This topic has 64 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by 111error.
April 21, 2017 at 2:33 pm #10400
ParticipantI emailed Stacey earlier to ask whether I am accepted into iConfidant or not, since I’ve heard nothing since our calls. She called me back quickly to say that she’d received my email, and was I still interested in the program as my name had been crossed off her list. o_0
She blamed her assistant Kristen / human error, apologized, and said she will make this right immediately. We said goodbye, and though grateful for the call I was not impressed by the disorganization, and I resigned myself to receiving the same email we’ve all seen today.
A few minutes ago the phone rang again, but this time it was Kristen. She asked me how I was, and I said I’m okaaaay… but my name had been crossed off the iConfidant list. She seemed confused by this, stammered a little, and I told her that Stacey had blamed her for doing it.
“She did? Oh… oh no… I.. err…. I will make this right with iConfidant if you want me to.. but.. errr..”Kristen sounded a little embarrassed and explained that she had been thinking about me, and thinks Stacey overheard her talking about me to someone else. She didn’t explain what that meant or had led to, but then… asked me if I would like to meet her for coffee? …. !
I was a bit surprised (a lot surprised) and said yes, Kristen laughed and said she’d been really nervous about asking me. I replied, “Did you cross my name out intentionally so you could ask me out for coffee?” She emphatically denied doing that, and I said “That’s a shame, it would be the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.” She laughed again, and said maybe she had crossed my name out accidentally..
She said I’ll hear from her to arrange coffee for sometime next week. o_______O
From the reactions and stammering, Stacey wasn’t massively pleased by whatever had been said.. but I’m sure this will just be a relaxing coffee with a new friend. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen??
If I die, Daela gets to distribute my possessions as she sees fit. -
April 21, 2017 at 2:39 pm #10401
April 21, 2017 at 2:39 pm #10402
ParticipantThat’s cuckoo-bananas how quickly they got back to you. Big companies make mistakes all the time, but for them to essentially drop everything and fix the mistake you must have really stood out to them in some way.
April 21, 2017 at 2:44 pm #10404
Andy (but still a confused dude)
ParticipantA date for a mistake?! Now that is customer service.
April 21, 2017 at 2:47 pm #10405
Participant@lilmsfancpants If last year’s research has carried over in any way, then they have a LOT of data on me that they never exploited.. But, if that last ‘accidental’ comment is true, it would make sense that Stacey didn’t understand why I’d be emailing, and that Kristen would then have to quickly follow up to try and explain.
Only one thing is for sure; We’re definitely not getting Unicorn flavored purple cream from Starbucks.
April 21, 2017 at 2:50 pm #10406
April 21, 2017 at 2:57 pm #10407
Participant@nothenrygale She did specifically ask if I’d like to join for her some coffee, not type 2 diabetes.. but who knows.
April 21, 2017 at 2:59 pm #10408
April 21, 2017 at 3:01 pm #10409
April 21, 2017 at 3:06 pm #10410
Participant@nothenrygale they’re already GONE Brad JUST LET THEM DIE.
April 21, 2017 at 3:06 pm #10411
Lauren Bello
Moderator@111error Dibs on your leather jacket <3
April 21, 2017 at 3:16 pm #10412
Inactive@nothenrygale can confirm, but shaking a butt in your loved one’s face is the best way to woo them…
At least that is more pleasant than those darn unicorn frapps.
April 21, 2017 at 4:18 pm #10421
April 21, 2017 at 4:43 pm #10428
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantNice! Let us know what happens…
And yikes, I should probably check in and make sure my name wasn’t accidentally crossed off the list too.
April 21, 2017 at 4:45 pm #10430
Participant@pandace88 Kristin seemed pretty concerned that Stacey had heard her, I doubt this is gonna end up as coffee and cuddles… but if it looks like danger, I’m going out eating a cronut.
April 21, 2017 at 5:21 pm #10439
ParticipantOh how fun! Pick a romantic cafe.
#IShippIt -
April 21, 2017 at 5:39 pm #10443
ParticipantIf she orders decaf or a frappucino, run for the hills… ? I’ll be rooting for you boo ❤
April 21, 2017 at 10:35 pm #10498
April 21, 2017 at 11:56 pm #10511
Participant@blondie If that happens, I will Periscope while running uphill.
@tiffany223 There will be not a single crumb left because reasons.?
I’m at a bar with Buz, who has discovered pre-mixed bottles of Jack & Coke and likes them very much. This is not helping my figure for Kristen.
