450

      I am baffled… We all have exactly the same information on which to base our decisions. Every e-mail has been shared on here, on slack, on TMC slack. There is no secrecy. There is only the amount of attention you decide to give to those different platforms, which speaks only to YOUR engagement. Those who continue to align themselves with BOS are VERY aware of the accusations levelled at them in the past and as such, are being as transparent as possible.

      Being open to a cause is more than solving ciphers and demanding attention, while criticising at every oppprtunity based on things that happened LAST YEAR. Not everyone chosen was “part of the choir” – look at @cara and @kevin for example…

      I have no idea what happened last night, but I am sure all will become clear. No point in stamping feet and pouting at not being picked

    • #21454

      Is there a reason why nobody can say what happened last night?? Some of us waited up to hear this part of the experience… Did someone tell you not too? Who? Can you say why?

    • #21455

      I hold nothing against BOS for whatever happened last year. This now is a wholly different organization. I would however use the same argument to explain my support for Joyce and OSDM; my experience THIS year (not part of the Experience last year) and my contact with them has not given me, personally, a good enough reason to stand against them at this time.

    • #21456

      And I totally respect that @wanda102 – my last post was not directed at you ❤

    • #21457


      Those who continue to align themselves with BOS are VERY aware of the accusations levelled at them in the past and as such, are being as transparent as possible.

      I hold, admittedly; baggage from last year but I’m trying to give this new BOS a bit of breathing room. Especially now that Morgan is leading it.

      However it is difficult because there is zero admittence from BOS that perhaps their attitudes haven’t been the greatest either. I’m sure I’ll get hit with a snarky blast but for once it’d be nice to be met in the middle.

      On my end though I’m going to continue to try and be supportive even if I disagree, because we at least need to see this sapling grow before we know if it’s a venus fly trap or a womping willow.

      Hope BOS can do the same.

    • #21460

      Everyone wondering “why aren’t they telling us everything” or “why wasn’t I picked” – why do you immediately assume the negative?

      There are many reasons something might not be shared.

      For safety considerations, both for the individual and for the safety of the organization. Maybe it contained moments so EXTREMELY personal that nobody’s comfortable sharing at this moment. Maybe last night’s activities weren’t meant for you. Maybe your application didn’t land. Maybe you can use this as a way to become comfortable with the unknown.

      It was an experience that via recollection can’t be properly expressed. It was a night that required each guest to be entirely and completely engaged and in the moment – everything experienced last night was real, it was honest, it was a testament to the capabilities of the BOS.

      Though the results may not be immediately apparent, everything that happened last night gave the OSDM a reason to fear us. And they will continue to fear us.

      To everyone saying “by committing to your ‘new savior’ you’re just as bad” – No. It doesn’t matter who’s the face of an organization like this. Morgan is one of my best friends, but I don’t give a shit if he’s at the top of the new BOS. It could be the fucking Easter Bunny, George Washington, or Ken Griffey Jr. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that the ideals of that organization align with the ideals of its’ members, and that the members are empowered and given agency.

      From my POV, the things you need to know about last night –
      – Everyone present was there for a reason.
      – Everyone not present was not present for a reason.
      – BOS is no longer just a boogieman under the OSDM’s bed.
      – We are going to burn them to. the. fucking. ground.

      I’ll no doubt be getting heat about not meeting halfway on this. And I’m not going to meet halfway on this. Last night happened for a reason. I’m sorry that reason is not apparent at this moment. I have no doubt it will be, and I’m sure this is something we can all laugh about while roasting marshmallows over the OSDM’s smoldering remains.

    • #21461

      Don’t stand on one side because they haven’t give you a reason to step away. Stand on their side because they’ve given you reason to stand with them.

      Looks like a lot of BOS members were given a solidified reason last night. Also surprised that if this was such and :eye: opening night, why they’d keep silent if it could possibly move others to join with them.

      Something must be brewing.

      (Note, I wrote this before Addison’s post came up.)

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Kortney. Reason: cause addison
    • #21462
       Andrew Kasch

      This isn’t about getting butt hurt over not getting picked for the basketball team.

      To be clear, I *WANT* BOS to do better, especially since Jenna was a founding member. But she’s gone and I haven’t seen much beyond cries of “burn it all down!”

      I’m curious what this “transparency” is that you speak of, considering they’ve only operated under cover of darkness or other ARGs and there’s been virtually no engagement beyond “find us and maybe we will choose you if we think you’re worthy.” Not exactly the best way to start a rebellion. Right now, they seem even more like the OSDM than last year, when they were actually being run by the OSDM.

