
  • I mean, all parties we’ve been introduced to would have the motivation and the means if they tried hard enough.

    More importantly, all of this rings as a distraction. What should we be distracted by? The only thing I can think of is the remnants of the full moon given previous knowledge of the Lust Experience and their love of moon cycles…

  • From all outward appearances, it looks like both the official Lust IG as well as the Facebook page have been taken down. Before this, a strange IG post was briefly up. @creepsociety posted a screencap of this in slack, and it was summarily deleted.

    So what do we think? Who has the motivation, means, or desire to cut off the major social media…[Read more]

  • Cris replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 8 months ago

    Most of my experience has been covered as well, but I’ll hit the high points.

    My biggest takeaway is that our group was apparently much more willing to get naked than most others :/

    Upon entering I met the married couple with the pill and took it. Was then led to the stage and sat to watch the singer. While sitting a naked guy came out of the…[Read more]

  • What a sneaky thing to do. A test to catch you in a lie? Very sneaky. And interesting.

  • Brad Ruwe replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 8 months ago

    I know, I’m late. 2017 ended very busily.

    Most of the key points of my own experiences have been covered, so I’ll just throw in some of the major, individual experiences I had.

    In the main room after the stage presentation, I had a woman asking me about how I’d fuck her. When I mentioned ropes (yeah yeah, I’m apparently a “rope bunny” according…[Read more]

  • @chelsea, Mason gave me a Cube at the MSE. I took it as a symbol of a very brief conversation we had.
    He indicated that I needed to “continue working on myself” during the conversation. In my opinion, the Cube is a simple metaphor for the puzzle I am trying to solve… myself.
    Right now, the Cube means more to me unsolved, actually.

  • Mason’s Rubik’s Cube is like the chaotic jumble of information that we have been collecting on The OSDM. All of the information is there, but some of it has been twisted in such a way that we are stuck unable to organize the information. We have to find the flaw, only then can we solve the puzzle.

  • Guys, I got played.

    A little back story is helpful here. Remember when Mason gave me the Rubik’s cube in the parking lot the night we thought Joyce was dead? I took it home, set it on the shelf next to the other two, and mixed them up on accident. The cube I had been playing with for the last several months was not the cube from Mason. A plant i…[Read more]

  • Russell replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 8 months ago

    @larry My conversation with Harry did not seem to offer that. The way I heard him speaking I think he was just trying to stress the point of the Power… that lurked… somewhere behind the scenes. Since he was someone who created something that was a marketable product, he was just lucky enough to get a glimpse at the reach of that power and…[Read more]

  • LEON FLEISHER became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago

  • KIMBERLY ROSS became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago

  • Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @russell Do you think Harry was offering you some subtext — that you could also have the same power if you stuck around or made the right overtures?

  • Megan replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    @daela – I thought I heard from someone that Cecilia said she had two sons, but I honestly couldn’t say who that was at this point.

  • Lauren Bello replied to the topic MSE Accounts in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 9 months ago

    There are still some details that have been mentioned on Slack, but haven’t made it to forums yet. Highlights:

    From Erikthemasked:
    – mentioned Cecilia taking him into a room with two people in white and making him call someone?
    – “there was a naked girl in the lobby area, with a mask I had to hand a note to, once I did she took her mask off…[Read more]

  • Also am a bit late to this chat, but the majority of what I experienced is similar to things already described.

    One encounter that seems like it might have differed a bit is my encounter with Harry – aka Mr. Rock N Roll. When we were encouraged to grab a drink at the bar, Harry and I made eye contact as I crossed the room. At first, I swear he…[Read more]

  • From NY to LA became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago

  • @omarhan hey! This is a good thread to pick through, and also there are sections on the Slack channel #newusers #catchup that will help you out. Additionally @kevin has a great Twitter account, @LExpUpdates, that gives a bare-bones highlight reel of important daily events with links to the forum post that discusses them all the way up to the MSE.…[Read more]

  • I am still thinking about the mid season event. What an emotional ride. They outdid themselves with this show and this has to be one of my favorites I have ever attended.

    As a new follower to the forums what suggestions do you have for me? I would like to get involved if I can.

  • Amber Davis became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago

  • Troy Damien became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago

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