
  • Very well said @bcbishop.

    And with that, I bid you all adieu.

  • Bryan Bishop replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Apologies for the late addition. I’m going to frame this up as a companion piece to @larry’s post, given that we had some similarities in our calls.

    Most of what Morgan and I chatted about has been discussed here already. (And I’ll say it — the man gives good phone.) Taking credit for OSDMoutreach; taking over social media accounts; the fact th…[Read more]

  • “The subject of drama is The Lie. At the end of the drama THE TRUTH — which has been overlooked, disregarded, scorned, and denied — prevails. And that is how we know the Drama is done.”

  • Lawrence Meyers changed their profile picture 6 years, 7 months ago

  • Blondie replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    @sfire8 It’s the stating an opinion as being fact that I’m questioning. Not attacking. There is a big difference between saying “I’m opening your eyes to the truth” and “I’m opening your eyes to my opinion”. I’d hope someone would call me out if I ever fell into that trap…

  • I recognized

    – Kevin G
    – Kevin H
    – Brad
    – Cara
    – Kasch
    – Melissa H
    – Kipsie
    – Winston
    – Cristen
    – Rizzo
    – Hannah?
    – me
    – Blondie
    – Kristin
    – Addison
    – Meghan
    – Sean
    – Tiffany

    But there were more that I didn’t recognize, possibly because they were zoomed in quite close. I thought I might have seen you in there, but wasn’t…[Read more]

  • Now that we know Morgan is A, this brings up some questions regarding his call & the subsequent DM from A to Kristin. How long has he been in control of the account? Has anyone else (Darren, as we originally suspected) had the account while he has? Are they colluding together, knowing that the info would be shared??

  • Chris replied to the topic 2.16.18 – BOS video in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Has anyone been able to go frame by frame and identify every participant featured? Going normal speed I can’t recognize more than four or five of us.

  • Following the phone call revelations, Morgan posted this video on Facebook and Instagram.

    WE RISE.

    Posted by The Tension Experience on Friday, February 16, 2018

    We rise.

    A post shared by The Experiences (@theexperiences_) on

    The video is very dense, and contains among other things:
    – Video from the Midnight Commission 8/05 event
    – Music from The Midnight…[Read more]

  • Sage replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    @larry is sharing what happened to him and sharing his opinion on it. Isn’t that what we all do everyday? I don’t think we should attack him just because he has a different perspective on this.

  • So, looking back at this interview in retrospect. We now know the Resistance has taken over. Does this shed some light on some of Darren’s more cryptic statements?

    Was this the “retool”?

    “It will require change from the users, the people that are playing with us, but I think in the very end it will be more dynamic, more engaging, and will…[Read more]

  • Blondie replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Also… this… full disclosure is great… but when you add in “what I think is behind it”, that’s when the big old warning light starts flashing. That makes your report far from objective (on top of all the exhausting emotive language used). You taint the facts of the call with your personal spin. What you think is behind it is irrelevant if yo…[Read more]

  • Hey @thegilded! No I actually wasn’t apart of that Slack, so thank you for the invite! I just got on there so I’m looking forward to catching up with all of you.

  • Blondie replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    I’ve given this some thought since I read your post Larry and what you perceive as a threat, I would not… A threat to me is someone saying “I am going to make you regret this”… Morgan’s statement was more of a “you are going to look back on this and realise you were wrong”. I doubt you’re very high up on his list of concerns either tbh fo…[Read more]

  • Brad Ruwe replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    1/3 of the post was reporting what happened. The rest? Not so much. Just saying, there’s an inconsistency here between “He’s irrelevant to me” and “Let me tell you all the ways I think Morgan is…”

  • @nothenrygale

    “I’m merely reporting what happened and what I think is behind it, so everyone has full disclosure and goes in with their eyes wide open.”

    It would be irresponsible of me otherwise.

  • Brad Ruwe replied to the topic The Call 2/16/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 7 months ago

    Morgan is ultimately irrelevant to me. He could turn out to be The Big Bad, Stephanie’s secret lover, or Anoch himself, and it’ll get a big shrug from me.

    He says after writing a massive post composed entirely about Morgan.

  • But the events of the last day have proved that Morgan is more than just talk. Far from it.

    The fact that everyone unanimously loved the new A before they knew it was Morgan should tell you something.

    I waited for a few hours before I said anything other than what happened, before I added any -feelings- about the entire thing, because I didn’t…[Read more]

  • Hey, your _path is your own @kasch

    I’m merely reporting what happened and what I think is behind it, so everyone has full disclosure and goes in with their eyes wide open.

    Morgan is ultimately irrelevant to me. He could turn out to be The Big Bad, Stephanie’s secret lover, or Anoch himself, and it’ll get a big shrug from me.

  • Violet posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago

    tricky, tricky… 😉

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