      • #21469
         Robert Fuller

        @kasch I agree with what you’re saying to a certain extent, but I also think there’s a difference between a rebellion and a resistance. It’s like the difference between the French Revolution and the French Resistance, which is huge in terms of power, numbers, and methods of operation. The BOS’s recruiting methods seem odd, but I assume they’re necessary because they need to know both whom they can trust and who will be valuable to them.

    • #21464

      @bcbishop I hope from what you know about me thus far it’s fair to say I’m cautious about following things blindly. When someone tells me to jump, I typically want to know why.

      @thebuz I am well aware of the bad reputation BOS have as I asked a lot of questions of members who experienced it firsthand. I do, however, believe in second chances. I can’t speak to things that were done before my involvement but I can say that I won’t partake in anything I deem unethical or cruel.

      I wish I could say more. @addisonborn perfectly articulated it. I hope you can understand.

      Thank you for giving us the benefit of the doubt! ❤️

      And to everyone else, I thank those of you who are supportive or understanding and for those who aren’t, you’re entitled to your opinion. Let’s just try and make sure we treat each other a little better this time around. I’ve heard stories of the last round and I don’t want to see that happen again. Here’s to whatever may come…

    • #21465


      I am well aware of the bad reputation BOS have as I asked a lot of questions of members who experienced it firsthand. I do, however, believe in second chances. I can’t speak to things that were done before my involvement but I can say that I won’t partake in anything I deem unethical or cruel

      Perhaps my messaging is off… I was essentially calling to give BOS a second chance (my words being “breathing room”).

    • #21466

      @thebuz Totally. Just wanted to reassure you of that. I won’t abide by any of the behavior I’ve heard about.

    • #21467

      @addisonborn, fair enough. Thank you for providing at least some explanation, this is very helpful for us trying to follow along!

      I do want to ask in all sincerity and no ill will, what exactly are the “ideals of the organization that align with the ideals of it’s members?”

      Can you provide more info on the “ideals” of the BOS? So that I can understand.

    • #21468
       Kevin Hsu

      @bcbishop, @kasch, and @sfire8 have valid concerns about exclusivity and secrecy. Last night’s event only included 7 people and no details were shared. SUS!

      Honestly, the BOS is trying for inclusivity and transparency. @daela shared the listenersnine email here for transparency. #thebos slack channel is public for inclusivity. Bear with us as we step out of the ashes of the former BOS and try to brush away the sins of our past.

      I know #neversilent but we also have to be aware that they’re #alwayswatching
      “…we’re under intense observation right now…” -listener nine email

    • #21471
       Mustafa Said

      Well, I’m glad that whatever happened to those who went was energizing. Good luck.

    • #21472

      I can’t speak to what happened with BOS last year, but from what I saw last night, it appears to be different.

      Also, as others have said, there isn’t a lot I can say right now, but I will say this:

      Okay BOS, let’s do this. It may be a train conducted by a (creatively) foul mouthed Englishman, but I’m on board.

    • #21473
       Lauren Bello

      Yeaaaahhhh! Welcome to the Resistance, @kevin!

      Eventually I hope you can share the train of thought that led you to come over to our side.

    • #21474
       Meghan Mayhem

      Whatever it may be that brought you, very very happy to have you by our side, @kevin!!

    • #21475

      @kortneydarling let me elaborate a touch: Joyce/OSDM have given me a reason to stand with them, per HCDI: they’ve provided this entire experience for us and seek to push us to a better understanding of ourselves; I’m signed up for that, and have no reason to deny it. But I understand and accept people wanting to rally against it, too. You won’t catch me or @bcbishop crying butt hurt. We’re comfy on our island and have plenty of ways to put fires out. ?

    • #21476

      Well, thank you for showing us the kind of person you really are, @kevin. We won’t forget it.

    • #21477
       Meghan Mayhem

      @wanda102 One big difference between religion and science is a willingness to conform your opinions based on your best understanding of facts. A scientist is willing to change their theories based on what is presented to them logically and factually. We must take great efforts to be open minded to this possibility always.

    • #21478

      This sounds familiar.

      Don’t choke @kevin. 😉

    • #21480


    • #21481
       Bryan Bishop

      Some thoughts:

      1. Noting when tactics are deployed is not the same thing as impugning the character of individuals. It would serve us all to learn the difference.

      2. @kevin, I’ll say here publicly what I said to you privately yesterday: Going was the right call, and keeping an open mind was the right call. It’s the best way to serve The Experience. I’m glad you had an engaging evening.