April 22, 2017 at 12:27 am #10515
InactiveFun times with @111error.
April 22, 2017 at 12:38 am #10516
April 22, 2017 at 12:44 am #10517
Meghan Mayhem
Participant -
April 22, 2017 at 4:21 am #10525
Participant“How To Make Friends and Influence People” with @meghanmayhem and Chelsea!
April 24, 2017 at 3:20 pm #10696
April 24, 2017 at 3:55 pm #10698
ParticipantAnother question… Which one of you are going to pay?
April 24, 2017 at 3:56 pm #10699
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantThat’s a good question I didn’t even think of @kortneydarling! I’d normally say @111error, but Stacey is a CEO of what sounds to be a pretty successful high tech company so…..
April 24, 2017 at 4:06 pm #10700
Inactive@nothenrygale It’s not Stacey though it’s Kristen. He should most definitely pay as a courtesy.
April 24, 2017 at 4:07 pm #10701
April 24, 2017 at 5:32 pm #10738
Participant@nothenrygale If I knew anything else, the forum would have heard about it by now.
And OBVIOUSLY the gentleman picks up the tab at coffee, sheesh..
April 24, 2017 at 5:33 pm #10740
April 24, 2017 at 6:39 pm #10787
April 24, 2017 at 9:19 pm #10823
Participant4/24 – 8:57pm – Call from Kristen..
Kristen just called, and has had a slightly overwhelming day. “I.T. was compromised” she said – both her phone and computer were seized today, presumably by them. She didn’t know why those items were taken, and doesn’t want to ask questions, just wants to lay low and let this blow over.
We’re meeting for coffee tomorrow at 2pm.. !
[edit] She said she should be able to ‘sneak out’ at that time, and also that I will recognize her by her wearing a starfish necklace.
: kirobass
April 24, 2017 at 9:21 pm #10824
InactiveYou didn’t tell her to blame @kasch?
April 24, 2017 at 9:23 pm #10826
Brad Ruwe
ParticipantThank you for the update! So things are a little crazy at iConfidant then. Wonder who is hijacking their equipment? Someone from The System, or an as of yet unknown person?
Enjoy your coffee date! I look forward to the Periscope!
April 24, 2017 at 9:34 pm #10827
April 24, 2017 at 9:43 pm #10828
InactiveOf course the first thing I check on the activity is an effing clown gif. Goddammit, @111error.
Excuse me. I need to go pee now.
April 25, 2017 at 10:01 am #10924
Andrew Kasch
ParticipantWait, I.T. was compromised? What does that mean? That the people who called me yesterday were being disingenuous?
@111error: You’re my eyes and ears today, brother. Please get as much information as you can cause I have no idea what’s going on now right now. -
April 25, 2017 at 10:08 am #10929
ParticipantWith IT being compromised does that mean that our applications for the beta, which included our email addresses, phone numbers, photos with the things we care about most and a glimpse into the worst times in our lives, are also compromised?
April 25, 2017 at 10:18 am #10931
Participant@kasch Whenever I’m on a first date, I like to bring you up and talk about your accomplishments and stalkers, so that shouldn’t be a problem…
(Will see what I can do 😉 )
@ziegenbartsr We don’t know what ‘compromised’ refers to yet, all we know is that electronic items are being scoured for a trace of something. -
April 25, 2017 at 10:25 am #10932
ParticipantWell, even if they were I’m sure everything will be just fine.
April 25, 2017 at 11:05 am #10936
ParticipantSo could the IT they referred to have any relation to IT that Noah mentioned?
April 25, 2017 at 4:20 pm #11019
Participant……… Wow, so here’s what I can remember that happened. I would be a terrible witness to a crime because I can’t remember exactly what was said, but I promise I’ll hit the main bullet points. Also, there were things she specifically said I must keep secret, so I’m going to talk about them as much as I think I safely can and will assume Tension fans can fill in the gaps.
Kristen walked up confident and cheerful, pausing briefly at the table outside that I was sitting at, I asked “Kristen?”, we shook hands, and I invited her inside for a coffee or to try one of the famous pies or deserts. She declined, which seemed a little strange at the time as she’d been so excited previously, but who cares about that when I get to sit and talk with her?
She is beautiful, has a casual yet striking look, dark / straight hair that hangs just below her shoulders. She occasionally has to brush it out of her eyes, which were locked onto me almost the entire time, and she laughs loudly and smiles often. She’s wearing make up suitable for a high-powered assistant role, nothing trashy but just enough to elevate her natural features.
