5/16 Call from NOAH!

This topic has 52 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by Anonymous.

  • Author
    • #13934

      So by now, most of you know that I THOUGHT I got a call from Tension at this diner I was at, ended up being my asshole friend being a prick.

      I came here, posted about it, then realized in the morning it was him.

      I felt like an idiot.

      Cut to a few hours later my phone rings, NO CALLER ID – this time I was ready! I started recording the call. (I did however ask if it was okay to record first!)

      The call itself was very short. Basically it was Noah Sinclair saying my friends were assholes and it was time I found a real friend and joined him. He made some witty Noah’isms.

      Honestly, I understand the addiction now to this. That one 60 second phone call and I feel all hyped up on caffeine!

      Give me a minute to figure out how to post this audio.

    • #13935
       Andrew K

      Damn, a call from the main man himself. Congrats @confuseddude! Def makes up for your friends being assholes. And ALSO proves that THEY ARE ALWAYS WATCHING.

    • #13936
       Meghan Mayhem



      That fucking lovable little shit head.

      (He’s right, btw)

      Also glad to know he’s alive. I haven’t heard from his ass in 2 weeks.

    • #13937
       Hannah Schenck

      Wow @confuseddude that’s awesome you got a call from the man himself! Did he sound relaxed? On edge? Drunk? 😉

      Were you able to figure out how to share the phone call that you recorded? You are a smart cookie for doing that, my hat is off to you!

      I’m glad they made up for your friend’s fuck up, also Noah is right, you need knew friends and he sounds like a pretty adventurous one 😉

    • #13938

      Me: Hello
      Noah: Little Andy Andy Andrew why are you so fucking confused? Do you know who I am?
      Me: Sounds a lot like Noah.
      Noah: Bingo!
      Me: Do you care if I record the conversation?
      Noah: Do what you got to do my man. Word around the campfire is that you have some really shitty friends.
      Me: Um, I mean, I wouldn’t say shitty, but yeah, they definitely fooled me.
      Noah: They fucked you over, they were shitty. alright so, why don’t you stop hanging out with the riff-raff and you follow the leader. Sound good?
      Me: Um, sure.
      Noah: Yes, sure. Let me tell you something, misinformation is an art form these days so don’t beat yourself up. The system will scramble and clear you up Andy, so why don’t you get on the list.

    • #13939

      @confuseddude Holy crap! Yeah, time for new friends indeed. Just not sure if Noah is the right new friend…

    • #13941

      Dude. This is awesome.

      Also fun that we know Noah is still monitoring these forums.

    • #13942
       Hannah Schenck

      Noah is a riot. Sounds like you have an offer to replace some “shitty” friends with an unpredictable one 😉

    • #13943

      @confuseddude ahhh!!! THAT IS SO DOPE!! Personal invitation from Noah himself. That was so cool of him to call you like that!

    • #13944
       Max Z

      This is the definition of a happy ending. Congrats, Andy! Also: if you can get it up, I think we’d all love to hear that audio just for fun

    • #13945

      Awesome! Really happy you got the real deal this time!

      I am really loving Noah right now. He might end up being a piece of heartbreaking and betraying trash, but at least he’ll be a lovable piece of heartbreaking and betraying trash.

    • #13946

      Welcome to the Goofball Gang!

    • #13947
       Alecia Steiner

      So glad it worked out for you in the end! I was going to post to your other thread about how I had some weird random girl call me in the middle of the night and posted this looong recount, only to find out it had nothing to do with Lust. I guess we’re all a little Lust-drunk…

    • #13948


      happy ending…if you can get it up

      Hehehe ?

    • #13949

      Score a point for Andy Andy Andrew!!! 🙂

    • #13950

      @pandace88, I see what you did there! tee hee!

    • #13951
       Max Z

      @pandace88 *cue MyHauntLife “LUST!” sound effect*

    • #13952

      Here is a link to soundcloud.

    • #13953

      @confuseddude thanks for being super awesome and recording/sharing that with us!! U should send that to your friend too ???

    • #13954
       Hannah Schenck

      @confuseddude Thank you for this, it’s much more exciting to hear him and his dry humor lol Bravo

    • #13955

      @confuseddude, Forgive me if I’m asking a dumb question, but what app/software did you use to record the call?

    • #13956

      That’s awesome @confuseddude! Noah didn’t have to make up for your “friends'” actions, but he did anyway, and that’s +points in my book.

    • #13957
       Brad Ruwe

      This makes me love Noah a bit more. Still don’t entirely trust him, but hey, he knows misinformation is an art form.

      Glad you got a legit call @confuseddude!

    • #13958

      I’ve now made a folder on my phone home screen just for LUST. You know…just in case…

    • #13959

      Wonderful! And interesting to hear him plug The System in the midst of this. I wonder what exact stipulations went into the accord between Noah and his father beyond Sarah’s safety and the security of the OSDM’s secrets? What is the difference between a System with and without Noah’s involvement?

    • #13960

      @confuseddude So RAD! I love that call. He clearly cares about your future. 😀

    • #13961

      Heh, Noah is hilarious.

    • #13962

      My Twin did something very similar with Tension, pissed me off to no end.

    • #13964

      I love Noah’s attitude in this call. Great audio capture @confuseddude.

    • #13965
       Brad Ruwe

      I do have to wonder if the call was part of the new rebranded System, one that will actually get people wanting to join? I’d still be careful @confuseddude. I have my reasons to think this call is SUS. Noah was pushing The System juuuuust a bit too much.