      That said, I’m not going to pretend I’m not bummed at your decision. Perhaps if BOS chose to ever openly share the details of their club meetings (even to their own members, at least? maybe? what about for Christmas?) the rest of us would have a better sense of what swayed you, and what you now think you’re fighting for.

      Until then, I’ll respect your decision. HCDI and the OSDM will be waiting with open arms whenever you finish your little walkabout.

      3. @joycecarlberg: Please check your PMs. We need to chat.

    • #21482

      Hello everyone. After answering your questions, I’ll tell you what I can of last night, and explain why I can’t share everything.

      TLDR: Addison Born was pretty on point.

      Firstly, Andrew Kasch and I have spoken. It was the first thing I did today, and I showed him that he was indeed sent the same email at the exact same time as everyone else. It didn’t bounce back, the problem occurred on his end, not ours. I will never intentionally ignore someone that seeks information about us, least of all someone that solves one of my challenges, and I hope my actions continue to demonstrate this. I also hope that one day I am judged for what I’ve done, and not for what others did.

      Guys. 8/05. 805. BOS. …Probably should have noticed that earlier.

      Ahh @daela you have a sharp eye as always, but were a little late on spotting this one! I’m glad someone did though.

      Beware your new savior, everyone.

      – Says the man in the Joyce Carlberg shirt, with the Joyce Carlberg avatar! 😉 Seriously though, @bcbishop, I don’t think I’ve ever acted like a ‘Dear Leader’; Do I really deserve that kind of title? The Midnight Commission’s first purpose, openly stated in front of everyone, was to illustrate how dangerous it is to give anonymous entities your secrets and personal details, blindly thinking everything is for funsies and there will never be bad intentions on the other side. I revealed what I’d done and why I’d done it, because I don’t want people to get hurt – even people that don’t like me. I revealed that I had formed a new BOS, and that I was coming after those who had hurt my friends and I last year. While you tuck into another Fluffernutter and sing God Save The Queen, I’m doing everything I can to shine a light on the people that harm us. Also, to a point you made several weeks ago, no I don’t want immersive theater and epic experiences like Lust to end, but I do want the kind of people who force out original creators and prey on innocent participants to feel the heat – and Joyce is much more closely connected to those people than I am..

      Not everyone chosen was “part of the choir”

      Many great points in your post but I’m particularly glad you made this one.

      there is zero admittence from BOS that perhaps their attitudes haven’t been the greatest either.

      @thebuz I try to lead by example, but people that find themselves agreeing with my stated aims are not beholden to think or act like me, and likewise it is not meaningful for me to apologize for the actions of others. That said, if it can help draw a line under this, I am sorry that people haven’t always seen eye to eye, that passions ran high after my emergence, and that people were angered or upset on any side of the conversation.
      A lot of vicious things were said to me after I revealed the truth of TMC, but I have tried to move forward quietly without commenting on things said in the heat of the moment, because what’s at stake is more important than flashes of anger.

      Okay BOS, let’s do this. It may be a train conducted by a (creatively) foul mouthed Englishman, but I’m on board.

      ‘Foul mouthed Englishman’ can be abbreviated to just ‘Englishman’..
      Last night was intense and revealing, for all of us, and I’m so glad it was meaningful to you too. Continue to question us, our motives and methods, and always seek to verify we are still what we purport to be. Sycophants can be bought, but the support of skeptics is priceless.

      Joyce/OSDM have given me a reason to stand with them, per HCDI: they’ve provided this entire experience for us

      They removed the creators of this experience you love and tried to replace them with the ‘IT’ protocols. If you truly want to support the people behind this and other experiences, I urge you to more carefully look at which side of the aisle you’re standing on.

      Is there a reason why nobody can say what happened last night?? Some of us waited up to hear this part of the experience… Did someone tell you not too? Who? Can you say why?

      – I asked them not to. I requested they not give details on anything that happened last night, and instead discuss how it made them feel.

      Why would I do this? Because the people who met me in that room had an experience that was completely unique and could never be repeated the exact same way – but only they know exactly why that is the case. This could be seen as a reward for their honesty and their bravery, but is primarily out of respect for what happened and what was revealed. Aspects of what I did could possibly be used in experiences for others at a future date, but that is only an option if nothing is spoiled.

      I need to find people who are legitimately brave, who don’t just say what I want to hear but who really will face the darkness – and survive it, and thrive in it. This was one step on the path to finding those people, and in time, we’ll take another.

      ‘In time’ I say, like there is an ample amount remaining.

