Jackie replied to the topic Where do I stand? (WWAD?) in the forum RELATIONSHIPS 7 years, 8 months ago
I don’t know if I like it and feeling that is alright. However, here is an interesting position in being an uncalled: No one’s asked for my loyalties. I don’t have to be premature. From the system as a Maybe, from Registration as an unsigned piece of paper, becoming aware of Midnight Commission too late, I’ve been this gray, incorporeal thing,…[Read more]
Sage replied to the topic 5/26 NOAH AGAIN in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 9 months ago
@hazelverse, hahaha! That would explain them doing this in the middle of the day on a Friday! Lol
Megan replied to the topic Sarah Sinclair meeting-5/7 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
But how did Sarah get this recording?
1. They could have given it to her and told her to give it to @rizzzoooooo – she said something about being sorry that he was now part of it.
2. She was being held captive for a period of time. She could have gotten it then.
3. It could be a plot point we have yet to discover. I’m sure we’ll…[Read more]
Lia replied to the topic 5.2 Brief Clint Sears update in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse It was an OOG nip-it-in-the-bud situation. They probably would have felt bad deleting everything Chris wrote so they just edited.
Megan replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse – I don’t know if what @macbethinabathtub said addressed your issues but he basically hit the nail squarely on the head in terms of why we don’t all have the whole story, and it’s what I meant the other day in bringing up David Mitchell’s mode of storytelling. It’s also how LOST did it, and many, many, MANNNNNNNNNNY video games do…[Read more]
Chris replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse I think the confusion was that all the points you brought up were easily explained within people’s written experiences. I wouldn’t characterize anything that we have seen as a plot hole, this is just a different type of story telling– one with intentionally missing pieces. Yesterday everyone got a unique experience, some more unique…[Read more]
Max Z replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse Naturally the game is confusing so I can’t speak with much authority, but here’s what I gleaned:
From what Tina told ME at least she seemed like a location scout, although I think she said her exact title was “commercial real estate agent” or something like that. The warehouse was definitely a place that she found and paid for for…[Read more]
Andy (but still a confused dude) replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse, not trying to sound mean here, but are you seriously talking about sandwiches being a plot hole?
I think the Sinclairs might be tied up in some other things with Sarah’s calls about her safety because she could t keep Noah in line… and technically did we get a “live seminar?” Haha.
Stephanie said she was there for Gordon and…[Read more]
Jackie replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
Remember when meeting Sarah? You were periscoping her and she asked you to re-introduce yourself and repeated your name like committing it to memory?Or! You rebuffed iConfidant. Maybe it’s as simple as that.
Jackie replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse, you god damn rebelrouser!, what did you do!?
It seems that SOMEONE, at least ONE person, is going to be kicked out of each event. like @mike.
Megan replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse – you were kicked out??
Andrew K replied to the topic **SPOILERS ONLY** In Person Meeting On May 1st 2017 in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
Ok, so here is my experience (I was in the 3pm group):
-I won’t go into what the place looked like, as I feel it’s been covered very well by the above posts, but if there’s very specific things I remember, I’ll include them.
-APPARENTLY before I got there (I was one minute late) the real estate woman (can’t remember her name,) came out told my…[Read more]
Lukas L posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse obfuscating. I have never seen that word before. I like it and plan on using it in as many scenarios that I can.
Max Z replied to the topic iConfidant Beta Program in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@lilmsfancpants I didn’t get accepted either. Granted, I didn’t apply, but still…
@hazelverse I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m rebuffing the iConfidant thing but I did stay out of it. Something about it was very unappealing to me. Looked kinda…cloying. I’m excited to hear about it on the boards secondhand though!
Kortney replied to the topic iConfidant Beta Program in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
I wanted to see if the 36 from the status has anything to do with the number of people selected.
List of who’s said they’ve been accepted so far –
1. @lasalle
2. @jay956
3. @nking
4. @pandace88
5. @mkarrett
6. @michelle
7. @izryn
8. @ziegenbartsr
9. @voxchaotica
10. @hazelverse
11. @macbethinabathtub
12. @lenize
13. @taysavestheday
14. @mistere…[
M. replied to the topic iConfidant Beta Program in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse So it seems. lol Although, I’m sure there are others who will do the same. Our paths are our own, right? I respect that you would choose not to reply back if the narrative doesn’t speak to you. Because if it doesn’t, how could you be emotionally invested. (Assuming that the reason is you’re just not interested in…[Read more]
Brad Ruwe replied to the topic iConfidant Beta Program in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
“Tragedy struck today as a massive failure of the iConfidant program caused the deaths of the entire beta test user base. The only survivors being @hazelverse and @lilmsfancpants who opted out and was not selected to join, respectively.”
M. replied to the topic 4/19 Gift from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@macbethinabathtub while subscribing would be nice at times. I can’t imagine the pile of emails I’d have clogging up my mail box. Lol
@pandace88 @hazelverse @nking…I have a flexible job (if you want to call it a job) and I can’t keep up with everything either. I think one of the issues is that there isn’t a central narrative yet. We have no…[Read more]
Candace replied to the topic 4/19 Gift from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@hazelverse @nking I don’t work a lot so I have a ton of free time :/ (even when I’m at work, like I am right now, there’s a ton of down time so I’m always on my phone). But yeah I often wonder what everyone else does too lol its so hard for me to stay up to date on everything and I don’t do shit! I can’t imagine anyone with a grown up job keeping…[Read more]
Chris replied to the topic 4/19 Gift from Noah in the forum SIGHTINGS 7 years, 10 months ago
@maxzumstein, @hazelverse, @nking, and anyone else who’d like to know, subscribing to forum posts is something you can activate either on mobile or desktop. Go to the Forums main page, the one that lists all the sections (Conjecture, Just Friends, etc). Now click on each of those, for example, Conjecture. At the top right, just over the Conjecture…[Read more]
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