Call from Mike – 10/23


This topic has 12 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago by Melissa.

  • Author
    • #26415
       Brad Ruwe

      So I’m at work when my phone starts ringing. For some reason, caller ID displayed the name as “xfedupx”, which I had never seen before. I’m looking that up on Google and as soon as the results come up, the ringing stops.

      It was @mike. So uhhhhh, I’m near my phone?

    • #26416
       Brad Ruwe

      Prompt call back.

      “I guess if you want someone to pick up nowadays you have to call from a blocked number.”

      I laugh and agree with him.

      “You’re right, you and I don’t really know each other all that well. Let’s fix that. How about we meet for coffee tomorrow night? Around 9PM, Hollywood area?”

      Welp. This uh…. this could go one of several ways.

    • #26417

      Uhhhh… What?

    • #26418
       Kyle Bown

      Oh, damn. I hope he’s not planning on adding you to his basement collection…

    • #26419

      Ha isn’t xfedupx Mike’s license plate

    • #26420

      Well fuck. Hope this isn’t a mirror of Chelsea’s date with Mason.

      • #26421
         Brad Ruwe

        @erisbonn Fuck, don’t say that! Happy thoughts here people. Happy thoughts. Russ is alive and well and this was all a prank. Yes, I’m sure this is the truth and tomorrow night Russ is gonna pop out and go “GOTCHA!” and we’re all gonna laugh about this.


      • #26447

        That would be one fucked up prank–and for what means?

    • #26422
       Bryan Bishop

      @nothenrygale Brad, I don’t want to be all “you need to do this,” or “you need to do that” but YOU NEED TO FIND OUT IF @RUSSELL IS OKAY.

      • #26423
         Brad Ruwe

        @bcbishop Yep, that’s right at the top of my priorities list for tomorrow night. Whether or not I actually get an answer, that’s obviously uncertain.

      • #26424

        Proof of life, Brad.

        Or just let this be a fucking joke, please.

      • #26426
         Kyle Bown

        But watch out if he says “It’s all a joke. come with me.” Because it may not be a joke…

      • #26427
         Brad Ruwe

        Absolutely. I’m hoping to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck this is. And if he wants me to check out a basement he wants to renovate into a home theater, I’m likely going to decline.

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