    • #21483

      OSDM to BOS: “Let’s see… I’ll trade you my @kevin for your @nothenrygale card. Plus, we get to keep the tee shirt.”

      BOS to OSDM: “Oh, man… I love that tee shirt. Alright, whatever.”

    • #21484
       Mustafa Said

      @111error I’m sure you’ve got your reasons not to share in detail what happened last night. After all, there’s no need to show your hand too early, right?

      I’m glad you came onto the forums and gave us just a bit more insight into what transpired. I wish you and those that stand with you the best of luck moving forward.

    • #21486
       Hannah Schenck

      @111error Thank you for being as open and honest as you feel is necessary right now. Never Silent does not mean that all information needs to be given, but you shared what you felt was relevant to our questions and the chosen few shared how it made them feel, which is what you asked of them. Even though I am on the other side of the spectrum, I can say that it sounds like you created quite the experience for everyone involved and I’m curious to see what unfolds.

    • #21489

      @111error, thank you for the detailed response! It’s exactly what I personally need at least to follow along and stay up to date on this experience!

      Now, since I like keeping track of things: the seven secret BOS agents are Kevin 1, Kevin 2, Cara, Clay, Addison, Lauren?, and Brad (maybe)?

    • #21491

      Oh, wait… not Lauren, but Rizzo?

    • #21492

      @sfire8 You’re welcome, I’m glad it helped! To clarify though, none of the people who attended last night are ‘agents’, secret or otherwise. They were supporters of BOS (or BOS-Curious) who were brave enough to face the darkness. They’ve survived an experience and shown they can be relied upon, which obviously might prove useful in the future if I suddenly need to assemble a task force, but we do not maintain a hierarchy of authority, we leave that to groups who need that sort of guff to compel people to stay and climb the ladder.

    • #21493

      Some thoughts. Late, because…well, I’m busy.
      You’ve seen that episode of Big Bang Theory with the two goth girls and one of them keeps saying “not that anyone actually cares?” That’s about where I’m at here.

      1. Regarding BOS last year vs. this year – I, too, carry baggage and hurt from last year and as much as I would love to say that I’m not judging anything about this year’s BOS based on last year, that would be a lie. Last year was about MORE than just one person, and anyone who says differently is kidding themselves. I am fine now with everyone who was involved but what I don’t like are “sides,” and “wars,” and all that it inevitably leads to – THAT is what I’m against. And that’s what I’m biased against, with BOS.

      2. Furthermore, I also didn’t jump into any other ARGs because I frankly don’t have time for them and also don’t live in LA. I’m going to do Lust because I’ve been one of the core players here since the beginning and intend to stay as long as I can, but otherwise I’m *not* going to start new LA experiences unless there’s some REALLY compelling reason. No Jake, no Loneliness, no Boanthropic, no Midnight Commission. I also foolishly jumped to defend Lust and say that we should stay away from those other ARGs, and did so with my clever polyamory metaphor, which is probably the 3rd time during Lust that I have done something like that only to be found out that the thing I was up in arms about was Lust itself. So, fuck that shit. If defending Lust burned calories I wouldn’t have to exercise. So, I had zero chance of being involved in the resistance at all, because I never once thought that MC was them. Hell I even told other players who suspected it that they were wrong.

      3. I was cut out of all emails from the Sinclairs from the start, which means nothing has come to me about any of the Sinclair-related things. So, with no contact with the Sinclairs and none with the Resistance, exactly how am I supposed to plug into *either* side? Especially given that I’m not in Los Angeles. My one shot to join a “side” was with @joycecarlberg at Bryan’s house that night, and I haven’t heard from her since, so that happened, and I’m never brought up as being a part of that. If I am supposed to choose between Noah and the Resistance, I’m not sure exactly why I should choose either since all I’ve got to go on is one weird phone call about whips. This has not been designed to make *me* want to be a part of *either* side.

      So, personally, I am feeling quite similarly to @kasch. I’m the last to know things. I’m behind and catching up, always. And I’m not sure exactly why I’m supposed to want to be on either side, so I’m not. It all seems incredibly cliquish. I don’t care if you’re withholding information. I’m not interested in what information you’re withholding. I got up early to find out what happened, and when I figured out that I wasn’t going to know, I just shrugged and went back to bed. I wasn’t surprised. I mean, to me, that’s a problem – when I just don’t care, because I’m not involved. I’ve wanted to be, and I’ve tried to be, but the truth is I’m not going to throw my panties at some pick up artist asshole who wants to yell at me and make me post shit on Facebook when I’m not able to actually attend any of the events or meet him in person.