She apologizes for being a little scatter brained, I say that’s understandable and ask if the situation with her computer and phone is now over, and she indicates that it is. She says that things are pretty tense in the office right now, Stacey has been dealing with a lot of stressful situations and seems to be picking on Kristen occasionally to get under her skin. I ask what kind of things, Kristen says it’s minor stuff like snippy comments on her clothing, nothing major but a strong general sense that something is up. She pauses and apologizes for starting off by venting about her work and I say it’s fine for her to continue. She suspects that Stacey might not be as suited to management as she is, which may be a source of the friction. The company was started with a significant cash advance from somewhere, and though she’s not sure where, she thinks the investors might be visiting occasionally. Stacey doesn’t like to acknowledge this stuff. I ask if the investors are often in suits with briefcases, and she animatedly says yes while grabbing my knee; I ask if she’s ever heard or seen the acronym OSDM, she says she has not.
She apologizes again for talking mainly about work, says that it’s very weird to be investigating people and learning more about them than they know about themselves, and I said it’s getting late, thanked her for coming and stood up to leave – because I’m a corny idiot. She asks me to tell her some things about myself, and I say maybe she could tell me where her investigation left off so I can start somewhere new. I talk about how new I am to Los Angeles, how I live very close to where we were and that the apartments have shut off the water today for emergency maintenance, so I had to wash with wet wipes and the remaining water that was in my coffee maker. We talk briefly about my being a sound engineer and my part time Burning Man roles, we talk about how strange it can feel to be alone in LA, and that I came here after long term relationships ended, and she is curious / concerned about my answers. I ask her, if you know so much about so many people, you must know that your interactions caused quite a stir, and that she could have asked for coffee with anyone, so why me? She says that I seemed different, more honest and open. I said that I get myself in a lot more trouble being honest than I ever did when I was deceitful, but I’d rather be open and vulnerable.
That led to a discussion of how people are in LA, that a lot of them hide behind masks, and we people-watch briefly, me half expecting Stacey to angrily arrive at any moment. I shared a story from the NoHo Diner a few nights ago, when I leapt up to help two girls being chased by a man outside, and that as I get older I am more willing to try and defend people like that, even though I am hardly the greatest physical specimen.
I ask her how she arrived here, she says she grew up in Fresno (eww) and came here like I did, seeking a better life and to be in a place where things are happening. We chat about Northern California briefly, and then she asks me to talk more about myself … As I am talking, she cocks her head slightly to the side, and asks me to repeat what I just said, but slower. It was unusual, but I assumed I was just speaking too quickly.
Our conversation continued, us sharing little details about ourselves, and she asked me a question that … I can’t remember now. (Kristen just called me again and now I am a little shaken.. You’ll read why in a moment.) I looked up and laughed, and said that the answer was probably one for a third or fourth coffee date, but if she shares a second-coffee secret then I would do the same. I won’t share our secrets here, I haven’t had coffee with enough of you – but what’s more important was that we were just happily talking, getting along really well, joking and laughing and.. Anyone that saw us would have thought we were friends, it was relaxed and comfortable and natural. At another point, she again cocked her head slightly and asked me to slow down and repeat what I had just said, but that time it felt .. stranger. Less natural.
I asked if she knew how much of a stir iConfidant had caused, she mentioned that she would love to tell me more but she cannot, and that there are limits to what she knows about our reactions to things – but I did mention that if she needed help, there are a lot of us that would likely be willing to help her, which she found quite touching. I said that last year, I spent quite a lot of time trying to help someone who’d reached out to me.. and that regarding her fears of Stacey, a lot of my friends will try to help an underdog.When she had to leave, I genuinely wished she could stay longer, I hugged her goodbye, waited for her to walk away and loaded up Periscope. I would meet her again at the drop of a hat, and I would insist on her trying the dirty chai latte next time.
I just rushed through the end of the coffee date description because she just called me again, and my mind is scattered now. She didn’t introduce herself, but I could recognize her voice through the crying.
I immediately started asking what was wrong, but she was crying too hard to tell me.
Then she said sorry. Then she kept saying sorry.Then she said, “Morgan, I’m so sorry, but I promise, they didn’t find what they were looking for.”
Then she hung up.
I feel … awful. I have no way of reaching her, and I have no way of knowing what she meant. What were they looking for? Who is they? Will I ever hear from Kristen again? Was none of that real?
