10.4 VOTE: ODSM's Los Angeles Data Center

This topic has 32 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by Tim Redman.

  • Author
    • #25728
       Bryan Bishop

      Earlier today Sabrina Kern asked us to vote on the fate of the ODSM’s LA data center, and the 91 people it employs. To recap the rules:

      -Vote ABSOLVE, and those 91 and the division’s resources are relocated.

      -Vote DISSOLVE, and the data center undergoes… reduction. And we know what that means for its employees.

      -Those who vote then pass the baton to someone of their choosing — or they can choose to end the voting entirely.

      -I must be the first to vote.

      I started the earlier topic so we could all have a chance to discuss the pros and cons of this one. I wanted to make sure everyone had an opportunity to argue for their points of view before the competitive furor of voting kicked in.

      Now that it’s come time to vote, there’s only one option I can go with:


      And when it comes to passing the baton, I also find myself with only one option:


      I understand this may be a controversial choice because I’m not giving the entire community a chance to cast a ballot. That’s fine. I knew that going in.

      During yesterday’s Slack chat, I stated that I follow my own moral compass when it comes to navigating this world. And while I obviously appreciate what I personally get out of The Experiences and want the work of The ODSM to continue, that’s not the main reason I’m making this call.

      I’m doing it because randomly killing 91 more people (and their families) for the reasons at hand is simply unacceptable to me. And I’m not moved by hypothetical what-ifs. At a certain point, we all have to work with the information at hand and make a call knowing that it will have consequences — and I’m making this one with crystal clarity.

      As Sabrina said in her voicemail, these are nine to fivers. People that don’t even know what they’re actually working on. Given the previous vote, and the tenor of many conversations over the past few days and months, I can’t know for certain that the community wouldn’t cast those 91 aside just for the fun of watching something burn.

      It’s happened before, and there is no reason to think it couldn’t happen again. So I’m not taking that risk. I’m doing the best thing I can to ensure the safety of these individuals: shutting this thing down and ending it — right here, right now.

      This also means that I alone will be responsible for the ramifications of this choice, good or bad.

      I’m okay with that, too.

    • #25730

      Thank you @bcbishop. Let’s see where this takes us.

    • #25731
       Brad Ruwe

      “And we know what that means for its employees.”

      Again @bcbishop, you keep acting like you know things for certain when you know just as much as the rest of us, which is nothing.

      The ONLY way you can be certain of these things… is if you’re working directly with the OSDM.

      • #25735

        @nothenrygale my dude, you know Amanda wasn’t looking for Mackenzie because whoever was in the room with the man brought over a pony.

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Addison. Reason: lmao grammar
    • #25732

      Thank you, @bcbishop.

      You did the hard thing, but imo the right thing.

    • #25733

      A brave choice @bcbishop. I totally respect what you’ve done, whatever happens. Kudos.

    • #25734
       Kyle Bown

      Well, there it is. I like to think I would have made the exact same decision. I hope you’re prepared for the consequences.

    • #25737

      Well said, @bcbishop. It really was the only choice.

    • #25738

      And now we wait to see what exactly happens from this. This had to be tough decision @bcbishop, much respect for taking this on.

    • #25739
       George Zuniga

      Fuck yeah. Well played. Very, very well played, @bcbishop. Looking forward to what they throw at us now. This should be interesting.

    • #25740
       Lawrence Meyers

      I support the decision of @bcbishop.

      Any suggestion he is working with anybody on this matter does not know him.

    • #25741

      Sigh…good luck Bryan, because there’s no way this will go the way you think it will

    • #25742

      I back you 100% @bcbishop

    • #25743

      Thank you @bcbishop, I support you 100% as always.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Megan.
    • #25745

      Thanks @bcbishop, I really think you did the right thing here. These people have no clue of their involvement, as far as we know, they didn’t know the risk in getting a job there. All we can do now is see what happens next.

    • #25746
       Lauren Bello


    • #25747
       Lauren Bello

      So, this makes three times today that Bryan has referenced “ODSM”. One of them, earlier, was a direct quote from Sabrina: “Taking down the ODSM is like trying to take the oxygen out of the air we breathe.”

      Is there a reason for the switched acronyms today?

      • #25748

        @daela he’s new here, he’s still getting used to the acronyms 😉

      • #25749
         Bryan Bishop

        @daela The transcript is accurate. Her saying ODSM stood out to me in particular because during the message Sabrina said “Oh” — then caught herself, almost as if she had started saying the wrong name — and quickly went back to “Oh-Dee-Ess-Em”. She never said “OSDM”, but the hiccup was enough for me to note it while listening.

        Noah made such a big joke about this name discrepency at The System Event, I wonder if we might actually be dealing with two entities here. The fiction of The OSDM, as created for The Tension Experience, and The ODSM as the actual, real-world organization that inspired it. Truth hidden between lies?

      • #25750
         Brad Ruwe

        Potentially relevant part of @bcbishop’s article on Tension last year:

        “That running feedback turned the ARG portion of Tension — and, later, sections of the immersive theater show — into a piece of constant, on-the-fly improvisation. Members of the Tension forums noticing a typo in an email could turn into a plot point.”

        So…. is it possible ODSM is the organization behind all this, we kept fucking up and calling it OSDM, so they created this fictional version of themselves called the OSDM as a plot point?

      • #25752
         Bryan Bishop

        Just to be clear, that line in the article was not referring to any OSDM/ODSM confusion. And as @winstonsmith has pointed out in Slack, “D” and “S” are right night to each other on the keyboard, so… more food for thought.

      • #25755

        I don’t remember Noah making a joke out of the acronym discrepancy at The System event but I do remember him saying ODSM instead of OSDM.

        What was the joke?

    • #25751

      Thanks @bcbishop. I think you made the right choice, but I still can’t shake the feeling that there wasn’t much choice to begin with. I can only hope that an opportunity to go for the people in charge appears soon.

    • #25753

      Completely support your decision. It was the right thing to do. Thank you

    • #25754

      Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t support your decision — at least not to close it.

    • #25756

      I support the decision to close the vote because I happen to agree with it. Closing it is pretty presumptuous though!

    • #25757

      I support this because I woulda done the same damn thing

    • #25758

      I think it’s a logical move @bcbishop. But, those resources being “relocated” could also have devastating effects on those directly affected. There is no way of knowing what the outcome of this action will be… but I support you decision, absolutely.

    • #25759
       Bryan Bishop

      Thanks to everyone for the feedback, good and bad.

      To put some sort of timeframe on when we might get a response on this, Sabrina said she wanted the poll handled within 24 hours of her call yesterday. That would be 10:30AM PT today.

    • #25763
       Brad Ruwe

      Which means… potentially any minute now. Hope things work out the way you hope they will.

    • #25764
       Brian E

      @bcbishop Excellent response, and a ballsy move. A bit late you the party, and trying to catch up .

    • #25766

      Though I would have voted the other way. I think you did the right thing by ending the vote!

    • #25767
       Tim Redman

      I trust @bcbishop to have my back and the best intentions during any train wreck or dire circumstance such as this.

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