      I don’t need to be lectured, either, on how to talk to Noah Fucking Sinclair or how he’s like a special cupcake rainbow unicorn hedgehog that poops frappuccinos on Tuesdays and must be handled with the utmost care lest he flip the fuck out. I don’t need to convince Noah or Joyce or Morgan why I should be on their side, if they need that of me then they don’t want me anyway. Sides are dumb. Sides are boring. Sides are so last year.

      So, @maddyxxx and @joycecarlberg, I’m here and my phone is on, and you can call me while I’m in Scotland (hell, Noah already did) because I’m paying for it anyway. And Noah, they sell this thing here called “scotch” which I’ve had quite a bit of, if you’d like me to bring some back for you I’m already spending a shitton of money to do this for other people.

      Otherwise, I’m signing off for now.

    • #21495
       Meghan Mayhem

      Man, it’s almost as if those leaked emails spoke ill of participants engaging in other ARGs because the Investors were trying to keep people away from TMC specifically…but no, that certainly couldn’t be the case…

    • #21496

      Man, it’s almost as if there’s a subtext to my post that went over your head…but no, that certainly couldn’t be the case.

    • #21498

      ‘Foul mouthed Englishman’ can be abbreviated to just ‘Englishman’..
      Last night was intense and revealing, for all of us, and I’m so glad it was meaningful to you too. Continue to question us, our motives and methods, and always seek to verify we are still what we purport to be. Sycophants can be bought, but the support of skeptics is priceless.

      It was intense and revealing and I’m appreciative of the experience. I will continue to question BOS’s methods and motives (and I hope other members will as well). I know you have your reasons for utilizing some methods similar to OSDM, and I’m sure you know I’ve been critical of those reasons. However, last night demonstrated what BOS is truly capable of. If we want to be better, we have to be better, and hopefully we can all work together to achieve BOS’s goal while reaching higher.

      I’m sorry for any hurt this may have caused, and I hope I’m able to explain my reasoning to you and the rest of TeamJoyce in the future. Thank you for being able to respect my decision (even if you couldn’t help but sneak a little snark in). As I told Morgan in my email to him for The Midnight Commission, though your convictions differ from mine, I’ll commend you for holding fast to them. Perhaps you’ll be able to understand Morgan’s conviction in the way I now do.

      But which Kevin is which? 🙂

    • #21501
       Brad Ruwe

      Follow up to my post from last night, now that I’m back home and 2 CAPS shots deep.

      It appears some felt my response to the evening here was me “jumping ship” from @111error and the BOS. Far from it. My position with BOS was solidified the moment the TMC was revealed to be BOS. Talking about the BOS after last night didn’t feel like it was right, because it wasn’t new information. Anyone who I’ve talked with in this experience knows how I feel about the OSDM. I could’ve posted all I wanted to last night about “I’M ON BOARD THE BOS TRAIN!” and it would’ve added nothing.

      What DID change after last night was some feelings regarding Noah and The System. Specifically about Noah’s offer to bring be back in for The System event next weekend. To say Noah has rubbed me the wrong way would be an understatement. But to see Morgan welcome those who disagreed with him in the form of @kevin was quite eye opening. It was a reminder that even if we don’t agree with someone, it’s no reason to shut them out and ignore what they have to say. He brought Kevin in as an “outsider”, showed him what he was all about, and based on Kevin’s post sounds like he made a convert out of him.

      Now I don’t expect to convert Noah into some resistance fighter (for all we know he may already be one, but who the hell knows). BUT I look at that lesson I learned last night, to welcome those who you disagree with, to hear them out, and it’s a reminder that even if Noah and I butt heads, that I shouldn’t outright shut him out.

      Last night I was exposed to the darkness, and inside that darkness I found a truth. The BOS is for real.

    • #21504

      Everyone, I am really and truly sorry for my post last night, which didn’t at all say what it intended to say and instead sounded like a bunch of entitled whining. I was in no way trying to complain about the interaction that I have received here, and am not even going to attempt to go into what I WAS trying to say. But my complaints were never meant to be against Lust, and I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet now.

    • #21506

      I’m very proud of Everyone’s journeys! How exciting!

      The dark can be a frightening place. I guess that it just depends if someone has been illuminated by a match that can be used up quickly, then expires or by a flashlight, long lasting and re-chargeable.

      I enjoy the metaphor of the abyss; combating it, illuminating it, but what value does any of it have to someone who does not, and never has, feared the dark?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Jackie.
    • #21508
       Lawrence Meyers

      @theladyj Everyone fears the dark. Not the physical dark. The darkness within. We all have it. Shadows. Complexes. They are there. Keep telling yourself you aren’t afraid of them…. 🙂

    • #21509

      Speak for yourself @larry-meyers

      Being aware is not the same as being afraid. I’m not afraid, not ashamed or embarrassed about my demons and complexes.

