
  • a His name was Phillip, and I loved him. I am sorry.

    As we were discussing in Slack, it’s this that’s starting to make me think @a isn’t actually “dead”, physically and completely at least. My thoughts now are that they took her back, “we giveth, we taketh away”, either they rehelmeted/brainwashed her or she’s willing to go back for Phillip,…[Read more]

  • K = Kiro = Morgan?

  • Lawrence Meyers replied to the topic Call from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    Following up on this.

    Re: DLB’s references to me. I AM half right AND the DUMBEST smart person which is why I have FUCKING @bcbishop to get me from 50% right to reality.

    I made a back-channel communication earlier this week. This, as well as the upcoming gathering for agency, may be what generated a text from DLB last night…and he never…[Read more]

  • I know you’re there;
    I can feel you…
    Calling to me,
    Always one step behind;
    What will you make of me this time I wonder?
    Shall I -become- something, or will you, once again, fall short?

  • Chelsea replied to the topic Call from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    I was able to nod along until I got to this part:

    “Morgan and Lia are spinning out of control…”

    That doesn’t sit right. Spinning doesn’t usually look this clean. If this is spinning, it’s planned, calculated and intentional spinning, which isn’t how spinning works. Two people spinning out of control together like that? No way. There’s…[Read more]

  • For all those who want to regain their voice….

    Burn It Down

  • See examples:

    A: |||AN16-B805

    C: |||CN71-B805



    Morgan: |||KM79-B805

    Components, using A as the example

    – ||| = prefix, possibly message medium? Indication of which “code book” is being referenced? Present in all messages

    – A = Message sender. First two make sense. Why K for Morgan? K =…[Read more]

  • That Which Endures
    For Phillip and A

    We never really knew you (how could we?)
    And yet, somehow, you made us believe;
    You gave us answers in your way,
    A time before, a wish that hope was real.

    And then we watched you die, die for wishes
    Made in sands that time and stars will never see;
    And in that moment, A, …in that moment,
    You were real to m…[Read more]

  • Kristin replied to the topic Call from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    I decided to text DLB this morning as the phone call was bothering me all night. Here is the following interaction:

    Me: Darren your call caught me off guard and I didn’t really get to ask what I needed… you know I adore you and CS and I want to believe you. I really do. But please just answer me WHY you think Lia is lying? What does she have to…[Read more]

  • Kristin started the topic Call from DLB in the forum SIGHTINGS 6 years, 6 months ago

    today I was called from a la phone number and immediately recognized it as DLB.

    Darren said that’s lias story is all bullshit. He found it hilarious and was laughing about it.
    He said “Don’t give her a platform
    As Her story doesn’t further the plot.”
    Usually they (he and Clint) are monitoring slack but right now They aren’t as much due to a pr…[Read more]

  • Lia showed up on Slack to respond to Darren, Morgan showed up to explain some things, and then shit went down:

    @Creators FUCK. YOU.


    I was so stupid to believe you or your stupid fucking “game”

    Produce Horace. The actor, the man, whatever the fuck.

    9je’08we4f.e5…[Read more]

  • Wow that’s the second time Lia’s story has been completely dismissed by The Experiences (was the first time DLB as well? I forget). Both times reiterating that the Noah Nelson thing was just for entertainment purposes.


  • DLB just showed up in the Slack to talk about Lia and her recent revelations:

    Hey guys, this is Darren, I don’t like to jump in here, and I really don’t like doing so like this, but I needed to address some nonsense floating around.
    I love you all, truly, deeply.
    I never involved Lia in any insane snake baby
    Nor, did I put her in the middle…[Read more]

  • Trying to answer a bunch of possibilities raised here.

    One–I don’t think it’s as simple as raising the brand. After all…Morgan hasn’t -really- done that, has he? I mean yes, a few videos. But did they really get traction anywhere? The only things that I think have spread far and wide are the recent DLB interviews…which suggest that…[Read more]

  • @daela I really think you’re onto something here. This “deal” is supported by your conversation with Morgan about “L” as well.

    We have to allow, however, for the possibility that our friend doesn’t have a plan to get himself out from under this, or know how to truly take control for his noble purpose. Like I said, I think his intentions…[Read more]

  • That fits with that message from L. “@111error,friendly piece of advice. There is a difference between commandeering accounts, vs logging into them… That would be like me saying I broke into your house, when in reality, you left your door open. A turn of phrase, but an important one. Careful sticking out your chest.”

    I think this means that he *b…[Read more]

  • We’re giving them energy, thinking about them, talking about them. And they’re not even doing anything!

    Much like the power we were giving the symbols, according to @a.
    If we stop caring, they lose the grip they have on us, the power that comes with that. So they keep us in the dark, keep us guessing, so that we continue to unknowingly giv…[Read more]

  • So you have to consider what that agenda is, and whether Morgan is aware that he’s furthering it. I don’t think he is; he’s got bite but his intentions appear noble, if unclear sometimes.

    My personal theory (and I could definitely be wrong) is that their agenda is the strengthening of the brand by whatever means necessary. Morgan is being…[Read more]

  • I’m not totally convinced of this, but I wonder if it’s something as simple as we’re all still winding the clock. Morgan and BOS are trying to take down OSDM/The Order, others are debating the merits of doing so,
    and still others are just trying to figure it out. But we’re all focused on what’s happening. We’re giving them energy, thinking about…[Read more]

  • Yessss I’ve been asking this for a bit. If Noah asked “does the current BOS operation further our agenda,” the answer isn’t “no.” It’s “yes.” So you have to consider what that agenda is, and whether Morgan is aware that he’s furthering it. I don’t think he is; he’s got bite but his intentions appear noble, if unclear sometimes.

    We’ve been…[Read more]

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