Heart ache: Now in progress.
April 25, 2017 at 4:27 pm #11020
Participant@111error – MAN did they collect some serious data on you last year – here’s another damsel in distress, coming your way!
“They didn’t find what they were looking for” – makes me think they were looking for something ON YOU. In your iConfidant exchanges? Tension questionnaire? The recording she might have been making?
April 25, 2017 at 4:27 pm #11021
Vox Chaotica
ParticipantIt begins. What could you possibly have that the proverbial “they” want in the first place?
April 25, 2017 at 4:32 pm #11023
Participant@coryphella Right? Genuinely feel vulnerable now, and want to race to wherever Kristen is to help her.
And yes, I think you’re probably right, if they were using Kristen to study me it would make sense she would be upset for cheerily betraying my trust for them, but now I’m connecting disparate dots to try and make sense of what just happened. I hope she’s okay. =(
… I hope I’m okay? Fuck. -
April 25, 2017 at 4:33 pm #11024
April 25, 2017 at 4:34 pm #11026
ParticipantUtterly devastating and exceedingly well told, @111error. @coryphella, I had the same thought. I’d hate to say it, but that second call makes it seem like the entire point of that coffee date was some kind of phishing expedition for something you didn’t divulge originally, and Kristen’s guilt of being a part of that got the better of her. You clearly made an impression, Morgan. I wonder if she will attempt to make amends, perhaps by being more forthcoming next time.
April 25, 2017 at 4:35 pm #11027
InactiveMy interpretation… this was a set up and Kristen was a test case to be your iConfidant. They are looking for the perfect person for some need or another.
However it would seem Kristen actually liked you… and needed to warn you.
In other words you just got “She’s all Thated”.
So don’t be too heartbroken, you touched her soul even if the terms weren’t exactly known to you.
Also theory on OSDM/iConfidant… after setting up a fake cult to gather information it’s not at all that crazy that they’d invest in a service that pairs you with the perfect companion… great way to gather even more data.
April 25, 2017 at 4:37 pm #11028
ParticipantAwe! *pat pat* @111error
Well, clearly she was siphoning something from you, like speech, data or whatever. But Clearly she feels bad enough about it be a wreck which is good. She has empathy and empathy towards you, to boot! What could they have been looking for?
You do want to save her. Maybe that’s what they want? maybe they’re missing that hero spark. That selfless ‘fly off the handle,’ that someone cold, calculated and nay, robotic, would be lacking, or maybe couldn’t learn. Maybe they want your sincerity?Again with these damsels dudes, women will be the death of us.
April 25, 2017 at 4:39 pm #11029
April 25, 2017 at 4:49 pm #11031
Participant[Edit] Forgot various details .. because … ugh, heartstrings.
I did ask what her absolute favorite food was, and she said bread. A French baguette, and she likes to eat the insides and then use the crust to eat pasta. Girl after my own heart, I told her that giving bread as her answer is probably illegal in North Hollywood and we could get in trouble. I said I have a terrible habit of making a sandwich out of *anything* I am eating, then asked her what her least favorite food is. She said she hasn’t eaten enough to know and doesn’t want to name something she’s never tried, then answered Tofu. I said she really needs to keep her voice down or we’re going to get arrested.
I am missing lots of little details like that, but nothing particularly revelatory, like I said it was just a really nice little time with a … …. ….. spy?
April 25, 2017 at 4:53 pm #11032
Participant@111error thank you for sharing. I just got home from this amazing, uh, well for me it was amazing as I’m comparing to what I have, speakeasy where I watched your parescope. Thanks for sharing. Some crazy shit going on. Again, thanks for sharing I had the best beef tips I’ve ever had, my first Old Fashioned, (yummy) and got drawn in even further into this experience of what the fuck is going on.
April 25, 2017 at 4:56 pm #11033
ParticipantThen she said, “Morgan, I’m so sorry, but I promise, they didn’t find what they were looking for.”
April 25, 2017 at 4:57 pm #11034
ParticipantMy other question would be is there something that she planted on you??
April 25, 2017 at 4:57 pm #11035
@111error saidShe said she hasn’t eaten enough to know and doesn’t want to name something she’s never tried, then answered Tofu. I said she really needs to keep her voice down or we’re going to get arrested.
That legitimately made me laugh out loud. You charming mother fucker.