      I don’t, and refuse to give the abyss power over me. People don’t surprise me anymore, in their evil, charity, selfishness, mercy and anarchy.

      More importantly, I’ve stopped surprising myself. The dark just doesnt have that frightening edge like it use too. I’m too old for boogy-men I guess.

    • #25042
       Michael Rizzo

      I’ve been thinking about this TMC event for a while now. While I may not agree with @addisonborn on certain things he said recently (but I fully understand where he’s coming from and absolutely respect what he’s done), there is one thing I truly agree with him on. This TMC event that was under wraps. Looking back, I can understand the reasoning of keeping the details of that event close to the chest, but I also believe we’ve all reached the point where the details of that night won’t hurt us. If anything, I think it would help a lot of people figure where they want to stand. I think now is the time for the truth of that night, especially with everything going on as it it now.

    • #25047


      Hi Rizzo, and everyone else reading this.
      There were lots of reasons I asked for details of that night not to be discussed, and none of them were an attempt to hoard information. I wanted to see who I could trust with trivial details – and as we have come to learn, not everyone in that room could be trusted, or meant it when they said they’d stand with us and face the darkness.

      Darkness isn’t always an easily perceived set of jaws that you can see lunging for your neck. Sometimes, darkness is simply a lack of awareness, a lack of knowledge, or sleepless nights spent wondering if your chosen ship is sailing in the right direction. Sometimes the darkness makes people jump overboard in panic, and that’s to be expected too. No one ever promised this would be easy.

      Learning that Jack is / was Mason threw me for a loop. He knows a lot about me, and about us. Getting our house back in order has taken a lot more work than just cleaning the welcome mat, but it’s helped me learn more about him in the process. I felt a bit lost in the winds that blew through here, but we’re steady on our feet again and moving forward, so, since it’s a nice day for it, I feel comfortable acknowledging Rizzo’s request and explaining exactly what the 805 event was.

      People arrived in 20 minute increments. They were met by ‘Jack’ who hooded them and brought them to a large room and sat them in a chair. I would read out loud to the participant the email they’d sent me asking to be part of the event. I was not pleasant or friendly about it, because I wanted to see what these people would do as the pressure increased. All of them fared well, staying resolute in their answers and in their beliefs. Cara and Kevin were not then supporters of BOS and challenged me throughout. One person said his greatest fear was hurting his loved ones, and I replied that it was one of my greatest fears too, and that’s why I was so scared to be there. I dropped a large tool box behind him and began loudly removing tools to help lubricate the discussion.
      After a few moments of seeing whether the person would flinch at various noises and prodding, I pulled off their hood, and they found themselves bathed in bright floodlights. I told them, *we* don’t fucking torture people, we don’t hurt them to get answers or test them, that’s what THEY do. That’s what THEY have always fucking done, and we are better than them. However, I needed to find out who would be willing to enter into something where they thought they might be hurt in some way, who would pursue truth and answers even under intimidating circumstances and total darkness. I needed to know who amongst the BOS-curious was actually brave.
      As thanks for them showing that I could count on them, the rest of their time was theirs to use in asking anything they wanted to know about me, the BOS, our direction, our goals, our alliances, our breakfast and shower routines, whatever the hell they wanted to know.
      5 minutes before their time was up, they watched me call the next person and tell them where to wait for Jack to collect them. No secrets, no obfuscation, just a plain view of exactly how the sausage was made.
      The final thing I offered each person was permission to leave – or, they could choose to stand behind the floodlights where they can’t be seen, and watch every other person go through the experience. Everyone chose to stay, which meant that each time we restarted, there were more people for the participant to eventually realize were in the room with us, seeing and hearing everything.

      It was effective, sincere, honest, sentimental, and bonded some of us together more strongly than ever before.

      I have never and will never beg someone to join BOS. I will also not beg someone not to leave, because what good is an uncertain soldier? To coin a phrase from the other side, we do not cater to the weak.

      We intend to burn the OSDM and what they stand for, and there are lots of matches now to illuminate the darkness.

    • #25048
       Brad Ruwe

      I can confirm the details posted here by @111error. This is exactly what went down that night. We were not tortured, we were not brutalized, we were not manipulated. We were tested, then given an opportunity to ask questions.

