Week of December 11 [Morgan and A on Slack}

This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 2 months ago by Lawrence Meyers.

  • Author
    • #26227

      @111error just logged onto slack

      Morgan started being deleted, A began antagonizing him. @kingkill33 was also being deleted, but that’s not news.


      a [4:05 PM]
      Okay there.
      Let me take ahold of A

      111error Oct 18, 2017 16:06
      People say I’m always hiding things, and some of that is true, but you know what I’m not interested in hiding today? I’m not interested in hiding something that I know they CAN’T change

      111error Oct 18, 2017 16:06
      The OSDM is not going away. They’re bigger, uglier, nastier, more dangerous than ever.

      111error Oct 18, 2017 16:07
      The week of December 11th – that’s when they plan on making their presence truly known, in a big fucking way.


      Morgan/BOS can take control of A.

      OSDM is still a threat.

      Something’s going down on December 11 – is this the “Mid Season Event?”

    • #26228

      Sounds like the midseason to me! Also, Morgan has info on dates from the OSDM and someone who is able to take over the account working with him. Sounds like the OSDM has a bit of a mole problem.

    • #26229
       Bryan Bishop

      Not to put too fine a point on it, but they’re only a “threat” if you oppose them.

      Just sayin.

    • #26230

      The week of December 11th – that’s when they plan on making their presence truly known, in a big fucking way.

      I feel like this implies Monday, Dec 11 to Sunday Dec 17th. During this time OSDM makes their presence. This points to the Mid-Season Event (MSE) but…who knows?

      Anyway, I’ll throw this out here because lunar calendar theory have been entertained before: during the week of Dec 11-17th is the lead up to the New Moon, which falls on Dec 18th. So, if MSE does actually occur we may see a closing chapter and on December 18th is the start of a NEW one.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Melissa.
    • #26232

      So I guess I’m making TWO more trips to Los Angeles in 2017.

    • #26233
       Lawrence Meyers

      December 14, 18 and 22 hath significance in the Egyptian calendar:


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