April 25, 2017 at 4:59 pm #11036
April 25, 2017 at 5:00 pm #11037
Participant@111error thanks for sharing. I’m sad for you…you had a great time and then find out it was all some ploy to get something out of you. She betrayed your trust and used you. At least she called back and told you immediately with what sounds like genuine regret. To be fair, it doesn’t sound like she wanted to do it. It sounds like she was forced because it’s her job. So I wouldn’t be too mad at her. I understand the want to help her. It does seem like she’s involved in something ominous. She has genuine feelings, she’s not a robot. I think she was wearing a wire and people were listening to your conversation live. Maybe feeding her instructions. Like how Sarah was talking to people with an earpiece at the focus group.
April 25, 2017 at 5:01 pm #11038
InactiveYou can’t save your Sa… nope. Can’t say it.
April 25, 2017 at 5:05 pm #11040
Lauren Bello
ModeratorI wonder…is she sorry for tricking/using you?
Or sorry for something that’s going to happen?
I feel like she wouldn’t have apologized quite so tearfully unless there were going to be consequences – perhaps her disappearance from your life, perhaps something else.
April 25, 2017 at 5:13 pm #11046
ParticipantBecause whatever happened, sacrifices were made. It deserves to be remembered.
April 25, 2017 at 5:48 pm #11068
Participant@macbethinabathtub @theladyj Yeah, seems I was set up for something.. but either I was too wary, or Kristin failed.. or maybe succeeded in protecting me? I should have known today would leave me emotionally busted.
@mkarrett Certainly seems that was the intention..
@coryphella That’s worrying.
@pandace88 ugh =*(
@daela No way of knowing yet. We’ll find out soon enough. =/ -
April 29, 2017 at 9:56 pm #11888
Participant@111error Truly appreciate you recounting all of this. I wonder if it felt like you might have been recorded? Is that the reason for the odd request to slow down and repeat something? Do you, by chance, specifically remember what you had to repeat? I wonder if that might give a clue as to what they were trying to find out about you. (Or maybe it was that adorable accent – Lord knows I have trouble understanding you every now and then, haha!)
Sir, you and I have traveled similar paths at certain points in our friendship. We have both emotionally invested and did our best to help a specific woman we were concerned about. We certainly differed on how to best do that. However, I feel it safe to say both of our paths led to a certain degree of… disappointment.
Morgan, my friend. I have so many mixed feelings reading this. It saddens me to think this was just a set up to gather info on you. I hope they don’t see you as an easy mark because of your generous nature.
The most worrisome thing is simply this… if they did not “find what they were looking for” it means they have to try again, correct?
April 29, 2017 at 11:36 pm #11893
Lawrence Meyers
ParticipantI only just caught up on this thread now.
Allow me to proffer this theory:
She wasn’t there to siphon anything from Morgan by digging, asking questions, getting speech patterns, or anything of the sort. She probably wasn’t there to do anything but be herself.
She was unwittingly there to siphon something Morgan gave freely, and gladly.
His heart.
He’s invested in her now.
And now they have what they are looking for.
And what iConfidant may be up to is attempting to create AI versions of this so as not to have be bothered with problematic humans.
April 30, 2017 at 9:15 pm #11964
Participant@theladyj This poster gets more upsetting each time I see it.
@russell Thank you for your encouragement, this was a tough one. Yes, I did end up thinking there was some kind of recording or monitoring going on, but I don’t know if that is other people’s theories influencing me, since she could have just been trying to concentrate on what I was saying. Unfortunately I don’t remember what I had to repeat, the first time it happened I thought it was just my accent tripping things up as usual, the second time I found it curious but, stupidly, didn’t stop to take note of what I’d said.
They may well have seen me as an easy target, I opened up last year in these situations without much coercion, as you know.
– When Kristen called me, sobbing terribly, and said they didn’t find what they were looking for … why was she crying? Was she crying because she betrayed me somehow? Or because she was punished for not uncovering what ‘they’ needed? This was the first time (ever) that I met someone from this world privately, so OOA / BoS / OSDM / iConfidant / whomever may not have been able to crack me open the way they wanted to. If I don’t get to hear from Kristen again, I hope someone does and .. I hope she’s okay, even if she never meant anything she said to me.
@larry This was sweet for you to write, and.. ugh, sad. If they used me as a test case for building or deploying technology, they’re exploring some dark spaces and their plan might not have worked as intended.Maybe more people will get to meet Kristen tomorrow? 15 hours until we find out.
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