    • #25051

      Sorry, can we go back to the part where “Jack” wasn’t properly vetted, who stood there listening to the answers to any possible question, including “can we trust Jack.”

      And can we talk about that time when “Jack” turned out to be Mason?

      And how Mason, who we’ve learned cannot be trusted by the BOS, has what we were told is true honest info about BOS operations?

      And how we’d probably be in a completely different place had BOS been able to speak up about the infiltrator?

      And how even after Mason murdered Joyce, there was no official statement (that I saw at least) from BOS with regards to the fact that Mason was present at the BOS meeting?

    • #25054

      First of all I want to thank @daela for her honesty.?

      I think I managed to finally be clear with a lot of people on where I’m at, but I’ll restate for anyone who missed the ride.

      @bcbishop and I were the first people to meet Joyce in person. She bought Kevin an old fashioned that he had to drink uncomfortably fast when our chat abruptly ended. She was warm and funny, and she wanted to know about us in a way that was really engaging. We liked her. We made shirts. This would be the original #TeamJoyce that Mason’s been referring to. Ass.

      For my own Honesty Time, I have to embarrass Morgan a bit by noting that he is extremely, extremely dear to me. We became great friends very quickly and as someone who came in new to The One this year, he’s been a great help. As such a lot of you might also know that I was really thrown by the TMC reveal at the time, and processed the revelation far more emotionally than I would have with my current mindset. I’ll regret this forever, because it pushed me away from where I naturally would have stood: with many of my strong willed friends and at Morgan’s side.

      Team Joyce lived on, lots of prOSDM posts were made and public spats with people I care about ensued. And Joyce was MIA. Morgan reemerged from the shadows and I started to realize I was fighting what he stood for just to be stubborn, and when it came down to it, my heart and mind were both in the wrong place. Morgan never convinced me to come to BOS. He knew me well enough to just wait for me to come myself.

      I’ll echo what Daela said above. I trust @111error and what he believes in more than any other character because it’s his honest character. I’ll trust him even if I have to eat these words one day, because he trusts all of us.
      That said, this isn’t about blind faith. Nothing truly succeds on blind faith, no matter how noble the leader. I believe in the ideal of what his fight stands for; it’s currently just a bonus that the figurehead for this movement happens to be someone that I fell that I can believe in, too.

    • #25055
       Winston Smith

      @111error So, instead of physically torturing people you just psychologically tortured them a little, to find out if you could trust them? That’s supposed to make it all better?

      Oh, it’s ok guys…we just sic’ed the dogs at ’em, and stacked ’em in a pyramid to make a point. Trust us, it was a really good point, and nobody actually got hurt.

      Torture doesn’t work. People will tell you whatever the fuck they think you want to hear to make it stop. Do you know what *real* counter-intelligence investigators do when interrogating spies? They make friends with them, they get them to relax, they employ psychological tricks, yes…but not psychological torture. You can get a LOT more information out of someone with a cigarette and a happy meal than a box full of torture tools. You win people over by showing them that you’re worthy of their respect, not by saying “See? I wasn’t actually gonna torture you. I’m a nice guy!” I’ve got a book for you to read, Morgan. The next time I see you, I’ll send it home with you. I want you to read every fucking word of it, then come back and tell us what you’ve learned from it. Trust me, you will be enlightened, or double your money back.

      I have to question whether you’re actually prepared for what lies in front of you. *HOW* did you get played by Mason so easily? *WHAT* made you think that you understood their motives, and *WHY* didn’t you see the truth? *WHY* do you think you’re not going to get played the same way by the next pretty story to get whispered in your ear?

      The rest of us were picking up the crazyvibes wafting off of Mason from the moment he showed up. Why didn’t you sense it as well? Wasn’t it obvious that he was loopy right from the start?

      How long did you know Jack/Mason prior to that event? How did you meet? Who approached who? What was offered? What were the terms of the deal you made? Who did you make the deal with? What did you promise? Is there a particular reason that you thought Jack/Mason was more trustworthy than any of the people you’ve gotten to know over the past year or so? Why did you trust him before you trusted any of us? What is the nature of your relationship with Michelle? To what extent were you aware of the connection between Mason, and Michelle, and when did you become aware of it?

      I don’t question your motivations, or the purity of your intentions, but I really do have to question your judgement.

      I don’t want to align myself with someone who psychologically tortures people to make a point. I don’t want to align myself with someone who’s so easily taken in by anyone capable of telling you what you want to hear. If I can’t trust your judgement, or your ability to make good decisions, then I can’t trust you.

      You got some ‘splaining to do, Mister.

