Michael Rizzo replied to the topic First contact with iConfidant in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
🔥?🔥?🔥 -
Chris replied to the topic OC Meeting – One of you is holding back in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax, if that guy was actually a part of this I don’t think I’d ever stop screaming.
Lia replied to the topic Noah and Sarah crash O.C. Meet Up 4/18 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Ok let’s talk fashion. No more baggy suits? Slim fitting all black everything? Fresh Warby Parker frames? …No dirt smeared on his face?
What happened to Noah, king of the power tie?
…Not that I’m complaining, eh @moustachemax?
Mike replied to the topic Propaganda in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
This is awesome @moustachemax ! I hope you get accepted into the system just to see you make and post flyers for 5-100! 😉
LaSalle replied to the topic Sarah Interacts 4/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax that last one is mesmerizing!! I can definitely see that being used hypnosis style in conjunction with the helmet while hearing @mike say “LUST!!! Call me Russell, Call me @russell” (New MHL Lust sound is amazing, upvote!)
Candace replied to the topic Sarah Interacts 4/17 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax @nothenrygale love em!! Great job!! So many talented creative people here
Taylor Winters replied to the topic 4/18 – Orange County Lust Meetup in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 8 months ago
Thanks @moustachemax for the tip on parking! Looking forward to tomorrow everyone! Glad we have enough people in OC to do a quality meetup!
Whatever happens with the facebook post, we’ll be there together witness!
Jackie replied to the topic The Best! My video submission in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax, <3
Taylor Winters replied to the topic Infrasound and It's Effects in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 8 months ago
@nothenrygale, @moustachemax, I like the description of Indoctrination from Mass Effect:
“a subtle whisper you can’t ignore, that compels you to do things without knowing why. Over days, perhaps a week of exposure to Sovereign’s signal, the subject stops thinking for themselves and just obeys, eventually becoming a mindless servant.”
It…[Read more]
Maxwell R replied to the topic Gimme All the Periscopes in the forum JUST FRIENDS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax is the unfortunate name I have had bestowed upon me.
Kevin replied to the topic Macy Periscope Drop 10pm 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Macy is tweeting from @sinclairpayback and Periscoping from the same account.
She appears to have done a drop in Hollywood near the James Cagney star (thanks @macbethinabathtub) on the Walk of Fame near the 6500 block of Hollywood Blvd. (thanks @rizzzoooooo).
@moustachemax, @wanda102, @jared, and @summoningdark are all currently en route.
Kevin replied to the topic Reply To: Macy Periscope Drop 10pm 4/13 in the forum Macy Periscope Drop 10pm 4/13 7 years, 8 months ago
Macy is tweeting from @sinclairpayback and Periscoping from the same account.
She appears to have done a drop in Hollywood near the James Cagney star (thanks @macbethinabathtub) on the Walk of Fame near the 6500 block of Hollywood Blvd. (thanks @rizzzoooooo).
@moustachemax, @wanda102, @jared, and @summoningdark are all currently en route.
Kevin started the topic Reply To: Macy Periscope Drop 10pm 4/13 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
Macy is tweeting from @sinclairpayback and Periscoping from the same account.
She appears to have done a drop in Hollywood near the James Cagney star (thanks @macbethinabathtub) on the Walk of Fame near the 6500 block of Hollywood Blvd. (thanks @rizzzoooooo).
@moustachemax, @wanda102, @jared, and @summoningdark are all currently en route.
Cristen replied to the topic Call from Macy!! in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax me and @summoningdark will meet you there!
Lia replied to the topic 4/13 Lunch Meeting with Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax Metaphorical robots. Mindless followers.
SummoningDark replied to the topic 4/13 Lunch Meeting with Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax Wait, hold up, you had binary in your email? What did it say?
Taylor Winters replied to the topic Actual Future Humans/Body Snatchers in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 8 months ago
@anakindrew; I’d say your shadow persona sounds like one of the ladies that processed you during Ascension.
And thanks again for the amazing theory, @moustachemax!
Taylor Winters replied to the topic The Fucking Little Cockroach Theory aka Smoke & Mirrors in the forum CONJECTURE 7 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for the great theory @larry! Keep them coming. Every angle we can see things from, the better.
However, I personally don’t see the beginning through the same lens you do. When I witnessed Noah and Samson interacting, Noah was obviously in a position of power; Samson reported to him. So while this does fit in with your theory–and with…[Read more]
Taylor Winters replied to the topic Spoilers vs Theories in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 8 months ago
@moustachemax, I am quite excited to hear your theories. Please share them with the community. Never Silent! Sharing ideas and bouncing them back and forth in the community is a great way to organize ideas, come up with new possibilities, and see situations from another’s perspective. I say, keep theorizing!
PS. Your Pet theory has been my…[Read more]
Kimberly Stewart replied to the topic Spoilers vs Theories in the forum SPECULATION 7 years, 8 months ago
I’m just glad you’re back @moustachemax! You have such a creative mind and unique way of looking at the world. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and theories. (For those that experienced HYSJ: Pet Theory, anyone?! So classic. Love, love, love.)
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