    • #13967

      Congrats, man. What a fun call.

      As for The System being back on, I’ll believe it when I see it. We’ve heard that before and then it’s been derailed again pretty soon after. @macbethinabathtub brings up a good point in that it looks like they may need Noah for The System to function properly. It was important enough that it appears to be part of whatever deal Noah made, so they must really want it functioning correctly too.

    • #13968

      Awww @confuseddude, what a fun call. Noah is an absolute hoot. I’m smiling from ear to ear (despite having a bad case of insomnia…). You’re in The System now! Gooood luuuuuck ?

    • #13969
       Taylor Winters

      It’s really great to hear Noah! Reading his words is one thing but hearing them deliver them is a treat! Thanks for sharing @confuseddude

    • #13970
       Max Z

      @confuseddude That was an awesome recording but I feel like the best part was your reaction at the end. It’s exactly how I would’ve reacted. “Uh…”

    • #13972

      Noah is just like a fairy godmother. An alcoholic, rage-filled fairy godmother with daddy issues, just making dreams come true!!!

    • #13973

      @confuseddude I totally love your vocal reaction at the end! I have to side with the folks who are a little cautious about the reasoning behind the call, though. Your friends pulled a prank which, in light of your interest in this world seems a little harsh. Noah sees that as an opportunity to appeal to you and plug his System? It’s a bit opportunistic, but still… sincere congrats on the opportunity if it’s something you want to go after!

      and @macbethinabathtub touch on an interesting point… I wonder if this means that it is now “back to business as usual” as Noah indicated at the end of the periscope with @meghanmayhem

    • #13974

      Certainly makes me wonder if the whole winners/losers thing is gonna finally come into play…

    • #13975

      #AlwaysWatching, #AlwaysListening.

      Superb rebound from lust and noah. ♡
      I’m so glad you got such a wild and personal phonecall!

    • #13976

      @confuseddude This makes me think of a conversation I’ve been having with my iConfidant about how we choose to react to things that happen to us, good or bad. We can choose to do nothing or we can do something. You had something shitty happen to you and you brought it to the community. As a result you learned how much they care & support you and you got a really neat interaction with Noah. So ow your reaping the rewards of not being silent and trusting the community.

      I hope you don’t regret that in the end. ?

    • #13979
       Bryan Bishop

      This is awesome – congrats @confuseddude!

      and others bring up important points, though. Noah isn’t Santa Claus. He’s a manipulator. He wants something, and he clearly saw this as an opportunity to curry favor with you. Your friend was jerky, full stop – but Noah is using that as leverage to bring you into his fold.

      Godspeed no matter what you decide to do with this, but we all should have our eyes open when we make choices. After all… they’re watching. 😀

    • #13986

      (re-posting previous conversation for sake of posting on here)

      I think it’s shitty your friend pulled that/it’s petty to say the least. Obviously jealous they’re not getting the attention they need if they went through the trouble to pull that shit. Also, tell them to join if they’re THAT annoyed.

      //To Noah’s call//

      I’m stoked that he called you; super glad to see something shitty turn into something fun and exciting. @bcbishop (you have a shadow account?) makes a great point with the currying the favor thing. Manipulators, especially POPULAR manipulators are the easiest to get sucked into. Fuck, I’d be excited to get Noah’s attention but I have a bad history with manipulators. So great progress on that, Kortney. Great.

      I mean… Still super excited about this. You should periscope about it/make an account if you don’t have one and tell us what it is.

    • #13987

      That’s so damn cool of Noah to send you a personal invite after getting pranked like that.

      I don’t know what some of the others are talking about. The man is warm and friendly. He reached out to offer you friendship when yours took a semi-hostile action against you. Sounds like a good guy to me.

    • #13988

      @thegilded you’re showing to be an easy target; get ready.

    • #13990

      @kortneydarling – I have no idea what you’re talking about. A successful businessman who still has the heart to contact a man after he’s been burned or, in my case, wish me a happy birthday is a good man in my book.

    • #13993

      “Hey I’m a popular guy who everyone wants. I’m gonna give you special attention to make you feel super special
      “Oh hey- you need a favor? I got you buddy, my special friend. Don’t worry about it.”
      “Hey, remember that time I gave you attention and did that thing for you? I want you to do this thing for me now. You owe me since I’m super cool and you’re nothing.”

    • #13994

      That’s me speaking from personal experience. I murdered someone for attention.

    • #13996

      Yeah I’m not really seeing a problem with anything you just said

    • #13997

      Excited to see who you end up murdering, @thegilded ! I’m gonna place bets

    • #13998

      @kortneydarling said

      “Hey I’m a popular guy who everyone wants. I’m gonna give you special attention to make you feel super special”
      “Oh hey- you need a favor? I got you buddy, my special friend. Don’t worry about it.”
      “Hey, remember that time I gave you attention and did that thing for you? I want you to do this thing for me now. You owe me since I’m super cool and you’re nothing.”

      Oh that sounds familiar. Ooh ahhh that’s how it always starts but then later there’s running… and um screaming.

    • #13999

      Damn it @thebuz quit hogging all the murder. It’s my turn.

    • #14002

      It’s all fun and games until someone has to murder Otis…

    • #14004

      @kipsie too real

    • #14005

      @kortneydarling I’ve had the proverbial “bad feeling about this” since he came on to the scene, and I really don’t want to be right…

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