    • #25059

      @winstonsmith So, what you’re saying is that in counter-intelligence, you draw more flies with a Fluffernutter than a Louisville Slugger? Huh. Weird.

    • #25060
       Winston Smith

      Pretty much, yeah.

    • #25069
       Winston Smith

      Incidentally, this is the book for anyone playing at home.
      Advanced Interviewing Techniques

      ISBN 978-0-398-07443-2

      If you somehow managed to find yourself a guilty party on the wrong end of a serious interrogation, this will show you how utterly fucked you really are.

      I met Joe Navarro, one of the authors. He’s a former FBI counter-intelligence interrogator. The man broke spies for a living, and he did it with careful, methodical questions, not a box of implied threats. He’s one of the nicest, and definitely the scariest person I’ve ever met.

    • #25293

      @wanda102 asked in Slack about the questions we were asked at this event.

      As Morgan said, we were able to ask any questions we wanted of him. I don’t remember many of my specific questions at this point, but they were almost all related to OSDM.

      Most of his answers dealt with the idea that the OSDM had hurt his friends, both in the community and the actors. I think I asked something about people at The End not really being killed to prompt the bit about the actors. I don’t recall many other specific questions, but Morgan answered with sort of vague responses about how the OSDM was dangerous and could hurt people. He really highlighted the idea that he didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.

      That was the big selling point for me and a point he hammered home with a number of other people through the rest of the night.

      Some overlap, but what I just posted on Slack finishes my thoughts on this and recent stuff with BOS:

      The main reason I swung to BOS was because Morgan assured me that their goal was to make sure no one got hurt. While I’m still with BOS, I can’t say I haven’t had some serious doubts lately. There’s been a distinct lack of trust extended to those who were there that night about the plans moving forwards. And I understand the idea of not revealing plans to the community, but at least some of his answers focused on transparency from what I can recall. There hasn’t been a ton since. Further, the person he did extend trust to ended up actually hurting someone. Morgan rightly denounced Mason’s actions, but we still don’t understand exactly how he came to be involved with Jack/Mason and Briarberg.

    • #25294
       Brad Ruwe

      Good idea @kevin, here’s my relevant stuff I posted in Slack.

      I asked a fair bit about MyChild since I’m still not entirely sold on it being real. Stacey leaves me wondering if she’s actually an OSDM actor who’s keeping Morgan in check. Also asked if BOS had any spies on the inside of OSDM. Also asked if we could trust Noah. That’s the only question I’ll share the answer to since I don’t want to ruin any of Morgan’s potential plans that may not have been enacted yet. Basically he said Noah and BOS may have some shared goals, but that we should still keep our eye on him. Given their interactions since then (Morgan helping out at the pre-Seminar event, showing up to the Seminar), I don’t think this is a surprise to anyone. He’s also the reason I agreed to go to the seminar. I asked if I should go given how Noah doesn’t particularly like me after he offered me the free ticket. He mentioned Noah hadn’t given me any reason to stay away.

      then suggested Morgan was giving me non-answer responses.

      Morgan gave me specific examples of what MyChild can do. Since we’re currently waiting to see MyChild do its thing I won’t go into those specifics until after it is finished doing its thing. There were no non-answers with him like we got with Joyce (RIP).

    • #25295
       Bryan Bishop

      Following up with my bits of the conversation as well…

      What strikes me about the Noah answer @nothenrygale got was that it was pretty much a non-answer answer. “Should I go?” “I’m not saying you shouldn’t go.”

      It has me wondering about all the other responses people received in this interaction – particularly given they were responses to questions people were asking. Were they true disclosures of information, or inferences that let people continue believing what they’re come to the table already inclined to believe?

      there’s a big difference between revealing information and letting people assume what they’re inclined to. One is transparency; the other is an OSDM tactic, so it’s probably good for everyone if we have complete and total transparency on those encounters from that night.

      Because if we want to get down to it: The event was mostly friendly faces, included one dissident, and made all of those present feel special and unique by giving them “secret” information that they were told could not be shared. It made those present feel like they were on the inside, and ginned up FOMO for those that weren’t invited. But now, it seems that “secret” info was either sleight of hand of the Forer effect in action.

      One explanation is that yes, it was a loyalty test. The other is that it was a total manipulation scheme that worked.

    • #25296
       Brad Ruwe

      @bcbishop I didn’t read his Noah answer as a non-answer. He told me Noah offered me a free ticket, that he seemed to honestly be trying to help people (in his own special way) with his tasks, and he didn’t see any reason why I shouldn’t go. He wasn’t being evasive, he was leaving the final decision up to me.

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